View Full Version : incomplete dir problem

03-25-2004, 07:16 PM
My problem is when I upload a new directory (with sfv file), in the actual release dir it says its complete (in another dir), but in the directory up one it says the release is incomplete, eg:

.Release 1 Dir
..Release 1 Complete
.(incomplete) Release 1 Dir

Even if I log in again its still there, however if I up load a new release dir (eg Release 2 Dir) release 1 dir incomplete goes away and is replaced by release 2 dir, eg:

.Release 1 Dir
..Release 1 Complete
.Release 2 Dir
..Release 2 Complete
.(incomplete) Release 2 Dir

This is my events in ioftpd.ini

OnUploadError = EXEC php.exe -q C:\ioFTPD\php_psio\zipscript-c.php
OnUploadComplete = EXEC php.exe -q C:\ioFTPD\php_psio\zipscript-c.php
OnFtpLogIn = EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe logon

One more thing is it allows "complete dirs" (like "[sitename] Complete [sitename]") to be uploaded from other sites, can I turn this off? Thanks for any help/advice, I'm kind of stuck.

03-25-2004, 07:17 PM
cache refresh problem
can be resolved using newdir's onprelist.itcl

03-25-2004, 07:18 PM
OnUploadComplete = EXEC php.exe -q c:\ioFTPD\php_psio\zipscript-c.php
OnUploadError = EXEC php.exe -q c:\ioFTPD\php_psio\zipscript-c.php

try modifying it so upload complete is 1st

03-26-2004, 12:15 PM
Thanks you guys, I changed the event order and it seems to work great now. :)