View Full Version : dZSbot by B0unTy
09-03-2003, 04:01 PM
hi m8s
!!! here is an new UPDATE of my dZSbot !!!
new link:
have fun
09-03-2003, 04:17 PM
very nice , thx for the update , especially the imdb :)
09-03-2003, 04:50 PM
done a litle error in IMDBTAG
so if you DLed the file before this thread ... please DL it again in 1st thread
sorry and thx
thats really good news, thx!
09-03-2003, 06:10 PM
the zip seems to be corruppt..
09-03-2003, 06:22 PM
hmmm re read carfully the 1st thread ......
!!! ofcoz rename this .zip file to .RAR file !!!
have fun
09-03-2003, 06:28 PM
hehe..oops.. that was why it worked with winrar :)
09-04-2003, 07:48 AM
thx 4 sharing
09-06-2003, 08:20 AM
whats new on the bnctest.exe ?
(@zpr) !requests
(@xxx) -xxx- -----[ Current Requests ]
(@xxx) -xxx- [01] - [001] is looking for ]
(@xxx) -xxx- [02] - [002] is looking for ]
(@xxx) -xxx- -----[ End ]
set reqsplitter " -> "
RequestField= ->
configs look ok... whats wrong then?
09-15-2003, 12:04 PM
yes warc changed the design of his request file
it's documented in ioA manual
but i'll modify the code also in next rls of dzsbot
have fun & thx for the report
is it posible to change the output of the anounce so i can add setion to complete stats
im using pSio
Complete %RLSNAME% \n[%section ] Uploaded %TOTALMB%mB.................
and for halfway
so every next line (\n) with section in front
09-15-2003, 02:16 PM
yes it is possible to change what you want m8 just feel free to do what you need
have fun
i get this than
<bot> [Divx] Complete lalalla
<bot> [%section] Uploaded 150mB............
Originally posted by bounty
yes warc changed the design of his request file
it's documented in ioA manual
but i'll modify the code also in next rls of dzsbot
have fun & thx for the report
nice to hear that, thx b0unty
what i mean is
can u add the variables
So i can modify them there not in zipscript?
09-16-2003, 08:17 AM
no i'll not add these variables in dzsbot
09-16-2003, 08:30 AM
well you can modify them in zipscript yourself
so i really don't understand why you want dupe variables ?
when i split lines i wanna to display section name
in zipscript
COMPLETE "VFS" "COMPLETE %RELEASE% \n-->here i wanna have section name<-- uploaded............."
irc anounce
<bot> [divx] complete rls
<bot> [divx] uploaded...........
set announce(DEFAULT) "\[%section\] %msg"
09-16-2003, 08:52 AM
here we go m8s ;)
with new version of dZSbot
ofcoz DL link is in the 1st post
have fun
09-16-2003, 08:54 AM
since we have lots of problem with websites for the project-zs
i decided to give you new rls of dzsbot via this forum
have fun
nice to see you're back in scripting bounty ;)
as always good work!
09-16-2003, 12:00 PM
ok i re-released dzsbot
i removed imdb.tcl from dzsbot release coz 1.4.5 was very bugged
i'll release a new imdb.tcl stand alone soon !!!
have fun
09-16-2003, 12:55 PM
It's also available from
09-16-2003, 03:54 PM
bounty on a role ;) keep up the good work :) .
09-17-2003, 12:49 PM
real nice upgrade
1 little thing i saw wich aint really may a bug
in teh partyline on !new
Tcl error [proc_news]: can't use empty string as operand of "-"
only wgen hitting like !new DVDR
when !new 3 DVDR , no error comes up
just a little note, output always correctly here, so its no big deal
also may i messed up something ;)
09-17-2003, 02:18 PM
looks like you have a problem in your newdir.log
have fun
09-17-2003, 03:40 PM
bounty great work with dZSbot
i have a question, in config file exist this line:
set location(PASSWD) "D:/ioFTPD/etc/passwd"
in beta5 this file don't exist, for me don't work msginvite, the bot always give me this error in the channel:
"[INTRUDER] + kbello ( tried to invite himself with invalid login!"
but the login is correct, the paths for (IODIR) and (PASSCHK) are corrects, and set chanlist(INVITE) is correct also
if invite although 'site invite <nick irc>' with ioA works.
the question is i do something wrong?
09-17-2003, 05:22 PM
you probably use the old version of ioPASSWD
well iopasswd v1.3 work for ioftpd v 4.x.x only
for ioftpd v 5.x.x you need iopasswd v1.4
you can find it on Warc website @
have fun
09-17-2003, 05:50 PM
ok m8s i've done a minor update
rewrited some docs
!!! dZSbot v0.0.8.5 will not work 100% with ioftpd 4.x.x !!!
like this it's clear ;)
have fun
09-17-2003, 06:01 PM
tks bounty, works now :)
09-19-2003, 07:57 PM
here we go m8s !!!
!!! A NEW MAJOR RELEASE of dZSbot ;)
ofcoz DL link is on the 1st post
have fun
09-19-2003, 09:20 PM
good work :cool:
09-20-2003, 02:54 AM
What's this error :
TCL error [proc_bandwidth]: syntax error in expression "( + + )"
09-20-2003, 03:09 AM
weee tnx b0unty =)
09-20-2003, 07:04 AM
This rlz is nice with user stats :D
Good work !
09-20-2003, 03:33 PM
lo bounty, real nice update ;)
little technical question,
could u give me a hint howto change some outputs from
pm &nick to chanannounce
i made it with !who, easy ;)
but on !search & !alldn <value> i dont get it with the variables
so, just wanted to know if it is an big effort or just a simple "trick"
cheers ahead ;)
09-20-2003, 04:00 PM
change from msg nick to msg chan?
or is that not the question :confused: :eek: :confused:
09-20-2003, 05:02 PM
is it(dZSbot v0.90) work 100% with ioftpd 4.x.x ??
09-20-2003, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by beast00
is it(dZSbot v0.90) work 100% with ioftpd 4.x.x ??
it will not work 100%
because the included sitewho.exe work only for shmem
and shmem is implemented only in ioftpd 5.x
so you will not have !who !bw !speed !uploader !leecher !idler working.
have fun
09-21-2003, 01:43 AM
change from msg nick to msg chan?
or is that not the question
that was the question, but doesnt work on features like
!search or !alldn grp
some wrong values with variables etc, and as TCL aint my world
09-21-2003, 03:47 AM
i'll check what i can do for you ;)
w/o any guaranties
09-21-2003, 08:17 AM
No matter what i do i get:
site lgroups
200-ERROR in clsUser::ReadUserfile() at line 0 : Overflow
200-ERROR: could not open userfile "201"
200- LastError =
200-ERROR in clsUser::ReadUserfile() at line 0 : Overflow
200-ERROR: could not open userfile "407"
200-ERROR in ProcessCommand() at line 18 : Subscript out of range
200 Command Successful.
Invoked from bot, sitecmd and even a dos prompt to test.
Config is correct. Any clue to what might be wrong?
Using ioftpd 5.0.13r, w2k3 server
09-22-2003, 02:53 PM
for all ppl who have this error please read this
if you put your eggdrop dir inside ioFTPD dir (like glftpd/sitebot)
your eggdrop will be confused !!!
it will search special packages in the /lib dir from ioFTPD
to fix the problem just move eggdrop dir outside ioFTPD dir
normally it will find the good /lib dir inside eggdrop and your problem will be solved ;)
have fun
09-23-2003, 10:05 AM
Got this line in a nfo
caused some errors
[5:01pm] <bot-phara> [16:57] Tcl error in script for 'timer14735':
[5:01pm] <bot-phara> [16:57] Unsupported URL type "iMDb............http"
this repited it self in a loop.. and in chan it repited it self ass
[5:01pm] <bot-phara> [DVDR] + Got SFV for American.Beauty.1999.PAL.DVDR.iNTERNAL-LotM. Expecting 95F.
I understand that this isnt a valid URL but is there a way to avoid this ..since there are alot of nfo with this problem...
BTW using 0.90 dzbot with ioZ
09-23-2003, 02:59 PM
[10:20] couldn't open socket: invalid argument
[10:20] Tcl error in script for 'timer126389':
this is my problem... CPU has 100% and its bad for my system. any idea?
09-23-2003, 03:57 PM
i think many people here come from germany, and i think i script german imdb 4 dzsbot, for links ex.:
Just change in dzsbot.tcl:
################################################## ###############################
################################################## ###############################
package require http 2.4
proc imdbcall {vpath url user group winpath} {
global star binary disable IMDBTAG IMDBMSG_STYLE
set title "" ; set name "" ; set genre "" ; set plot "" ; set rating "" ; set bar "" ; set runtime "" ; set budget "" ; set screens ""
set page [::http::config -useragent "MSIE 6.0"]
set page [::http::geturl ${url}]
set lines [split [::http::data $page] \n]
set numLines [llength $lines]
for {set i 0} {$i < $numLines} {incr i 1} {
set line [lindex $lines $i]
if {[string compare -length 7 $line "<title>"] == 0} {
# movie title, year
set title [string range $line 7 [expr [string length $line] - 9]]
set title [htmlcodes $title]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Directed\ by\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# Directed by
set jj [expr $i + 1]
set name [lindex $lines $jj]
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $name "" name
set name [htmlcodes $name]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Genres\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# genres
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line "" genre
regsub -all \\\(\[^\\\)\]*\\\) $genre "" genre
regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $genre " " genre
set genre [string trim $genre " "]
#set genre [lindex $genre 0]
set genre [htmlcodes $genre]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Plot\ Outline:\[.\]* $line] > 0) || ([regexp \[.\]*Plot\ Summary:\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# plots
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line "" plot
regsub -all \\\(\[^\\\)\]*\\\) $plot "" plot
regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $plot " " plot
regsub -all \ \; $plot " " plot
set plot [string trim $plot " "]
set plot [lrange $plot 2 end]
set plot [htmlcodes $plot]
if {([regexp \[.\]*User\ Rating\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
set j [expr $i + 3]
set line2 [lindex $lines $j]
set j [expr $i + 4]
set line3 [lindex $lines $j]
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line3 "" rating
regsub -all \ \; $rating " " rating
regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $rating " " rating
set rating [string trim $rating " "]
set goldstars [regexp -all goldstar $line2]
set greystars [expr 10 - $goldstars]
# generating the rating bar
set marker "$star"
set bar "\[\0037"
for {set i2 0} {$i2 < $goldstars} {incr i2 1} {
set bar "$bar$marker"
set marker "$star"
set bar "$bar\003"
for {set i3 0} {$i3 < $greystars} {incr i3 1} {
set bar "$bar$marker"
set bar "$bar\]"
if {([regexp \[.\]*Runtime:\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# runtime
set jj [expr $i + 1]
set runtime [lindex $lines $jj]
set business "${url}business"
set page2 [::http::geturl ${business}]
set lines2 [split [::http::data $page2] \n]
set numLines2 [llength $lines2]
for {set i 0} {$i < $numLines2} {incr i 1} {
set line [lindex $lines2 $i]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Budget\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# Budget
set jj [expr $i + 1]
set budget [lindex $lines2 $jj]
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $budget "" budget
set budget [string map {€ ⬠£ £ } $budget]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Opening\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# Screens
set kk [expr $i + 1] ; set screens "NA"
set owline [lindex $lines2 $kk]
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $owline "" owline
regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $owline " " owline
if {[lsearch $owline "(USA)"] == -1} {break}
set owline [lrange $owline [lsearch $owline "(USA)"] end]
set screens [string range [lrange $owline 4 5] 1 end-1]
if { $disable(IMDBMSG) == 0 } {
if { $IMDBMSG_STYLE == 0 } {
set fileid [open "$winpath/" w]
puts $fileid ""
puts $fileid ""
puts $fileid " I M D B I N F O "
puts $fileid "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+"
puts $fileid " Title....: [format %-55.55s $title] "
puts $fileid " Rating...: [format %-55.55s $rating] "
puts $fileid " Genre....: [format %-55.55s $genre] "
puts $fileid " Director.: [format %-55.55s $name] "
puts $fileid " URL......: [format %-55.55s $url] "
puts $fileid " Runtime..: [format %-55.55s $runtime] "
puts $fileid " Budget...: [format %-55.55s $budget] "
puts $fileid " Screens..: [format %-55.55s $screens] "
puts $fileid "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+"
close $fileid
if { $IMDBMSG_STYLE == 1 } {
set fileid [open "$winpath/" w]
puts $fileid ""
puts $fileid " ...::( The IMDB! )::... "
puts $fileid ".-================================================== =================-."
puts $fileid "| |"
puts $fileid "| Title....: [format %-56.56s $title] |"
puts $fileid "| Rating...: [format %-56.56s $rating] |"
puts $fileid "| Genre....: [format %-56.56s $genre] |"
puts $fileid "| Director.: [format %-56.56s $name] |"
puts $fileid "| URL......: [format %-56.56s $url] |"
puts $fileid "| Runtime..: [format %-56.56s $runtime] |"
puts $fileid "| Budget...: [format %-56.56s $budget] |"
puts $fileid "| Screens..: [format %-56.56s $screens] |"
puts $fileid "| |"
puts $fileid "`-================================================== =================-'"
close $fileid
if { $disable(IMDBTAG) == 0 } {
regsub -all {/} $rating { of } rating2
set year [lindex $title end]
if { $IMDBTAG == "dir" } {
regsub -all {/} $genre {} genre2
set mkdir [exec $binary(MKDIR) "$winpath/\[IMDB\] - $genre2 $year - $rating2 - \[IMDB\]"]
if { $IMDBTAG == "file" } {
regsub -all {/} $genre {} genre2
set fileid [open "$winpath/\[IMDB\] - $genre2 $year - $rating2 - \[IMDB\]" w]
close $fileid
set result "\"$vpath\" \"$url\" \"$title\" \"$name\" \"$genre\" \"$plot\" \"$rating\" \"$bar\" \"$runtime\" \"$budget\" \"$screens\" \"$user\" \"$group\" \"$winpath\""
return $result
################################################## ###############################
################################################## ###############################
package require http 2.4
proc imdbcall {vpath url user group winpath} {
global star binary disable IMDBTAG IMDBMSG_STYLE
set title "" ; set name "" ; set genre "" ; set plot "" ; set rating "" ; set bar "" ; set runtime "" ; set budget "" ; set screens ""
set page [::http::config -useragent "MSIE 6.0"]
set page [::http::geturl ${url}]
set lines [split [::http::data $page] \n]
set numLines [llength $lines]
for {set i 0} {$i < $numLines} {incr i 1} {
set line [lindex $lines $i]
if {[string compare -length 7 $line "<title>"] == 0} {
# movie title, year
set title [string range $line 7 [expr [string length $line] - 9]]
set title [htmlcodes $title]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Regie\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# Directed by
set jj [expr $i + 1]
set name [lindex $lines $jj]
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $name "" name
set name [htmlcodes $name]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Genres\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# genres
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line "" genre
regsub -all \\\(\[^\\\)\]*\\\) $genre "" genre
regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $genre " " genre
set genre [string trim $genre " "]
#set genre [lindex $genre 0]
set genre [htmlcodes $genre]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Plot\ Outline:\[.\]* $line] > 0) || ([regexp \[.\]*Kurzbeschreibung:\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# plots
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line "" plot
regsub -all \\\(\[^\\\)\]*\\\) $plot "" plot
regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $plot " " plot
regsub -all \ \; $plot " " plot
set plot [string trim $plot " "]
set plot [lrange $plot 2 end]
set plot [htmlcodes $plot]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Ihre\ Bewertung\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
set j [expr $i + 3]
set line2 [lindex $lines $j]
set j [expr $i + 4]
set line3 [lindex $lines $j]
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line3 "" rating
regsub -all \ \; $rating " " rating
regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $rating " " rating
set rating [string trim $rating " "]
set goldstars [regexp -all goldstar $line2]
set greystars [expr 10 - $goldstars]
# generating the rating bar
set marker "$star"
set bar "\[\0037"
for {set i2 0} {$i2 < $goldstars} {incr i2 1} {
set bar "$bar$marker"
set marker "$star"
set bar "$bar\003"
for {set i3 0} {$i3 < $greystars} {incr i3 1} {
set bar "$bar$marker"
set bar "$bar\]"
if {([regexp \[.\]*L*nge:\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# runtime
set jj [expr $i + 1]
set runtime [lindex $lines $jj]
set business "${url}business"
set page2 [::http::geturl ${business}]
set lines2 [split [::http::data $page2] \n]
set numLines2 [llength $lines2]
for {set i 0} {$i < $numLines2} {incr i 1} {
set line [lindex $lines2 $i]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Budget\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# Budget
set jj [expr $i + 1]
set budget [lindex $lines2 $jj]
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $budget "" budget
set budget [string map {€ ⬠£ £ } $budget]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Opening\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# Screens
set kk [expr $i + 1] ; set screens "NA"
set owline [lindex $lines2 $kk]
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $owline "" owline
regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $owline " " owline
if {[lsearch $owline "(USA)"] == -1} {break}
set owline [lrange $owline [lsearch $owline "(USA)"] end]
set screens [string range [lrange $owline 4 5] 1 end-1]
if { $disable(IMDBMSG) == 0 } {
if { $IMDBMSG_STYLE == 0 } {
set fileid [open "$winpath/" w]
puts $fileid ""
puts $fileid ""
puts $fileid " I M D B I N F O "
puts $fileid "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+"
puts $fileid " Title....: [format %-55.55s $title] "
puts $fileid " Rating...: [format %-55.55s $rating] "
puts $fileid " Genre....: [format %-55.55s $genre] "
puts $fileid " Director.: [format %-55.55s $name] "
puts $fileid " URL......: [format %-55.55s $url] "
puts $fileid " Runtime..: [format %-55.55s $runtime] "
puts $fileid " Budget...: [format %-55.55s $budget] "
puts $fileid " Screens..: [format %-55.55s $screens] "
puts $fileid "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+"
close $fileid
if { $IMDBMSG_STYLE == 1 } {
set fileid [open "$winpath/" w]
puts $fileid ""
puts $fileid " ...::( The IMDB! )::... "
puts $fileid ".-================================================== =================-."
puts $fileid "| |"
puts $fileid "| Title....: [format %-56.56s $title] |"
puts $fileid "| Rating...: [format %-56.56s $rating] |"
puts $fileid "| Genre....: [format %-56.56s $genre] |"
puts $fileid "| Director.: [format %-56.56s $name] |"
puts $fileid "| URL......: [format %-56.56s $url] |"
puts $fileid "| Runtime..: [format %-56.56s $runtime] |"
puts $fileid "| Budget...: [format %-56.56s $budget] |"
puts $fileid "| Screens..: [format %-56.56s $screens] |"
puts $fileid "| |"
puts $fileid "`-================================================== =================-'"
close $fileid
if { $disable(IMDBTAG) == 0 } {
regsub -all {/} $rating { of } rating2
set year [lindex $title end]
if { $IMDBTAG == "dir" } {
regsub -all {/} $genre {} genre2
set mkdir [exec $binary(MKDIR) "$winpath/\[IMDB\] - $genre2 $year - $rating2 - \[IMDB\]"]
if { $IMDBTAG == "file" } {
regsub -all {/} $genre {} genre2
set fileid [open "$winpath/\[IMDB\] - $genre2 $year - $rating2 - \[IMDB\]" w]
close $fileid
set result "\"$vpath\" \"$url\" \"$title\" \"$name\" \"$genre\" \"$plot\" \"$rating\" \"$bar\" \"$runtime\" \"$budget\" \"$screens\" \"$user\" \"$group\" \"$winpath\""
return $result
It works. have fun. , next rls, multi language support, english&german :D
09-23-2003, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by ddeca
Got this line in a nfo
caused some errors
well i think lots of grps already switched for new urls
old urls are unsupported ... sorry
the only solution is contact the groups & suggest them to use new urls ;)
have fun
09-23-2003, 06:02 PM
the problem isnt the old url...
its the fact that the url is linked to dots and the word imdb..
iMDb............[space] <<<==WORKS
iMDb............<<<==doesnt work
hope u understand what i mean becuase this happens on new urls as well
09-23-2003, 06:28 PM
ok i understanded
i should change something in the nfourl.itcl script
i'll check what i can do ;)
have fun
09-23-2003, 06:35 PM
hehehe.. I will try to have fun :)
and cool that u will look in to it..
REGARDS //ddeca
09-23-2003, 09:15 PM
here we go again with a new version of dZSbot ;)
have fun
PS: ofcoz check the 1st post for DL ;)
09-24-2003, 11:53 AM
i have a little prob with latest version using ioDiskSpace.exe
when i type !free all or !free <section>
no respond in IRC
only in partyline
Tcl error [show_free]: syntax error in expression "Fixed.0/1024": variable references require preceding $
may any solution for this ?
when i try ioDiskSpace.exe in cmd, it shows up all devices fine
09-24-2003, 01:57 PM
this is my problem:
[20:56] Tcl error [proc_who]: ERROR: unable to find ioftpd window
child process exited abnormally
my ioFTPD run as service ! not under system acc !, user acc, not posible to run "interact..."
my eggdrop run with -nt switch
09-24-2003, 03:55 PM
I have problems too :/
on " !free ALL " :
[22:52] Tcl error [show_free]: syntax error in expression "system.0/1024"
on" !free SVCD" :
[22:53] Tcl error [show_free]: can't read "result": no such variable
on " !bw " :
Tcl error [proc_bandwidth]: ERROR: unable to find ioftpd window
child process exited abnormally
my ioFTPD run as system service
i use beta 4. and now i read for new sitewho u need beta 5, can i use old sitewho for beta 4 that it work?
09-24-2003, 04:32 PM
German IMDB for DZSBOT 0.91:
################################################## ###############################
################################################## ###############################
package require http 2.4
proc imdbcall {vpath url user group winpath} {
global star binary disable IMDBTAG IMDBMSG_STYLE
set title "" ; set name "" ; set genre "" ; set plot "" ; set rating "" ; set bar "" ; set runtime "" ; set budget "" ; set screens ""
set page [::http::config -useragent "MSIE 6.0"]
set page [::http::geturl ${url}]
set lines [split [::http::data $page] \n]
set numLines [llength $lines]
for {set i 0} {$i < $numLines} {incr i 1} {
set line [lindex $lines $i]
if {[string compare -length 7 $line "<title>"] == 0} {
# movie title, year
set title [string range $line 7 [expr [string length $line] - 9]]
set title [htmlcodes $title]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Regie\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# Directed by
set jj [expr $i + 1]
set name [lindex $lines $jj]
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $name "" name
set name [htmlcodes $name]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Genres\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# genres
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line "" genre
regsub -all \\\(\[^\\\)\]*\\\) $genre "" genre
regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $genre " " genre
set genre [string trim $genre " "]
#set genre [lindex $genre 0]
set genre [htmlcodes $genre]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Plot\ Outline:\[.\]* $line] > 0) || ([regexp \[.\]*Kurzbeschreibung:\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# plots
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line "" plot
regsub -all \\\(\[^\\\)\]*\\\) $plot "" plot
regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $plot " " plot
regsub -all \ \; $plot " " plot
set plot [string trim $plot " "]
set plot [lrange $plot 2 end]
set plot [htmlcodes $plot]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Ihre\ Bewertung\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
set j [expr $i + 3]
set line2 [lindex $lines $j]
set j [expr $i + 4]
set line3 [lindex $lines $j]
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line3 "" rating
regsub -all \ \; $rating " " rating
regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $rating " " rating
set rating [string trim $rating " "]
set goldstars [regexp -all goldstar $line2]
set greystars [expr 10 - $goldstars]
# generating the rating bar
set marker "$star"
set bar "\[\0037"
for {set i2 0} {$i2 < $goldstars} {incr i2 1} {
set bar "$bar$marker"
set marker "$star"
set bar "$bar\003"
for {set i3 0} {$i3 < $greystars} {incr i3 1} {
set bar "$bar$marker"
set bar "$bar\]"
if {([regexp \[.\]*L*nge:\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# runtime
set jj [expr $i + 1]
set runtime [lindex $lines $jj]
set business "${url}business"
set page2 [::http::geturl ${business}]
set lines2 [split [::http::data $page2] \n]
set numLines2 [llength $lines2]
for {set i 0} {$i < $numLines2} {incr i 1} {
set line [lindex $lines2 $i]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Budget\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# Budget
set jj [expr $i + 1]
set budget [lindex $lines2 $jj]
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $budget "" budget
set budget [string map {€ ⬠£ £ } $budget]
if {([regexp \[.\]*Opening\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
# Screens
set kk [expr $i + 1] ; set screens "NA"
set owline [lindex $lines2 $kk]
regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $owline "" owline
regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $owline " " owline
if {[lsearch $owline "(USA)"] == -1} {break}
set owline [lrange $owline [lsearch $owline "(USA)"] end]
set screens [string range [lrange $owline 4 5] 1 end-1]
if { $disable(IMDBMSG) == 0 } {
if { $IMDBMSG_STYLE == 0 } {
set fileid [open "$winpath/" w]
puts $fileid ""
puts $fileid ""
puts $fileid " I M D B I N F O "
puts $fileid "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+"
puts $fileid " Title....: [format %-55.55s $title] "
puts $fileid " Rating...: [format %-55.55s $rating] "
puts $fileid " Genre....: [format %-55.55s $genre] "
puts $fileid " Director.: [format %-55.55s $name] "
puts $fileid " URL......: [format %-55.55s $url] "
puts $fileid " Runtime..: [format %-55.55s $runtime] "
puts $fileid " Budget...: [format %-55.55s $budget] "
puts $fileid " Screens..: [format %-55.55s $screens] "
puts $fileid "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+"
close $fileid
if { $IMDBMSG_STYLE == 1 } {
set fileid [open "$winpath/" w]
puts $fileid ""
puts $fileid " ...::( The IMDB! )::... "
puts $fileid ".-================================================== =================-."
puts $fileid "| |"
puts $fileid "| Title....: [format %-56.56s $title] |"
puts $fileid "| Rating...: [format %-56.56s $rating] |"
puts $fileid "| Genre....: [format %-56.56s $genre] |"
puts $fileid "| Director.: [format %-56.56s $name] |"
puts $fileid "| URL......: [format %-56.56s $url] |"
puts $fileid "| Runtime..: [format %-56.56s $runtime] |"
puts $fileid "| Budget...: [format %-56.56s $budget] |"
puts $fileid "| Screens..: [format %-56.56s $screens] |"
puts $fileid "| |"
puts $fileid "`-================================================== =================-'"
close $fileid
if { $disable(IMDBTAG) == 0 } {
regsub -all {/} $rating { of } rating2
set year [lindex $title end]
if { $IMDBTAG == "dir" } {
regsub -all {/} $genre {} genre2
file mkdir "$winpath/\[IMDB\] - $genre2 $year - $rating2 - \[IMDB\]"
if { $IMDBTAG == "file" } {
regsub -all {/} $genre {} genre2
set fileid [open "$winpath/\[IMDB\] - $genre2 $year - $rating2 - \[IMDB\]" w]
close $fileid
set result "\"$vpath\" \"$url\" \"$title\" \"$name\" \"$genre\" \"$plot\" \"$rating\" \"$bar\" \"$runtime\" \"$budget\" \"$screens\" \"$user\" \"$group\" \"$winpath\""
return $result
09-25-2003, 01:15 AM
Tcl error [show_free]: syntax error in expression "Fixed.0/1024": variable references require preceding $
still occurs with latest 091 and ioDiskspace.exe
i tested now back with 090 and df.exe
just copied cpl. config from 091 to 090 and only switched
the df.exe in set binary(DF)
working fine
also seems the df.exe doesnt work anymore with the 091 vers. :/
io 5013r, winXP pro SP1 german
any clues what could be messed ?
thx ahead
09-25-2003, 03:54 AM
Originally posted by alturismo
Tcl error [show_free]: syntax error in expression "Fixed.0/1024": variable references require preceding $
still occurs with latest 091 and ioDiskspace.exe
i tested now back with 090 and df.exe
just copied cpl. config from 091 to 090 and only switched
the df.exe in set binary(DF)
working fine
also seems the df.exe doesnt work anymore with the 091 vers. :/
io 5013r, winXP pro SP1 german
any clues what could be messed ?
thx ahead
i think it's time for you to reinstall a complete dzsbot 0.91 w/o copy/past config from old dzsbot to new dzsbot !!
have fun
09-25-2003, 05:00 AM
for Blackthunder & all others ;)
i've completely rewrited the nfourl.itcl script (v2.0 not yet public)
- it support OLD & NEW imdb URLs
- it support every imdb languages DE/US/RU/CH/CZ/FR/NO/PL etc... (i hope ;))
but it will announce infos in english (international language)
- it support also ALLOCINE.FR for french users
if both urls are in the same nfo it will announce 1st allocine url & 2nd the complet imdb info
- it announce also URLs from others .nfo (apps games 0day mp3 etc...)
- it announce flyers if no urls are found !!
- ofcrouse all announces are configurable in dzsbot
will be available in next dZSbot release
have fun
09-25-2003, 06:29 AM
Bounty you rocks !!!
cant wait for this rlz :)
09-25-2003, 07:31 AM
here we go ... again ;)
DL is on the 1st post !!!
have fun
09-25-2003, 08:26 AM
Strange bounty.
Cant get bot to announce IMBD, NFOURL or ALLOCINE.
No announces no matter what I do...
Checked the log - no IMDB: is being logged, even though logfile path is correct in nfourl.tcl?
new version has changed:
## setup the path of your ioFTPD.log file here
set IOLOG "D:/ioFTPD/logs"
old version had:
## setup the path of your ioFTPD.log file here
set IOLOG "D:/ioFTPD/logs/ioFTPD.log"
09-25-2003, 08:53 AM
i got the same problem... i even tryed to change the path to the old diffrens :(
09-25-2003, 11:10 AM
you are right absolutely m8s ;)
new version = new bugs ;)
anyway it's fixed now
my apology !!!
on 1st post
have fun
09-25-2003, 12:38 PM
I have still problems :(
ok, my sections:
-Blackserver- [FREE] + Available sections are: SVCD VCD Divx Tv Request Anime Porn Appz MP3 GAMEZ or ALL
!free Anime | -Blackserver- [FREE] + [anime: 4.19/76.32 GB] is free @ 5%
!free Appz | -Blackserver- [FREE] + [appz: 4.53/41.01 GB] is free @ 11%
!free All | -Blackserver- [FREE] + [Anime: 4.19/76.32 GB] - [Moviez: 3.76/48.83 GB] - [Music: 3.30/24.64 GB] - [Appz&Pron&GameZ: 4.53/41.01 GB] - TOTAL: 15.78/190.80 GB
--all shows ok. but on the rest
!free SVCD | VCD | Divx | Tv | Request| <--hdd I:
!free Gamez | Porn| <-- hdd J: (here is Section Appz too that works)
!free MP3 <--hdd H:
--it says [19:29] Tcl error [show_free]: can't read "result": no such variable
all time.
FAst: Hdd c: works 100%, H: Just on !free all ;I: Just on !free all ;
J:Only Appz, the rest just on !free all.
This in CMD
Name Label Type FreeMB UsedMB TotalMB %Free %Used
------------- ------------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ----- -----
C: Anime_&_system Fixed 4289 73863 78152 5% 95%
H: mp3s Fixed 3378 21857 25235 13% 87%
I: Moviez Fixed 3849 46158 50007 8% 92%
J: Appz_pron_rest Fixed 4641 37349 41990 11% 89%
Thx 4 help
09-25-2003, 12:43 PM
all your devices are set correctly ??
set device(0) ....etc... ??
set device(TOTAL) .... ??
have fun
09-25-2003, 01:43 PM
YO mates !!!
i have only replies when you have problems
i would like to have also replies when new releases are working please ;)
thx & have fun
09-25-2003, 03:03 PM
Uploaded 73 dirs with sfv and nfo...
and the new itcl seems to work flawless .. ( still listing on irc )
Great work BoUnTy .....
09-25-2003, 03:10 PM
Same thing here : work perfect.
Good job one more time !
09-25-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by bounty
all your devices are set correctly ??
set device(0) ....etc... ??
set device(TOTAL) .... ??
have fun
set device(0) "C: Anime"
set device(1) "I: Moviez"
set device(2) "H: Music"
set device(3) "J: Appz&Pron&GameZ"
set device(TOTAL) 4
in older verision,i had no problems :(
ok, what working is:
new nfourl is wunderful
OK i have it.
When i rename in explorer my drives to exp:
Then !free SVCD etc works.
In old version was better, there my drive name was "movies" and all works.
09-25-2003, 03:33 PM
To fast in my conclusion....
Now it seems that every file that gets uploaded
is logged as an iMDB event in ioFPTD.log
09-25-2003 22:23:38 NEWDIR: "dd3ca" "SiTEOP" "/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy" "E:\dvdr\test\The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy"
imdb url from last nfo >>>09-25-2003 22:23:55 IMDB: "/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy/ctp-til-dvdr.sfv" "" "dd3ca" "SiTEOP" "E:/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy"
09-25-2003 22:23:55 SFV: "/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy" "Got SFV for The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy. Expecting \00294\002F."
09-25-2003 22:23:56 IMDB: "/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy/ctp-til-dvdr.nfo" "" "dd3ca" "SiTEOP" "E:/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy"
09-25-2003 22:23:56 NEWDIR: "dd3ca" "SiTEOP" "/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy/Sample" "E:\dvdr\test\The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy\Sample"
09-25-2003 22:24:02 IMDB: "/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy/Sample/" "" "dd3ca" "SiTEOP" "E:/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy/Sample"
09-25-2003 22:24:07 IMDB: "/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy/ctp-til-dvdr.r67" "" "dd3ca" "SiTEOP" "E:/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy"
09-25-2003 22:24:07 UPDATE: "/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy" "\002dd3ca\002/SiTEOP was the first to upload file in \002The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy\002. Expecting \0024.4GB\002."
09-25-2003 22:24:12 IMDB: "/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy/ctp-til-dvdr.r82" "" "dd3ca" "SiTEOP" "E:/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy"
09-25-2003 22:24:17 IMDB: "/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy/ctp-til-dvdr.r87" "" "dd3ca" "SiTEOP" "E:/dvdr/test/The.In.Laws.DVDR-Centropy"
this screws up the imdb tag some how..get imdb tag's
from last nfo in new folder...
but the announce works flawless :)
09-25-2003, 04:46 PM
ddeca .. ok i think i've found the problem ;)
thx for the report
have fun
09-25-2003, 05:16 PM
Thx for the speed fix .
Great work !
09-25-2003, 05:57 PM
Anyone else have a problem with announcing dirs that are at least 3 deep..
[ SLUT ] -New Release- RiPS/0925/Test.Rls-WORD by neoxed@SiteOps
It should be APPS/RiPS/0925/Test.Rls-WORD
If its more then 3 dirs deep, it just ignores the first dir....
No idea...
09-25-2003, 06:22 PM
sorry for all these updates m8s
and thanks for all the fast bug reports ;)
here is a new BUG FIXED version of dzsbot
have fun
09-26-2003, 07:13 AM
tnx b0unty, !speed works great now =))
09-26-2003, 08:01 AM
people who have problems with ioDiskSpace, please update your exe :
any other problems/questions with ioDiskSpace > ask me :)
09-26-2003, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by ADDiCT
people who have problems with ioDiskSpace, please update your exe :
any other problems/questions with ioDiskSpace > ask me :)
thx for all your work m8 ;)
really appreciate ;)
have fun
09-26-2003, 08:44 AM
to B0unTy:
Just wanna say that i love your dzsbot, great work, and i love the fact that one does not have to "donate" to use it, the fact that it´s free makes me feel more thankful for the great work you put in to it, well, thank you very much for the script.
09-26-2003, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by keane
to B0unTy:
Just wanna say that i love your dzsbot, great work, and i love the fact that one does not have to "donate" to use it, the fact that it´s free makes me feel more thankful for the great work you put in to it, well, thank you very much for the script.
Thank you very much.
This message touches me much.
I can understand that the other users do not want to give money but at least they could offer a message like this one to me.
This doesn't cost anything !!!
really appreciated
09-26-2003, 10:05 AM
Hey bounty, will you marry me?
J/K. :D
...seriously, will you?
Keep up the great work! :cool:
09-26-2003, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by plojdo
Hey bounty, will you marry me?
J/K. :D
...seriously, will you?
Keep up the great work! :cool:
eheh i'm already married !!! and i already have 1 children :D
but thx for the proposal ;)
have fun
09-26-2003, 11:53 AM
Kinda at a lost here, read all previous posts about it and none can fix my prob... using regged ioFTPD b5, ioZS 1.07, dZSbot 0.0.93, ioa 0.8.1, newdir 2.3, io DOESN'T run as service but windrop does, and I always get the damned
Tcl error [proc_who]: ERROR: unable to find ioftpd window
child process exited abnormally
message... Any1 can lend a hand here ?
BTW, awesome job Bounty, pretty much appreciated !
09-27-2003, 12:15 AM
set binary(UNDUPE) "C:/ioFTPD/scripts/undupe.exe"
i can't find undupe.exe for dzsbot.
where is it?
09-27-2003, 03:43 AM
Originally posted by beast00
set binary(UNDUPE) "C:/ioFTPD/scripts/undupe.exe"
i can't find undupe.exe for dzsbot.
where is it?
normal... it's not a part of the bot
the undupe.exe required is the one from poci dupelogger 1.1
but you need to install cygwin & compil it yourself
i'm already busy with another dupe/undupe project who don't require cygwin at all !!
so atm use poci dupelogger or disable this function !!
have fun
09-27-2003, 06:57 AM
some typo in latest file 0.93
cmds changed:
!uploader => !uploaders
!leecher => !leechers
!idler => !idlers
have fun
09-27-2003, 08:27 AM
[03:00] Unsupported URL: Jackass: The Movie
[03:00] Tcl error in script for 'timer35567':
and still around :(
09-27-2003, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by NeoXed
Anyone else have a problem with announcing dirs that are at least 3 deep..
<SLUT> -New Release- RiPS/0925/Test.Rls-WORD by neoxed@SiteOps
It should be APPS/RiPS/0925/Test.Rls-WORD
If its more then 3 dirs deep, it just ignores the beginning dirs...
Anyone else had this problem?
09-27-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by NeoXed
Anyone else had this problem?
it's the normal way it should work
if you want another way just code it yourself !!
have fun
09-28-2003, 02:25 AM
heh, what?
I don't follow :p
09-28-2003, 11:48 AM
I use last sitewho
and i get error
Tcl error [proc_bandwidth]: couldn't duplicate input handle: bad file number
09-28-2003, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by VaNisH
I use last sitewho
and i get error
Tcl error [proc_bandwidth]: couldn't duplicate input handle: bad file number
rtfm.. :rolleyes:
eggdrop.exe -nt :rolleyes:
09-29-2003, 04:48 AM
working fine here bounty, also the free command again ;)
ncie work
10-01-2003, 02:19 AM
Mhm yesterday i installed all latest dzsbot and ioftpd.
And i get an error on !allup !gallup etc:
ERROR in clsUser::ReadUserfile() at line 0 : Overflow
ERROR: could not open userfile "0"
LastError =
After that it posts some stats which r bugged.. leaving out user 0.
I renamed ioFTPD to Unique on my ftp, so i figured that musta be the prob, renamed it back and still same :confused:
User 0 seems to be just fine in both the useridtable and the /users dir :S Its working normal too if i login etc.
Either way nother thanks for your work b0unty, rest of bot is still damn nice :) (although im still experiencing announce skipping, especially when stuff gets added fast to ioftpd.log (for instance sfv and update on same second.. it will **** update announce :( )
Gonne try compile a new windrop tonight, maybe that helps.. or my cygwin version sucks :/ but cant really change since my openssh needs it :(
/edit: mm found another person with this prob
he fixed it though, but @ my place useridtable matches my /users dir :(
/edit2: ADDiCT helped me, and it seems my 0 user had weird negativ timer values :eek:
10-01-2003, 04:54 AM
i dont have any answer when i do !free
i'm sure to have well configured the dzbot.tcl
really weird
10-01-2003, 08:16 AM
what message do you get in dcc with bot when doing !free
10-01-2003, 08:55 AM
the latest dZSbot 0.93 zip has an outdated ioDiskSpace.exe version, please dowload this one :
and see if the !free problem still occurs.
10-02-2003, 11:45 AM
If the bots sits in 2 chans and recives a /msg BotName !invite Name Pass
Then the bot invites the user to both chans...
Is there a way to make the bot invite to only one of those chans:confused:
10-02-2003, 12:02 PM
yep code it yerself (*cough copy paste 99.999% from normal invite and change a few words*)
i did that too as a code noob and it even worked :D
But yep its indeed a thing that might be nice to add standard :)
10-02-2003, 12:24 PM
I got it ....
set chanlist(INVITE) "#CHANNAME"
to the one that it should invite to...
But next question will be...
Is there a way to have to 2 chans and get it to read the flag 1 or M and then it invite to second chan as well (staff chan)
hope u guys understand what want to do...
Im facing a problem what I'd like to fix.
Im not sure if this post should be in ioZS thread...
but anyway,
the think is I've system account which uses different .VFS file, where all harddrives are included like C, D, E, etc. folders, so i can easily edit things via ioftpd.
Now the problem is when I upload new folder for example to E drive, the dszbot will announce in irc channel:
<@BOT> [DEFAULT] + New Release: D/testfolder (testfolder) by USERX@GROUPX
I don't want it to announce those make dirs in irc...
so what I need to do?
10-02-2003, 01:10 PM
EDiT set denypost and add the path u like to hide... se ex
set denypost "*Done* *NUKED* *IMDB* */e:*"
in dzbot.tcl
Big thanks ddeca for reply!
Working just like I want it. :banana:
10-06-2003, 09:09 AM
here we go m8s
a new update of dzsbot ;)
for DL link check 1st post
have fun
10-06-2003, 06:37 PM
Thanx for this update :)
10-06-2003, 07:41 PM
keep it up..
Is it just me or doesnt it logg the new dirs...
Baaahh..iam to tierd right now....
Im trying to get "!user <nick>" to work on irc. Just to get info on credits, group, etc
Only i noted that it wasnt working and the the tcl script did support it
proc useralias {nick uhost hand chan args} { sitestat $nick $uhost $hand $chan "user123 [lindex $args 0]" }
, but that the part about this uesr123 was NOT there.
it does work when adding:
} elseif {$cmd == "user123"} {
set user [lindex $args 1]
set ee [::ftp::Quote $ioss(ftp) SITE USER $nick]
if {$ee == ""} {tsend chan 5 $chan "[b]ioss:[b] ERROR processing request" ; return}
set lines [split $ee \n]
set lines [lreplace $lines 0 5]
set lines [lreplace $lines end-2 end]
But im not good enough to make it working :D
so im looking for something that will work.. and im sure other people had trouble finding this or making it .. if you allreday have it in iobananna.tcl then could you sent it to me? (just the user123)
sry for my bas english... lol
10-13-2003, 11:54 AM
sorry it's not implemented in this sitebot ...
have fun
Yea.. i know that LOL
Thats why im asking in here if anyone knows how that tcl code would look... If it was supported by the bot i won't be asking it in here... ;)
10-14-2003, 08:12 AM
I can't decompress the file -> because it turns out corrupted (not valide archive for winmx) Can you reupp it ?
10-14-2003, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by Palomo2
I can't decompress the file -> because it turns out corrupted (not valide archive for winmx) Can you reupp it ?
rename it to rar..
p.s get glasses !!! ofcoz rename this .zip file to .RAR file !!!
10-18-2003, 08:08 PM
The ioDiskSpace.exe that comes with dZSbot (or was it with ioftpd, I don't remember) doesn't properly calculate space for all drives, most notably network drives. I have a drive that is mounted as 1.73TB but the diskspace program only reports around 680GB. This of course makes !free not work properly on the bot, or to at least print out the wrong info. My solution was to modify the script to use a different binary. Here's how I did it.
First you'll need Most notably, you want the df.exe file from it.
Second, you'll want to use:
set binary(DF) "D:/ioFTPD/scripts/bin/df.exe"
in your bot .tcl file. Of course change it to match the path you placed that file in.
Third you'll want to change the devices() list to include a trailing slash (remember to escape it) on your drive letters. ie,
set device(2) "F:\\ ARCHIVE"
And lastly, you'll want to replace your proc show_free with mine. I've included it here.
proc show_free { nick uhost hand chan arg } {
global binary announce device disable sections
if { $disable(FREE) == 1 } {return}
set arg [string tolower $arg]
set total_freespace 0
set total_space 0
set scheck "$sections ALL"
if { $arg == "" || [string match -nocase *$arg* $scheck] == 0 } {
set output $announce(DEFAULT)
set output [replacevar $output "%msg" "Available sections are: $sections"]
set output [basicreplace $output "FREE"]
sndall "DEFAULT" "$output or ALL"
} elseif { $arg == "all" } {
set output $announce(DEFAULT)
for {set i 0} {$i < $device(TOTAL)} {incr i} {
foreach line [split [exec $binary(DF) "-m"] "\n"] {
# putlog "DEBUG>>> line = $line"
# if { [string match [lindex $line 0] [string toupper [lindex $device($i) 0]]] == 1 } { }
if { [lindex [split $line] 0] == [string toupper [lindex [split $device($i)] 0]] } {
# set thisfree [lindex $line 6]
# set thistotal [lindex $line 5]
set thisfree [lindex $line [expr [llength $line] - 2]]
set thistotal [lindex $line [expr [llength $line] - 3]]
set thisfree [string range $thisfree 0 [expr [string length $thisfree] - 3]]
set thistotal [string range $thistotal 0 [expr [string length $thistotal] - 3]]
# putlog "DEBUG>>> thisfree = $thisfree"
# putlog "DEBUG>>> thistotal = $thistotal"
append devices "\[[lrange [split $device($i)] 1 end]: %bold[format %.2f [expr $thisfree/1024]]%bold/[format %.2f [expr $thistotal.0/1024]] GB\] - "
set total_freespace [expr $total_freespace + [expr $thisfree.0/1024]]
set total_space [expr $total_space + [expr $thistotal.0/1024]]
append devices "TOTAL: %bold[format %.2f $total_freespace]%bold/[format %.2f $total_space] GB"
set output [replacevar $output "%msg" $devices]
set output [basicreplace $output "FREE"]
sndall "DEFAULT" $output
} else {
set output $announce(DEFAULT)
for {set i 0} {$i < $device(TOTAL)} {incr i} {
if { [string match -nocase *$arg* [split $device($i)]] == 1 } {
set result [lindex [split $device($i)] 0]
# putlog "DEBUG>>> result = $result"
# foreach line [split [exec $binary(DF) $result] "\n"] { }
foreach line [split [exec $binary(DF) "-m"] "\n"] {
if { [lindex [split $line] 0] == [string toupper $result] } {
set thisfree [lindex $line [expr [llength $line] - 2]]
set thistotal [lindex $line [expr [llength $line] - 3]]
set thisfree [string range $thisfree 0 [expr [string length $thisfree] - 3]]
set thistotal [string range $thistotal 0 [expr [string length $thistotal] - 3]]
set devices "\[[string toupper $arg]: %bold[format %.2f [expr $thisfree/1024]]%bold/[format %.2f [expr $thistotal/1024]] GB\]"
set output [replacevar $output "%msg" $devices]
set output [basicreplace $output "FREE"]
sndall "DEFAULT" $output
I think that should about do it. I don't remember changing anything else though I might have. If this mod doesn't work someone let me know. You can find me on irc. One thing you'll notice is that %free space is missing when you do !free <section>. I just didn't feel like modifying that portion of code as I don't really care about %free. You can add it back if you want.
Many, many thanks go to a friend who modified the code to look for free space and total space in different columns in the output. And also for making it deal with spaces in volume label names. Never would have done it without.
Hope you guys like this and find it useful. I sure did. I've also included a a zip file with the df.exe file and my show_free proc in a text file if it makes it easier for you guys.
10-19-2003, 03:31 AM
Or u could have asked me to fix the ioDiskSpace tool :)
(i never considered anyone would have a single drive that big, but seems i was wrong after all.)
edit: please try in a console, and tell me if the output is now correct
10-19-2003, 03:49 AM
Lots of us have drives bigger than that. take 4 x 250 gb raided...
10-19-2003, 04:46 AM
NxN_Slite helped me out on IRC to test the new version on a large volume, and the new version shows it correctly
10-19-2003, 10:53 AM
Indeed I can confirm that the new ioDiskSpace does print the correct volume information. I didn't actually try it with the bot because I'm not going back to modify my code again. Where were you yesterday ADDiCT when I needed your help? ;)
10-19-2003, 10:58 AM
u mean in the evening ? was playing poker with friends :)
(i'm always open for a PM on IRC)
10-19-2003, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by romracer
The ioDiskSpace.exe that comes with dZSbot (or was it with ioftpd, I don't remember) doesn't properly calculate space for all drives, most notably network drives. I have a drive that is mounted as 1.73TB but the diskspace program only reports around 680GB. This of course makes !free not work properly on the bot, or to at least print out the wrong info. My solution was to modify the script to use a different binary. Here's how I did it.
blabla ....
I think that should about do it. I don't remember changing anything else though I might have. If this mod doesn't work someone let me know. You can find me on irc. One thing you'll notice is that %free space is missing when you do !free <section>. I just didn't feel like modifying that portion of code as I don't really care about %free. You can add it back if you want.
Many, many thanks go to a friend who modified the code to look for free space and total space in different columns in the output. And also for making it deal with spaces in volume label names. Never would have done it without.
Hope you guys like this and find it useful. I sure did. I've also included a a zip file with the df.exe file and my show_free proc in a text file if it makes it easier for you guys.
well m8 why just not report the problem ?? and wait the answer/solution/fix .. or what ever...
why ppl need to make home made modif and add them in this thread
sorry but i disagree this ... if you want share your home made solution/fix ... please create a new thread
by acting like this you maybe can confuse ppl
thx to understand what i want to tell you !!
have fun
10-19-2003, 02:17 PM
no need to overreact bounty :D
(better be happy that some people actually try to fix things themselves i'd say)
10-19-2003, 03:25 PM
(attaching the file, my webspace is unreachable atm)
10-19-2003, 04:05 PM
I did mention the bug in #ioftpd. The only response I got there was "1.73TB? Holy shit dude!" That helps me none. I also asked in #iozs (read your backlog) and got no response. Just endless idling. And I'm not one to put up with buggy software so I came up with a fix. If you don't like the fix, don't implement it. But don't *****. *****ing is for babies.
If you don't want others modifying your code and posting their fixes online, then don't release it. Be a hoopy and keep it to yourself and your "elite top sites."
I thought I was doing people a favor by helping those that actually have huge RAID arrays to have a fully functional script. Next time though I think I'll keep my mods to myself and save myself this ****ing hassle.
edited: I shouldn't try to be disrespectful either. Bad judgment on my part ;)
10-19-2003, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by romracer
Re: ehhh f*ck you?
I don't think of having missed respect has you in my preceding message
but i like your style :D
I bounty, i would like to let u know that i have a little error with thz dzbot 0.94 imdb check with this url :
I got this msg error :
[11:11] <|***|> [11:12] Tcl error in script for 'timer52269':
[11:11] <|***|> [11:12] couldn't open "f:/site/DiVX/test/[IMDB] - Action Adventure Animation Mystery () - Credited cast: Kevin Conroy .... Bruce Wayne of BatmanTara Strong .... Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl (voice)Efrem Zimbalist Jr. .... Alfred PennyworthBob Hastings .... Commissioner James 'Jim' GordonDavid Ogden Stiers .... Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot of The Penguin (voice)Hector Elizondo .... Bane (voice)Kelly RipaKyra Sedgwick .... BatwomanJohn Vernon .... Rupert ThorneMathew Valencia .... Timothy 'Ti
Maybe it can be fixed, anyway thx for ur nice stuff,
cheers Cpas
i got some problems with
blowfish cryption.
# set the blowfish encrytion key
set key "123"
but he announce ....
(_XXX_): nEjwe/NBCxq0j/4rI0k/CBb/V9XJj0MBmpq0h4Quc0Eu7hJ.McTB509PGTI.GpINn/bUCfa1hWmi61drdej0XzstR.lRK/9/kpcUI.Yq/Cy1d8qds1jBAMG0
[18:22] bloW.Key for #XXX = 123
(_XXX_): anxba/1a5oS1j/4rI0k/CBb/sAwbq1AWGRh/qs/qb.0JnaS.Aa1O30YWCft0Z2cWW186Zpw.pGT/T0gPvOl/d8qds1jBAMG0
10-24-2003, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by romracer If you don't want others modifying your code and posting their fixes online, then don't release it. Be a hoopy and keep it to yourself and your "elite top sites."B0unty said you're free to make modifs, but don't post them in dzsbot thread, since they aren't part of dzsbot.
Please just post a new thread in sitebot forum next time. Would help ppl know there's something new anyway. Not everyone dig 130-posts threads every day.
10-24-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by pRoLuCkY
i got some problems with
blowfish cryption.
# set the blowfish encrytion key
set key "123"
but he announce ....
(_XXX_): nEjwe/NBCxq0j/4rI0k/CBb/V9XJj0MBmpq0h4Quc0Eu7hJ.McTB509PGTI.GpINn/bUCfa1hWmi61drdej0XzstR.lRK/9/kpcUI.Yq/Cy1d8qds1jBAMG0
[18:22] bloW.Key for #XXX = 123
(_XXX_): anxba/1a5oS1j/4rI0k/CBb/sAwbq1AWGRh/qs/qb.0JnaS.Aa1O30YWCft0Z2cWW186Zpw.pGT/T0gPvOl/d8qds1jBAMG0
hmm as i can see where is your blowfish header tag ??
if you don't have header tag ... the decrypter will never work
have fun
PS: i tested with mircryption @
10-29-2003, 08:03 AM
here we go m8s ;)
a new version of my dzsbot script
DL link is always on the 1st post ;)
!! the !undupe channel cmd still work for dupelogger !!
it will be modified in next rls to work with newdir 3.x
have fun
10-29-2003, 08:27 AM
w00t! great job b0unty.
10-30-2003, 02:37 PM
uptime.exe is using NETBIOS ?
10-30-2003, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by MadCowAss
uptime.exe is using NETBIOS ?
i dunno this exe come from m$ website
10-30-2003, 05:53 PM
do i need something for IMDB annonce and creating IMDB url? and what? now i dont have any error, but no annonce :(
10-31-2003, 04:06 AM
yes using netbios :-/
10-31-2003, 04:48 AM
Thx for the new update Bounty..
It's just that i cant get uptime to work-- I get
[10:45] Tcl error [proc_uptime]: can't read "disable(UPTIME)": no such element in array
the exe work in CMD
10-31-2003, 05:50 AM
Originally posted by ddeca
Thx for the new update Bounty..
It's just that i cant get uptime to work-- I get
[10:45] Tcl error [proc_uptime]: can't read "disable(UPTIME)": no such element in array
the exe work in CMD
it seems you badly copy/pasted your config & overwrited the disable(UPTIME) setting ;)
have fun
10-31-2003, 06:05 AM
but ofcourse i did :)
stupid me
thx bounty
10-31-2003, 01:59 PM
How do I make this output on a singel row
################################################## #######
################################################## #######
proc proc_ircstats {mins hour day month year} {
global binary disable ircstats_req ircstats_max
if { $disable(IRCSTATS) == 0 } {
foreach ircstat $ircstats_req {
set stats_output ""
set result [exec $binary(IRCSTATS) userstats $ircstat $ircstats_max]
set output "%bold%color5\[[string toupper $ircstat] TOP\]%color +%bold "
set output [basicreplace $output ""]
sndall "DEFAULT" $output
foreach line [split $result \n] {
if { $line == "" } { continue }
append stats_output "\[[lindex $line 0]. [lindex $line 1] %bold[lindex $line 4]%boldM\] "
set output [basicreplace $stats_output ""]
sndall "DEFAULT" $output
This is ther Current Output
[7:51pm] <|botname|> [WKUP TOP] +
[7:51pm] <|botname|> [01. user1 28333M] [02. user2 716M] [03. User3 345M]
[7:51pm] <|botname|> [WKDN TOP] +
[7:51pm] <|botname|> [01. user1 26895M] [02. user2 4578M] [03. user3 2102M]
Want this
[7:51pm] <|botname|> [WKUP TOP] + [01. user1 28333M] [02. user2 716M] [03. User3 345M]
[7:51pm] <|botname|> [WKDN TOP] + [01. user1 26895M] [02. user2 4578M] [03. user3 2102M]
TIA ddeca
10-31-2003, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by ddeca
How do I make this output on a singel row
################################################## #######
################################################## #######
proc proc_ircstats {mins hour day month year} {
global binary disable ircstats_req ircstats_max
if { $disable(IRCSTATS) == 0 } {
foreach ircstat $ircstats_req {
set stats_output ""
set result [exec $binary(IRCSTATS) userstats $ircstat $ircstats_max]
set stats_output "%bold%color5\[[string toupper $ircstat] TOP\]%color +%bold "
#set output [basicreplace $output ""]
#sndall "DEFAULT" $output
foreach line [split $result \n] {
if { $line == "" } { continue }
append stats_output "\[[lindex $line 0]. [lindex $line 1] %bold[lindex $line 4]%boldM\] "
set output [basicreplace $stats_output ""]
sndall "DEFAULT" $output
should do the job
10-31-2003, 08:23 PM
Didnt do the trick but i sorted it out myself with a little modification
THX bounty
################################################## #######
################################################## #######
proc proc_ircstats {mins hour day month year} {
global binary disable ircstats_req ircstats_max
if { $disable(IRCSTATS) == 0 } {
foreach ircstat $ircstats_req {
set stats_output ""
set result [exec $binary(IRCSTATS) userstats $ircstat $ircstats_max]
set output "%bold%color5\[[string toupper $ircstat] TOP\]%color%bold "
#set output [basicreplace $output ""]
#sndall "DEFAULT" $output
foreach line [split $result \n] {
if { $line == "" } { continue }
append stats_output "+ \[[lindex $line 0]. [lindex $line 1] %bold[lindex $line 4]%boldM\] "
set output [basicreplace $output ""][basicreplace $stats_output ""]
sndall "DEFAULT" $output
Gave this output
[7:51pm] <|botname|> [WKUP TOP] + [01. user1 28333M] + [02. user2 716M] + [03. User3 345M]
[7:51pm] <|botname|> [WKDN TOP] + [01. user1 26895M] + [02. user2 4578M] + [03. user3 2102M]
Hail to me :p
Just posting it if some1 else want this output
ENJOY ddeca
1 down and an other thing comes to my mind in uptime
Would be nice to add ioFTPD uptime to box and bot
I think there is a script for it or it may be ioBanana how got that
Will look into it...
11-01-2003, 04:12 AM
windows started at 26/10/2003 12:02:25 running for 5d 22h 9m 41s
ioftpd started at 30/10/2003 21:33:17 running for 1d 12h 38m 50s
windrop started at 27/10/2003 18:51:17 running for 4d 15h 20m 50s
11-01-2003, 04:15 AM
Wow !!!
Addict u ROXXXX !! :))))
11-01-2003, 09:32 AM
Addict nice man!
Now it can be implemented in dzsbot :)
11-10-2003, 02:46 PM
When using SITE PRE in ioA it logs to ioftpd.log but no announce in Dzsbot, set disable(PRE) is set to 0 so it should announce, but it doesnt. The dir is also moved from the pre dir to destination dir like it should be, so it is a dzsbot announce problem, I get no errors in partyline or anywhere, just no announce.
anyone help!?!
11-10-2003, 03:06 PM
I would like to see in the near future weekup and monthup statistics of the user, in the race announce stats on completion. Also group wkup and group monthup. That would be very nice.
Thank you
Greate Script
11-10-2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by rabinovd
I would like to see in the near future weekup and monthup statistics of the user, in the race announce stats on completion. Also group wkup and group monthup. That would be very nice.
Thank you
Greate Script
this job should be normally done by the zipscript
not by the sitebot
it's a good suggestion for zipscripts coders ;)
have fun
11-10-2003, 06:52 PM
after 478 downloads for dzsbot 0.95
here is a MAJOR UPDATE of my dZSbot
ofcoz DL link & changelog are on the 1st post ;)
have fun
11-10-2003, 06:54 PM
well done, great work :)
gonna test this out now, will keep you posted :p
11-11-2003, 03:11 AM
I'm in love with you bounty, finally I get imdb announce on nfo upload without bot crashing =)))
11-12-2003, 05:05 AM
Tcl error [proc_bandwidth]: can't read "chanlist(DEFAULT)": no such element in array
hmm, where can i define chanlist?
11-12-2003, 05:10 AM
################################################## #######
set chanlist(DEFAULT) "#chan"
set chanlist(INVITE) "#chan"
set chanlist(WELCOME) "#chan"
################################################## #######
it is missing in tcl
11-12-2003, 06:25 AM
another problem with IRCStat:
[12:18] _BOT: [ERROR:. user_file aM]
any idea?
11-12-2003, 06:35 AM
Originally posted by mapis
################################################## #######
set chanlist(DEFAULT) "#chan"
set chanlist(INVITE) "#chan"
set chanlist(WELCOME) "#chan"
################################################## #######
it is missing in tcl
umm no
11-12-2003, 08:35 PM
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
couldn't open "d:/ftp/upload/DIVX/......../sph-ls.xvid.nfo": no such file or directory
while executing
"open $ppath r"
invoked from within
"if { [string match "*.nfo" $vpath] == 1 } {
set tempfile [open $ppath r]
set nfofile [read $tempfile]
close $tempfile
# new or old imdb url
if ..."
(file "..\scripts\nfourl.itcl" line 33)
this is when i upload any NFO
11-13-2003, 01:16 AM
have u put the new nfourl.itcl?
11-13-2003, 04:50 AM
yes - 2.0.2 - whis is in archive... there is only one line in config...
hmm, but the NFO is on my disk, and path is really good :(
any idea?
11-13-2003, 02:41 PM
Thanks Bounty, the bot works great and all triggers are working for me except for !new. I receive the following error:
[13:35] <ko0bz> [13:35] Tcl error [proc_news]: couldn't open "e:/ioFTPD/logs/newdir.log": no such file or directory
I tried creating the newdir.log manually and running the trigger again, this time the table actually draws but there is no new folders listed. I know this isn't the way to fix it but I thought it might give one an uderstanding. Its not creating the log file. I searched the dzsbot.tcl for "newdir" and found a few instances, but I honestly unsure what to change.
Anyone have any ideas?
P.S I downloaded everything about 2 days ago, so I think the vers are up to date.
11-13-2003, 02:52 PM
And you're using B0unTy's newdir script in ioftpd?
11-13-2003, 03:05 PM
I am not sure. Is it a seperate download?
It is. Check
11-13-2003, 03:23 PM
I'll check it out. Thanks guys!!
11-13-2003, 03:51 PM
Hooray, that worked!!!
11-13-2003, 06:17 PM
11-13-2003, 06:18 PM
hmm, and what about my problem?
11-13-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by mapis
hmm, and what about my problem?
i have no idea
11-16-2003, 04:14 AM
more than 10000 views
more than 1000 downloads
for something free
nobody rated this thread !!!
eheh thx for your votes !!! :D
11-16-2003, 05:49 AM
Originally posted by bounty
more than 10000 views
more than 1000 downloads
for something free
nobody rated this thread !!!
bah ... LAMERS !!! :D
haha dunno how to rate a thread :) -> doh just see the drop down box :eek:
11-16-2003, 06:49 PM
here is an update of dzsbot
DL link & changelog is on 1st post
have fun
11-17-2003, 11:50 AM
Error in ProcessCommand() at line 16 : Overflow (6)
I get this from the new sitewho.exe both in bot and when I run it in cmd prompt
11-17-2003, 11:57 AM
same problem as romracer, i'm working on it :)
11-19-2003, 12:47 PM
B0unty there is a probleme with !speed :
madcow has been idle for 0m 3s, connected for 0m 3s
madcow is uploading ***** at 46 kBps
madcow is uploading ***** at 39 kBps
2 uploads, 0 downloads
then announce is :
[18:44:28] [@****]: <MaD> [STATUS] + madcow@admin is idle for 0m 7s - Online for 00:00:08
And that's all .... Do you remember you had the same problem before ? ;)
if idle is announce by sitewho.exe before other speed, bot gonna announce only idling .
11-19-2003, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by MadCowAss
B0unty there is a probleme with !speed :
madcow has been idle for 0m 3s, connected for 0m 3s
madcow is uploading ***** at 46 kBps
madcow is uploading ***** at 39 kBps
2 uploads, 0 downloads
then announce is :
[18:44:28] [@****]: <MaD> [STATUS] + madcow@admin is idle for 0m 7s - Online for 00:00:08
And that's all .... Do you remember you had the same problem before ? ;)
if idle is announce by sitewho.exe before other speed, bot gonna announce only idling .
hmm ok m8 i'll check what's the problem since i have modified the proc to use new sitewho i maybe forgot something ;)
thx for the report
have fun
11-20-2003, 07:27 PM
here is a little update for dzsbot
DL link & changelog on 1st post ;)
have fun
11-21-2003, 02:10 AM
hi, B0unTy, thx for your great bot, i really love this bot.:p
but recently i have some small problem, i wise to upgrade to ver 1.x, but i found the new sitewho(ADDiCT) is not working with my site(because i use the io-service, old sitewho(telnet) works), and it seems you have removed the old sitewho's support, so could you please add it back to the bot? thx so much.
11-21-2003, 03:56 AM
Originally posted by stLancer
hi, B0unTy, thx for your great bot, i really love this bot.:p
but recently i have some small problem, i wise to upgrade to ver 1.x, but i found the new sitewho(ADDiCT) is not working with my site(because i use the io-service, old sitewho(telnet) works), and it seems you have removed the old sitewho's support, so could you please add it back to the bot? thx so much.
well alote ppl have problems with io-service & shmem but i think you can find some solutions on this forum
i don't support sitewho via telnet & via ftplib
i'm very sorry if it can give you some annoyance
would be really nice to see a complet faq/doc about services working with shmem sticked on this forum ;)
have fun
11-21-2003, 11:58 AM
THX for the quick fix :D
11-21-2003, 02:07 PM
all modifications of dzsbot are welcome to share with everyones
- announces skins
- modifications of code
- etc ...
but please i would like to ask everyones to create your own thread to share modifications and let this thread for bug reports or requests
very big thx in advance
11-23-2003, 01:07 PM
Hi there!
I installed the dzsbot and now i have got one problem/question.
The bot announces actions like new dir/delete dir/race stats etc. without problems and absolutely correct, but it doenst react on channel commands like !who oder !bw. The only channel command that works is !help.
Anyone who knows what could be wrong?
Would be nice.
Thanks in advance.
11-23-2003, 01:15 PM
what info does the bot give you in dcc or telnet?
11-23-2003, 01:53 PM
On !bw command, on telnet appears:
[19:52] Tcl error [proc_bandwidth]: couldn't duplicate input handle: bad file number
11-23-2003, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by axora
On !bw command, on telnet appears:
[19:52] Tcl error [proc_bandwidth]: couldn't duplicate input handle: bad file number
11-23-2003, 02:27 PM
Oh, $me should be beaten for that. Sorry :)
I just checked telnet after dobber mentioned that. So i didnt recognize the manual-entry for that before.
11-25-2003, 07:00 AM
hey man, great script but I am having a bit of a problem.
I have tried two different installations following everything in the documentation and I get the same results.
I can not get sitewho command to process any commands as far as I can tell. !who, !bw, !uploaders and the rest of the commands basically tell me no one is online. I don't get any errors displayed in the bot console window or dcc chat window when using these errors, as I said.. the bot replies back with no users online.
everything else seems to be working fine tho, the bot will display new uploads, stats, uptime and the other stuff. (except for !new and I read I had to get newdir for that to work, ill try that)
I'm wondering if you have any suggestions.
I just downloaded ioFTPD, and everything else, it all seems to be the latest stuff.
hey man thanks in advance,
11-25-2003, 07:07 AM
is your version of ioFTPD 5.2.11 or later? (the free version 5.2.9 has a separate 5.2.14 update)
sitewho.exe won't work on earlier versions
11-25-2003, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by ADDiCT
is your version of ioFTPD 5.2.11 or later? (the free version 5.2.9 has a separate 5.2.14 update)
sitewho.exe won't work on earlier versions
damn i feel really stupid now. This indeed was my problem and everything so far seems to be working. thanks for your prompt reply and sorry Im such a newb. :(
thanks again!
11-26-2003, 05:36 PM
here we go m8s with a new version of dzsbot
for ranking announce you must add a cookie in your zipscript log STATS:
here is the modification for ioZS:
search the original line:
STATS_USERTOP=STATS: "$pwd" "$cnt. $bold$user$bold/$group [$uppedsize/$uppedfilesF/$percent%/$speedKB/s]"
and replace by:
STATS_USERTOP=STATS: "$pwd" "$cnt. $bold$user$bold/$group [$uppedsize/$uppedfilesF/$percent%/$speedKB/s] - rank:$user"
here the cookie is rank:$user
and dzsbot will replace it automatically !
have fun
11-27-2003, 05:30 PM
for ranking announce you must add a cookie in your zipscript log STATS:
here is the modification for project-zs/zipscript-c
search for line:
#define user_top "%n. %B%u%B/%-10g [%.1mM/%fF/%.1p%%/%.0sKB/s]"
and replace with:
#define user_top "%n. %B%u%B/%-10g [%.1mM/%fF/%.1p%%/%.0sKB/s] - rank:%u"
here the cookie is rank:%u
here is the modification for php_psio
search for line:
$user_top = "STATS: \"%v\" \"%n. %B%u%B/%g [%mM/%fF/%p%/%sKB/s]\"";
and replace with:
$user_top = "STATS: \"%v\" \"%n. %B%u%B/%g [%mM/%fF/%p%/%sKB/s] - rank:%u\"";
here the cookie is also rank:%u
have fun
11-27-2003, 06:04 PM
for ranking announce you must add a cookie in your zipscript log STATS:
here is the modification for badaazs itcl zipscript
!!! you need to change this twice !!!
search for line:
set dzstatu "$dzstatu$uamnt\. [b][lindex $line 0][b]/$groupt \[[format %.1f $mbfu]\mB/$filet\F/$perc\%/[format %.1f $spfu]\KBs\] [c]4[b]\(â [b] $tagwin [b]â \)[c]|"
and replace with:
set dzstatu "$dzstatu$uamnt\. [b][lindex $line 0][b]/$groupt \[[format %.1f $mbfu]\mB/$filet\F/$perc\%/[format %.1f $spfu]\KBs\] [c]4[b]\(â [b] $tagwin [b]â \)[c] - rank:[lindex $line 0]|"
here the cookie is rank:[lindex $line 0]
have fun
11-29-2003, 09:53 AM
I got several problems with new dzsbot 1.03. When i do !bw it gives me this:
[BW] + Uploaders: ParseTemplateFile()@ERROR:kb/sec - Leechers: template@->kb/sec - Idlers: file - Total: missing:@iskb/sec
for !wkup 10 it gives me this:
ERROR: "user_file" is not a valid file.
other commands give bogus output too such as !leechers, !idlers, !uploaders, etc etc.
Anyone have any idea what is going on. I just replaced me dzsbot 1.0.0 with this one.....edited all the variables just like 1.0.0.
NM, LOL I FIXED IT.....I was in a hurry and didn't edit the new iogroups, uptime, and sitewho ini's . :)
11-29-2003, 09:57 AM
edit sitewho.ini correctly
11-30-2003, 12:33 PM
Thx Alot For It , Seems Like You Done An Amazing Jog With It
11-30-2003, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by bounty
for ranking announce you must add a cookie in your zipscript log STATS:
here is the modification for badaazs itcl zipscript
!!! you need to change this twice !!!
search for line:
set dzstatu "$dzstatu$uamnt\. [b][lindex $line 0][b]/$groupt \[[format %.1f $mbfu]\mB/$filet\F/$perc\%/[format %.1f $spfu]\KBs\] [c]4[b]\(â [b] $tagwin [b]â \)[c]|"
and replace with:
set dzstatu "$dzstatu$uamnt\. [b][lindex $line 0][b]/$groupt \[[format %.1f $mbfu]\mB/$filet\F/$perc\%/[format %.1f $spfu]\KBs\] [c]4[b]\(â [b] $tagwin [b]â \)[c] - rank:[lindex $line 0]|"
here the cookie is rank:[lindex $line 0]
have fun
like this actually,
set dzstatu "$dzstatu$uamnt\. [b][lindex $line 0][b]/$groupt \[[format %.1f $mbfu]\mB/$filet\F/$perc\%/[format %.1f $spfu]\KBs\] [c]4[b] - rank:[lindex $line 0] \(â [b] $tagwin [b]â \)[c]|"
11-30-2003, 10:02 PM
when i type "!free all" I have in the partyline of the bot this error message:
TCL error [freealias]: wrong # args: should be "set varName ?newValue?"
what is the problem ?
11-30-2003, 10:04 PM
restart the bot. don't just rehash
11-30-2003, 10:21 PM
no this problem is here again :'(
11-30-2003, 10:57 PM
works fine for me. check perhaps your cut and pastes if you are upgrading. i noticed some variables name changed (like ircstats).
12-02-2003, 10:42 AM
im having a problem with the sections, ill setup multiple sections and only my last section entry will be announced, any idea why that is?
my tcl looks like this.
set sections "MP3 REQUESTS"
################################################## #######
# set paths(section) "/vfs_path/*" (vfs format) #
# set type(section) "RACE" #
# set chanlist(section) "#channel" #
################################################## #######
set paths(MP3) "/MP3/*"
set type(MP3) "RACE"
set chanlist(MP3) "#chan"
set sections "MP3"
set paths(REQUESTS) "/REQUESTS/*"
set type(REQUESTS) "RACE"
set chanlist(REQUESTS) "#chan"
set sections "REQUESTS"
set chanlist(DEFAULT) "#chan"
set chanlist(INVITE) "#chan"
set chanlist(WELCOME) "#chan"
12-02-2003, 11:12 AM
set sections "MP3"
set sections "REQUESTS"
u should only have
set sections "MP3 REQUESTS"
12-05-2003, 04:21 PM
after more than 250 downloads ;)
here is a new update of dzsbot
DL link & changelog on 1st post
have fun
12-07-2003, 09:00 PM
a small problem:
[09:58] <|bla|> -bla- [STATUS] + b@bla1 is downloading rl1.part33.rar @ 3kb/sec - 4MB/-1MB (-567978667%)
[09:58] <|bla|> -bla- [STATUS] + b@bla1 is downloading rlz1.part32.rar @ 3kb/sec - 6MB/-1MB (-735459556%)
dzsbot 1.04
12-08-2003, 01:10 AM
-1 MB for the filesize means sitewho.exe can't find your real file.
see what the output for %(realpath) gives u, check if it's 100% correct
12-08-2003, 04:06 AM
Originally posted by ADDiCT
-1 MB for the filesize means sitewho.exe can't find your real file.
see what the output for %(realpath) gives u, check if it's 100% correct
OK, I got it, the file is there, but it is in a virtual mapped directory, I think that's why sitewho.exe can't find it either.:p
12-09-2003, 08:09 AM
[14:04] Tcl error [proc_requests]: couldn't open "d:ilesRequests.ioFTPD.message": no such file or directory
the file is in that dir, but i get this error when i do !requests in irc
i'm using ioA 1.02 anyone got an idea what is wrong?
12-09-2003, 10:10 AM
"d: ilesRequests.ioFTPD.message":
I doubt that its in that dir..
edit: typo
firstly, i would like to thx bounty for this great plugin :)
i got a problem: when i type !bw i got this:
<xxx> -xxx- [BW] + Uploaders: 0@0kb/sec - Leechers: 0@0kb/sec - Idlers: 0 - Total: 0@0kb/sec
when the site is in activity (regular bandwith use), the same with !uploaders !leechers
12-09-2003, 06:42 PM
would be nice also if you can precise what version of dzsbot & sitewho you use
also check the sitewho.ini config
dZSbot 1.04
sitewho.ini seems to be ok
12-10-2003, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by HkN
dZSbot 1.04
sitewho.ini seems to be ok
well if all seems ok .. it should work ;)
12-10-2003, 04:35 AM
version of ioFTPD ? pre-5.2.11 versions will always return 0's
Originally posted by ADDiCT @ school
version of ioFTPD ? pre-5.2.11 versions will always return 0's
thx so much addict
12-12-2003, 07:59 PM
all seems to work nice accept for the !bw, !leechers !speed !uploaders command in irc announce
-xxx- [BW] + Uploaders: initialization@ERROR:kb/sec - Leechers: (is@failedkb/sec - Idlers: ioFTPD - Total: @running?)kb/sec
getting this all the time, when using site command it gives info just fine
ioFTPD 5-3-9r - dZSbot 1.04 - Eggdrop 1.6.15
12-12-2003, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by Coffee
all seems to work nice accept for the !bw, !leechers !speed !uploaders command in irc announce
-xxx- [BW] + Uploaders: initialization@ERROR:kb/sec - Leechers: (is@failedkb/sec - Idlers: ioFTPD - Total: @running?)kb/sec
getting this all the time, when using site command it gives info just fine
ioFTPD 5-3-9r - dZSbot 1.04 - Eggdrop 1.6.15
be sure you use dzsbot template located in dzsbot archive /script dir
12-12-2003, 08:14 PM
template_path_3 = c:\ftp\ioFTPD\scripts\sitewho\templates_dzsbot
this in sitewho.ini
path is correct
12-13-2003, 02:08 PM works now, strange dont think i changed anything, but as long as it works i'm happy.
great new features btwm was using a very old version of dzsbot before
12-16-2003, 02:19 PM
after more than 300 downloads here is the new release ;)
DL link & changelog on the 1st post
have fun
12-16-2003, 10:14 PM
dzbot is just about about the best bot for all platforms out there now.
But rank does not seem to be working with zipscript-zs??
I will say wkup: 0 - monthup: 0 for all?
12-17-2003, 03:25 AM
Originally posted by Pichento
dzbot is just about about the best bot for all platforms out there now.
But rank does not seem to be working with zipscript-zs??
I will say wkup: 0 - monthup: 0 for all?
did you correctly replaced the line:
#define user_top "%n. %B%u%B/%-10g [%.1mM/%fF/%.1p%%/%.0sKB/s] - rank:%u"
in your conf.h ??
Can you show me what you have in your ioftpd.log please ?
contact me on efnet #ioftpd thx.
all feedback about this option are really welcome !! please siteops ;)
12-17-2003, 05:01 AM
I got a small problem after upgrading to 1.05:
Tcl error [proc_ircstats]: wrong # args: should be "proc_ircstats"
Seems to generate that once in a while. Any hints to what might be wrong?
12-17-2003, 07:31 AM
Originally posted by Pichento
I got a small problem after upgrading to 1.05:
Tcl error [proc_ircstats]: wrong # args: should be "proc_ircstats"
Seems to generate that once in a while. Any hints to what might be wrong?
probably a bad copy/past in your config
retry to configure it from scratch ;)
12-17-2003, 07:55 AM
I did.
But it was admittedly very late :)
Update: Just tried it with a "vanilla" dzbot 1.05. Same thing happens.
12-17-2003, 03:32 PM
Hiya bounty.
Another little bug i cannot seem to cure:
[21:32] Tcl error in script for 'timer4498':
[21:32] syntax error in expression "1071696744 - ": premature end of expression
Any ideas?
12-17-2003, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Pichento
Hiya bounty.
Another little bug i cannot seem to cure:
[21:32] Tcl error in script for 'timer4498':
[21:32] syntax error in expression "1071696744 - ": premature end of expression
Any ideas?
hmmm no idea ... would be nice if you can contact me on irc #ioftpd (efnet)
have fun
12-17-2003, 07:26 PM
mmm !blasilent command give nothing in pvmsg. But it works ;)
Any idea ?
12-17-2003, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by MadCowAss
mmm !blasilent command give nothing in pvmsg. But it works ;)
Any idea ?
you need +o flag in eggdrop if you want eggdrop to reply you ;)
12-18-2003, 10:42 AM
I have +o flag ;)
But I thinh I didn't understand syntax for this command....
It's !blasilent we have to type to have the syntax ?
12-19-2003, 03:45 AM
Originally posted by MadCowAss
I have +o flag ;)
But I thinh I didn't understand syntax for this command....
It's !blasilent we have to type to have the syntax ?
!silent is a cmd for siteops ... it's not a public cmd
to have !silent to work you should msg your bot in private
/msg <botnick> !silent
exemple (priv msg):
<B0unTy> !silent
<dZSbot> Syntax: /MSG dZSbot !silent [-off|<*/VFS_path1*> <*/VFS_path2*>]
!silent */MP3* ... will add /MP3 path in denypost like that this path will be silent (no announce)
to reset to default just use !silent -off ... and it will reset the denypost as default
have fun
12-19-2003, 03:50 AM
Hiya bounty.
after upgrading to 1.05 and sorting out a few issues (good idea to restart bots completely and _not_ just rehash), i am left with a single error.
After some time bots will stop announcing completely. very frustrating and they need to be completely restarted in order to get them working.
12-19-2003, 04:32 AM
Originally posted by Pichento
After some time bots will stop announcing completely. very frustrating and they need to be completely restarted in order to get them working.
hmmm i have no idea what it can be ... probably related to your local config
and your eggy still stay online ? can you access into partyline ??
i think it should be possible to log partyline error msgs maybe it can help
if someone else have something strange like this please reply to this msg thx.
12-19-2003, 05:48 AM
Yep, bot works and no error msgs. Party line is just fine. It just stop announcing completely. Like it has been silenced. No error msg i logs at all.
12-19-2003, 10:03 AM
Thanx for your explainations B0unty ;)
first off.. great bot.. damn good work!!
now.. the problem.. not sure if this is typo/error/or made like this... but for the /msg bot invite command... it shouldnt be !precmdinvite user pass .. but just !invite user pass .. and also.. for commands like !silent.. u dont need precommand.. so.. heh.. yeh.. suggestion/error report.. or whatever.. this can ofcourse be edited easily.. but just thought i should point it out ;)
12-19-2003, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by HDD
first off.. great bot.. damn good work!!
now.. the problem.. not sure if this is typo/error/or made like this... but for the /msg bot invite command... it shouldnt be !precmdinvite user pass .. but just !invite user pass .. and also.. for commands like !silent.. u dont need precommand.. so.. heh.. yeh.. suggestion/error report.. or whatever.. this can ofcourse be edited easily.. but just thought i should point it out ;)
hmm it's in dzsbot 1.05 already maybe you use an older dzsbot or you copy/pasted badly your config ;)
12-19-2003, 11:18 PM
i have thought of something if your on a slow connection you would hate how when in irc u do !help it takes forever and cant do a command after that untill its done so i thought of this, and also i was thinkg if u can make this idea somehow optional into ur next version it would be great for slow and fast users atleast i think well here is teh code, it pu the help file into html of course you have to be running the http service for it to work ok..
################################################## #######
################################################## #######
proc proc_help {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global sections cmdpre dver
if {![file exist scripts/]} {
putquick "PRIVMSG $nick is missing in your windrop/scripts dir please check install"
putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\[[b][c]10HELP[c][b]\] [c]15+"
putlog "Launching sitebot (v$dver) for ioFTPD..."
putlog "Sitebot online!"
for this to work u must also have to add a help.txt in ur ../text/http
thats it i think, hope u find my idea usefull. thx
12-27-2003, 02:38 PM
as all running awesome good, may some little reqs for future versions ;)
removing trigger from !silent & !invite, no big deal to remove from tcl but ...
add more "post pm OR chan" on different outputs
# set to 0 = all results will be sent as private message (default)
# set to 1 = all results will be sent publicly to the channel
(newdir, search,..)
!undupe -d ...
!request, !reqdel, !reqfilled ...
!approve ...
.end for now ;)
thx bounty for this awesome job and great help :D
12-29-2003, 08:35 PM
hi bounty,
Uploaders: ParseTemplateFile()@ERROR:kb/sec - Leechers: template@->kb/sec - Idlers: file - Total: missing:@iskb/sec
i 've no idea what it can be,is that io "fault" cauze new templates etc ??
is appear with io5.4.3r and dzsbot 1.05
12-30-2003, 02:15 AM
check your sitewho.exe setup, looks like it cant find the
dzsbot templates needed
01-01-2004, 07:37 PM
after 400 downloads here is a new update of dzsbot ;)
DL link & changelog on the 1st post
have fun
01-04-2004, 08:45 AM
any chance you could add the Getnfo feature as seen in ioB ..and what bout color? any way to throw some color options in there.
01-05-2004, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by ButtersRugby
any chance you could add the Getnfo feature as seen in ioB ..and what bout color? any way to throw some color options in there.
for colors you should read the manual & the cookie txt again
for getinfo i'm working on it
have fun
01-05-2004, 08:03 PM
for me the function BANNED GROUPS is not working ...
set banned(0day) "bla blabla"
doesnt work ... anything else i should look at ?
works ...
btw ... is there a script which denies upload of banned grps ???
01-05-2004, 10:48 PM
newdir just add *-GRP to bandir.cfg :p
01-06-2004, 04:47 AM
Or ZR-Tools that both ban dirs/files and can clean zip-files from site- and group nfos.
01-06-2004, 09:04 AM
Hiya bounty.
Just wanted to inform you that bnctest.exe aint working. I have had to revert back to the binary included in the dzbot 0.96 release. it's double size but does work. havent been succesfull with the smaller exe form any of the latter dzbot releases.
OS is Windows 2003 server.
01-07-2004, 05:14 AM
Originally posted by Pichento
Hiya bounty.
Just wanted to inform you that bnctest.exe aint working. I have had to revert back to the binary included in the dzbot 0.96 release. it's double size but does work. havent been succesfull with the smaller exe form any of the latter dzbot releases.
OS is Windows 2003 server.
all binaries included in dzsbot are compressed with UPX 1.24
can you try the others binaries please ? and tell me if all of them work or not ?
thx for the info
01-07-2004, 08:15 AM
works just fine here on winxp sp1 swe
01-07-2004, 08:24 AM
its just bnctest.exe that does not work. Might be due to Windows 2003 server. dunno...
01-07-2004, 08:41 AM
Hi, i need to know what is for !silent and how find.exe look for a dir to approve, where to setup the paths, because on mp3 and 0day it takes too long for me and make the bot ping timeout...
tnx for the answer :)
01-07-2004, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by SnOwG0D
Hi, i need to know what is for !silent and how find.exe look for a dir to approve, where to setup the paths, because on mp3 and 0day it takes too long for me and make the bot ping timeout...
tnx for the answer :)
!silent you really should think about ;) or read
u see in 1st lines of dzsbot a ../etc/default.vfs
u can make an seperat VFS with only those pathes interested
for you for !approve like approve.vfs
then change that in dzsbot.tcl like ../etc/approve.vfs
now find.exe will only look whats in that vfs
but as u already heard, new dzs !approve will change anyway
you specify then directly in TCL wich pathes !approve should look for
wich is definately an speed boost on multi section sites and/or
hidden /pre /admin sections
01-08-2004, 11:01 PM
tnx very helpfull :)
01-11-2004, 11:23 AM
after more than 300 downloads here is a new version of my dzsbot ;)
DL link & changelog on 1st post
have fun
01-11-2004, 11:49 AM
sorry if you have DLed dzsbot 1.07 before this msg .. please DL it again
01-11-2004, 04:34 PM
lo, thx for the update
only thing is that !bw !idlers and such commands seems to work, but all announces 0 speed and stuff, zero users
when doing raw command site who i see that there are users donwloading and uploading. When using site swho it says no idlers, no uploading and such?!
01-12-2004, 03:48 AM
updated ioftpd.exe and now it works :banana:
01-12-2004, 02:45 PM
Something strange on Imdb
«19:42:16» {@BlackBot} -Blackserver- [IMDB] + TITLE: Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003)
«19:42:16» {@BlackBot} -Blackserver- [IMDB] + RATING: 6.4/10 (VOTES 654)
«19:42:16» {@BlackBot} -Blackserver- [IMDB] + GENRE: Action (RUNTIME: 90min)
«19:42:16» {@BlackBot} -Blackserver- [IMDB] + URL:
now on 1.07
«20:26:42» {@BlackBot} American History X (1998) -
«20:26:43» {@BlackBot} Directed by: Tony Kaye
«20:26:43» {@BlackBot} Genre: Drama
«20:26:43» {@BlackBot} Synopsis: A former neo-nazi skinhead (Norton) tries to prevent his younger brother (Furlong) from going down the same wrong path that he did.
«20:26:44» {@BlackBot} Rating: 8.3/10 (40,765 votes)
«20:26:46» {@BlackBot} Runtime: 119 mins.
«20:26:48» {@BlackBot} Budget: $10,000,000
«20:26:51» {@BlackBot} Opening Weekend: (USA) 512 Screens
Its more nfo ok!
But -Sitename- [IMDB] is missing!
i have this line in dzsbot.tcl
set announce(IMDB) " -%sitename- \[IMDB] + TITLE: %bold%title%bold \n -%sitename- \[IMDB] + RATING: %bold%rating%bold (VOTES %bold%votes%bold) \n -%sitename- \[IMDB] + GENRE: %bold%genre%bold (RUNTIME: %bold%timemin%bold) \n -%sitename- \[IMDB] + URL: %bold%uline%url%uline%bold \n"
Thx 4 help
01-12-2004, 02:54 PM
set announce(IMDB) " -%sitename- \[IMDB\] + TITLE: %bold%title%bold \n -%sitename- \[IMDB\] + RATING: %bold%rating%bold (VOTES %bold%votes%bold) \n -%sitename- \[IMDB\] + GENRE: %bold%genre%bold (RUNTIME: %bold%timemin%bold) \n -%sitename- \[IMDB\] + URL: %bold%uline%url%uline%bold \n"
should work just some \ missing
01-12-2004, 03:02 PM
not help :(
i have it. I have installed. Imdb.tcl , no uninstalled.and works, thx @ alturismo 4 help! And all others :)
01-12-2004, 03:08 PM
unload imdb.tcl ;)
01-12-2004, 03:13 PM
!!! WARNING !!!!!! WARNING !!!!!! WARNING !!!
!!! WARNING !!!!!! WARNING !!!!!! WARNING !!!
01-14-2004, 07:15 PM
im running imdb.2.2.1.tcl with dzsbot 1.07 and it runs bad ass. now when a users does !imdb finding nemo
it shows the imdb info the same way as dzsbot would.
<user> !imdb open range
<Kry***^> [*** IMDB] Open Range (2003) Directed by Kevin Costner -> rated 7.6/10 (2,490 votes) - genre: Drama - runtime: 145min >> URL:
shows the same when a .nfo file is upped for a rls.
Love it!
01-15-2004, 06:05 PM
hi m8s
here is a MAJOR UPDATE for dZSbot ;)
DL link & changelog on 1st post
have fun
01-15-2004, 06:05 PM
01-15-2004, 06:45 PM
Damn Bounty..
You're making me work overtime :)
Nice work once again!
01-15-2004, 09:24 PM
Thx b0unty .........too fast :D
i just completed now my update to 1.07
going to kork again :)
01-15-2004, 11:03 PM
hmmm whats wrong ? :(
[04:59] Tcl error [proc_getnfo]: invalid command name "dccsend"
i have the nfos.log
All others cmds works fine
01-15-2004, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by typhon|wk
hmmm whats wrong ? :(
[04:59] Tcl error [proc_getnfo]: invalid command name "dccsend"
i have the nfos.log
All others cmds works fine
Did you load the transfer module in the eggdrop.conf?
I would assume not, as "dccsend" is part of it.
01-16-2004, 06:49 AM
ioA 1.06 and dZSbot 1.08 ...
is it possible that bot announces in irc when doing !reqfilled 001 in irc ???
i only get a Notice ... but bot is not announcing :(
what to do to get bot announcing on !REQFILLED *** and !REQDEL *** ???
01-16-2004, 07:26 AM
No announce on IRC channel, nfo imdb.nfo in dir... why?
I have this error log:
01-16-2004 13:14:48 "..\scripts\nfourl.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
couldn't open "d:\divx\name.of.rls.nfo": no such file or directory
while executing
"open $ppath r"
(procedure "proc_nfourl" line 19)
invoked from within
(file "..\scripts\nfourl.itcl" line 82)
but in nfourl.itcl, there is only one line with config of hidden paths for deny check!!
And, of course, file exist...!
Any idea?
01-16-2004, 07:41 AM
Originally posted by NeoXed
Did you load the transfer module in the eggdrop.conf?
I would assume not, as "dccsend" is part of it.
thx NeoXed :)
01-16-2004, 09:17 PM
<@typhon|hm> !getnfo Looney.Tunes.Back.In.Action.DVDScr.2003.ITA-BxM
TYPHtest «xx@xxx-xx.xxxx.xxxxxxx.xx» is attempting to send bxm-ltba.sfv
!getnfo must send .nfo or sfv file ?
extract from my nfo.log:
01-17-2004, 06:53 AM
Seems like nfourl.itcl log everything instead of nfo only :confused:
01-17-2004, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by MadCowAss
Seems like nfourl.itcl log everything instead of nfo only :confused:
yes true :rolleyes: my fault
i have placed the write to log in a wrong place
i'm sorry i'll release a new dzsbot in some minutes
01-17-2004, 08:50 AM
hi m8s
here is a new MAJOR UPDATE for dZSbot
DL link & changelog on 1st post
have fun
awesome bounty, keep good work!
all i miss in dzsbot is trial/quota/passed script.
iotrial/ioqt are too messy, iobanana.tcl's passed script does the job very well and i really wish to see familiar one in dzsbot.tcl ;)
01-17-2004, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by zpr
iotrial/ioqt are too messy,
whatever ..
no offense badass, i respect your work, but...
just look how iobanana.tcl works: it doesnt create extra files to read user data from, it uses only three cmds on sitechan to check infos, it doesnt require any additional cmds to add user like site trial/quita add ...
your other scripts rock btw!
01-18-2004, 07:46 AM
i forgot to : set blfs(KEY) ""
on latest dzsbot (1.09) before releasing
so i reuploaded it correct ;) (for ppl who don't understood)
have fun
01-18-2004, 05:37 PM
wow, the updates are flying the last days, thx man.
Anyway you can implement the ioa version to in !xxversion output?
01-18-2004, 05:37 PM
dzsbot v1.09b out ;)
DL link & changelog on 1st post
have fun
i have a pb with dZSbot, when i type !bw don't announce anything, and i saw this:
site swho
200- ___________ ________
200- _______\_ _/__\ /________
200- \ / | | | _ /
200- | /\ | | | |
200-| |
200-| me@SiTEOP - - connected for 0h 0m 10s - idle for 0m 9s
200-| last action: "LIST -al" - path: /
200-| |
200-| Users: 1/5 | Up: 0 kBps | Down: 0 kBps | Total: 0 kBps |
200 Command successful.
then if bot isn't on ftp, it's impossible that's announce. What's happen?
01-20-2004, 01:58 AM
you probably haven't configured your sitewho properly... the sitewho uses shared memory (at least addicts does) and therefor does not need to be connected to the ftp.
And the bot (ur refering to dzsbot?) reads everything from io's logs.
thx 4 ur help fobban, i'll revise my config. But i thought that it could be 4 my router, because i don't have any port open (except ftp, telnet and http), but if dZSbot don't join to ftp, i don't believe it.
thx ;)
ioZS have some cmd for create newday? 'site newdate'?
*******SOLVED******** ;)
Hi I am having a slight problem. Bot does not announce imdb info after an nfo is uploaded? The .url and imdb.nfo is created in the folder just fine. But the bot does not announce the imdb info, like genre and budget and what not.
ioFTPD 5.3.9u, ioA 1.06, dzsbot 1.09b, ioZS 1.08
It works fine running on another system:
ioFTPD 5.3.9r, ioA 1.06, dzsbot 1.05, ioZS 1.08
Any suggestions?
01-24-2004, 02:56 AM
# work only if "set disable(IMDB) 0" #
set disable(IMDBANNOUNCE) 0 ; # announce imdb infos in channel
Set it to 1.
01-26-2004, 05:16 PM
DL link & changelog on 1st post
have fun
good j0b bounty! :)
01-27-2004, 09:18 AM
and what about my problem??
01-27-2004 15:17:04 "..\scripts\nfourl.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
couldn't open "d:/ftp/upload/DIVX/Waynes.World.1992.DVDRip.XviD.INTERNAL-ApL/wnw-apl.nfo": no such file or directory
while executing
"open $ppath r"
(procedure "proc_nfourl" line 19)
invoked from within
(file "..\scripts\nfourl.itcl" line 82)
01-27-2004, 05:29 PM
if you use ioA 1.07 and latest dZSbot
you should fix the Newdate_Log:
replace (original): Newdate_Log = ""%area" "%vfs" "%desc" "%phys""
by this: Newdate_Log = ""%vfs" "%desc" "%phys""
have fun
02-01-2004, 11:11 AM
when i try to use !getnfo rlzname command
my eggdrop say this in the PL:
[17:07] Tcl error [proc_getnfo]: invalid command name "dccsend"
is it a config problem?
02-01-2004, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by kraxdaz
when i try to use !getnfo rlzname command
my eggdrop say this in the PL:
[17:07] Tcl error [proc_getnfo]: invalid command name "dccsend"
is it a config problem?
add transfer module in your eggdrop.conf
02-01-2004, 05:24 PM
after installing dzsbot 1.10
and setting up the imdb script
i tried this in the channel
!imdb <movie>
and i get this error
Tcl error [proc_imdb]: char map list unbalanced
what does it mean?
and how do i fix it?
02-01-2004, 07:02 PM
found a small "bug" in irc-stats:
search for:
append stats_output "\[[lindex $line 0]. [lindex $line 1] %bold[lindex $line 4]%boldM\] "
and replace it with:
append stats_output "\[[lindex $line 0]. [lindex $line 1] %bold[lindex $line 5]%boldM\] "
now it announces the correct groupstats
02-01-2004, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Lathieza
found a small "bug" in irc-stats:
search for:
append stats_output "\[[lindex $line 0]. [lindex $line 1] %bold[lindex $line 4]%boldM\] "
and replace it with:
append stats_output "\[[lindex $line 0]. [lindex $line 1] %bold[lindex $line 5]%boldM\] "
now it announces the correct groupstats
the correct fix is:
replace the 2nd line with:
append stats_output "\[[lindex $line 0]. [lindex $line 1] %bold[lindex $line 3]%boldM\] "
and in ioGroups dzsbot template groupstats.body.nfo:
you need to remove %(description)
the line should looks like this:
%(index,2,R,0) %(groupname) %(files_selected) %(bytes_selected) %(speed_selected)
thx anyway for the report
it will be fixed in next rls ;)
have fun
02-02-2004, 05:03 PM
did someone know how to disable a group
from alldn allup stats ,is there a way with dzsbot or only figure it with ioftpd (iogroup or in ioftpd.ini NoStats= ??)
thx for the great script Bounty
02-02-2004, 11:35 PM
it gets better and better everyday :) good job buddy!
02-04-2004, 05:38 PM
after more than 300 downloads ;)
here is a little update
DL link & changelog on 1st post
have fun
g00d j0b bounty! greats!!!
02-07-2004, 05:08 AM
nice bot as usual from you :)
i have a little request:
can u expand kill section for to kill users in mirc ?
!killuser <user>
02-07-2004, 01:13 PM
I'm a ****ing idiot. Ignore me. I even saw that too.
02-07-2004, 01:26 PM
check the readme.install.txt
might should take a look at the big header BOX ;)
!!! -IF YOU HAVE "TCL error: couldn't duplicate input handle: bad file number" !!!
!!! -YOU SHOULD RUN WINDROP WITH -NT FLAGS (eggdrop.exe -nt) (read howto Hide Window part) !!!
02-08-2004, 02:43 PM
Can't get !version to werk anymore... is it me?
02-09-2004, 03:31 AM
Suddenly struck me that J: is a removable drive. Talked to ADDiCT who set me up with another build of ioDiskSpace.exe that included removable drives.. Problem solved :)
Original post:
I have a problem with !free. One drive doesn't show up when I do !free all, it works fine if I do !free drivej though. Here is my free configuration:
set device(0) "C: drivec"
set device(1) "D: drived"
set device(2) "E: drivee"
set device(3) "H: driveh"
set device(4) "J: drivej"
set device(TOTAL) 5
Here is the output from bot:
<laShan> !free all
<|B0T|> [ B0T ] + [FREE] + [drivec: 20.47/47.21 GB]
<|B0T|> [ B0T ] + [FREE] + [drived: 39.33/76.69 GB]
<|B0T|> [ B0T ] + [FREE] + [drivee: 36.86/115.04 GB]
<|B0T|> [ B0T ] + [FREE] + [driveh: 15.39/32.00 GB]
<|B0T|> [ B0T ] + [FREE] + TOTAL: 112.04/270.93 GB
<laShan> !free drivej
<|B0T|> [ B0T ] + [FREE] + [drivej: 9.30/27.92 GB] is free @ 33%
it could be the sections config, revise it, maybe there are some section bad...
02-09-2004, 04:50 AM
Doesn't help. I've tried a bunch of different configurations. Thx for the suggestion though.
02-09-2004, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by laShan
Doesn't help. I've tried a bunch of different configurations. Thx for the suggestion though.
after some tests with laShan it seems the problem come from the latest ioDiskSpace exe (
you should talk with ADDiCT directly ;)
thx for the report
have fun
02-09-2004, 09:35 AM
Would you change like this next time? :):)
[string match "*.nfo" $vpath] to [string match -nocase "*.nfo" $vpath]
02-09-2004, 11:38 AM
} elseif { $arg == "ALL" } {
for {set i 0} {$i < $device(TOTAL)} {incr i} {
set output $announce(DEFAULT)
foreach line [split [exec $binary(DF)] "\n"] {
if { [string match [lindex $line 0] [string toupper [lindex $device($i) 0]]] == 1 } {
set devices "\[[lrange $device($i) 1 end]: %bold[format %.2f [expr [lindex $line 3].0/1024]]%bold/[format %.2f [expr [lindex $line 5].0/1024]] GB\]"
set total_freespace [expr $total_freespace + [expr [lindex $line 3].0/1024]]
set total_space [expr $total_space + [expr [lindex $line 5].0/1024]]
set output [replacevar $output "%msg" $devices]
set output [basicreplace $output "FREE"]
if { $blfs(KEY) != "" } {
set eline [encrypt $blfs(KEY) $output]
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$blfs(HEADER) $eline"
} else {puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$output"}
set output $announce(DEFAULT)
set devices "%boldTOTAL%bold: %bold[format %.2f $total_freespace]%bold/[format %.2f $total_space] GB"
set output [replacevar $output "%msg" $devices]
set output [basicreplace $output "FREE"]
if { $blfs(KEY) != "" } {
set eline [encrypt $blfs(KEY) $output]
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$blfs(HEADER) $eline"
} else {puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$output"}
Bug '\n' in iodiskspace.exe
02-09-2004, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by durulink
Would you change like this next time? :):)
[string match "*.nfo" $vpath] to [string match -nocase "*.nfo" $vpath]
-nocase will be added in next rls for lame grps who use uppercase
if you can explain a little more your 2nd problem would be nice
have fun
02-09-2004, 03:00 PM
DF seems to return \r\n, but u split on \n only... leaving a trailing \r to the string...
just trying to mind-read here! ;)
02-10-2004, 11:25 AM
Ur confusing by pasting itcl code...
B0unty: he means that the .exe he uses as $binary(DF) seems to echo \r\n AFTER D: instead of BEFORE.
Dunno if u wrote ioDiskSpace.exe or not... but it seems to be his problem.
02-10-2004, 11:58 AM
-removed crap-
"\" means something different in your language, it looks like it's replaced with a weird "W"
02-10-2004, 12:03 PM
ehehe ADDiCT don't forget some of us are neophyt ;)
thx mouton i'm happy to know it wasn't my tcl fault ;)
have fun
02-10-2004, 12:13 PM
durulink, please try this version:
02-11-2004, 05:29 PM
time to learn english :D
02-11-2004, 05:36 PM
lol, nice comment, bounty :D
any one have a problem with pre's not announce'ing with dzsbot and ioa9 ?
file is pre'd the nfo file is processed and annouced by the bot, but no - sitename - some group has pred something ( files ) announce :confused:
02-11-2004, 10:34 PM
I didnt read alle 20 pages sorry when this already postet.
My problem.
Is it possible to undupe dirs from irc
like !undupe
In ftp works fine
site -d
In irc:
-bot- No results found.
!undupe -d
-bot- Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
Thx 4 help
02-12-2004, 02:04 AM
nope, doesnt work yet, may will come 1 day :D
02-12-2004, 02:50 AM
is it possible to announce certain actions in another ir channel?
for example site take and give announcing?
greetz Coffee
02-12-2004, 04:56 AM
how big is the timeout on !bnc cmd if bnc is down ?
on some tests i got 3mins to wait answare BNC IS DOWN and several times the bot quit irc for ping timeout......
can be fixed somewhere in dzsbot 1.11 ?
[10,41] <@typhon|hm> !tybnc
[10,44] <@TYPHtest> -TEST- [BNC] + - DOWN
02-12-2004, 05:06 AM
Originally posted by bounty
time to learn english :D
02-12-2004, 05:09 AM
Originally posted by ADDiCT
-removed crap-
"\" means something different in your language, it looks like it's replaced with a weird "W"
Thanks you very much. :):)
02-15-2004, 08:05 AM
no announce for imdb.
Tcl error [imdbcall]: can't read "tempDN": no such variable
Maybe, "tempDN" no define.
02-17-2004, 06:50 AM
I got some problem with dZSbot :s
bot works fine... till i do !bw / !speed or !reqadd.. then bot freezes and takes 100% CPU..
but i can use the !approve / !wkup / !help cmd..
i dont know what the problem is.. tried like 4 eggdrop versions..
have no idea anymore :)
plz help :P
02-18-2004, 08:12 AM
Originally posted by durulink
no announce for imdb.
Tcl error [imdbcall]: can't read "tempDN": no such variable
Maybe, "tempDN" no define.
well are you sure nfourl is installed corectly ?
tempDN is defined by nfourl physical path ($ppath2) variable and wrote in ioftpd.log with "IMDB:" msgtype
have fun
02-18-2004, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by Razor
I got some problem with dZSbot :s
bot works fine... till i do !bw / !speed or !reqadd.. then bot freezes and takes 100% CPU..
but i can use the !approve / !wkup / !help cmd..
i dont know what the problem is.. tried like 4 eggdrop versions..
have no idea anymore :)
plz help :P
any msg in patryline ??
02-18-2004, 08:53 AM
nope nothing
just in taskmanager eggdrop.exe goes to 100% CPU
and then bot is not responding to anything, dccchat.. just a time out..
very weird,
btw harm suggested to change cygwin1.dll and check if on my pc i have all the same versions.. well i tried 2 difrent versions.. nothing helps :s
eggdrop just hangs on the moment when its launching a external application..
P.S: another very wierd thing is that when i load ioBanana.tcl along dZSbot.tcl (iobanana loaded after dzsbot)
dzsbot work :) but it keeps rehashing its self probably some comunication error between 2 scripts.. but when i unload iobanana.tcl dzsbot just stops working :)
02-18-2004, 09:02 AM
If u got time, u could remove functions and codes from ioBanana.tcl until u isolate what line(s) fix the problem...
like remove half code, see if it still works, if it does, repeat until it doesn't... When it doesn't, just leave the code u just removed and remove everything else and see if it still works...
02-18-2004, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by bounty
well are you sure nfourl is installed corectly ?
tempDN is defined by nfourl physical path ($ppath2) variable and wrote in ioftpd.log with "IMDB:" msgtype
have fun
I changed location of 'nfourl.itcl'.
and i think that all editing is correct.
OnUploadComplete = TCL ..\scripts\dZSbot\scripts\nfourl.itcl
...[file exists D:/ioFTPD/logs/nfos.log] } { set newid [open D:/ioFTPD/logs/nfos.log a]...
If i upload MOV, get this error.
[03:11] Tcl error in script for 'timer154':
[03:11] char map list unbalanced
[03:11] dzsbot rehash
[03:11] Writing user file...
02-19-2004 03:11:15 NEWDIR: "ioFTPD" "ioftpd" "/MOVIES/TEst_MOVIE.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA" "D:\_ioFTPD\MOVIES\TEst_MOVIE.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA"
02-19-2004 03:11:16 IMDB: "/MOVIES/TEst_MOVIE.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA/obus.nfo" "" "ioFTPD" "ioftpd" "D:/_ioFTPD/MOVIES/TEst_MOVIE.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA"
02-19-2004 03:11:16 NEWDIR: "ioFTPD" "ioftpd" "/MOVIES/TEst_MOVIE.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA/CD1" "D:\_ioFTPD\MOVIES\TEst_MOVIE.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA\CD1"
02-19-2004 03:11:16 SFV: "/MOVIES/TEst_MOVIE.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA/CD1" "\003\00307-SFV-\003 \00314: Got SFV for TEst_MOVIE.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA (CD1). Expecting \00217\002F."
Only announce first NEWDIR. and NO announce all include IMDB.
hmm, cant figure out what the hell is wrong here, but MV and MP3 pre announce, however iso pre's ( vcd/svcd/dvdr ) dont any more, using laters ioa and dzsbot....
any idea's ?
+ added ioA version support in !version cmd (thx to laShan)
Just updated but dont see the ioA version with !version
03-01-2004, 07:21 PM
hi boter excuse m but th new bctest don't tell me DOWN dont check bnc but login e pass are correct... i have winxp is a problem? use the old for now...what the different from old to new version of bnctest?
ho excuse me now go i don't have rehash the site 8))))))
very thanks man :banana:
04-09-2004, 09:29 AM
first of all: nice work, great bot :D
second, I did a little modification on the request part, so you can also use the request name itself on the !reqfilled etc. triggers...
i used the code from 1.14, so I don't know if it works on other versions...
also, be sure to set these announces:
set announce(IRCREQSHEADER) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %boldCURRENT REQUESTS%bold"
set announce(IRCREQSBODY) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %bold#%req_number:%bold %req_name by %req_user"
set announce(IRCREQSFOOTER) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + if you fill a request, please do a %bold!egreqfilled release%bold (number or name)..."
set announce(IRCREQSNONE) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + Yes! Free from requests..."
also, I did some IRC versions of the remaining to REQUEST announces (REQFILLEDIRC and REQDELIRC), just copied the old ones and removed the @%group part...
if you don't know how to include this, you shouldn't do it anyway... this is mainly intended for saving B0unTy some work (if he intends to include this, and if he can live with my coding style *g*) :)
Have fun,
PS: Use it on your own risk... it may not be a resource saver, but it works (at least for me)
05-10-2004, 06:53 AM
enjoy with this new rls of dzsbot
05-20-2004, 05:07 AM
Hey bounty
Im using: dZSbot, ioA and php_Psio.
Think i found a small bug in the .tcl.
When u do a !search it only reports the first line like: --[SEARCH]---- and doesnt show the ---[ioA]- line. It stops right after the: 2 match to your criteria and doesnt show the last closing line.
Neoxed pointed me to this code wich solved the problem:
Find ->
set output " $found match to your criteria\n-------------------------------------------------\[ioA\]-"
if { $ioa(SEARCHIRC) == 0 } {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :$output"
} else {
sndchan "puthelp" $chan $output
Replace With ->
set output " $found match to your criteria\n-------------------------------------------------\[ioA\]-"
if { $ioa(SEARCHIRC) == 0 } {
foreach line [split $output \n] { puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :$line" }
} else {
sndchan "puthelp" $chan $output
That solved it and now it displays the last ---[ioA]-- line so its all good. Just thought u should know of it.
Thanks for a great bot!
b0unty, something wrong with ncftpls.exe, i cant get !bnc working at all, tried everything, setup is okay, so dunno...
i did some tests with iobanana.tcl and it shows 'up', weird...
06-01-2004, 11:04 PM
Hello, i updatet from dZSbot v1.05 to dZSbot v1.15
Everything looks like okay, but the Bot doesnt do anything if i give him a command like "!bw or !leechers etc."
Only if i remove the BlowFish key from my channel, the bot announce on my Commands!! But than all is cryptet because i removed the key before!!
"[05:59] [f] «@groats» !vibw
[05:59] [f] «@|Vi|» mcps 2eu1b02.9bS.5cMOU/eXWxX0Q8ZZu1JJOWY11.iBB//bfMg0TcTgT.YgxUp1Pf6J81d2l4U01.iBB//bfMg0g0XDG/X1qnU16zoaA1nKoio0MpBl31eqeuS./TnHo1PBmvk1rpSou/XihhK0"
Crazy or not? On my dZSbot v1.05 all was fine before ...
Anyone could help me?
Thnx alot!! :confused:
06-02-2004, 01:48 AM
most mIRC blowfish scripts use '+OK' instead of 'mcps', try changing that in your eggdrop settings.
ioftp 585r and dzsbot 1.15:
shouldnt dzsbot.tcl show incomplete races after .sfv upload?
because when i do !incomplete it only shows races where at least one file was uploaded. if someone start second race only with .sfv and .nfo dzsbot cant see it as !incomplete :(
dunno if its bug or normal behaviour...
06-03-2004, 08:57 PM
okay i changed the Bot Blowfish Header to '+OK'
Most Commands are working now but the !new Command from Sitenew doesn't work now. But it works before...
Tried to change the blowfisch header in newdir.tcl too, but nothing happend .... if i change back Blowfishheader from the DzsBot to mcps, my Newdir Command will work perfectly. But than all aother Commands don't work!
i am using "NEWDIR V3.5.1 by B0unTy"
Argh .... N E E D H E L P !! :confused:
06-14-2004, 06:14 AM
i have a problem and i do not find away it to solve. i have 2 channels but I would like that the NEWDAY anounce only anounce in one of it...
where can I adjust that?
can sombody help me... ?
thanks ;)
06-16-2004, 03:48 PM
Would be nice for dZSbot to support more zipscripts (FTPLogger, etc.) to give us some more options to play with. Keep up the good work.
if a zs ouputs dzsbot friendly logging then it`ll work
if you ask ramram to add it, im sure he would
07-11-2004, 05:15 PM
request bugged ?
If i request 2 same things it will say on irc that it was added.
If i delete req 2, it will del it.
If i delete it again, it will say that it delled a ghost.
Seems like ioa is either not returning good exit code, or dszbot method to find out if it was ok is bugged.
ioA under dos gives btw right replys (ëx: "That is already requested"
okay, found old bnctest.exe (from old dzsbot package) somewhere on hdd and changed that line:
set binary(NCFTPLS) "D:/Tools/ioFTPD/scripts/bin/bnctest.exe"
now !bnc works fine :banana:
ps. bnc user has to bypass ssl
08-13-2004, 11:13 AM
great bot, works wonderfully except for one minor problem that I can't seem to figure out (it occurs on 3 servers)
the commands for !free <whatever> seem to work fine. Except for !free APPS and !free DiVX .... now, this isn't just isolated to my server, it happens on other servers too .... and the case of the word is different (i.e. !free divx !free DiVX !free DIVX same with APPS) but it is still unrecognized ... it returns in irc: Available sections are: APPS DiVX DOX DVDR GAMES MP3 0day SVCD VCD
I've rummaged through this post quickly and couldn't find an answer .... thanks for your help.
08-13-2004, 12:27 PM
set scheck "$sections ALL" ----> set scheck "[string toupper $sections] ALL"
CASE sensitive!!
08-13-2004, 07:37 PM
wow .. thanks durulink .... just curious, how is one supposed to know to set it like that? :confused: :confused:
08-14-2004, 11:52 AM
Guessing!, Finding!, Editing! ^^
I searched that function in TCL/TK e-book!!
08-21-2004, 05:31 AM
Hi all !
I've recently set my ioFTPD with project-ZS and I wish to use dZSbot.tcl, but i have an error I don't understand.
Everything works fine (new dir, race, !help) but when I try !bw or any other !commands, nothing happens and I get this :
Tcl error [proc_who]: couldn't duplicate input handle: bad file number
Any ideas about that ?
Try this knowledge base article (
08-21-2004, 06:11 AM
thank you very much harm, this works better like this ;)
09-03-2004, 07:31 PM
Just a BIG thnx to bounty, dZsbot rox and its free as well!
It is very very much appreciated!
keep it up!
09-10-2004, 11:27 AM
request: support for iozs version in !version =)
09-10-2004, 02:02 PM
it's much easier, when you make a TXT File with all Versioninformations inside and list this via
versions = !..\text\ftp\version.txt
or something...
I done this with the Scripts as well....
scripts = !..\text\ftp\scripts.txt
| |
| _ ________________ ____ |
| (_)___ / ____/_ __/ __ \/ __ \ |
| / / __ \/ /_ / / / /_/ / / / / |
| / / /_/ / __/ / / / ____/ /_/ / |
| /_/\____/_/ /_/_/_/ /_____/ |
| / ___/__________(_)___ / /______ |
| \__ \/ ___/ ___/ / __ \/ __/ ___/ |
| ___/ / /__/ / / / /_/ / /_(__ ) |
| /____/\___/_/ /_/ .___/\__/____/ |
| _______ ____/_/ ____ (_)___ ____ _ |
| / ___/ / / / __ \/ __ \/ / __ \/ __ `/ |
| / / / /_/ / / / / / / / / / / / /_/ / _ _ _ |
| /_/ \__,_/_/ /_/_/ /_/_/_/ /_/\__, / (_|_|_) |
| /____/ |
| |
| |
| This ioFTPD-Daemon is enhanced with following scripts(*)... |
| |
| - Exec |
| - ioA v1.1.9 *MODDED* |
| - ioB v0.3 |
| - ioCAT |
| - ioCMDNEW v1.3 |
| - ioDISKSPACE v1.01 |
| - ioDLCOUNT v1.0 |
| - ioGROUPS v1.0.288 *MODDED* |
| - ioGUI v2.0.5 |
| - ioHELP v1.10 *MODDED* |
| - ioISOTOPE v0.1.6.0 |
| - ioLAST v1.0 *MODDED* |
| - ioNUKESTATS v0.2 *MODDED* |
| - ioPROCESS |
| - ioPSKILL |
| - ioPSLIST |
| - ioREADD v1.1 |
| - ioRESERVE R6 |
| - ioSHOWLOG v1.2 *MODDED* |
| - ioSKIPLIST v1.1 |
| - ioTRAYICON v0.61 |
| - ioUPTIME v1.01 |
| - ioVOTE v0.2 *MODDED* |
| - ioZS v2.03 |
| - OcScript v3.2 |
| - sC |
| - SiteKill v2.0.7 |
| - StormACTIVITY v1.1 *PATCHED* |
| - StormAPPROVE v1.1 *PATCHED* |
| - StormLOG v1.0 |
| - StormRULES v1.1 |
| - StormSHOWNFO v1.0 |
| - Version v1.2 *MODDED* |
| - XferStats |
| |
| (*) see for further details. |
| |
09-17-2004, 05:29 PM
Something happened in my TCL file and now I can'y get any commands to work in the chan. !bnc works fine but nothing else. I'm sure there is something im plainly missing but I've redone 3 .tcl's now trying to fix it so any help would be much appreciated.
Just a little question:
I want to have the plot in the imdb.nfo but when I add it, it only shows the 56 chars like it supose to.
Like this:
...::( The iMDB! )::...
.-================================================== =================-.
| |
| Title....: Spider-Man 2 (2004) |
| Rating...: 7.9/10 |
| Votes....: 28,164 |
| Genre....: Action / Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Thriller |
| Director.: N/A |
| URL......: |
| Runtime..: 127 mins |
| Budget...: $200,000,000 (estimated) |
| Country..: USA |
| Language.: English |
| Screens..: 4,152 Screens |
| Tagline..: Sacrifice |
| Plot.....: Peter Parker is beset with numerous personal problems wh |
| |
`-================================================== =================-'
Is it possible to have it showed like this:
...::( The iMDB! )::...
.-================================================== =================-.
| |
| Title....: Spider-Man 2 (2004) |
| Rating...: 7.9/10 |
| Votes....: 28,164 |
| Genre....: Action / Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Thriller |
| Director.: N/A |
| URL......: |
| Runtime..: 127 mins |
| Budget...: $200,000,000 (estimated) |
| Country..: USA |
| Language.: English |
| Screens..: 4,152 Screens |
| Tagline..: Sacrifice |
| Plot.....: Peter Parker is beset with numerous personal problems |
| while Spider-Man confronts the brilliant Dr. Otto |
| Octavius, who has been transformed into "Doctor Octopus" |
| (aka, "Doc Ock"), a multi-tentacled menace. |
| |
`-================================================== =================-'
The dZSbot.tcl is now like this:
puts $fileid ""
puts $fileid " ...::( The iMDB! )::... "
puts $fileid ".-================================================== =================-."
puts $fileid "| |"
puts $fileid "| Title....: [format %-56.56s $title] |"
puts $fileid "| Rating...: [format %-8.8s $rating] [format %-47.47s " "] |"
puts $fileid "| Votes....: [format %-8.8s $votes] [format %-47.47s " "] |"
puts $fileid "| Genre....: [format %-56.56s $genre] |"
puts $fileid "| Director.: [format %-56.56s $name] |"
puts $fileid "| URL......: [format %-56.56s $url2] |"
puts $fileid "| Runtime..: [format %-3.3s $runtime] mins [format %-47.47s " "] |"
puts $fileid "| Budget...: [format %-56.56s $budget] |"
puts $fileid "| Country..: [format %-56.56s $country] |"
puts $fileid "| Language.: [format %-56.56s $language] |"
puts $fileid "| Screens..: [format %-56.56s $screens] |"
puts $fileid "| Tagline..: [format %-56.56s $tagline] |"
puts $fileid "| Plot.....: [format %-56.56s $plot] |"
puts $fileid "| |"
puts $fileid "`-================================================== =================-'"
close $fileid
Thx if you can help me with this minor problem :)
11-01-2004, 03:37 PM
what I do for work on ssl for command !bnc ...?
I work with SSL and my sitebot is in the group sitebot
in ioFTPD.ini look for this line:
I have it like this:
Require_Encrypted_Auth = !=sitebot *
this will exclude the sitebot group to use SSL and works
11-28-2004, 06:58 AM
here is a little fix for the channel check permission_result (setudef) for IMDb for ioftpd's dZSbot
have fun
12-13-2004, 12:00 PM
using dSZbot 1.15 | ioZS 2.05 | eggdrop1.6.15+SSL
only prob im having is with the cookies. cookies like %sitename, %path and %section work; however, %bold and %color do not.
can anyone help?
nevermind, just used [c] [b] instead.
12-14-2004, 08:53 AM
check proc basicreplace in dZSbot.tcl
set output [replacevar $output "%bold" "\002"]
set output [replacevar $output "%color" "\003"]
23:38:00 :: <*> [17:37] Tcl error [show_free]: couldn't duplicate input handle: bad file number
23:38:18 :: <*> [17:38] Tcl error [proc_bandwidth]: couldn't duplicate input handle: bad file number
my windrop is started with -nt egg.conf ..
after 5 days dzbot is buggy i run under win2000
ioftpd pack :
ioFTPD 5-6-3r - dZSbot 1.15 - Eggdrop 1.6.15+SSL - ioA 1.1.9 - Newdir - php_psio
what can i do to fix that shit ?
the bug is very weird
i dont have moded dzs ... thx for the futur help
01-17-2005, 06:24 PM
Is the eggdrop dir inside your ioFTPD dir?
yep :)
it is :)
But ... when i restart the ioftpd.exe the sitebot works nicely ... now i have move my windrop in a different directory i hope it's fixed :)
01-18-2005, 03:19 AM
When its in the ioFTPD dir it uses the ioFTPD tcl files instead of the eggdrop ones and starts screwing up. Weird that its an intermittent thing but :/
09-20-2005, 08:01 PM
I'm trying to get my bot to invite to multiple chans.
I have in my config:
set chanlist(INVITE) "#chan1 #chan2 #chan3"
however when inviting it only invites to chan1.
How do I get it to invite to multiple? (and yeah, the bot is opped and present in all 3 channels)
09-28-2005, 03:17 AM
Sorry, but where can i get DZSbot? Link on the first page goes to the root of Inicom site. :)
09-28-2005, 04:24 AM
Theres a sticky to the old scripts page in the new scripts forum.
10-05-2005, 12:43 PM
EwarWoo, it only leads to the scripts page, not to the old where dzbot is :)
11-22-2005, 10:23 PM
lotsa questions keeps unanswered here? :'(
05-10-2009, 02:45 PM
is it possible to have more than 9 colors? for the dzsbot theme?
if i add
color10 = "09"
and use
%c10{ text}
it will not show the specified color10.
am i missing something?
05-10-2009, 03:09 PM
just add whatever color you want by using this
05-10-2009, 03:29 PM
thanks, that works :)
04-29-2010, 09:13 PM
where can i get the latest dzsbot i have looked everywhere and all i can find is one that is stripped down and has no !cmds and runs off sum strange shell i want the full version so if anyone knows please let me know and the sticky does not work the link is dead
01-14-2011, 04:14 AM
i have updated the link on the 1st post
my dzsbot work stopped : end of april 2004
this is the last i've done
PS: tell me if the link don't work
have fun
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