View Full Version : IP-banning

12-31-2003, 01:04 PM
I know you can ban IP's in Host.Rules, but there are times when you're not able to access and update that file :)

I checked the documentation on addip and if i've understood that right you should be able to add like: *@^2^1^3.* which would deny the user to log in if it connected from *@213.*

I tried this out, first added *@213.* and then *@^2^1^3.* which, i think, should denie the user to log in (deny > accept). anyways the user was able to log in.

So it seems like when a user logs in and its accepted by "ip1" the rest ip's are skipped.. unless ^ doesnt work anymore?

Hope you understand what I mean :)

Happy new year!