View Full Version : stat.msg

01-15-2004, 09:29 AM
hi ppl, one question.

How can i calculate free space between all hdds (C: E: G: H: I:) in general? for example, 2gb in C: + 9gb in E: + 114gb in G: + 6gb in H: + 1gb in I: = 132gb in total, then i want to appears in stat.msg.

[Ul: %.1[allup(bytes)(mega)]MB] [Dl: %.1[alldn(bytes)(mega)]MB] [Speed: %.1[speed]Kb/s] [Free: %.1[free($path)(mega)]MB]
[Section: Default] [Credits: %.1[credits(mega)]MB] [Ratio: %[ratio]]

this is:

226-[Ul: 0.0MB] [Dl: 0.0MB] [Speed: 0.0Kb/s] [Free: 2000.0MB]
226 [Section: Default] [Credits: 0.0MB] [Ratio: Unlimited]

then in [Free: 2000.0MB] will be replaced for [Free: 132000.0MB]

( sorry for my english ;) )

thx in advance!

01-15-2004, 04:53 PM
Not possible using the ioFTPD cookie system.

You could however make a script which would do this, and just use %[execute()] cookie in the message file to call the script.