View Full Version : 5.4.0r
12-22-2003, 07:00 PM
It's early xmas ;) Report all bugs in this thread, as I'm going away for few days (do not use irc!) Unregistered version will follow soon after christmas (25-26), when I find time to iron all bugs out.
Beta 5.4.0
- Fix: Several directory caching related bugs
- Fix: Two 1byte buffer overflows
- New: Added control for socket buffer sizes
- Change: Rehashing config updates Hosts.rules & scheduler
- Change: Internal support for unicode in most parts of code
- Change: "Neutral" default look
- Change: Number of DDE threads is now user definable - and threads work in more efficient manner
- Change: Config redesigned
- Change: Message files renamed
- New: SITE GINFO <group>
- New: SITE KILL <cid>
- New: SITE SHUTDOWN (* Results to crash in most cases :) Known bug)
- New: SITE BANS <list/remove> <ip>
- Change: SITE WHO removed, SWHO added
- Change: Internal site commands can be chained with scripts (internal command is last in chain, and not executed, if chain is broken)
- Change: Improved error message accuracy of site commands
- New: .LIST
- New: .CD
- New: All ftp SITE <command>s are available as .<command>s
- New: Execution of external commands (no '.' prefix)
- Fix: Several minor fixes
- New: VFS FLUSH <path>
- Change: Optimized interpreter initialization
12-22-2003, 08:14 PM
Ok, first bug found; scheduler is dodgy (used variables for config function in wrong order -> possible buffer overrun + scheduler event's wont get added)
Someone should make a cmd pack to ffxp for this new io version. Seam like theres some diffrent cmds.
site adduser <user> <pass> <ident@ip>
Does not work. Have you removed it or is it a new cmd for it?
12-23-2003, 12:03 AM
Seems like darkone broke adduser after I was beta testing heh...
site adduser test test *@*
500 <deleted>: Group does not exist.
Guess we'll have to wait till after christmas when darkone is back.
12-23-2003, 04:15 AM
nice work darkone!!!
happy xmas everyone :)
12-23-2003, 04:47 AM
DDE threads?? It allows DDE? Cool...
12-23-2003, 05:10 AM
Originally posted by FTPServerTools
DDE threads?? It allows DDE? Cool...
DDE = Direct Data Exchange = Messages that have existed for ages, don't get confused with microsoft terminology.
12-23-2003, 05:39 AM
have u skipped out the stat part and files in this new version
i liked the option to see free space,ratio,credits, when entering folders
will it be back?
12-23-2003, 05:48 AM
TransferComplete in text directory?
12-23-2003, 06:39 AM
Maybe its just me, but bountys newdir don't seem to work with 5.4.x. anyone able to confirm this?
Maybe a possible bug on event triggering d1?
12-23-2003, 06:47 AM
OnFtpNewdir = OnNewDir .. be careful when upgrading ;)
12-23-2003, 06:49 AM
Sorry my bad.
Found the error, but you beat me in posting the solution :)
Seems pretty stable so far d1. havent found a single bug yet.. very neat indeed
12-23-2003, 06:52 AM
ONLINEDATA ulDataClientIp is still not being filled in? it's always
i couldn't run the newest version at my computer systerm (win2003 ENglish). the ioftpd.exe couldn't be executed.
12-23-2003, 10:57 AM
5.4.Xr runs just fine here on Windows 2003 server. no problems whatsoever.
Actually it has gotten a speedboost compared to 5.3.X core.
really neat:
1. testuser 14.3mB 1F 76057kB/s
12-23-2003, 10:29 PM
can anyone be kind enough of point out what should be changed when upgrading from 5.3.x to 5.4.x please.
reconfigue completely it following the manual. now runs smoothly.
12-24-2003, 12:49 AM
What happen to adding support for FEAT? :p
12-24-2003, 03:26 AM
looks a little weird here with 2 events in
i tryed some sever stuff here, but seems to be same bug as
it was once a while ago
it doesnt run 2 events anymore, only 1st gets executed
wipe = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe WIPE
wipe = TCL ..\scripts\newdir\OnSiteWipe.itcl
- this way ioA wipe works, newdir wipe doesnt
wipe = TCL ..\scripts\newdir\OnSiteWipe.itcl
wipe = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe WIPE
- this way vice vers, newdir works, ioA aint
may i messed up here or could someone confirm ?
cheers ahead
merry christmas @ all ;)
12-24-2003, 04:08 AM
stas.msg dosnt work more. anyway to get it to do that?
12-24-2003, 04:10 AM
new stat.msg is
in /text/ftp
12-24-2003, 04:34 AM
12-24-2003, 04:36 AM
Originally posted by alturismo
looks a little weird here with 2 events in
i tryed some sever stuff here, but seems to be same bug as
it was once a while ago
it doesnt run 2 events anymore, only 1st gets executed
darkone changed site commands to be executed in a 'chain' so if one of the scripts returns a non-zero then the next command is not executed. So if ioA doesn't exit with a 0 then the next command won't run...this should only work on internal commands however it is possible darkone might have made a lil bug. :p
I'll test it sometime after christmas. ;)
Merry christmas hoes :p
12-24-2003, 05:10 AM
the 'chaining' already existed for custom sitecommands and [pre] / [post] events
the new thing about it in 5.4, is that it's also possible with internal sitecommands
12-24-2003, 07:17 AM
well, dont really think so
even rough make a little test like this
test = !..\text\ftp\help
test = !..\text\ftp\rules
here the same, only 1st event happens (help)
test = !..\text\ftp\rules
test = !..\text\ftp\help
same here, only 1st (rules)
or does even the msg files dont exit with 0
12-25-2003, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by NeoXed
What happen to adding support for FEAT? :p
Skipped.. wouldn't be more than 3lines of code & one new variable to command structure :)
12-25-2003, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by alturismo
well, dont really think so
even rough make a little test like this
test = !..\text\ftp\help
test = !..\text\ftp\rules
here the same, only 1st event happens (help)
test = !..\text\ftp\rules
test = !..\text\ftp\help
same here, only 1st (rules)
or does even the msg files dont exit with 0
fixed in 5.4.3r, thx dark :D
12-25-2003, 05:13 PM
5.4.Xr runs just fine here on Windows 2003 server. no problems whatsoever.
Actually it has gotten a speedboost compared to 5.3.X core.
really neat:
1. testuser 14.3mB 1F 76057kB/s
Heh, that's pretty neat speed for upload... what kind of cpu
you're running io with?-)
12-26-2003, 05:11 AM
Actually its done with a single cpu-system.
P4C 3.0 GHZ
3Ware Escalade 8506 Controller
4 X WD Raptors
12-26-2003, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by darkone
Heh, that's pretty neat speed for upload... what kind of cpu
you're running io with?-)
4 x Western Digital 74GB S-ATA, 10K RPM - HARDWARE RAID 5 !!!
*** RAPTORS work at amazing speed, even in my P4 2.66 533 mhz they blew me away. No more costly SCSI solutions for me
when these little puppies at a fraction of the scsi cost will do.
No, I don't run these drives on the sites...the slow ata 100's will do...
12-26-2003, 11:33 PM
site adduser racer raceme *@161.184.*
200 adduser Command successful.
site adduser racer raceme *@161.*
200 adduser Command successful.
site adduser racer raceme *@161.*
200 adduser Command successful.
site adduser test testme *@161.*
200 adduser Command successful.
site adduser test testme *@161.*
200 adduser Command successful.
site adduser test testme *@161.*
200 adduser Command successful.
The user was not created and no error was given. The user trying to create the account was a group admin of 'iND', with appropiate flags...running ioFTPD 5.4.3r Although a siteop can add the user, just not a GAdmin...
12-27-2003, 12:01 AM
Hmmmm change permissions working?
Using the account 'home' with flags '3' he is able to use the change command on any user except for M flag users.
site change neo vfsfile ../etc/admin.vfs
200-neo: Account modified.
200 change Command successful.
site change Tests groupslots 9 9
200 change Command successful.
12-26-2003 21:55:35 'home' changed vfsfile for user 'neo' from '' to '../etc/admin.vfs'.
12-26-2003 21:56:08 'home' changed user slots for group 'Tests' from '5 + 5' to '9 + 9'.
Then using another account to view users/groups.
site ginfo Tests
200-Description: New Group
200-MountFile :
200-User slots : 9 (9)
200-Users : 1
200- Name Flags Groups
200- ugly 3G Tests
200 ginfo Command successful.
site users
200- Name Group Flags Home
200- home NoGroup 3
200- hope NoGroup 3
200- ioFTPD ioftpd 1MTH /home/ioFTPD
200- neo ioftpd 31GV
200- ugly Tests 3G
200 users Command successful.
Tests were done on a default ioFTPD installation.
darkone, is the config reader looking for something other then [Change_Permissions] ? kinda like what happened earlier with the telnet command permissions.
Edit: I think i found the error, darkone in the default ini you have [Change_Permissions] but checking strings in ioFTPD.exe using a hex editor, i think you have it set as 'Change-Permissions'. Hehe :p
12-27-2003, 05:08 AM
can confirm this. A user only with flag '3' can add/remove flags and so on...
12-27-2003, 07:16 AM
Does viewing of the tagline not work anymore ?
site tagline
500-Not enough arguments for command: tagline.
500 Command failed.
Changing the tagline works for me.
Have phun
12-27-2003, 08:24 AM
Doesn't.. it was removed on purpose
12-27-2003, 08:25 AM
Use [Change-Permissions] and those perms will work.. looks like i forgot to rename that variable from code
12-27-2003, 09:43 AM
not sure if its me or a new bug, but..
i have setup 2 devices/service, with differant ports, one for inet, one for LAN. now when there are 2, only the first service is working, the second doesn't work.
this also is a case that if you rename a service from
it will stop working also.
anyone confirm this?
12-27-2003, 10:38 AM
works fine, maybe you forgot to add the new service to the Active_Services line ?
12-27-2003, 05:33 PM
that i did, thanks
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