View Full Version : aaarrr announce problems

05-11-2004, 06:23 AM
hi, sorry 4 my poor english...

The bot don't say anything, no announce, he don't want say if i create a dir or login..; etc etc

I read somewhere here the tcl files was the key, a bad link to ioftpd.log... so i don't see where is this line in the tcl files !!!


05-12-2004, 08:38 AM
Try the first two settings.

set location(IODIR) "D:/ioFTPD"
set location(IOLOG) "D:/ioFTPD/logs"

05-13-2004, 02:05 AM
it's ok i 'm poor idiot, i did'nt seen there was a part where i must put the channel name.

There is a lot of thing to complete carefully but now it work.. not perfectly but... it work.

Thx for your info i thought it was a bad connection to ioftpd.log cause i saw it here.

Thx for all :)