View Full Version : Bug in [Change-Permissions]

06-21-2003, 10:12 AM
When testing gadmin stuff I stumbled onto something...

Seems gadmins (users with G flag) AND regular users can access certain commands that they are not supposed to.

When gadmin/user tries to SITE CHANGE groups other than their own and users NOT in gadmin's primary group:

admingroup = 1M Permissions denied.
credits = 1M Permissions denied.
flags = 1M Permissions denied.
groupdescription = 1M Command successful. <-- Bug!
groupslots = 1M Command successful. <-- Bug!
groupvfsfile = M Command successful. <-- Bug!
homedir = 1GM User is not in your primary group. Command successful. (but no change)
logins = 1M Permission denied.
passwd = 1GM User is not in your primary group. Command successful. (but no change)
ratio = 1GM User is not in your primary group. Command successful. (but no change)
stats = M Permission denied.
tagline = 1GM User is not in your primary group. Command successful. (but no change)
vfsfile = M Permission denied.

Only tested on ioFTPD 4.9.4r.

06-21-2003, 11:38 AM
I can only confirm the bug.

Gadmins can also exeed their slot allocations and still add users if they want to - above slot allocations.

Had to clean up one messy userdb after 90% decided to add more users than their allocations (slots).

06-22-2003, 01:33 PM
Fixed in next version. Closing this thread.