View Full Version : Excluding users from (SITE) STATS?
10-21-2004, 04:47 AM
It might be that I am totally overlooking the subject but, I can't seem to find anywhere on the documentation or forums how to hide/exclude users from being displayed from site stats * (or even better: having their stats counted!)
How am I able to do this?
10-21-2004, 05:05 AM
is there a way not to count
Upload + Download stats for sitebot
and not to count
Download for siteop (my) account
(DO count upload for siteop)?
btw: i'm aware with NoStats in VFS section.
site config show VFS
[R] 200-043: NoStats = * -xxbot
[R] 200-044: NoStats = * !*
but still it will show up in
[R] site stats daydn
[R] 200-+-----------------------------------------+
[R] 200-| Day Top Downloaders |
[R] 200-+-----------------------------------------+
[R] 200-| ## | USER @ GROUP | MBYTES |
[R] 200-+----+-------------------------+----------+
[R] 200-| 01 | thunk @ SiTEOPS | 33.7 |
[R] 200-| 02 | xxbot @ SiTEOPS | 0.0 |
With NoStats for thunk account either down and upload will not be counted. Is there another way that only upload is counted?
10-25-2004, 01:11 PM
quote from documentation:
Always keep NoStats = * !* at the bottom, or else counting stats may not work for all the other users. Add your own NoStats line above it.
so then make yours look like
NoStats = * -xxbot
NoStats = * !*
note that it needs a site rehash, and might take until the next transfer before it stops logging file download. ALSO note that it's note going to eliminate the stats that are already logged, so for instance, if you download 33 megabytes with account xxbot, then apply NoStats to that account, it will likely take until the end of the week for him not to be in the WeeklyDown stats any longer, and likewise till the end of the month to get out of the monthly stats.
you can manually edit the users file in /users/ to remove all statlines to have them removed immediately.
10-25-2004, 03:26 PM
mr_F: You don't need two lines:
NoStats = * -xxbot
NoStats = * !*
NoStats = * -xxbot !*
thunk: You can't have stats for upload or download only. It's either both or none.
10-26-2004, 10:26 AM
ok mouton... but is it possible to count the stats of a user but hide them from being displayed in SITE STATS * ?
Otherwise I'm thinking of writing a small VB app that resets (modify userinfo file) the *dn stats of my user account OnServerStart .
But maybe that will give a problem too because I have tried modifying & saving the userfile manually while the server was activated and there was a write error (file in use probably).
Any thoughts on that?
10-30-2004, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by thunk
but is it possible to count the stats of a user but hide them from being displayed in SITE STATS * ?
You can limit the stats output like this:
per user: site stats alldn limit "!user1 !user2 *" <-- hide user1, user2
per group: site stats alldn limit "!=Group1 !=Group2 *" <-- hide Group1, Group2
both: site stats alldn limit "!user1 !user2 !=Group1 !=Group2 *" <-- hide Group1, Group2 , user1, user2
Have Phun
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