View Full Version : dZSbot Trigger's Don't Work

03-11-2004, 06:07 PM
I have got the sitebot to connect to irc server and my zipscrip (the php one) works great. The only trigger that seems to work though is !thelp (trigger being !t). !tbnc or !tbw just don't work at all. I have read the other thread on this board with the same probs but I don't understand the answer given :/ Any advice would be good, otherwise I might have to give this iobanana thingy a go instead. Cheers.

03-11-2004, 08:36 PM
Maybe, start eggdrop with "-nt" option.

X:\~>eggdrop -nt

03-12-2004, 04:51 PM
Thanks that works. Is it possable to load the eggdrop into the background without using a 3rd party service loader? If I load eggdrop without the n flag it goes into backgroud but I get the same problems with some triggers not working. Thanks again.