View Full Version : ioTRANSCRED
09-09-2004, 04:26 PM
New Credits Transfert system Scripts ioftpd & glftpd by irc. Need ioA script for ioftpd. Use the Command SITE GIVE & SITE TAKE.
Script also check number of credit and stop transfert if credits ask is more important than credits available.
Read the README file ;)
Script : Download (
Post your comments here
09-10-2004, 02:23 AM
hei mate i really need this script cause of password check :P
but i have also 15 sites...and i don't understand if i have to specify all the combinations in the .tcl or something..
if {$Ftp1 == "server1"} {set Ftp1 = "01"}
if {$Ftp1 == "server2"} {set Ftp1 = "02"}
if {$Ftp2 == "server1"} {set Ftp2 = "01"}
if {$Ftp2 == "server2"} {set Ftp2 = "02"}
i mean, is this for:
!transfert biboun somepasswd server1 server2 2000
and maybe also
!transfert biboun somepasswd server2 server1 2000
? thx :)
09-10-2004, 03:14 AM
In the Ini file, server are number :
Its the server 01
I do this for an generic utilisation.
Correct utilisation in irc are : !transfer login pass 01 02 MB
But your site have a name so if you want use transfert with the name of your servers, you must make
if {$Ftp1 == "server1"} {set Ftp1 "01"}
if {$Ftp1 == "server2"} {set Ftp1 "02"}
if {$Ftp2 == "server1"} {set Ftp2 "01"}
if {$Ftp2 == "server2"} {set Ftp2 "02"}
Like that you can make !transfer login pass server1 server2 2000
or !transfer login pass server2 server1 2000. Be careful, 01 in the ini file is the real ip of server1.
Sorry for my bad english ;)
09-10-2004, 09:13 AM
A better way to do that without having to duplicate the info would be:
set FtpNames "Server1Name Server2Name Server3Name ..."
set Ftp1 [GetFTPName $Ftp1]
set Ftp2 [GetFTPName $Ftp2]
proc GetFTPName {$Ftp} {
global FtpNames
set i 1
foreach name $FtpNames {
if {$Ftp == $name} {
if {$i>9} { return $i } else { return "0$i" }
incr i
return $Ftp
09-10-2004, 10:17 AM
Yep, shure its a best way.
Thanks Mouton.
New version available with his code - tks Mouton
09-12-2004, 02:33 PM
I have installed your script on my server, but i have o little problem :)
When i do : !transfer test01 test 01 Server1 Server2 2000
The bot do three times the operation
(<_Server1> [ GIVE ] ä User: test01 ä Size: 2000MB By BotTransfert@NoGroup
<_Server1> [ GIVE ] ä User: test01 ä Size: 2000MB By BotTransfert@NoGroup
<_Server1> [ GIVE ] ä User: test01 ä Size: 2000MB By BotTransfert@NoGroup
<_Server2> [ TAKE ] ä User: test01 ä Size: 2000MB By BotTransfert@NoGroup
<_Server2> [ TAKE ] ä User: test01 ä Size: 2000MB By BotTransfert@NoGroup
<_Server2> [ TAKE ] ä User: test01 ä Size: 2000MB By BotTransfert@NoGroup)
Can you help me ?
Sorry for my ba english ;)
09-12-2004, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by BlackDragon
I have installed your script on my server, but i have o little problem :)
When i do : !transfer test01 test 01 Server1 Server2 2000
The bot do three times the operation
Hum, Code C exec one time the function i'm shure ;)
I join you on #ioftpd quickly for debug
09-13-2004, 10:21 AM
Somebody have the same problem ?
BlackDragon you are on #ioftpd ? I want talk with you because with this information, i cant make anything.
Nice simple script but why do i always ger:
[TRANSCRED] [INFOS] FTP Source TiMEouT (server online ?)
they are both online....
am i that stupid ? Guess so :P
09-22-2004, 04:58 PM
Verify your setup tcl and the ini file. If you have a probleme :
1 - Bad configuration ini & tcl ?
2 - use SSL connection ?
3 - I dont know ;)
09-28-2004, 06:14 PM
Seems a nice script
Only get it ti work with the first two sites in the .ini file
Does the exe and ini need to be on all sites?
I editted the tcl only with the path to ioTRANSCRED an de ftpnames, seperated with a space. The ftp names are corresponding to the ftp01 etc in the ini file right?
also got this error in bot :
[00:45] Tcl error [msg:bib-transfert]: invoked "break" outside of a loop
09-30-2004, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Coffee
also got this error in bot :
[00:45] Tcl error [msg:bib-transfert]: invoked "break" outside of a loop
I get the same error..
10-08-2004, 07:08 AM
set Ftp1 [GetFTPName $Ftp1]
set Ftp2 [GetFTPName $Ftp2]
## .... end more
if {$Ftp1 == $Ftp2 } { putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :\[TRANSCRED\] Use this script need little reflexion !";break}
There are only break command, when ftp1 = ftp2. Put return instead of break. But verify your configuration, and test ftp1 != ftp2.
Need exe only on master, not on all server.
12-14-2004, 09:13 AM
no problem to installation but it doesn't work:
my configurations are:
c:\ioftpd and c:\windrop
1) i put Transcred.exe in C:\ioFTPD\scripts\Transcred\ and it's OK!
2) i put cred.tcl in C:\Windrop\scripts\ and it's OK!
3) i put Transcred.ini in:
⢠c:\windrop\ but when i user !transfer it say [TRANSCRED] Use this script need little reflexion ! (so i think it not found Transcred.ini)
⢠c:\windrop\script\ but when i user !transfer it say [TRANSCRED] Use this script need little reflexion ! (so i think it not found Transcred.ini)
⢠C:\ioFTPD\scripts\Transcred\ but when i user !transfer it say [TRANSCRED] Use this script need little reflexion ! (so i think it not found Transcred.ini)
if i delete Transcred.ini it always [TRANSCRED] Use this script need little reflexion ! so...where must be past this INI File?????
i look into tcl script but there isn't a var like as:
####### PATH TO Transcred.exe
set exe "C:/ioftpd/scripts/Transcred/Transcred.exe"
for a INI file there isn't a SET INI so i really don't know how script can find it!!
Another question:
set FtpNames "name1 name2 name3"
what's that? i think:
name1 =
is this right? so i can use !transer user password name1 name2 500
:confused: :confused: :confused:
12-15-2004, 06:59 AM
i contact a friend and i discover INI files must be put in the same directory ok EXE (and not in another like as README say)
still doesn't work. i try to use promnt command of winxp sp2 and i try to lunch Transcred.exe, that's the configuration:
that's the result of command:
C:\>Transcred prova prova a a 1
[TRANSCRED] [INFOS] FTP Source TiMEouT (server online ?)
prova: username
prova: password
a & a: are casual letter
1: MB to trasnfer
anyway if i put:
C:\>3 prova prova 1
[TRANSCRED] [INFOS] FTP Source TiMEouT (server online ?)
wtf...i think this exe has same problem...pls...some1 can help me?
12-15-2004, 06:14 PM
I thought i´d try this script.
But, it doesn´t support sites with SSL right? :/
Regards - maX1mus
01-05-2005, 02:02 PM
You have not Set the TCL for eggdrop.
If you want test manualy :
Transcred user pass 01 02 10
<exe> <user> <pass> <site01> <site02> <amount>
The TCL is here to make adequation [ name -> numberSite]
If you not use TCL, must put the numberSite in the command
01-05-2005, 02:05 PM
maX1mus, no SSL. :rolleyes:
02-04-2005, 10:27 AM
Test Bot ioBanana v20 :
[16:26:46] inside: !transfer
[16:26:49] |BOT TEST| : [TRANSCRED] Welcome on Transcred Transfer Creds System
[16:26:50] |BOT TEST| : [TRANSCRED] Syntaxe : !transfert <Login> <Pass> <Source> <Destination> <MB>
[16:26:51] |BOT TEST| : [TRANSCRED] Exemple : !transfert biboun somepasswd server1 server2 2000 -> transfer server1 to server2 2000 MB
[16:26:52] |BOT TEST| : [TRANSCRED] Need All Parameters !!!!
[16:26:54] |BOT TEST| : [TRANSCRED] Use this script need little reflexion !
02-27-2005, 09:39 AM
i tried this script which looks like very usefull but i obtained this
[TRANSCRED] [INFO] Error script execution
i wonder if i need another script to load like botnet.tcl ..???
could someone help me please.
I'va already configure the ini files also cred.tcl put them in the correct path and it doesn't work.. :(
I understand transcred.exe must be in on site but: Should I put cred.tcl and transcred.ini in every site???
03-06-2005, 04:15 AM
All the Files must be only in one site. (ioFTPD site of course)
Check the permissions and the path for your files.
03-20-2005, 04:30 PM
Maybe I found a solution. The problem is that Transcred.exe can't find the .ini file.
You can see this easily at the command prompt... This command, launched from the Transcred dir, works:
Transcred.exe user pass ftp1 ftp2 2000
while this command, launched from the root dir, DOESN'T work:
c:\ioFTPD\scripts\Transcred\Transcred.exe user pass ftp1 ftp2 2000
So I created a batch file named "Transcred.bat" in the same dir of the exe and ini files with these lines:
CD \ioFTPD\scripts\Transcred\
Transcred.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
and modified this line in cred.tcl:
set exe "C:/ioFTPD/scripts/Transcred/Transcred.bat"
Now everything works perfectly! :p
04-02-2005, 02:12 PM
Yes, its correct, the ini file must be in different place if is lunch with the eggdrop or manually.
04-12-2005, 01:27 AM
when i try a transfert, it return me this error :
No credits found, contact siteop.
But there is credits =)
Do you know how to fix it ?
04-20-2005, 03:14 AM
Verify your file configuration for your input credits site (ioftpd or glftpd site, etc). If you have this message, normally the bot have successfull connect to the remote site, so check if the user bot have the access to siteop command to get right information.
04-30-2005, 01:41 AM
hi, me again !
i'd like to know if the prob of Blackdragon has been solved and if yes how, because i have actually the same problem :
3 execution of the cmd take and give, for one call :/
thx 4 your help.
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