View Full Version : detailed permissions for directories

09-23-2004, 09:02 AM
I'm having trouble with this. I don't understand how this works with or against CHMOD either. I've read the examples in Knowledge Base, and Documentation, and can't seem to get what I want. :rolleyes: My VFS is like this:

/download (anyone can leech & run sanctioned ioFTPD scripts, nobody 'cept M users can mkdir, delete, or upload)
/leech (permissions same as above)
/download2 (permissions same as above))
/upload (anyone can mkdir, upload and run sanctioned ioFTPD scripts, nobody 'cept M users can leech
/upload/request.txt (anyone can leech this file)

Could anyone point me to some more examples of permissions configuration and how exactly to do it in conjunction with CHMOD, or tell me how to fix the example above...any or all three of the above? Thanks in advance. :D

09-23-2004, 01:26 PM
Its better if you try to learn it yourself. Most of the ppl here have done so and with the help from the documents. But as your asking I have to belive that you have tryed enoufgh.

Chmod every directories that you want users to be able to upload to 777. In your case directori /upload/. Now regular users can upload to this diractory.

You have a Detailed Premissons for directories in you ioftpd.ini file. Here you can setup more advanced rules. Such as only allowing Master (M) to be able to upload/download/delete/ and mkd in special directories.

To do this...
/download (anyone can leech & run sanctioned ioFTPD scripts, nobody 'cept M users can mkdir, delete, or upload)
you can do it in 2 ways.

1th: If you do not chmod /download/ to 777 only Masters (M) can upload/delete/ and mkd.

2th: Chmod to 777 then use Detailed Premissons for directories in you ioftpd.ini and setup these rules.
# Detailed permissions for directories
# priviledge = <virtual path> <rights>
Upload = /download/* M !*
Upload = * *
MakeDir = /download/* M !*
MakeDir = * *
Delete = * 1VM
DeleteOwn = /download/* M !*
DeleteOwn = * *

These underlines rules means that Upload in directori /download/ is not allowed if you do not have flag M. You can setup users and groups also. Its mentioned in the documents. I hope i did not make it to difficult.

EDIT: changed the permissions so they are accurate.

09-23-2004, 01:57 PM
And for the upload dir it should be something like this:
Download = /upload/request.txt *
Download = /upload/* M !*

And if you don't want anyone (except M) deleting the stuff they upload in /upload/:
DeleteOwn = /upload/* M !*

You probably understand how it works now...

09-23-2004, 03:53 PM
thanks for the replies

09-24-2004, 04:07 PM
Finally got what I wanted! CHMOD everything to 777, then adding exclusions to ioFTPD.ini was the key.

10-26-2004, 07:36 AM
How do I change permissions to the subfolders of the folder i made.....

makedir = /test/* !* (now users cant create any dirs after test)

but in the subfolders i want them to be able to do so...

-------> /test1/
-------> /test2/ etc etc

10-27-2004, 12:00 PM
you try

/test/test1/* *


10-31-2004, 06:40 AM
You should read this thread: http://www.ioftpd.com/board/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2926

10-31-2004, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by Zer0Racer
You should read this thread: http://www.ioftpd.com/board/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2926

I only got this:

You do not have permission to access this page.


10-31-2004, 09:42 AM
That's because that thread is in the archive, which means it's content has been made into a KB article.