View Full Version : Space bug in permission string

10-29-2003, 04:23 PM
I just used my afternoon battling with user permissions...

I wanted to grant specific usergroup the right to delete in a common "group" folder, but I couldn't get it to work.

My virtual paths looks like this:
+++ Group1 private +++

And my permissions then looked like this:

Delete = /+++ Group1 private +++/* =Group1 !*
Delete = * * 1VMG !*

But my users never got the right to delete.

But using a virtual dir called Test and these permissions:
Delete = /Test/* =Group1 !*
Delete = * * 1VMG !*

It worked just fine...

Seems somthing is not parsing the spaces in the dir name correctly.

I'm running 5.2.10r

Once again, thanx for a fine program.


Time to change some vsf files... :D

10-29-2003, 04:47 PM
tried this:

Delete = "/+++ Group1 private +++/*" =Group1 !*


10-29-2003, 04:57 PM
Delete = * * 1VMG !*

I doubt u want a command like that...
Correct syntax would be:

Delete = * 1VMG !*

First field is vfs path, second to last are permissions. So if u start your permissions with *, everything after it will be ignored, since it will match everyone.

10-29-2003, 05:01 PM
Addict: No, I will try it later on - I solved it by avoiding spaces in those dirs with special permissions.

Mouton: Yeah, its a TYPO, thanx for pointing it out...
