View Full Version : Please help
01-30-2004, 04:26 AM
1. how to install ioftpd as service in WinXP SP1, i have tried ioSERVICE script but even ioftpd service appears in services list it doesn't work, i can not connect to ftp
2. do i need EGGDROP and what is it? i do not want any irc or what is this, just ftp service.
thanx a lot
01-30-2004, 05:37 AM
1) perhaps you read the docu once again - if the server does not run without start through ioservice - your settings are bad
2) for ftp only you just need to a few steps
a) go into the /etc/ dir and edit the admin.vfs
b) start the server an use ioFTPD ioFTPD as user
(if you change the pass of ioFTPD-user look up your
host.rules also in the etc dir)
01-30-2004, 05:51 AM
ioFTPD is running without any problem while i run it from ../system/ directory, also installation of ioSERVICE is done without errors, in system services list is ioSERVICE running but i can not to connect to ftp
do i have to run ioftpd manually? if yes then why, when it is installed as service?
what to edit in admin.vfs? ftp is runs perfectly when i start it manualy
thanx anyway
01-30-2004, 05:55 AM
for normal use - start it within the autostart - easiest way
for use with ioservice you have to install the certificate within the ioftpd - with a .bat file
quote mapis:
not working with ssl... this problem was previously discussed in forum by dEF:
if this isn't the prob check the ioservice settings once more
01-31-2004, 06:42 AM
dont know what i am doing wrong but ...
i tried all of kinds of installing or runnig ioftpd as service but the result is always the same
ioftpd appears in service area and status is running but i can not connect to ftp
any reason?
01-31-2004, 07:03 AM
you don't need ioService - forget it (as it seems you are a beginner) - just start ioFTPD.exe manually an stop it with killing the service
do it like in the first post an try to connect to
url: localhost or
port: 9999
user: ioFTPD pass: ioFTPD or
user: anonymous
thats all i could say if ya don't post any statusreport etc.
:read the documentation - CAREFULLY:
if you don't get it run - perhaps you try another ftpd (with gui :-P)
01-31-2004, 07:34 AM
yes u r right i am a beginner but only with ioFTPD not with using computer :D
i know how to start it manualy or add it to start and this way its running
what i do not understand is: however the service is started and running i can not connect to it
nevermind ...
ioftpd is perfect for me, although i dont use any scripts etc..., not going to use anything else
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