View Full Version : Limit BW to entire server

08-26-2003, 05:19 AM
It would be nice to be able to limit BW to the server, without limiting bw to the machine the server is running on.
For exaple if I have a box running on a 10 Mbit network, and this box is running ioftpd, but also other network applications. I would like to have the ability to, in the inftpd.ini file, limit the ioftpd to 5 Mbit.

This is also because I have had the same problems as Dark Origin in this forum link (http://www.ioftpd.com/board/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1276) . This seems to have solved itself by lowering the priority of ioftpd. But I still want to limit bw to the server, maybe also be able to limit bw depending on "service/device".


08-26-2003, 06:55 AM

Try that.

09-12-2003, 09:18 AM
Sorry for a late reply,

I have been testing Netlimiter since your post Cornelio, but actually it doesn´t work.

Netlimiter itself works fine, I for instance have 96 kbyte Upstream an allocate 75 kbyte Upstream for the ioFTPd service. Not a problem, ioFTPd runns only at max 75 kbytes upstream. But my problem still persists, the fact that as soon as I have a user on the FTP server, the whole network (read internet access only) becomes slower than the avarage 28.8 modem.
IoFTPd takes controll of my intire BW.

I will post this under another forum header.


09-12-2003, 10:03 AM
NetLimiter doesn't work very well on my system. It constantly crashes. dark0n3: Is it too difficult to add bandwith limiting? And if not, what kind of incentive would you need to add it? I figure, if Netlimiter would have worked, I would have to pay a fee to register it, so why not pay that fee to have the option added in the program that I was limiting...