View Full Version : Master Users! - addmaster script

09-17-2003, 09:01 PM
Ok, this is a down and dirty lil thing that adds or removes the master flag from a user via shmem.

masteruser add <user>
masteruser del <user>

if you wanta add it in [SCRIPTS] do like
addmaster = ../path/something/masteruser.exe add
delmaster = ../path/something/masteruser.exe del

make sure to set some premissions like, otherwise anyone could do it!
addmaster = M
delmaster = M

DARK: lpMessage->dwReturn returns 4294967295 on invalid USER_TO_UID? what kinda junk is that? :) that max long or something (thats all i need to check for right...heh)

09-17-2003, 10:13 PM
return value is as INT32.

-1 as INT32 = 4294967295 as UINT32 (DWORD)

09-17-2003, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by darkone
return value is as INT32.

-1 as INT32 = 4294967295 as UINT32 (DWORD)

well duh vod, you should of realized that....heh