View Full Version : site weekly not working

06-20-2004, 10:16 AM
im using:

[18:07:19] 200-ioFTPD version: 5-8-5r
[18:07:19] 200-ioBanana version: 20 rc2 (04/06/2004)
[18:07:13] 200- ioA Version : 1.1.4

everything is setup OK. but site weekly doesnt work
when i do siteweeklyset manually it works for a bit but still not as it should, for example i have:
User [0,+1000]

but instead of ADDING the creds siteweeklyset CHANGES/SETS them to 1000 ;/

Weekly_Data_File = c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioA\ioA_Weekly.cfg
Weekly_Output = " %user [%section %credits]"
Weekly_User_Not_Exist = " User %user does not exist"
Weekly_Output_Success = " Weekly allotment added/changed to:\n User: %user\n Section: %section\n Amount: %credits\n"

Weekly = 0 0 0 * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe WEEKLYSET

thnx for any help!

06-20-2004, 10:32 AM

06-20-2004, 02:03 PM
also in scheduler?
cuz maybe my story above wasnt 100% clear but weekly in scheduler doenst work AT ALL on my site

06-20-2004, 02:44 PM
If it works as sitecommand it will work as scheduled. Current bug skips the "+" character so that it sets creds instead of add. Dunno why one would like to add but thats not my problem :)

Make sure that the command is being run. You can check this by reading ioa.debug and look for lines with "Running weeklyset". If no such exist then ioA is not started.

06-20-2004, 04:42 PM
04-13-2004 12:36:14 WEEKLYSET - Running Weeklyset
05-31-2004 14:54:24 WEEKLYSET - Running Weeklyset