View Full Version : Probs with !Search ...

Granny Smith
04-06-2004, 09:39 AM
Hi ...

i have an Problem with the !Search option ...


searchlog = 0 0 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe SEARCHLOGCREATE
slog = EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe SEARCHLOGCREATE
slog = 1M


Search_Use_Star = 1
Search_Minimum_Length = 3
Search_Output_To_Short = " Searchstring must be %characters characters or more"
Search_Output_Matches = " There are %number matches to your search criteria"
Search_Output_No_Matches = " Sorry no matches to your search"
Search_Output_Match = " %vfs/%target (%age)"
Search_Path_0 = d:\ioFTPD\site|/|3
Search_Exclude_Path_0 = d:\ioFTPD\site\pre\*
Search_Exclude_Path_1 = d:\ioFTPD\site\admin\*
Search_Exclude_Show_0 = *complete*
Search_Exclude_Show_1 = *incomplete*
Search_Include_Files = 1
Search_File_Filter_0 = .*
Search_File_Filter_1 = *.nfo
Search_Log_File = d:\ioFTPD\log\search.log
Search_Using_Log = 1


(15:58:34) (LeoKleinrock): -[Search]-----------------------------------------------
(15:58:34) (LeoKleinrock): Unable to read search logfile
(15:58:34) (LeoKleinrock): 1 match to your criteria
(15:58:37) (LeoKleinrock): -------------------------------------------------[ioA]-

site slog
200-Creating log. This will take time...
200 Command successful.

but he dont create an logfile :(

anyone knows, what wrong is ?

i am using ioFTPD 5.8.4u ... ioBanana 1.9 ... ioA 1.1.13

Best Regards


Granny Smith
04-07-2004, 09:47 AM
I solved the Problem :)

Search_Log_File= d:\ioFTPD\log\search.log <-- i forgott an s in the path

Bet regards
