View Full Version : simple question

08-23-2004, 08:22 AM
hi, im using dzsbot with project-zs and i cant really figure out where to define all of the announce stuff ;\

<mybot> -mysite- [section] + Got SFV for some.release/CDx. Expecting xxF.

.. ok. so i define newdir announces in dzsbot.tcl , but not sfv updates\complete... my problem is, in pzs config.h i can define the sfv\complete announces, but only from "+ Got SFV for...".
so im looking for where to define the "-mysite- [section]" stuff that precedes it.

tia. Me

08-23-2004, 09:38 AM
"-mysite- [section]..." is a bit down in dZSbot.tcl where you have:
set announce(NEWDIR) "blabla"
set announce(DELDIR) "bleble"
etc etc

08-23-2004, 09:46 AM
yes, but only for newdir and deldir. not for sfv and complete(!).
thats the problem.