View Full Version : [Filled] Ranking Script

03-01-2004, 07:20 PM
hi there ... saw a ranking script on a site...

was pretty nice...

works like this :

user got added to site ... automatically added to ranking script

ALLUP/days added = ranking

example :

3254mb/14 days = 232,43

eggdrop output after trigger !ranked <username> :

::. RANKING .:: <username> is ranked 232,43 ::.


::. RANKING .:: Top 20 trader ::.
::. RANKING .:: 01 <username> is ranked 232,43 ::.
::. RANKING .:: 02 <username> is ranked 211,24 ::.
::. RANKING .:: 20 <username> is ranked 72,56 ::.

nice if u wanna cleanup site ;)

someone wanna do that ? :D

03-02-2004, 01:05 AM
ioBanana has already a SITE RANK ftp command and a !rank irc command.

SITE RANK <type> <username> [sections <sections#>]
SITE RANK <type> =<group> [sections <sections#>]
SITE RANK <type> #<x> [sections <sections#>]
<type>: AllUp, Alldn, MonthUp, MonthDn, WkUp, WkDn, DayUp, DayDn
sections: space-separated sections numbers to include or exclude (0-9)
sections definition MUST end with either !* or *
sections examples: "!0 !2 *" or "0 1 2 3 !*"

03-02-2004, 04:29 AM

im not using ioBanana so im asking ;)

03-02-2004, 05:00 AM
use !place by b>d>>s @ http://34d455.com/

03-02-2004, 01:43 PM
Thread splitted. ioB discussion here: http://www.ioftpd.com/go/2812