View Full Version : Low Bw Kicker

02-04-2004, 01:09 AM
I have not been paying attention to a lot of new scripts, and I did do a search...

Is there a script that will monitor outbound BW only?

If a preset limit ex: 5k or more is not maintained for a set length of time = kick user

those up to coding it - if it can be done

lowbw = 5
time = 5
file = rar

^ this would be a bonus so 0day files can be ignored

So if lower than 5k for 5 mins on a *.rar = KICK

02-04-2004, 10:31 AM
Scripts can be run either on schedule or on events (uploadcomplete, etc)

speed that io gives script is current speed, not avg. so if the guy up at 1000kbps and for one second up at 4kbps, if the script runs at that time, he'll be kicked.
to get an average on 5 mins, script would have to run often during those 5 mins and sample speed each time and to an average. way too resource hungry.

on event:
after a file is finished, speed given by io if avg speed for the whole file. that could be checked easily, but this doesn't use your 5 mins time check.

02-04-2004, 01:08 PM
I see, ok thanks for the info...

I'll have to live with the turtle BW users then...

02-05-2004, 04:15 AM
Hmm that could be a nice addon. It isnt that hard to build at all...
Now it can happen that an up/download is rather jumpy in speed so a full kick can be based upon avg speed. But then a user has to have done things already. So lets assume a byte amount upped/downloaded. Now this scheme is partly dodgy since someone can grab a bundle of nfo files and thus the speed will be inaccurate. But lets assume first it wouldnt be.
OnLogin-reset user BW in/out avg speed stats to 0
OnLogout-Remove user avg speeds stat
Onupload-add bytes to total amount and add time to total amount, since we have the speed from io and the size of the file we can easily say it took x seconds to down/up file of size y
OnDownload-similar as onupload
STOR=if bytes grabbed>x and avg speed<y then disallow 'speed is too slow'
APPE=similar (more tricky tho since the file already exists and this has a size).
In the scheduler:
Something similar....

02-05-2004, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by FTPServerTools
Hmm that could be a nice addon. It isnt that hard to build at all...

That is why I left the RAR filename - as the base for them is 15
megs so it would have a better chance at knowing the acutal
outcome over the smaller files.

*** Or in your case for FTPSERVERTOOLS as it works with your
INI - it only works in the ISO setting section of DIR's - that would
be even better !!!

ex: so if 3 15 meg files downed \ by time \ by low BW speed = MATCHED = KICKED

My main concern was people hittting the site(s) while doing 101
others things and tying up a session for much longer than
needed, I prefer the get on and get what you want, over some
****ing about with a download for 4x what it should take to get
an ISO - let alone a DVDR release.

So, if it can be adopted to work with FTPSERVERTOOLS ini settings
and the below can be a doable item - then I could do this ex:

takes ftpservertools.ini for ISO dir's (you would have to add
another section for this to work with the upload part to include
any storage drives\dirs so we get them as well)

filecount = 3 ...count how many files
lowbw = 5 ...setting of lower bw
kicktime = 1 ...2 hour time frame (if possible)
kickcnt = 2 ...how many times kicked in x hours (if possible)

take the first 2 and do the number crunching, if the user is
below the average = kicks

take the kick counter = matches 2 times in 1 hours, disables the
account until MIDNIGHT when you then can run a reset on the
users that have been disabled...

I know it's reaching...but I as well know your determination when
you take on a new script :) May as well ask for it all and see what
you come up with...