View Full Version : FTPServerTools NewDay

05-07-2004, 01:36 PM
NewDay is creating new dirs with the wrong owner and perms. I see the NewVFS/OldVFS part of the FTPServerTools.ini but it says that part is not needed for ioFTPD v4.9.x and up. Do I need to use it anyway or something? I'm using ioFTPD v5.8.5r, NewDay v1.0.10, and FTPServerTools.ini v1.0.31.


NewVFS=!vfs:add 777 0:0
; command being performed on the newly created dirs
OldVFS=!vfs:add 755 0:0
; command being performed on the older dirs (Today-DaysBack) so if its 31-jan it works on 30-jan
; Not needed for ioFTPD 4.9.x and up.


# Default attributes for files & directories
# Required Parameters: <filemode> <owner uid>:<owner gid>

Default_Directory_Attributes = 550 103:101
Default_File_Attributes = 550 103:101


05-07-2004, 02:02 PM
I'll try setting the owner and perms in the FTPServerTools.ini file under the NewVFS section as well as in the ioFTPD.ini file. Maybe I was reading the "Not needed for ioFTPD 4.9.x and up" part wrong. I'll post back if I notice it still creating dirs with wrong owner and perms.

05-07-2004, 04:45 PM
NewDir performs the command given by NewVFS on each newly created dir so that is today and all the dirs if DaysAhead
Then OldVfs is performed on all the older dirs (give with DaysBack)
The not used for io 4.9.4 is some comment I apparenly left in from an older version. Just ignore it.
So if today is 0303 and daysahead=1 and daysback=2 then
0303 and 0304 will get the !vfs:add 777 0:0 command performed on it, meaning the attributes will be set to 777
0302 and 0301 will get !vfs:add 755 0:0 performed on it meaning the attributes will be set to 755 and thus now new uploads will be allowed on those dirs. Quite simple...

05-09-2004, 11:31 AM
It's working well now after I configured the NewVFS part of FTPServerTools.ini. Thanks for clarifying it.