View Full Version : Bad Symlinks messing up dirs!!!

11-23-2004, 02:45 PM
Okay ..I have thise big problem which I have spent many hours on but I just cant seem to find whats wrong...

Problem is like this...

My root is setup like this:
"C:\root" /
"D:\dir1" /dir1
"D:\dir2" /dir2
"D:\dir3" /dir4

...now when I upload something in any of these dirs something turns my main dirs into bad symlinks which makes my dirs inaccessible. This only happens if a .sfv gets uploaded. As soon as an .sfv file gets uploaded in fx. /dir1/test/ .../dir1 gets turned into a symlink pointing to nothing and makes /dir1 inaccessible unless I remove the symlink manually which I really dont want to do on each upload...

Can someone PLEASE help me cause I've spent to many hours figuring this out and nothing seems to work... :(

oh and I use latest ioFTPD, ioZS, ioA, & Windows XP SP2 if that is any help...

11-23-2004, 04:11 PM
Disable your scripts, one at a time, until the problem goes away. Once you know which script is responsible, fix the configuration, get rid of it, or ask a more detailed question :P