View Full Version : Global Credits
05-17-2004, 02:42 PM
hm why is it that you in io cant have different ratios in in sections and still have all creds counted together from all those in section 0 so you dont need to site transfer all the time
Would be great if a option could be added to ioFTPD were you can choose between Global credits or Sections Credits
so no site transfer is needed anymore between sections
but instead you have global credits togheter from different sections with different ratios in default section 0
07-31-2004, 12:26 PM
I agree
currently we are able to seperate credits sections where we can put diffenrent ratio on it.
but why would we want to seperate the credits per section.
putting a 3rd section setting isn't needed but a solution like this would fit:
a option to not use credits per section but to use global credits and at the same time beeing able to use different ratio on the different sections
Gloabl Credits = (Section 0) x (Ratio Section 0) + (Section 1) x (Ratio Section 1)....
05-12-2005, 02:22 AM
Is there any way to to get this done,, so we dont have to move the creditz from diffrent sections ??
05-13-2005, 05:57 AM
It's trivial to write script that moves credits from current section to specified section, after upload is complete. (eg. call script from message that is shown after upload completes)
05-13-2005, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by darkone
It's trivial to write script that moves credits from current section to specified section, after upload is complete. (eg. call script from message that is shown after upload completes)
But the credits would still not be available globally without transferring, they'd only be available in the specified section, so you would still have to use site transfer all the time
05-14-2005, 05:58 AM
You're right.. perhaps it would be better to write script that changes the ratio on upload (there's a chance however, that on two concurrent uploads, one gets wrong ratio) otoh. One could also write script that moves credits on pre-RETR to section you're downloading from.
05-14-2005, 08:42 AM
As far as I can see, the easiest solution might be to have only one section, with 1:1 ratio or something, and use some onUpload script to add additional credits after each transfer, exact amount depending on filesize and section user is in.
I wouldn't call it trivial solution, though ;)
Also, I don't use sections so I don't know how easy would it be to make it foolproof against user being in one dir and uploading to another...
07-20-2005, 09:48 PM
Make that in tcl, and map it to [pre] RETR, and you're in business:
filesize = file size of RETR-argument (or PWD + RETR-argument)
if current_section.credits >= filesize: return
loop on all sections:
if section.credits >= filesize:
section.credits -= filesize
current_section.credits += filesize
I agree
currently we are able to seperate credits sections where we can put diffenrent ratio on it.
but why would we want to seperate the credits per section.
putting a 3rd section setting isn't needed but a solution like this would fit:
a option to not use credits per section but to use global credits and at the same time beeing able to use different ratio on the different sections
Gloabl Credits = (Section 0) x (Ratio Section 0) + (Section 1) x (Ratio Section 1)....
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