View Full Version : ioa - site request/search problems....

11-13-2003, 10:14 PM
hey all, first off, im damn new too ioftpd but im really diggin it already, anyway, my main problem atm is, that my request and search scripts aint working now. actually the commands work:

[04:12:26] site request test
[04:12:26] 200 Command Successful.

[04:12:55] site search anything
[04:12:55] 200 Command Successful.

thats the only thing that happens, im really lost since i think ive setup everything right. also a search in the forum didn't help :/

## SITE <script> <parameters>
# !file = Show file
# @string = Alias
# %file = Execute file (translate cookies)
# file = Execute file
;EXEC = ..\scripts\exec.bat
HELP = !..\help\help.msg
WKUP = @stats wkup
WKDN = @stats wkdn
;rules = !..\text\ftp\rules.msg
ginfo = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe ginfo
gstats = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe gstats
pretime = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe pretime
new = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe sitenew
cid = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe cid
resetstats = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe resetstats
roulette = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe roulette
dice = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe dice
open = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe open
close = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe close
approve = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe approve
listapproved = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe listapproved
version = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe version
rotatelog = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe rotatelog
rescan = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe rescan
totals = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe totals
age = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe age
user = @uinfo
user = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe age uinfo
undupe = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe undupe
nfo = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe nfo
uptime = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe uptime
restart = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe restart
stransfer = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe transfer
rank = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe rank
moverls = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe moverls
nuke = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe nuke
unnuke = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe unnuke
nukes = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe nukes
unnukes = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe unnukes
request = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe request
reqfilled = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe reqfilled
reqdel = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe reqdel
pre = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe pre
invite = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe invite
newdate = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe newdate
ioaver = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe ioaver
msg = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe msg
wipe = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe wipe
give = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe give
take = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe take
search = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe search
rescan = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe rescan
rescanall = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe rescanall
onel = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe onel
sfv = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe sfv
size = EXEC ..\ioA\ioa.exe size
syslog = EXEC ..\ioA\ioa.exe syslog
errlog = EXEC ..\ioA\ioa.exe errlog
cmdlog = EXEC ..\ioA\ioa.exe cmdlog
weekly = EXEC ..\ioA\ioa.exe weekly
transfer = EXEC ..\ioA\ioa.exe transfer
resetstats = EXEC ..\ioA\ioa.exe resetstats
resetuser = EXEC ..\ioA\ioa.exe resetuser
rules = !..\text\ftp\rules.msg

---- [ioa.cfg] ----
################################################## ############
# Site search paths and vfs
# Syntax for this file is 3 different lines:
# Search_Path= = Where to search
# Search_Exclude= = Where not to search
# Search_Exclude_Show= = Do not display dirs containing this
# Search_Path=<physical path>|<VFS path>|<level to be searched>
# Search_Exclude=<physical path>
# Search_Exclude_Show=<word that is not allowed in dirname>
# example:
# Search_Path=d:\ioftpd\site\iso|/iso|0
# This will search only in iso. No subdirs
# Search_Path=d:\ioftpd\site\MP3|/MP3|1
# This will search MP3 dir and one dir down. Usually a dated dir
# NOTE!! do NOT add a searchpath and then exlude it as well


# Experimental but gives how old a dir is.

# .* special with files starting with .
#Note this is ONLY used in search. Not in pre, wipe, nuke

# Is it possible to search on filenames as well?
# This is special. Some loves it some hates it.
# 0 = no * is needed when searching(like glftpd).
# 1 = like ioA original and best :)
# Main difference is that its possible to specify more precise what to search for

# Requestsystem
# Where to store requests

# Splitter in requestfile.
RequestField= ->

# Requestline is the syntax how it looks in requestfile
# It requires to specify width of text with new cookiestuff
# Line MUST be in order: ## user request
# How cookies work can be read in manual search for cookie
# How cookies work can be read in manual search for cookie
# How cookies work can be read in manual search for cookie

# *NOTE* from 0.7.9 version you can use %request instead. it will not cut the text then but
# do NOT place anything after the cookie then.

RequestLine=| %## | %-10user -> %-25request

# Max number of requests possible

# Max requests per user

# Create a tag for request and what syntax. %r is required
# 0 = None, 1 = Directory, 2 = File

# Should a dir be created in requestdir on filled
# 0 = None, 1 = Directory, 2 = File

#Send message to user that requested on filled?

anyone have a clu? :eek:

tnx in advance :)

11-13-2003, 11:03 PM
first, u need EXEC before all call to an external script (.exe)

second, http://www.ioftpd.com/kb/view.php?kbid=32

11-14-2003, 10:37 AM
hi, well its weird since everything else works and

request = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe request
reqfilled = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe reqfilled
reqdel = EXEC ..\ioA\ioA.exe reqdel

this is how i pasted it from the ioa readme file :(

11-17-2003, 01:57 PM
what version of ioFTPD and so on?