View Full Version : 530 upload failed

12-27-2003, 10:27 AM
Hi everybody,
now i succesfull set up my ioftpd server <- i thaught :D
With my admin access i am able to upload, download.... without any problems. But i added a group "crew" and put in there all users. Now they should be able to upload in "/upload". But every time the user get:

257 "/Upload/test/" is current directory.
List (cached)
List Complete.
200 Type set to I.
227 Entering Passive Mode (213,203,198,39,5,205)
STOR Stats.dat
550 Stats.dat: Permission denied.
Transfer Failed!
Transfer queue completed
1 File failed to transfer

I thaught i set all permissions allright, but there must be any mistake, i hope someone of you can help me.

Here is my ioftpd.ini

Upload = /folder1/* !=group1 *
Upload = /* !=group2 *
Upload = * *
Resume = * *
Download = * *
MakeDir = /folder1/* !=group1 *
MakeDir = /* !=group2 *
MakeDir = * *
RemoveDir = /* !=group1 !=group2 *
RemoveDir = * *
RemoveOwnDir = * *
Rename = * 1VM
RenameOwn = * *
Overwrite = * VM
Delete = * 1VM
DeleteOwn = * *
NoStats = * !*
ShowActivity = /private/* -admin !*
ShowActivity = * !A *
group1 are ok. All users in there have the right permissions.

but the users of "crew" and of "group2" are only able to download, not to upload.

I have installed the iobanana script, maybe the mistake is there.
Many thanks to the helping people!!!

12-27-2003, 10:32 AM
did u chmod the folders to 777 ?

12-27-2003, 10:33 AM
yes, i did every folder + subfolder

Ohhh, there must be a mistake in the Rules. i changed it to
Upload = * *
Resume = * *
Download = * *
MakeDir = * *
RemoveDir = * *
RemoveOwnDir = * *
Rename = * 1VM
RenameOwn = * *
Overwrite = * VM
Delete = * 1VM
DeleteOwn = * *
NoStats = * !*
Now the crew group is able to upload. But i dont know where the mistake is. There is no Rule for "Crew" in there. Look above.
Someone see any mistake?

12-27-2003, 10:37 PM
Upload = /folder1/* !=group1 *
Upload = /* !=group2 *
Upload = * *

should be:

Upload = /folder1/* !=group1 *
Upload = * !=group2 *

That way, group2 won't be able to upload anywhere, and group1 won't be able to upload in folder1, but all others will be able to upload everywhere (where chmod allows it).

12-28-2003, 09:43 AM
thank you very much!