View Full Version : [HOWTO] ioBanana & ioTrial

04-20-2004, 06:04 PM
This thread is a continue from harm's section.


Anyone knows how todo this?
in detail plz hehe.tried several things but i don't get it seem to work :(.
I keep trying though

04-20-2004, 07:03 PM
Install ioTrial as explained in the readme.
When ioTrial is working, then u *can* remove ioBanana tcl binds for !trial, !passed or whatever. You don't have to. It's only so ioTrial and ioBanana don't use the same !commands...

04-20-2004, 07:07 PM
hmm so if I remove the binds the iotrial and ioqouta from iobanana won't work.
I was trying to delete whole procs hehe.
goin to try that thx
If i change that bind i need to chance it somewhere else too?
or only there
nOOb at scripting sorry hehe

05-09-2004, 07:59 PM
Nobody can give me a simple guide?
I did all that and i get error messages :s

05-09-2004, 09:08 PM
Just comment ioBanana's trial and quota related binds.

Search for each of the following lines (one line at a time) and prefix the line with a "#" to comment it.

bind pub - [set ioss(cmdpre)]quota quotaalias
bind pub - [set ioss(cmdpre)]quotas quotasalias
bind pub - [set ioss(cmdpre)]trials trialssalias
bind pub - [set ioss(cmdpre)]passed passedsalias

Then rehash/restart your windrop.