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ioA 0.8.1 released!
Compability with b5 mainly
ioA 0.8.1 @
Great, been waiting for it, thanks alot:) Sad as of now u have 40 views and not 1 reply.
06-08-2003, 12:12 PM
Thanks WARC.
One thing I have a prob with, (probably me)
site request
200-__________________________________________________ ____________________
200- Added request:
site request
200-__________________________________________________ ____________________
200- [001] [tnemec ] ->
200-__________________________________________________ ___________________
site reqfilled 001
200-__________________________________________________ ____________________
200-No requests made
Seems it doesnt find them...
I did a typo in cfg file. I missed a "-" in reqfield so it matches how requestline looks.
correct ones are:
RequestLine= [%##] [%-10user] -> %-25request
RequestField= ->
06-08-2003, 01:26 PM
Thanks for letting me know!
ioA is a lifesaver!
06-08-2003, 03:40 PM
yeah ioa is great =)
06-08-2003, 03:54 PM
Quick hack for making !siterequests from dZSbot.tcl work properly with new ioA...
Remove the brackets from [%-10user] in ioA.cfg:
RequestLine= [%##] %-10user -> %-35request
And in dZSbot.tcl, edit the lines under proc proc_requests so they look like this:
set output [replacevar $output "%user" [lindex $line 1]]
set output [replacevar $output "%request" [lrange $line 3 end]]
set output [replacevar $output "%cnt" [format %02d $cnt]]
thanks Zer0Racer for that add. I here add one that works when having [] which is default. I'm no expert at tcl at all so bare with this silly solution:
set output [replacevar $output "%user" [string trim [string trim [lindex $line 1] "\["] "\]"]]
set output [replacevar $output "%request" [string range $line [expr $index2 + [string length $reqsplitter]] end]]
06-08-2003, 10:18 PM
debug = 0/1 doesnt seem to make a difference, ioa.debug is still made
WarC, tried and it doesnt work.
RequestLine= [%##] [%-10user] -> %-50request
################################################## ###############################
################################################## ###############################
proc proc_requests {nick uhost hand chan args} {
global announce disable reqs_file reqsplitter
if { $disable(REQUESTSHOW) == 0 } {
set tempfile [open $reqs_file r]
set section "DEFAULT"
set cnt 0
set output $announce(REQHEADER)
set output [basicreplace $output "REQUESTS"]
sndall $section $output
while {![eof $tempfile]} {
set line [gets $tempfile]
set index2 [string first $reqsplitter $line]
if { $index2 != "-1" } {
set cnt [expr $cnt + 1]
set output $announce(REQUESTSHOW)
set output [replacevar $output "%user" [string trim [string trim [lindex $line 1] "\["] "\]"]]
set output [replacevar $output "%request" [string range $line [expr $index2 + [string length $reqsplitter]] end]]
set output [replacevar $output "%cnt" [format %02d $cnt]]
set output [basicreplace $output "REQUESTS"]
sndall $section $output
close $tempfile
set output $announce(REQFOOT)
set output [basicreplace $output "REQUESTS"]
sndall $section $output
ZeroRacer, tried also your way, without brackets:
RequestLine= [%##] %-10user -> %-50request
and replaced those 3 lines in dzsbot.tcl. same, failded :(
[20:05:48] (@zpr) !requests
[20:05:52] (@Bot) -xxx- -----[ Current Requests ]
[20:05:53] (@Bot) -xxx- -----[ End ]
debugissue solved.
zpr. If none of our suggestions work for request then you must be doing something wrong. Not needed to be in tcl part but could be in ioA setup as well. If you dont get requests showing when doing it from server it will not work from irc. Have you tried from server?
A clue to error would be that reqfield is not matched agains requestline
06-10-2003, 12:54 PM
@ Zpr : Edit the splitter in the tcl... Splitter has changed ;)
06-11-2003, 10:55 PM
Question: ioFTPD uses UTC, now in ioA, when I pre something with %M%D (MONTH/DATE) set in ioa.cfg it pres to localtime still, any way to fix that?
So, Is there a quick fix or just being patient for next update??
06-12-2003, 07:33 AM
Thank you.
So how do I fix it? Or is it in next release?
06-17-2003, 11:14 AM
how come i cant get the to be affected by cookie placement controls, ie %.72, %10 etc, to cut off excess letters in log ??
230- _____
230- ______________________________|__ |____ ________________________________
230- \ _ / _ / _ / | | _ / _ / _ /
230- \ \ / / / /____/. | | / / /____/. /_____/
230- \________/____/ /______ |___|____|___/ /______ |____|
230- .-=----------- /____/ ---- |____| --------- /____/ ---- |____| ------------=-.
230- 0617 ioFTPD | how mother ****ing big does this oneliner go i wander it could be unlimited but i know it aint
230- '-=------------------------------------------------------------------------=-'
230- '-----( Type 'site onel MESSAGE' to enter your message )-----'
06-17-2003, 04:57 PM
stop writing long oneliners ;)
06-18-2003, 07:40 PM
yes, there is no way tho is there to mangle ioA into manageable (<htf u spell that word<)? line ? :S
fukkit, ive done me own head in now. :rolleyes:
If you read manual it states that cookies is ONLY for requestpart atm.
06-20-2003, 11:16 AM
06-24-2003, 04:43 PM
does new day function use system date or UTC date?
atm it uses systemdate & time. This will however change in future version so it uses UTC as ioFTPD.
07-05-2003, 01:10 AM
can someone tell me what gets logged in to the syslog, and why mine would be empty?
dont know what log syslog is for log. You mean sysop.log?
ioA only uses ioftpd.log with !putlog. nothing else
07-08-2003, 06:25 PM
site syslog in ioA reads the sysop.log from ioFTPD which contains information about changes made to user accounts etc.
site syslog 1
200- 07-09-2003 01:01:37 'zer0racer' added ip '*@' to user 'ioFTPD'.
07-08-2003, 10:54 PM
is there a way to read the ioFTPD.log
can help anyone?
site pre MP3 testmp3
200- ioA is wrongly configured. Gropurow is wrong
Pre_Group_Data=HOM|APPZ-ISO MP3|/PRE|0|0
"f:\programme\ioftpd\site\home" /
"c:\download\_pre\HOM\" /PRE
"e:\" /Laufwerk-E
"C:\download\Movies\DIVX\" /Laufwerk-C
"c:\download\Appz\ISOS\" /APPZ-ISO
"c:\download\Appz\Rips\" /APPZ-RIPS
"c:\download\Books\" /BOOKS
"c:\download\DEMOS\" /DEMOS
"c:\download\DOX\" /DOX
"c:\download\Games\Englisch\" /GAMES-Englisch
"c:\download\Games\German\" /GAMES-German
"c:\download\Games\Rips\" /GAMES-Rips
"c:\download\MP3\" /MP3
"c:\download\Konsolen\" /KONSOLEN
"c:\download\Upload\" /UPLOAD
"c:\download\Movies\" /MOVIES
"c:\download\REQUEST\" /Request
"c:\download\Archiv\" /ARCHIV
"c:\download\mp3\" /Today-MP3
07-21-2003, 09:50 AM
MidKnight put in your ini:
ioftpdlog = !..\logs\ioFTPD.log
and use "site ioftpdlog" to see the log
if you use flash fxp put in your script:
site ioftpdlog
that's all
sorry for my bad english
This is a Q I've got a lot of since last version. Its easy to fix as well. Just by reading configfile it says:
# Format group: "<group>|<pretype>|</path/to/predir>|<userid>|<groupid>|<ufo>"
I'm 100% sure that you just updated exe and not checked configfile or changelog. This was added in 0.7.7 version.
to be short you miss "ufo" parameter. if you dont know the use for it just put anything there
Originally posted by bart
can help anyone?
site pre MP3 testmp3
200- ioA is wrongly configured. Gropurow is wrong
Pre_Group_Data=HOM|APPZ-ISO MP3|/PRE|0|0
"f:\programme\ioftpd\site\home" /
"c:\download\_pre\HOM\" /PRE
"e:\" /Laufwerk-E
"C:\download\Movies\DIVX\" /Laufwerk-C
"c:\download\Appz\ISOS\" /APPZ-ISO
"c:\download\Appz\Rips\" /APPZ-RIPS
"c:\download\Books\" /BOOKS
"c:\download\DEMOS\" /DEMOS
"c:\download\DOX\" /DOX
"c:\download\Games\Englisch\" /GAMES-Englisch
"c:\download\Games\German\" /GAMES-German
"c:\download\Games\Rips\" /GAMES-Rips
"c:\download\MP3\" /MP3
"c:\download\Konsolen\" /KONSOLEN
"c:\download\Upload\" /UPLOAD
"c:\download\Movies\" /MOVIES
"c:\download\REQUEST\" /Request
"c:\download\Archiv\" /ARCHIV
"c:\download\mp3\" /Today-MP3
07-27-2003, 11:08 AM
Just a small question regarding the IoA search function.
To set which path the search function is to search, I alter this line:
The problem is, that my site is using several different drives to carry different sections, and using the above search_path those sections will not be searched.
I've tried to write the search path like this:
Search_Path=d:\ioftpd\site|/|3 h:\dvdr|/dvdr|1
Just longshots. But to no avail. I just get a syntax error output.
So, I wonder if it's possible to add more paths. Is it? Maybe I'm just missing something.
07-27-2003, 12:49 PM
i use several harddrives aswell, this is how a snippet of my vfs:
"E:\ALBUMS-0-9" /_Albums/_Albums-0-9
"E:\ALBUMS-A-D" /_Albums/_Albums-A-D
and to search these, this is my search cfg.
try to be more specific in your search paths, because anytime you use a different drive you have to tell search to look on that drive aswell.
i hope this helped.
07-28-2003, 08:03 AM
Actually, that helped alot!
Thanks! :D
I have a problem with pre, if the user is timed out before the pre has completed transfering to the correct dir (120 timeout) , it dosent complete the pre transfer. Any way to get around this
07-31-2003, 12:28 AM
Keep pre-dir on same device (hdd) as section.
hmm never thought of that. I wonder if ioftpd kills the process then. Lets find d1 and find a solution :)
08-03-2003, 08:21 PM
What about adding more output templates for ioA, for exapmple for ioA search or some of the other features, i would like to have a custom output for them, which is not possible now, since output design is hardcoded. That would be a nice thang for the next version ;)
Issue about custom outputs and not have been discussed many times I can say. Eventually that might come but atm I work on other projects that actually make money. After talking to a lot of people they don't really care about the custom output since they would use default anyway and that makes all the time I would spend on it useless for most people.
08-04-2003, 09:29 AM
Hm, in not very much into default ;)
But sure, it's your business, i only said it would be nice to have such a feature, so you can put it deep down on a "wanted-features-list" :) If it's there some day YEAH, great, if not...not so bad, then i'll write a wrapper exe, which parses and converts the output :)
08-16-2003, 09:09 AM
since latest version newday event seems to have stopped working.
Still have it in schedulare exactly same, still have exact same pre are line and was working fine before but now it doesn't make the new dir.
looking into this tonight
yeah Im having the same problem, strangly enough loging into the site and doing site newdate works???? but it wont do it automaticly
just add 2 cents that site newdate doesnt work here too...
latest ioa ofcourse
contacted with WarC on efnet. afaik he's working on it, so we have to wait ;)
To begin. I have checked this many times now and until I can get the error number from zpr I cant solve it. Several people have tested it now with 100% success actually. I will continue to see what it can be.
I hope that you noticed that ioA now uses UTC time everywhere and if scheduler is not changed and you check directly after it should not have worked. If it works via sitecommand but not scheduler is the problem.
config is correct if it works with site command.
paste the debuglines either here on in a memo on irc for me.
was it you that got it working again or do I mix nicknames otherwise please contact me to get a special version for test
08-23-2003, 09:09 AM
For me newdate works just fine, creates a new dir etc. The only problem is that the today-mp3 dir doesn't get teh right date. It will always be 1 day behind. Ie. Newdate gets started, announces new date for mp3 (/mp3/0823) then the today-mp3 link will got to /mp3/0822, etc. Any ideas?
links not getting updated I've heard a lot about actually no matter what script being used. have you tried to restart io and see if it points correct?
08-25-2003, 03:33 AM
Restarting makes no diffrence it will just not point to the right directory.
08-25-2003, 05:38 AM
Once when I helped a friend with this newdate stuff nothing seemed to work until I deleted the dir that was supposed to be a symlink. Next time newdate was triggered everything worked just fine. Try it, see if it makes any difference.
when uploading to groups dir the uploader dont gets credits.
when he pre the dir he gets credits.
hi again
pre is section 1
mp3 is section 0
jeza what is the problem ?
if he dont gets credits while uploading then you set it to a 0 ratio area in ioftpd userfile
RATIO 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 3
Mp3 = 0 1 /mp3/*
Archive = 0 /archive/*
Series = 0 /series/*
Speed_Test = 4 /request/speed_test/*
Request = 0 /request/*
Pre = 1 /groups/*
Default = 0 *
08-26-2003, 12:45 PM
I'm having troubles with the weekly allotment rotation. Everything else about the weekly stuff seems to work, I can add and change users' weekly settings, and the Weekly_Data_File is getting populated properly. But their credits are not being reset at the scheduled time. Here's my scheduler line:
Weekly = 0 0 6 * ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe WEEKLYSET
if I run ioA.exe WEEKLYSET from the command line, I see a !change ... line for every weekly user, so I'm sure it's accessing the data file properly. But when run from ioFTPD's scheduler, it's not making the credit changes.
Thanks for any help.
if you use it as a sitecommand does it set the credits correct then?
Are there other scripts that are scheduled before ioa that might fail and therefore not execute ioa after?
08-27-2003, 01:29 PM
Yes, it is setting people's credits correctly when I do 'site weekly user 0,6000'. I don't think it's another script failing and preventing ioA from running, because I tried rescheduling it for a fixed time yesterday so I could test it again, and it didn't work.
ok I have to be clearer I guess.
make a command for weeklyset as sitecommand:
weeklyset = ..\ioA\ioa.exe WEEKLYSET
and execute that from ftp client "site weeklyset"
does it set credits now?
08-28-2003, 12:28 PM
Ah, sorry, misunderstood your question. Yes, doing that does set the credits properly. So it would seem it's an issue with running it from the scheduler.
I'll continue to poke at it. If you or anyone else has any more ideas or suggestions, I'd appreciate it.
Thanks WarC
09-04-2003, 10:50 AM
Nevermind. This was me being an idiot :)
09-07-2003, 03:32 PM
I think I'm dumb and forgetting something, but I've been trying all day to set up ioA again, but I guess I forgot how. I followed the manual and set up the .cfg to point to everything right. Only thing is, when I login and exec the site command, I get a command successful but nothing happens. Like, I do site request request, it'll be successful, but when I look into the request folder, nothing has been created. Er, no requests have been created. Also, site pre after exec just does nothing either. Is there something I'm missing? Same with rescan and rescanall. Newest ioA 8.0 and newest ioFTPD. WinXP SP1.
could be almost anything but if no debuginfo is created its probably the paths in ioftpd.ini thats wrong and therefore not executing ioA at all.
09-10-2003, 01:51 AM
lo, may i missed some in latest ioA
when i try the errlog, syslog,..
i get an error like below, when using ioA 0.8.0 (replaced .exe)
it just works fine, see below
List Complete: 909 bytes in 0,08 (0,89 KBps)
site errlog 2
200-Commandline: "..\ioA\ioa.exe errlog 2"
200-temp: "C:\Programme\ioFTPD\ioA\ioa.exe"
200-ioA error. Talk to scriptmaker. Exiting
200 Command Successful.
site errlog 2
200- 09-10-2003 08:13:44 User 'SiteBot' tried to login with improper rights to service 'Telnet_Service'.
200- 09-10-2003 08:14:30 User 'SiteBot' tried to login with improper rights to service 'Telnet_Service'.
200- 09-10-2003 08:32:35 Host '*@localhost' did not match any of user 'alturismo' allowed hosts.
200 Command Successful.
i just replaced .exe from 081 back to 080 between the 2 commands
cause i knew it was working before ;)
that error is a tricky one actually and apparently appears different depending on setup. It affects ALL commands since its in the inilizer. if you have not grabbed ioA after the repack do that and replace exe. if error still exist contact me on irc
09-10-2003, 08:19 AM
yep, was too fast on your /PRE release :D
u should made an proper instead, hehe
- New: !unlock is back
so WarC, when un-/nuking with ioA will kick anyone from un-/nuked dir ? :D
miss that so much since ioB became commercial :(
09-15-2003, 07:42 PM
He's using it.
ioB still do the trick, and still isn't commercial.
try not to let your tongue slip too often.
Originally posted by Mouton
He's using it.
ioB still do the trick, and still isn't commercial.
try not to let your tongue slip too often.
that not commercial version you mentioned about its v16f? afaik iob v16f is not compatible with latests ioftpd b5.x. plus all those bugs v16f has... :(
i'm sorry my tongue doesnt slip at all. it was your decission to charge for a script :)
09-16-2003, 02:22 AM
Originally posted by zpr
i'm sorry my tongue doesnt slip at all. it was your decission to charge for a script :)
couldn't have said it better myself..
What ever happened to the spririt free4all?
I am using !unlock and have been doing that since its first entry to ioFTPD, however it seems I need to modify it a tad to make it work. I didnt test it as I thought it was the same as before. New version will come as soon as I can get some free time
09-30-2003, 09:38 AM
Hi Warc,
I seem to be having a problem with ioA and nuking, whenever i nuke something it shows up as Emptynuke() Any clue?
SITE NUKE Test-release 2 Test
200- Applying emptynuke to (). 25MB
200 Command Successful.
Nuking/Unnuking works fine for changing the dir etc, it just doesn't change the credits correctly. It always shows up empty.
ioA 0.8.1, ioBanana 18-free and ioFTPD 5.1.3r (Was already occuring with 5.0.12r)
10-01-2003, 03:11 AM
Possible to add mp3 genre to pre message?
10-01-2003, 06:49 PM
WarC ... any idea why "newdate" just works via sitecmd ?
regular and with EXEC wont work in sheduler :(
ioA or ioFTPD issue :\
10-02-2003, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by Guardian
WarC ... any idea why "newdate" just works via sitecmd ?
regular and with EXEC wont work in sheduler :(
ioA or ioFTPD issue :\
I had an issue with NewDate as well, i switched to another script which unfortunatly doesn't announce the new date. Anyway the problem with the ioA NewDate was the fact that it didn't update the today-mp3 link once it was set.
10-02-2003, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by Monkie
I had an issue with NewDate as well, i switched to another script which unfortunatly doesn't announce the new date. Anyway the problem with the ioA NewDate was the fact that it didn't update the today-mp3 link once it was set.
Works perfect for me on both 4.9.4 and 5.1.3 and everything in between :)
since it gives that output it means that something is wrong(it doesnt list a user or group at all) so it should state in ioa.debug what error it is. Almost sure its userfile/groupfile error
if newdate works as a sitecommand that means that configuration is 100% correct. If it doesnt work with scheduler that could be some different reasons.
1. Falty setup so it doesnt run at all
2. Timezone issues(check if its run at all It gives E080 If not mistaken) perhaps date already exist due to this
apparently it still doesnt work with the kicking. The syntax I got from d1 and the simple bat-file tests I made have not kicked the client so is this a bug in io. I dunno
atm I'm sitting with a ****ed up hd and all sources are wasted. I have not planned to add it near future though.
10-03-2003, 01:24 AM
Oh shit that sux WarC :(
Had 50% of all my data also dead this year :(
New hd, and while moving all crap the maxtor made random errors (didnt like to work with my cdrom it seems) :(
10-03-2003, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by WarC
since it gives that output it means that something is wrong(it doesnt list a user or group at all) so it should state in ioa.debug what error it is. Almost sure its userfile/groupfile error
Hi Warc, Let me paste the part it says in the ioa.debug
10-03-2003 06:22:15 COMMANDLINE - nuke Gaute-Miss_You_When_Youre_Gone-Promo_CDS-2003-PRS 2 Test
10-03-2003 06:22:15 NUKE nuke - Gaute-Miss_You_When_Youre_Gone-Promo_CDS-2003-PRS
10-03-2003 06:22:15 NUKE multi - 2
10-03-2003 06:22:15 NUKE reason - Test
10-03-2003 06:22:15 NUKE oldpath - D:\ioFTPD\site\home\ioftpd\\mp3\1002\Gaute-Miss_You_When_Youre_Gone-Promo_CDS-2003-PRS
10-03-2003 06:22:15 NUKE newpath - D:\ioFTPD\site\home\ioftpd\\mp3\1002\[NuKED]-Gaute-Miss_You_When_Youre_Gone-Promo_CDS-2003-PRS
10-03-2003 06:22:15 INFO - Check directories
10-03-2003 06:22:15 INFO - Checked directories
10-03-2003 06:22:15 INFO - Read users
10-03-2003 06:22:15 INFO - Done reading users
10-03-2003 06:22:15 NUKE - ################### SCAN FILES ######################
10-03-2003 06:22:15 INFO - Caching Directory
10-03-2003 06:22:15 INFO - Cached directory
10-03-2003 06:22:15 INFO - Searching directory
10-03-2003 06:22:15 INFO - Clear vfs-cache
10-03-2003 06:22:15 NUKE - ################ SCAN FILES ENDED ###################
10-03-2003 06:22:15 INFO - Emptynuke!!!!
10-03-2003 06:22:15 INFO - Get ratio for user
10-03-2003 06:22:15 INFO - Got ratio for user
10-03-2003 06:22:15 NUKE - !change STATS section 0 credits -25600
10-03-2003 06:22:15 NUKE messagefn - D:\ioFTPD\site\home\ioftpd\\mp3\1002\Gaute-Miss_You_When_Youre_Gone-Promo_CDS-2003-PRS\.ioFTPD.message
10-03-2003 06:22:15 NUKE nuketag - NUKED 2 x by Monkie for Test
10-03-2003 06:22:15 NUKE nuketagvfs - !vfs:add 555 143:107 NUKED 2 x by Monkie for Test
10-03-2003 06:22:15 INFO - Cleaning incompletetags
10-03-2003 06:22:16 INFO - Rename nuked dir
10-03-2003 06:22:16 NUKE nukeper - !vfs:add 555 143:107 D:\ioFTPD\site\home\ioftpd\\mp3\1002\[NuKED]-Gaute-Miss_You_When_Youre_Gone-Promo_CDS-2003-PRS
10-03-2003 06:22:16 NUKE - DirRecursion
10-03-2003 06:22:16 NUKE - Dirrecursion start
10-03-2003 06:22:16 NUKE - Dirrecursion stop
10-03-2003 06:22:16 NUKE - DirRecursion end
10-03-2003 06:22:16 INFO - All done return
I personally don't really know whats wrong still, i notice it says "Emptynuke" again but i don't get why it won't get the user. It doesnt matter what group i nuke, the rest of the site seems to work just fine. Any idea how i should fix this, if it would be some userfile problem?
Thanks in Advance
As I see it there is no problem with userfiles loading which is 99% the problem ususally. Dont really know the cause of this atm until I got a system that I can test latest io & ioA on together. Do you have a irc nick I can reach you on in case of any testing is needed?
10-04-2003, 03:25 PM
I have a problem ... one to do with site request function ....
On the reqfilled function, it returns back the error:
site reqfilled 1
200-ioA configuration error. Exiting
200 Command Successful.
However, the configuration seems correct ... the only part I can see that isn't is the following:
################################################## ##############
#Where is user/group/users located
ioFTPD_User_File=c:\ioFTPD\etc\UserIdTable <--- I don't have this
ioFTPD_Group_File=c:\ioFTPD\etc\GroupIdTable <--- I don't have this
Any help would be appreciated, thank you
If you use ioFTPD 4.xx you don't have those files, because they are changed to 5.xx...
10-04-2003, 06:04 PM
thanx, i got it working
if you're using 4.xx
UserIdTable is equivalent to passwd
GroupIdTable is equivalent to group
So for 4.xx users to use the site request function it should read the following:
10-05-2003, 02:23 PM
Just an idea... since ioA handles nuking, shouldn't also deny the re-creation of nuked dirs/releases.
I saw a script on the forum that did this, but I also kinda thought it's something ioA should handle itself.
10-05-2003, 05:34 PM
Search function is bit bugged :)
site search wheels
It puts // with these parameters:
If i search for a game it doesnt make //.. only does it when using the d: line
there might be a suprise on that issue later on.
I'll look into it
as some of you know I lost most of my sourcefiles from the current versions so it will take me some time to get all working again but eventually it will come
10-19-2003, 07:35 AM
i have one question....
i have in the ioa.cfg this line
and in the ioa.debug this message...
10-19-2003 11:59:26 COMMANDLINE - newdate
10-19-2003 11:59:26 NEWDATE - arealine= mp3|Some MP3 shit|I:\ioFTPD\MP3\%M%D|/MP3/%M%D|0|d:\ioFTPD\site\today-mp3
10-19-2003 11:59:26 NEWDATE - E080 Unable to create newdatedir. I:\ioFTPD\MP3\1019
10-19-2003 11:59:26 NEWDATE - area= mp3
10-19-2003 11:59:26 NEWDATE - desc= Some MP3 shit
10-19-2003 11:59:26 NEWDATE - phys= I:\ioFTPD\MP3\1019
10-19-2003 11:59:26 NEWDATE - vfs= /MP3/1019
10-19-2003 11:59:26 NEWDATE - symlink= d:\ioFTPD\site\today-mp3
10-19-2003 11:59:26 NEWDATE - Errornumber: 183
10-19-2003 11:59:26 NEWDATE - Unknown error
can anyone help me !!
If that path is correct make sure the dir is not already there. That will give a error and also not update the link. Remember ioFTPD uses UTC time and depending on ioA setting that could be a problem
10-20-2003, 05:06 AM
Hi all
ioFTP 5.1.10r
ioA 0.8.1
newdir 2.3
I had some problem setting up the nuke functions of ioA ...
I authorize users with 1N flags to nuke in ioFTPD.ini
nuke = 1N
nukes = *
unnuke = 1N
unnukes = *
Here's the nuke related part in ioa.cfg:
# Create a tag for nuke and what syntax.
# 0 = None, 1 = Directory, 2 = File
Nuke_Tag=NUKED %multi x by %user for %reason
but even if I change for example "Nuker" user flags to 1N, I always get this msg :
200- You are not allowed to nuke other groups
200 Command Successful.
If I give flags 1MGN (through editing user file) to this users, msg returned is the same...
Same problem if I had this user to all groups
Only the original master account can nuke other groups ...
If someone has an idea, thx in advance ;)
change it back to G!
Then it works.
It means that:
Allows releasegroups to nuke their own releases ONLY
Feature was requested and therefore added. A normal nuker
should therefore NOT have the flag specified for this.
If using G as groupadmin and you want gadmin to be a nuker
then put Groupnuke flag as something else and do not give
gadmin this flag.
So, NUKERS just need 1 flag, or N if you have configured so.
10-20-2003, 03:44 PM
hmm, REQFILLED and reqdel dont work anymore with long filenames?
10-20-2003 20:14:52 COMMANDLINE - reqdel 4
10-20-2003 20:14:52 REQUEST - requestfield " -> "
10-20-2003 20:14:52 REQUEST - requestline " [%##] [%-10user] -> %-35request"
10-20-2003 20:14:52 REQDEL - E041 Unable to remove ioFTPD file
10-20-2003 20:14:52 REQDEL - E042 Unable to remoce request directory
and for reqfilled i need the request number? why i cant reqfill with rls-name? (for this FlashFXP command Mark Request As Filled (selected dir): SITE REQFILLED %f )
thx for help :D
reason for not working with release anymore is becuase I had a poll and more people wanted it this way. Tough luck for you others that didnt vote for other option. My guess is that "ooh but gl have it this way I want it that way to!" is the reason.
define problem with long filenames. you mean its cut off or what. If so then its your setup. you have it set for 35 chars long.
If not using groupnuke then set some megaodd character at Nuke_group_flag. For instance Z if that is not used anywhere else as flag.
11-01-2003, 09:21 AM
when sending a message to a user for example.........
when a user is changing dir/ and has any messaes, shouldn't he be notified in the dir/ changes that he/she has a message?
if thats correct would have i missed, cause it doesn't do this?
11-02-2003, 06:14 AM
i have a problem.....
in Error log can i see this....
11-02-2003 01:00:14 Scheduler event 'Newday' returned error.
can everyone help me !!!!
Sammy : be sure you use EXEC before the ioA.exe relative path.
In example :
Newday = 0 0 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA.exe NEWDATE
11-02-2003, 02:09 PM
THX for this msg @Harm
and i have one more problem...
in my io.cfg stand.....
Pre_Group_Data=DND|SVCD MP3|/ioFTPD/_pre/DND/*|0|0|
the virtual path in default.vfs is....
"J:\ioFTPD\_pre\DND" /DND
and in the flashfxp when i enter....
site pre svcd pre-test-01
come this msg....
200- Not allowed to pre from here
can help enyone me.
From default ioA.cfg:
Format group: "<group>|<pretype>|</path/to/predir>|<userid>|<groupid>|<ufo>"
Then your configuration should be something like :
Pre_Group_Data=DND|SVCD MP3|/DND/*|0|0|hubba
11-03-2003, 07:22 AM
i enter this in my io.cfg
Pre_Group_Data=DND|SVCD MP3|/DND/*|0|0|hubba
and now i became this in flasfxp
site pre svcd pre-test-01
200- Not valid PRE type
11-03-2003, 07:27 AM
maybe the pretype is case sensitive ?
11-03-2003, 09:21 AM
i dont what you think ???
PS: my english is not so good ;)
Indeed, the pre type is case sensitive. This means 'svcd' is not 'SVCD'.
11-04-2003, 12:49 AM
Pre_Group_Data=DND|SVCD DVDR|/DND/*|0|0|DND
site pre SVCD pre.test.01.DND
come this....
site pre SVCD pre.test.01.DND
200- Not valid PRE type
11-04-2003, 02:21 AM
Originally posted by Sammy
Pre_Group_Data=DND|SVCD DVDR|/DND/*|0|0|DND
site pre SVCD pre.test.01.DND
come this....
site pre SVCD pre.test.01.DND
200- Not valid PRE type
Your Area= values are wrong.
You need:
Area=SVCD|Some SVCD Tagline|D:\ioFTPD\site\SVCD|/SVCD|0|NULL
Area=MP3|Some MP3 Tagline|D:\ioFTPD\site\MP3|/MP3|0|NULL
Pre_Group_Data=DND|SVCD MP3|/DND/*|0|0|hubba
This way ioA knows where SVCD and MP3 are located when you PRE a release.
11-04-2003, 05:54 AM
THX you
is gone...
200- pre.test.01.DND
200- succesfully pred to
200- /SVCD/pre.test.01.DND
How do I get the sfv to check when sfv is uploaded? Only thing that works for me right now is to manual rescan the folder to get it to work.
Isnt there a way to get ioA to do this auto?
11-04-2003, 01:24 PM
no way to use ioA for checking sfv when uploaded, it is only meant to be an addon, bot a sfvscript, for that you'll need to chose a zipscript, some are
- ioZS
- PSio
- zipscript-c
- FTPLogger
PSio can be a good choice btw
odd: ioA isn't a zipscript.
Yes, it can rescan a whole directory or even a single file.
No, this can't be automatic.
If somebody is uploading a release and you notice that it's a nuke, when you try to nuke him you get error something like this:
"cannot rename dir, try manual rename"
The error is because the user is uploading the release at same time when you try to nuke him, ioA cannot rename directory...
so im asking,
can it be included in ioA that it would first kick out the user from uploading that release and then nuke dir and mark it as [Nuked]-
I would apprecite it
thx for advance
frog this issue have been discussed many many times before. In this thread even if not mistaken. If !unlock feature of ioftpd would work as specified the problem would not exist
11-16-2003, 04:51 PM
maybe its time to ioA have configurable messages ??? ;)
fuka pay me enough and you will have it :)
11-17-2003, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by WarC
fuka pay me enough and you will have it :)
everything has it price ;p
tell me how ? ;)
11-24-2003, 01:26 PM
Work in progress for new header files ? (wipe and newdate don't work anymore) ?
Just a question, for knowing the oportunity to donate ;)
working on it all.
It will take me probably this week to make one version that works as good as I want it to and not have to many bugs :)
11-24-2003, 08:16 PM
11-25-2003, 04:47 AM
ehehe yeah w/o ioA lots of users are lost in cyberspace ;)
we all need it ... thanks for your efforts WarC
have fun
ioA 1.0.0 is out.
Its so hot that you might burn yourself on it if not wearing protective gloves...hmm better stop licking those mushrooms.
well well. Its new, rewritten, new config, no new commands(yet) so please read manual part carefully.
available @
12-08-2003, 10:06 AM
neat WarC, but what is:
UnNuke_Run_Script = "C:\script.exe unnuke %user %size"
and same for nuke?
What script?
I cannot get ioA to rename Nuked dir at all :(
Tried a few diffent things and no errors in debug.log, but dirs do still not get renamed on nuke / unnuke. Any ideas to why?
12-08-2003, 10:31 AM
nice and fast work WarC
1.01 takes care of the renaming bug in when Nuking. But now Nuked dir is not renamed when unnuking.
1.02 coming :)
Good work tho. great to have ioA back for 5.3.9r
hm ... what to say...
nothing but...
jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
thx warc :)
12-08-2003, 11:01 AM
hmm site pre makes my eggdrop crash.. me or script? :p :D
12-08-2003, 11:23 AM
10x Nuke bug!
200- nick1 | GROUP1 | 543.66MB | 6523.95MB
200- nick2 | GROUP2 | 774.76MB | 9297.15MB
200- nick3 | GROUP3 | 290.42MB | 3485.02MB
200- Total bytes: 1608.84MB Total credits: 19306.13MB
200- nick1 Bytes: 543.66MB Credits back: 0.00MB
200- nick2 Bytes: 774.76MB Credits back: 1105.15MB
200- nick3 Bytes: 290.42MB Credits back: 0.00MB
site uinfo nick1
200-| |
200-| Login: nick1 Group: GROUP1 |
200-| Unfo : muh ownz ya Flags: 3 |
200-| |
200-| Credits: -1609088MB WkUp: 87856KB |
200-| Ratio : 1:3 WkDn: 0KB |
200-| |
200-| Ip1. *@*.*.*.* Ip2. |
200-| Ip3. Ip4. |
200-| Ip5. Ip6. |
200-| Ip7. Ip8. |
200-| |
And i have no Nuketagfile in the Nukeddir!
12-08-2003, 12:40 PM
Same here.
No Notags inside nuked dir
12-08-2003, 12:45 PM
They are there, check inside your "complete" dir or "sample" dir or simular, its there! ;)
I´ve reported it to WarC, so he knows about it , hopefulle it will be fixed soon, along with other small "bugs". :)
12-08-2003, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by -=DoBBeR=-
hmm site pre makes my eggdrop crash.. me or script? :p :D
I have the same problem here. And also, when someone pre's a release, the release doesn't get moved, the dir just gets created in the destination dir, but nothing is moved. (and sometimes, only the sample gets moved..)
12-08-2003, 01:24 PM
damn nice warC
1 tiny prob here too
site pre ... ......
takes 100% cpu on eggdrop tested on 1.6.13 & 1.6.15
renaming nuke/unnuke working here
kick on nuke/unnuke now also :D
as always great work, thanks
12-08-2003, 02:18 PM
pre'ing works here. but most commands seem to take for ages to execute and seem to lock up system momentarily.
12-08-2003, 02:53 PM
pichento, it actually pres here too
but no announce and eggie freezes here
12-08-2003, 03:03 PM
pre\ing and announcing works fine here.
only grave error is the nuke tagging and the missing unnuke on my system
12-08-2003, 03:13 PM
hehe, weird, nuke tag fine, unnuke also fine
wich egg version u use ?
may that could solve it here, if its 1613 or 1615 i have to recheck
cause when its working there should work here too ;)
12-08-2003, 05:02 PM
working real fine here! great work :)
ok lets see here.
nuketag = fixed
pre = fixed. if you pre a dir with no tags inside it worked but not otherwise :)
rename dir on nuke/unnuke = havnt seen that prob
nuke getting silly numbers = fixed
UnNuke_Run_Script = script.exe dont exist. its just an example that its possible to run something.
I got a exe with latest build up
this is 1.0.2 pre version(replace exe).
If errors still exist with this version let me know.
12-09-2003, 02:20 AM
site pre xBoX TESTPRE
200- Configuration of ioA is wrong. Pre_Areas is wrong
With the 1.0.2
12-09-2003, 03:06 AM
Same here.
No pre'ing now :(
12-09-2003, 04:23 AM
and the nuke...
[L] site nuke testing 1 testing
[L] 200--[Nuke]----------------------------------------------------------------------
[L] 200- Syntax:
[L] 200- site nuke <dirname><multiplier><reason>
[L] 200------------------------------------------------------------------------[ioA]-
12-09-2003, 05:33 AM
A suggestion to WarC:
Could u add so a unnuke "site unnuke release" only, will auto unnuke with reason "none" instead of being forced , as today, to write "site unnuke release none" ?
And IF one writes a other reason that will be used , would be really great IF that could be added.
THX in advance, MaistroX
With 1.0.2 I get ->
SITE NUKE Nisse.Skall.bada-TcS 3 For.testing
200- Nisse | nuker | 805.36MB | 4026.80MB
200- SkallBada | PREGNaNt | 795.64MB | 3978.18MB
200- Total bytes: 1600.99MB Credits taken: 8004.97MB
200 Command successful.
SITE UNNUKE [Nuked]-Nisse.Skall.bada-TcS none
200- Nisse Bytes: 805.36MB Credits back given: 0.00MB
200- SkallBada Bytes: 795.64MB Credits back given: 0.00MB
a "bit" unfair, that users nuked, dont get any creds back with a unnuke ! ;)
12-09-2003, 06:00 AM
yap now PRE are broken!
SITE PRE apps test.pre-TEST
200- Configuration of ioA is wrong. Pre_Areas is wrong
Maybe the configuration changed in the ini whit this new exe?!?
Mine looks like this!
Pre_Area_0 = "APPS|Apps Pre|d:\apps|/APPS|0|NULL"
Pre_Group_0 = "TEST|APPS|/TEST/*|0|0|TEST"
Nuke and UnNuke still working fine here!
200- test | TEST | 29.83MB | 149.15MB
200- Total bytes: 29.83MB Total credits: 149.15MB
200 Command successful.
200- test Bytes: 29.83MB Credits back: 149.15MB
200 Command successful.
Originally posted by stLancer
and the nuke...
[L] site nuke testing 1 testing
[L] 200--[Nuke]----------------------------------------------------------------------
[L] 200- Syntax:
[L] 200- site nuke <dirname><multiplier><reason>
[L] 200------------------------------------------------------------------------[ioA]-
config it correct and it will work. you have clearly removed the space as nukesplitter
Originally posted by Fireport
site pre xBoX TESTPRE
200- Configuration of ioA is wrong. Pre_Areas is wrong
With the 1.0.2
bad thing with just putting a exe up. Solution....
exmaple from celereon:
Pre_Area_0 = "APPS|Apps Pre|d:\apps|/APPS|0|NULL"
in 1.0.0-1 there is a ufo parameter there last. That was never used so therefore is removed in 1.0.2 version
12-09-2003, 06:52 AM
Pre_Area_0 = "APPS|Apps Pre|d:\apps|/APPS|0|NULL"
is that the correct format once again?
with "NULL" instead of ufo at the end?
Tested it and:
Pre_Area_0 = "APPS|Apps Pre|d:\apps|/APPS|0" - works
Pre_Area_0 = "APPS|Apps Pre|d:\apps|/APPS|0|NULL" - doesnt.
thanks for the updates WarC. Nice work man.
ufo is only the "word" for it.
correct syntax is without it:
Pre_Area_0 = "APPS|Apps Pre|d:\apps|/APPS|0"
12-09-2003, 08:44 AM
unnuke still won't work. Creds are given back etc, but dir is not renamed back. Nor is the nuketag removed.
12-09-2003, 09:01 AM
still makes my eggdrop use 100% cpu and then die whn I use site pre =(
12-09-2003, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by -=DoBBeR=-
still makes my eggdrop use 100% cpu and then die whn I use site pre =(
That's a problem with your sitebot, not ioA.
12-09-2003, 09:26 AM
just tried to pre which works fine now. But my Sitebot, wich is running IoBanana19, doesn´t show it correctly in the chan.
It allways looks like this:
-:: SiTEOPS %user PRE ::- 15.000000.0/ufo [mp3MB in Some MP3 shitF] Triggered by /MP3/Cky_-_Infiltrate_Destroy_Rebuild.2002-cky@%user
Any ideas how I could fix this?
12-09-2003, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by WarC
bad thing with just putting a exe up. Solution....
exmaple from celeron:
Pre_Area_0 = "APPS|Apps Pre|d:\apps|/APPS|0|NULL"
in 1.0.0-1 there is a ufo parameter there last. That was never used so therefore is removed in 1.0.2 version
Thks WarC working like a charm now :)
SITE PRE apps test.pre-TEST
200- test.pre-TEST
200- succesfully pred to
200- /APPS/test.pre-TEST
200 Command successful.
12-09-2003, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by NeoXed
That's a problem with your sitebot, not ioA.
No it isn't. ioA logs "%user" into ioFTPD.log instead of the real username. dZSbot doesn't like this and crashes. ioBanana doesn't crash, but just announces %user.
I think/hope this will be fixed in the next version, but for now, you can just change "%user" to "someone" or something like that, in the log output in ioA.cfg.
12-09-2003, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by St0rm
No it isn't. ioA logs "%user" into ioFTPD.log instead of the real username. dZSbot doesn't like this and crashes. ioBanana doesn't crash, but just announces %user.
I think/hope this will be fixed in the next version, but for now, you can just change "%user" to "someone" or something like that, in the log output in ioA.cfg.
12-09-2003 14:34:46 PRE: "%user" "TEST" "APPS" "/APPS" "Apps Pre" "0.00" "1" "test.pre-TEST"
12-09-2003, 10:31 AM
all working fine now here so far with exe update
nuke / unnuke also btw, no probs here with that
renaming, kick, etc all fine
keep up as always :D and thx
new build:
Fixes bot crash issues (%user)
Fixes counting file issue on pre/Size
Add following in ioA.cfg:
Size_File_Filter_0 = *.ioFTPD*
Pre_File_Filter_0 = *.ioFTPD*"
Added possibilty to show %credits in nuke/unnuke announce
Originally posted by Pichento
unnuke still won't work. Creds are given back etc, but dir is not renamed back. Nor is the nuketag removed.
contact me on irc
12-09-2003, 11:09 AM
after upgrading to the newest verstion of ioA my bot says after pre´ing this:
-:: SiTEOPS digi PRE ::- 15.000000.0/ufo [mp3MB in Some MP3 shitF] Triggered by /MP3/Cky_-_Infiltrate_Destroy_Rebuild.2002-cky@digi
guess that´s still not 100% perfect
DigitalXXL: that's not a bug.
12-09-2003, 11:59 AM
all working fine, great work WarC :)
SITE PRE apps test.pre-DOH
200- test.pre-DOH
200- succesfully pred to
200- /APPS/test.pre-DOH
200 Command successful.
12-09-2003 16:57:21 PRE: "test" "TEST" "APPS" "/APPS" "Apps Pre" "0.00" "0" "test.pre-DOH"
200- test | TEST | 29.83MB | 119.32MB
200- Total bytes: 29.83MB Total credits: 119.32MB
200 Command successful.
200- test Bytes: 29.83MB Credits back: 119.32MB
200 Command successful.
Why dont my pre work :-/
Have tryed with some few changes and read some old post on pre in ioA thread but without any good results.
Pre_Area_0 = "APPS|Some APPS|c:\ftp\APPS\|/APPS|0"
Pre_Group_0 = "ioftp|APPS|/pre/ioftpd/*|0|0|ufo"
"c:\ioFTPD\site\ftp" /
"c:\ftp\APPS" /APPS
"c:\ioFTPD\site\request" /request
"c:\ftp\pre" /pre
Ive done what the manual tells me but still get this error:
200- Not valid PRE group
200- Not valid PRE type
200- Not allowed to pre from here
Useing 5.3.9r ioA 1.0.2 and the exe update. + some other scripts.
1 error and perhaps a typo I see.
1: trailing \ in this "c:\ftp\APPS\" Thats a no no
2: arent the group "ioftpd" Note the d
Originally posted by odd
Why dont my pre work :-/
Have tryed with some few changes and read some old post on pre in ioA thread but without any good results.
Pre_Area_0 = "APPS|Some APPS|c:\ftp\APPS\|/APPS|0"
Pre_Group_0 = "ioftp|APPS|/pre/ioftpd/*|0|0|ufo"
"c:\ioFTPD\site\ftp" /
"c:\ftp\APPS" /APPS
"c:\ioFTPD\site\request" /request
"c:\ftp\pre" /pre
Ive done what the manual tells me but still get this error:
200- Not valid PRE group
200- Not valid PRE type
200- Not allowed to pre from here
Useing 5.3.9r ioA 1.0.2 and the exe update. + some other scripts.
Got it, thanks.
200- filename-file
200- succesfully pred to
200- /APPS/filename-file
btw nice to see ioa back again :)
12-09-2003, 02:55 PM
Would it be possible to add something to the script so its nukes the second ccurence of the same dir (raided) in the vfs, the last mapped dir is the one thats going to be written to anyway so it makes sense that it should look there for the dir?
12-09-2003, 03:15 PM
seems another little bug in here, heh
as storm posted already in IRC,
nuking big releases crashes io completely
i tryed with 2 dvdr each 4.37 gigs, both crashed io
may that helps
Read Warc
Not sure if im the noobie or if its any of those scripts causeing it.
This is not possible as it is now due to that ioA gets a physical path from ioFTPD and that is the one ioA will use. This path as I have understood it is not the one that is the "2nd" one
Originally posted by Spies
Would it be possible to add something to the script so its nukes the second ccurence of the same dir (raided) in the vfs, the last mapped dir is the one thats going to be written to anyway so it makes sense that it should look there for the dir?
I will test this as soon as my computer stop rendering(150 hours from now). It should not be any problems but I know that this have happend before when using falty types. I'll look into it.
Originally posted by alturismo
seems another little bug in here, heh
as storm posted already in IRC,
nuking big releases crashes io completely
i tryed with 2 dvdr each 4.37 gigs, both crashed io
may that helps
12-10-2003, 04:00 AM
Warc could you tell me if ioA is able to nuke in vfs pathes with space in dirname or will be in a future version ?
Thx for your answer.
12-10-2003, 04:36 AM
Hiya WarC.
Found some more issues regarding ioA 1.0.2:
Pre'ed stuff get wierd permissions. One in five files in a pre'd dir, dors not get the right permissions when moved.
Very strange indeed. Seems kinda random.
Still no unnuke, but I'll try to get hold of you on IRC later. For now I have reverted to pre-ioA 1.0.
A bug have been reported that crashes ioFTPD. Solution until next version:
Disable following:
Pre_Give_Credits_To_Uploaders = 1
Pre_Give_Credits_To_Predude = 1
put them to 0
Dunno what that can be atm. I'll look at it on friday.
(before that no ioA work is being made due to other things)
12-10-2003, 01:28 PM
200- No record of owner of dir(s)
200-Renaming it anyway
Warc could you tell me why i get this when i want to nuke something ?
the Stuff is in c:\ioftpd\site\Apps
thx for answer
12-10-2003, 02:20 PM
View raw directory while inside the dir u want to nuke.
who's the owner of the files ? nobody.
There u go.
12-10-2003, 02:23 PM
But why is nobody the owner ?
12-10-2003, 06:01 PM
Could it be possible to change Nuke/Unnuke announcements?
12-10-2003 15:47:17 NUKE: "/VCD/Test.It-HOE" "neoxed" "SiteOps" "neoxed" "SiteOps" "3" "528.80" ""
12-10-2003 15:47:17 NUKE: "/VCD/Test.It-HOE" "neoxed" "SiteOps" "test01" "Test" "3" "1413.33" ""
Rather then logging each Nukee to a seperate line...just do it all at once and let the sitebot do the parsing.
12-10-2003 15:47:17 NUKE: "/VCD/Test.It-HOE" "neoxed" "SiteOps" "neoxed test01" "SiteOps Test" "3" "528.80 1413.33" ""
Kinda annoying to announce a nuke like 7 times for each nukee. And using a TCL for{} or foreach{} loop in the sitebot, you could easily display the nuke & nukees in one line.
originally nuke was logged on one line but due to that dZsbot came I switched becuase gl nuke log it like that. Does it really matter since the scripts available handle it. This will not change until either bounty or mouton/harm or other sitebotauthor makes a REALLY good reason for why. its not like you read that log yourself :)
12-10-2003, 06:37 PM
NeoXed why want you to change the nuke/unnuke log format dzsbot & iobanana are already using since long time now?
12-10-2003, 06:40 PM
i have some new probs the new ioA
i set a few paths to search in like these two below:
Search_Path_0 = ..\site\appz\RiP|/RiP|2
Search_Path_1 = ..\site\appz\iSO|/iSO|2
but it only searches the RiP and nothing else ?!
12-10-2003, 06:59 PM
Bleh nm, talked to Bounty on IRC... he gave me a better idea. :p
12-10-2003, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by NorLan
i have some new probs the new ioA
i set a few paths to search in like these two below:
Search_Path_0 = ..\site\appz\RiP|/RiP|2
Search_Path_1 = ..\site\appz\iSO|/iSO|2
but it only searches the RiP and nothing else ?!
Try using real paths...not relative paths, see if that helps.
12-10-2003, 07:10 PM
i do not want to use full-length pathes *g
for some reasons ...
couldn't there be another failure
12-10-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by NorLan
i do not want to use full-length pathes *g
for some reasons ...
couldn't there be another failure
well you don't have choice m8 use full physical path .. or forget it ;)
12-11-2003, 02:37 AM
the search command runs in the RiP dirct. even with the relative path - but all other paths doesn't.
this is a little inconsitent if i could remark this, but if there is no other way... that would be a pitty
thx for the help so far
full paths is the only way and will be so in future to. That goes for ALL paths and so on in ioA
12-11-2003, 04:13 PM
Any update on nuking raided dir's?
Wondering how I can list all users that have weekly allotment?
In an (outdated?) cmd pack for flashfxp there is a cmd for list all users on the weekly allotment useing SITE WEEKLY but that doesnt work now and I cant tell if it did before.
Is there a way to list all user that has weekly allotment?
12-13-2003, 06:20 AM
it is not working :confused:
in the ioa....
Newdate_Log= ""%vfs" "%desc" %phys""
in the error.log
12-13-2003 01:00:24 Scheduler event 'Newday' returned error.
12-13-2003 11:00:34 Scheduler event 'Newday' returned error.
in the ioFTPD....
Newday = 0 11 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe NEWDATE
have everyone an idee
12-13-2003, 11:01 AM
got a problem with site pre!
sometimes it works and everything is fine, but sometimes it "hangs". on my desktop is a windows-message: ioA tried ... report to microsoft - yes/no.
i got newest ioA, newest ioftpd and newest iobanana. :(
12-13-2003, 11:01 AM
got a problem with site pre!
sometimes it works and everything is fine, but sometimes it "hangs". on my desktop is a windows-message: ioA tried ... report to microsoft - yes/no.
i got newest ioA, newest ioftpd and newest iobanana. :(
12-13-2003, 11:17 AM
one more questions i have...
12-13-2003 16:40:12 PRE uploaders - !change user STATS section 0 credits +
12-13-2003 16:40:12 PRE - Unable to delete source root dir
12-13-2003 16:40:12 PRE - I:\ioftpd\_pre\AFO\MP3\01
12-13-2003, 12:29 PM
i got the ioA problem now on wipe too
site wipe blub-rls
200 Command successful.
it stoppes here and on desktop its shown that ioA did a failure
# edit #
ioBanana.exe was used in the process-bar, i killed it and tried wipe again, it worked. so i think the problem could cause by ioBanana as well. any suggestions?
i would like to restrict the search option to vfs dirs visible to the user who makes site search so results user has no access are not displayed.
possible or not.
thx warc in advance
12-14-2003, 06:40 PM
im havin soem troubles with ioA's Nuking/Unnuking, it seems to take off far more than it should, and sometimes actually adds on a crap load when nuked.
This is before a nuke, :
200-| Credits: 0MB WkUp: 0KB |
200-| Ratio : 1:3 WkDn: 0KB |
This is after the nuke, 3x, for 20.22MB :
200-| Credits: -1179587MB WkUp: -3KB |
200-| Ratio : 1:3 WkDn: 0KB |
This is after the Unnuke of the same 20.22MB dir :
200-| Credits: -1179486MB WkUp: 20699KB |
200-| Ratio : 1:3 WkDn: 0KB |
Everything else works fine, and theres no error in the debug/logs. Anyone else get anything like this? :(
With what version?
I know that 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 had this issue. have not seen it with 1.0.2 though. Contact me on irc and we'll test
Originally posted by aKa`StUpIfIeD
im havin soem troubles with ioA's Nuking/Unnuking, it seems to take off far more than it should, and sometimes actually adds on a crap load when nuked.
This is before a nuke, :
200-| Credits: 0MB WkUp: 0KB |
200-| Ratio : 1:3 WkDn: 0KB |
This is after the nuke, 3x, for 20.22MB :
200-| Credits: -1179587MB WkUp: -3KB |
200-| Ratio : 1:3 WkDn: 0KB |
This is after the Unnuke of the same 20.22MB dir :
200-| Credits: -1179486MB WkUp: 20699KB |
200-| Ratio : 1:3 WkDn: 0KB |
Everything else works fine, and theres no error in the debug/logs. Anyone else get anything like this? :(
12-15-2003, 05:52 PM
problem fixed, thanks WarC :-)
12-16-2003, 05:17 AM
well i think i found other bug.
Pre_File_Filter_0 = "*.ioFTPD*"
Pre_Area_0 = "APPS|Apps Pre|d:\apps|/APPS|0"
Pre_Group_0 = "test1|APPS|/test1/*|0|0|test1"
Pre_Group_0 = "test2|APPS|/test2/*|0|0|test2"
Pre_File_Filter_1 = "*.ioFTPD*"
Pre_Area_1 = "DIVX|Divx Pre|e:\divx|/DIVX|0"
Pre_Group_1 = "test2|DIVX|/test3/*|0|0|test3"
Pre_Group_1 = "test4|DIVX|/test4/*|0|0|test4"
Pre_Log = ""%user" "%group" "%type" "%vfs" "%desc" "%.2mb" "%.0files" "%release""
Pre_Touch_Owner = 1
Pre_Give_Credits_To_Uploaders = 0
Pre_Give_Credits_To_Predude = 0
Pre_Run_Script = "C:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana.exe imdbpre"
If i have my Pre config like this the "test4" Group never can Pre, its a bug or some error of mine, becouse all other groups can pre!?!
12-16-2003, 08:12 AM
Pre_Group_0, _1, _2, _3 maybe ?
12-16-2003, 08:38 AM
hmm nop, same thing dont let the last group "test4" pre.
weird becouse if if yous see the the Apps group the 2 are 0 and both work good, but not the other 2 in Divx, only "test3" works!
Dunno, i think only WarC can confirm!
My guess is that you want something like this:
Pre_File_Filter_0 = "*.ioFTPD*"
Pre_Area_0 = "APPS|Apps Pre|d:\apps|/APPS|0"
Pre_Area_1 = "DIVX|Divx Pre|e:\divx|/DIVX|0"
Pre_Group_0 = "test1|APPS|/test1/*|0|0|test1"
Pre_Group_1 = "test2|APPS|/test2/*|0|0|test2"
Pre_Group_2 = "test2|DIVX|/test3/*|0|0|test3"
Pre_Group_3 = "test4|DIVX|/test4/*|0|0|test4"
Pre_Log = ""%user" "%group" "%type" "%vfs" "%desc" "%.2mb" "%.0files" "%release""
Pre_Touch_Owner = 1
Pre_Give_Credits_To_Uploaders = 0
Pre_Give_Credits_To_Predude = 0
Pre_Run_Script = "C:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana.exe imdbpre"
12-16-2003, 09:34 AM
well only works like this:
Pre_File_Filter_0 = "*.ioFTPD*"
Pre_Area_0 = "APPS|Apps Pre|d:\apps|/APPS|0"
Pre_Group_0 = "test1|APPS|/test1/*|0|0|test1"
Pre_Area_1 = "DIVX|Divx Pre|e:\divx|/DIVX|0"
Pre_Group_1 = "test2|DIVX|/test2/*|0|0|test2"
Pre_Area_2 = "APPS|Apps Pre|d:\apps|/APPS|0"
Pre_Group_2 = "test3|APPS|/test3/*|0|0|test3"
Pre_Area_3 = "DIVX|Divx Pre|e:\divx|/DIVX|0"
Pre_Group_3 = "test4|DIVX|/test4/*|0|0|test4"
Pre_Log = ""%user" "%group" "%type" "%vfs" "%desc" "%.2mb" "%.0files" "%release""
Pre_Touch_Owner = 1
Pre_Give_Credits_To_Uploaders = 0
Pre_Give_Credits_To_Predude = 0
Pre_Run_Script = "C:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana.exe imdbpre"
What is the problem with the one I wrote? I do know how the program work :) or atleast how it should behave
Forgot to say....
ioA 1.0.3 is out @
Upgrade asap!
12-16-2003, 01:52 PM
Dunno m8, but the one you posted dont work 2, dunno why!
But this last one i posted all works good :eek: so dunno realy :confused:
All that maters its that all its working good now! ;)
PS:soz for my english
Edit: Gona try your last update :)
grab me on irc celeron I wanna know what happens
ok folks....
ioA 1.0.4 out :)
12-17-2003, 12:26 AM
nice work, warc, the 1.04 version works fine except for one thing.
i changed the NUKE TAG to !NUKED!-%direcotry, and after I use command "site nuke bla1 1 test", the directory successful changed to !NUKED!-bla1, but when I use the unnuke command to unnuke it, it will return the credits to the nukees and the command reports successful, but it will not change the !NUKED!-bla1 back to bla1.
maybe this is a bug, hope to see it be fixed soon.
latest ioa 104 and no probs with [NUKED]- / unnuked dirs (renaming etc)
great work WarC!
btw, any hopes for changing chmod for older 0day/mp3 dirs ? (sth like in iozs)
12-17-2003, 11:05 PM
Good Work, warc ;)
12-18-2003, 02:27 AM
could it be possible to have the "you have messages" happen after a list from changing dir/, please?
midnight that should be possible. make the cwd message execute ioA in the same way as you do when logging on as normal
12-18-2003, 06:11 PM
yep i did last night and works lovely, thanks
12-19-2003, 04:42 PM
why when i would nuka a directory ioFTP and ioA crash and i have this on ioA.debug :
09-19-2003 22:44:10 NUKE - nuke: toto
09-19-2003 22:44:10 NUKE - multi: 50
09-19-2003 22:44:10 NUKE - reason: MOUHAHA
09-19-2003 22:44:10 NUKE - oldpath: C:\site\toto
09-19-2003 22:44:10 NUKE - newpath: C:\site\[Nuked]-toto
09-19-2003 22:44:10 INFO - Check directories if present
09-19-2003 22:44:10 INFO - Checked directories if present
09-19-2003 22:44:15 INFO - Unable to get owner of nuke directory
what is wrong in my ioftpd configuration or ioA configuration ?
thx :)
12-19-2003, 04:50 PM
INFO - Unable to get owner of nuke directory
looks like u use an incompatible ioA version
since io changed storing the user datas u need latest ioA 104
since io 535 when i remember correctly, older ioA are not
compatible with latest io
may someone correct if i didnt posted correct versions ;)
12-20-2003, 01:20 AM
Bug Report (ioFTPD 5.39r+ioA 1.04):
Nuking a dir which its owner is nobody crashing ioFTPD.exe
You can easily reproduce the crash by nuking a dir which its owner is nobody or manually create a dir on the ftp using windows explorer and try to nuke it.
Except for that - io 0.81 was working much better here, I am experiencing some weird problems since installing it, although I am not 100% sure they are connected to it or not, they did start happen only after I switched from 0.81 to 1.04...I will give it more tests and let u know.
same here, nuke nobody = io crash
using all latest
12-20-2003, 02:36 PM
WarC, could you add a little event to [Pre] mkd in ioA to block the creation of dirs listed in the ioA.Nukes.log etc. So people can't recreate or reupload a nuked dir.
Using v1.0.4, it doesn't seem to rename nuked dirs anymore, it always fails to kick users off the site.
12-20-2003 12:33:03 INFO - Complete nuke
12-20-2003 12:33:03 INFO - Multiple users to nuke
12-20-2003 12:33:03 INFO - Calculate amount each user should loose
12-20-2003 12:33:03 INFO - Create nukelog
12-20-2003 12:33:03 INFO - Rename nuked directory
12-20-2003 12:33:03 INFO - E055 Kick users didnt work
Even though there is 3 people uploading in that directory.
12-20-2003, 04:48 PM
The dupedir function in B0unTy's NEWDIR script works just fine. Every dir uploaded (nuked or not) shouldn't be uploaded again and again.
12-21-2003, 12:23 AM
Got 2 problems... Hopefully you can help me out WarC or someone else:
Using ioftpd 5.3.9r, iobanana v19, ioa 1.0.4
1. Pre problem:
If i pre i get an error stated above by Sammy:
12-21-2003 05:04:46 PRE uploaders - !change *** STATS section 0 credits +115
12-21-2003 05:04:46 PRE - Unable to delete source root dir
12-21-2003 05:04:46 PRE - e:\groups\***\anotherTest
12-21-2003 05:04:46 PRE - Errnr: 145
12-21-2003 05:04:46 PRE predude - !change *** STATS section 0 credits +1644167168
It will basically move the pre release fine, but will leave an EMPTY sample folder, and an EMPTY complete tag in the pre dir...
I tried to comment out this line like some people say:
Pre_File_Filter_0 = "*.ioFTPD*"
It still doesnt work...
2. Nuke problem:
will not kick user from dir when nuking:
200- Unable to rename direcotory. Try a manual rename
hopefully someone can help me get rid of these....
ok folks. new version is up
1.0.5 @
bugfixes and some small featureadds.
better than 1.0.4 anyway :)
I'm not home between tuesday and sunday so bugs wont be fixed during that time
01-06-2004, 11:26 AM
Cool! Thanks!
Any special upgrade instructions from previous version or just copy exe?
01-06-2004, 01:57 PM
1.0.4 -> 1.0.5 replace exe
Add in ioA.cfg:
Request_IRC_Uid = 0
Request_IRC_Gid = 0
Pre_Log = ""%vfs/%release" "%user" "%group" "%.0files" "%.2mb" "%type" "%desc" "%ufo" "%genre" "%kbit" "%year""
Pre_Order = 0
01-06-2004, 06:53 PM
257 "TEST" created.
site uinfo hoe
200-| User Info |
200-| Username: hoe Max Download Speed: 0 KB/s |
200-| Group: Tests Max Upload Speed: 0 KB/s |
200-| Flags: 23BCDEG FTP Logins: 2 |
200-| Ratio: 1:2 HTTP Logins: |
200-| Credits: 5621 MB Telnet Logins: |
site nuke TEST 5 testing
200- Applying emptynuke with 50MB to user hoe@Tests
200 Command successful.
site uinfo hoe
200-| User Info |
200-| Username: hoe Max Download Speed: 0 KB/s |
200-| Group: Tests Max Upload Speed: 0 KB/s |
200-| Flags: 23BCDEG FTP Logins: 2 |
200-| Ratio: 1:2 HTTP Logins: |
200-| Credits: 5621 MB Telnet Logins: |
Looks like empty nuke is not properly, can anyone confirm this. (Doesn't remove credits.)
01-07-2004, 03:22 AM
same here
from ioA debug
01-07-2004 01:11:45 ioA - 1.0.5
01-07-2004 01:11:45 NUKE - nuke: poiu
01-07-2004 01:11:45 NUKE - multi: 1
01-07-2004 01:11:45 NUKE - reason: mm
01-07-2004 01:11:45 NUKE - oldpath: F:\FTPF\APPS\poiu
01-07-2004 01:11:45 NUKE - newpath: F:\FTPF\APPS\[Nuked]-poiu
01-07-2004 01:11:45 INFO - Check directories if present
01-07-2004 01:11:45 INFO - Checked directories if present
01-07-2004 01:11:45 NUKE - ################### SCAN FILES ######################
01-07-2004 01:11:45 NUKE - ################ SCAN FILES ENDED ###################
01-07-2004 01:11:45 INFO - Emptynuke!!!!
01-07-2004 01:11:45 NUKE - !change t1 STATS section 0 credits -0
01-07-2004 01:11:45 INFO - Cleaning incompletetags
01-07-2004 01:11:45 INFO - Rename nuked dir
01-07-2004 01:11:46 NUKE nukeper - !vfs:add 555 103:101 F:\FTPF\APPS\[Nuked]-poiu
01-07-2004 01:11:46 NUKE - Flushing cache in: F:\FTPF\APPS\poiu
01-07-2004 01:11:46 NUKE - Messagefile: F:\FTPF\APPS\[Nuked]-poiu\.ioFTPD.message
01-07-2004 01:11:46 NUKE - Nuketag: F:\FTPF\APPS\[Nuked]-poiu\[NUKED]-[1x]-[by ioFTPD@ioftpd]-[mm]
01-07-2004 01:11:46 NUKE nuketagvfs - !vfs:add 555 103:101 F:\FTPF\APPS\[Nuked]-poiu\[NUKED]-[1x]-[by ioFTPD@ioftpd]-[mm]
01-07-2004, 08:17 AM
can confirm emptynuke broken as well as filecount on pre, unless it counts hidden files also, which it probably shouldnt anyways
01-07-2004, 02:03 PM
I'm having problems using the regular nuke:
[R] site nuke Test.S11E12-TV 3 get.hdtv
gives me
[R] 200--[Nuke]----------------------------------------------------------------------
[R] 200- testusr | I | 232.63MB | 0.00MB
[R] 200------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[R] 200- Total bytes: 232.63MB Total credits: 0.00MB
[R] 200------------------------------------------------------------------------[ioA]-
The nuke goes through but no credits are ever taken, neither is any credits given on a site unnuke. The debug file shows nothing:
01-07-2004 19:49:34 ioA - 1.0.5
01-07-2004 19:49:34 NUKE - nuke: Test.S11E12-TV
01-07-2004 19:49:34 NUKE - multi: 3
01-07-2004 19:49:34 NUKE - reason: get.hdtv
01-07-2004 19:49:34 NUKE - oldpath: J:\TV\Test.S11E12-TV
01-07-2004 19:49:34 NUKE - newpath: J:\TV\[NUKED]-Test.S11E12-TV
01-07-2004 19:49:34 INFO - Check directories if present
01-07-2004 19:49:34 INFO - Checked directories if present
01-07-2004 19:49:34 NUKE - ################### SCAN FILES ######################
01-07-2004 19:49:34 NUKE - ################ SCAN FILES ENDED ###################
01-07-2004 19:49:34 INFO - Complete nuke
01-07-2004 19:49:34 INFO - Multiple users to nuke
01-07-2004 19:49:34 INFO - Calculate amount each user should loose
01-07-2004 19:49:34 INFO - Create nukelog
01-07-2004 19:49:34 INFO - Rename nuked directory
01-07-2004 19:49:35 NUKE nukeper - !vfs:add 555 103:103 J:\TV\[NUKED]-Test.S11E12-TV
01-07-2004 19:49:35 NUKE - Flushing cache in: J:\TV\Test.S11E12-TV
01-07-2004 19:49:35 NUKE - Messagefile: J:\TV\[NUKED]-Test.S11E12-TV\.ioFTPD.message
01-07-2004 19:49:35 NUKE - Nuketag: J:\TV\[NUKED]-Frasier.S11E12-TV\[NUKED]-[1x]-[by sysop@I]-[get.hdtv]
01-07-2004 19:49:35 NUKE nuketagvfs - !vfs:add 555 103:103 J:\TV\[NUKED]-Test.S11E12-TV\[NUKED]-[3x]-[by sysop@I]-[get.hdtv]
What Could I be doing wrong? I've followed the install instructions, I'm running the latest ioFTPD.
ioA 1.0.5 is not a well-rounded work.
nuke make ioftpd crash each time, search only get "no match", return to 1.0.4, it's more functionable.
01-09-2004, 03:31 AM
Both nuke and search works just fine here with 1.0.5. But then again I didn't update to ioFTPD v5.5.x yet. Still on v5.4.3.
Since now home again I'll try sort reported things during weekend. No things been reported on irc to me so whats here is the issues that will be fixed.
It seems that some people cant keep of given stupid comments of no use a lot latly when reading irc channel and now also here. All this does is make scripters that spend hours on giving free stuff to others loose interest in this.
01-10-2004, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by WarC
It seems that some people cant keep of given stupid comments of no use a lot latly when reading irc channel and now also here. All this does is make scripters that spend hours on giving free stuff to others loose interest in this.
These ****heads are very much in the minority, just a very vocal minority, your work is very much recognised and appreciated by the majority of people around here.
In the meantime we enjoy abusing them for ya ;)
1.0.6 is ready
same location as always:
Bugfix of reported and tracked thingys
01-11-2004, 11:56 AM
thx m8, very fast
01-11-2004, 04:59 PM
thx for the update
only when using nuke ioftpd crashes, am i the only one?
01-11-2004 22:48:43 ioA - 1.0.6
01-11-2004 22:48:43 NUKE - nuke: test
01-11-2004 22:48:43 NUKE - multi: 4
01-11-2004 22:48:43 NUKE - reason: bleh
01-11-2004 22:48:43 NUKE - oldpath: J:\Games-2\\test
01-11-2004 22:48:43 NUKE - newpath: J:\Games-2\\[Nuked]-test
01-11-2004 22:48:43 NUKE - Checked directories if present
01-11-2004 22:48:48 NUKE - Unable to get owner of nuke directory
Ive tested nuke/unnuke and my io is still running 5.5.3r, ioa1.0.6 and alot of others.
01-11-2004, 05:36 PM
seems to did something good cause its working now
01-11-2004, 10:21 PM
from 1.05 to 1.06 just needed .exe replace?
01-11-2004, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by WarC
1.0.6 is ready
same location as always:
Bugfix of reported and tracked thingys
Thanks mate! :D
01-12-2004, 05:47 PM
thanks for ioA is very cool and very very good thanks a lot
one question...there is the possibility for add in newdate from ioA, the simlink of /MP3-Yesterday/? now there is only MP3-Today...if there is the possibility, it's fantastic 8))))
I'll think of it. dont promise anything though
01-13-2004, 09:40 PM
Hey WarC, just wanted to say thanks for ioA...its a great script.
However im having one problem with 1.0.5 and 1.0.6 ( I didnt try anything before 1.0.5..only 0.8.1. I am currently using ioFTPD 5.3.9r and ioB19r also.
when I make a request it always adds a 0byte file instead of a Folder. the 0byte file responds to request filled fine the file is renamed. When I try and delete the request it doesnt delete the 0byte file, it only removes it from the request list.
There is no problem with the request showing up in the request list..that is removed from the request list fine when a reqfilled or reqdelete is done.
I took a look at the ioA debug's what it had to say when making/deleting a request:
01-13-2004 20:30:55 REQUEST - f/d requestfield "c:\siteroot\Requests\.ioFTPD.message"
01-13-2004 20:30:55 REQUEST - f/d requestline [%##] [%-10user] -> %request
01-13-2004 20:30:55 REQUEST - r/f requser: tester
01-13-2004 20:30:55 REQUEST - r/f Uid for message: 0
make sure it's what you wanted in your ioa.cfg:
Request_Add_Tag = 1 //if here is 2, it will be a filename, 1 is a folder name.
and the rest is just like this. plz read ioA.manual.txt
01-14-2004, 06:57 PM
ok thx..sorry for my ignorance..didnt know that was an option should have read the new manual.
thanks again :)
when i type nuke cmd, it reply me a error from ioftpd.exe and ioa.exe.
Nukes_Header = "-[Nukes]---------------------------------------------------------------------\n| Nuker | Nukees | Size | Reason |"
Nuke_Splitter = " "
Nuke_Exist = " Nuke already exist. Remove it and try again"
Nuke_Source_Not_Found = " Unable to find directory to nuke"
Nuke_Other_Groups = " You are not allowed to nuke other groups"
Nuke_Verify_Group = " Unable to verify group\n Does release contain -<groupname> at the end?"
Nuke_Head = "[Nuked]-%directory"
Nuke_Empty_Nuke = 50
Nuke_Empty_Nuke_Text = " Applying emptynuke with %mbMB to user %user@%group"
Nuke_Empty_Nuke_Text_NA = " Emptynuke is not enabled. No punishment will be given"
Nuke_Empty_Dirowner_NA = " Unable to find owner of directory"
Nuke_Log = ""%vfs" "%user@%group" "%nukee@%nukeegroup" "%.0multi %.2size" "%reason""
Nuke_Create_Message_File = 1
Nuke_Create_Nuke_Tag = 2
Nuke_Tag = "[NUKED]-[%.0multix]-[by %user@%group]-[%reason]"
Nuke_Group_Flag = Z
Nuke_Log_File = H:\ioFTPD\logs\ioA.nuke.log
Nuke_Output_Line = " %-15user | %-15group | %10.2sizeMB | %10.2mbMB"
Nuke_Output_Total = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Total bytes: %10.2sizeMB Total credits: %10.2mbMB"
Nuke_Run_Script =
Nuke_File_Filter_0 = *.ioFTPD*
Nuke_Message_File = .ioFTPD.message
Nuke_Message_File_Src = H:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioTOOLS\ioA\ioA.nuke.message.msg
Here's my config:
ioFTPD 5.5.4r
ioBanana v19
ZR-tools 3.2
I got errors when I WIPE:
when I wipe, the real dir is wiped but in the ftp the dir is still there but we can't access (550 Test: No such file or directory). I tried disconnecting/refreshing but don't work. still there. The only thing to do is restarting io (not a rehash).
Also, Wipe isn't shown on irc but in iobanana.tcl i have:
set disable(WIPE) 0
I have the same problem with REQDEL.
Here's my ioA.cfg:
[ Wipe ]
Wipe_Not_Permitted = " Not allowed to wipe from here"
Wipe_Dir_Not_Found = " Could not find directory to wipe"
Wipe_Critical_Error = " Critical error..."
Wipe_Resultmessage = " Wiped: %.0dirs dirs, %.0files files, %.2mbMB"
Wipe_File_Filter_0 = .*
Wipe_Log = ""%vfs" "%release" "%user" "%group" "%files" "%dirs" "%mb""
Wipe_Logfile = C:\Progra~1\ioFTPD\logs\ioA.wipe.log
01-15-2004, 05:14 PM
After talking to Mister_X on IRC about this I wonder if ioFTPD's file cache still is a little dodgy on FAT32? That is the filesystem he had on that device. Advised him to convert to NTFS.
For you guys still storing files on FAT32.. convert to NTFS! It's easy. You won't lose any files.
C:\>convert x: /fs:ntfs
...where x is the device you wanna convert.
I transform my FAT32 to NFTS and now everything works fine.
Big thx for your help Zer0Racer ;)
01-16-2004, 05:44 AM
ioA 1.06 and dZSbot 1.08 ...
is it possible that bot announces in irc when doing !reqfilled 001 in irc ???
i only get a Notice ... but bot is not announcing :(
what to do to get bot announcing on !REQFILLED *** and !REQDEL *** ???
01-16-2004, 06:06 AM
MIC_vBa, that would be a post for the dZSbot thread I think.
01-16-2004, 06:14 AM
I've a little issue with wipe function.
When i try to wipe a normale dir , it works fine, but trying to wipe a nuked dir, ioa.exe crashes.
I use 1.0.6 version.
I just tried to wipe a nuked one here and for me it works perfect.
what version of ioFTPD?
Need help to locate this somehow so please contact me on irc
01-16-2004, 02:48 PM
for me work too, only dszbot dont annunce if i wipe a nuked dir
but all other is ok
01-16-2004, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by WarC
I just tried to wipe a nuked one here and for me it works perfect.
what version of ioFTPD?
Need help to locate this somehow so please contact me on irc
ioFTPD 5-5-5r
01-16-2004, 04:06 PM
Bitboy, please enter your ioFTPD member pages login information in your User Control Panel (user cp) here on the board as confirmation that you are a registered user.
01-17-2004, 07:01 AM
Zer0 u have a pm. :)
01-17-2004, 05:18 PM
3 Bugs:
ioa requestirc add the request with chmod 755
no upload is allowed!
ioa don´t kick the users on nuke.
ioftpd crashes sometimes on nuke.
ioFTPD 5.5.6r - ioA 1.0.6
1. I know 755 becuase thats default settings in ioFTPD. ioa is called outside of io so I cant use !putlog there. might be sorted later
2. yes it does. atleast in version I used to test it with. uploaded with 10 threads and all got kicked. if it doesnt kick I dunno why. I use shmem functions provided with ioftpd to do it.
3. how does this help me?
01-17-2004, 05:54 PM
just to help you out a bit WarC.
I've reverted to the 5.4.3 core as there is some problems associated with 5.5.X and ioA.
1. It wont kick (especially people with flag 1) on nuke - hence dirs wont get renamed (ie [NUKED]-).
2. it crashes ioFTPD when trying to nuke directories with datemasks (I use YEAR (four digits ie. 2004) MONTH (two digits ie 01) and DAY (two digits ie. 17). Only 100% verified the crash on dated dirs. Can't say if the same thing happens with other paths.
01-18-2004, 12:46 AM
WarC: u might wanna start using virtualpath and systempath soon...
maybe add a check and if they exist, use them instead of pwd and path.
01-19-2004, 11:09 PM
I've tested ioA 1.0.6 on both ioF5.5.6r and on ioF5.4.3r
Problem : While unnuking credits aren't given back (confirmed by several peoples at IRC)
nuking process:[L] SITE NUKE 1 bla
[L] 200--[Nuke]----------------------------------------------------------------------
[L] 200- testuser2 | LEECH | 3242.13MB | 3242.13MB
[L] 200------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[L] 200- Total bytes: 3242.13MB Total credits: 3242.13MB
[L] 200------------------------------------------------------------------------[ioA]-
unnuking:[L] SITE UNNUKE [Nuked]
[L] 200--[UnNuke]--------------------------------------------------------------------
[L] 200- testuser2 Bytes: -853.87MB Credits back: 0.00MB
[L] 200------------------------------------------------------------------------[ioA]-IRC output with latest ioB19-:: nuke ::- grmbl/ was nuked 1x by wooolF@SiTEOP - reason: bla - Nukees: testuser2 (3242.13mb)
-:: unnuke ::- grmbl/ was unnuked 1x by wooolF@SiTEOP - reason: un.bla - Nukees: testuser2 (-853.87mb)Kinda lost here :(
I made the command "site ginfo Friends" and i think there are errors:
* It shows syntax even if the parameter is good (just before "Description:")
* It tells total users instead of #users in the group specified
At the ends (the 2 lines before "200 ginfo Command successful.") it show Groups. It's useless because we know in which group user are (it's a parameter in the command).
site ginfo Friends
200-Ã Ã
200- g r o u p i n f o
200-Ã -ioBanana Ã
200- ³ Username ³ Up Megs ³ Dn Megs ³ Tagline ³
200-³ *user1 ³ 0 ³ 0 ³ Vote ioFTPD for president ³
200-³ *user2 ³ 0 ³ 0 ³ Vote ioFTPD for president ³
200- + = GroupAdmin * = leech New Group
200-Ã GroupÃSlots: 0 LeechÃSlots: 0 Users in group: 2 ... w/leech: 2 Ã
200- ³ ³ Files ³ Megs ³ kBps ³ ³ Files ³ Megs ³ kBps ³
200- ³ ALLUP ³ 0 ³ 0 ³ 0 ³ ALLDN ³ 0 ³ 0 ³ 0 ³
200- ³ MONTHUP ³ 0 ³ 0 ³ 0 ³ MONTHDN ³ 0 ³ 0 ³ 0 ³
200- ³ WEEKUP ³ 0 ³ 0 ³ 0 ³ WEEKDN ³ 0 ³ 0 ³ 0 ³
200- ³ DAYUP ³ 0 ³ 0 ³ 0 ³ DAYDN ³ 0 ³ 0 ³ 0 ³
200-Syntax: SITE GINFO <group>
200-Description: New Group
200-MountFile :
200-User slots : 0 (0)
200-Users : 4
200- Name Flags Groups
200- user1 3 Friends
200- user2 3 Friends
200 ginfo Command successful.
01-20-2004, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Mr_X
I made the command "site ginfo Friends" and i think there are errors:
* It shows syntax even if the parameter is good (just before "Description:")
* It tells total users instead of #users in the group specified
At the ends (the 2 lines before "200 ginfo Command successful.") it show Groups. It's useless because we know in which group user are (it's a parameter in the command).
No, because ioFTPD has its own ginfo command now. So first it shows ioBanana's Ginfo then ioFTPD shows its ginfo.
Either make ioBanana's ginfo command differnt, like say grpinfo, or delete the /text/ftp/GroupInfo.* files to prevent ioFTPD's from showing.
Sorry, I just noticed that I also posted it in wrong thread
01-20-2004, 10:26 PM
ioFTPD 5.5.6r
ioA 1.0.6
[22:21:52] [L] site request test3
[22:22:11] [L] Connection lost: Site - Localhost
ioA.exe makes ioFTPD.exe crash at 0x0043a0bb
ioA.exe crash itself at 0x00422db5
01-20-2004 22:22:01 ioA - 1.0.6
01-20-2004 22:22:01 REQUEST - Request_Field " -> "
01-20-2004 22:22:01 REQUEST - Request_Field " [%##] %-10user -> %request
01-20-2004 22:22:01 REQUEST - Found 3 requests
01-20-2004 22:22:15 REQUEST - E065 Owner could not be set
01-20-2004 22:22:15 REQUEST - E065 "C:\ftp\request\[Request]-test3" "10" "0"
01-20-2004 22:22:15 REQUEST - Settign permission on directory
site reqfilled x and site reqdel x crash ioA at same address, but ioFTPD.exe doesn't crash :) Dir is deleted on reqdel, but not renamed on reqfilled.
Request_Header = "\n [Requests]"
Request_Footer = "\n"
Request_File = "C:\ftp\request\.ioFTPD.message"
Request_Line = " [%##] %-10user -> %request"
Request_Field = " -> "
Request_Max = 20
Request_Max_User = 20
Request_Too_Many_Made = " Too many requests made. Limit is %.0request"
Request_Too_Many_Made_User = " You have made too many requests already. Limit is %.0request"
Request_Already_Made = " That is already requested"
Request_Output_Line = " Added request: %request"
Request_Log = ""%user" "%group" "%request" "
Request_Add_Tag = 1
Request_Tag = "[Request]-%request"
Request_IRC_Uid = 0
Request_IRC_Gid = 0
01-20-2004, 10:59 PM
You're not flushing the right dir...
01-20-2004 22:56:51 PRE - Flushing cache in: C:\ftp\pre\GROUP\test.mouton-Group
You need to flush C:\ftp\pre\GROUP and <targetdir>\test.mouton-Group and <targetdir>\
Because now:
View raw directory:
drwxrwxrwx 2 nobody SiTEOPS 0 Jan 21 03:56 .
drwxrwxrwx 38 nobody SiTEOPS 0 Jan 21 03:56 ..
site exec dir:
[22:57:27] [L] 200-
[22:57:27] [L] 200-01/20/2004 10:56 PM <DIR> .
[22:57:27] [L] 200-01/20/2004 10:56 PM <DIR> ..
[22:57:27] [L] 200-01/20/2004 10:47 PM 50,000,000 somebigfile.rar
[22:57:27] [L] 200- 1 File(s) 50,000,000 bytes
[22:57:27] [L] 200- 2 Dir(s) 19,411,234,816 bytes free
01-21-2004, 10:36 AM
The next person who pm WarC to get ioA 1.0.7 will get himself kicked!
Stop wasting his time please!
Nobody thought I might have typo-ed ? If u look a couple lines lower, u can clearly see ioA 1.0.6 in the debug lines i pasted!
01-24-2004, 07:44 AM
I Hope WarC will release ioa 1.0.7 soon. Because this nuke bug is annoying.
Cya freak007
ioa 1.07 out
hope kick on un/nuke works
01-27-2004, 06:09 PM
newdate aint working :\
guardian yes it is. Note that format have changed since previous version
ioA works perfectly, thx for sharing :) good job!!!
01-27-2004, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by WarC
guardian yes it is. Note that format have changed since previous version
my fault ... missed to change that ini setting :rolleyes:
works perfectly now :)
01-27-2004, 08:57 PM
Heya WarC.
ioA 1.0.7 still crashes ioFTPD on nuke (in 0day section)
path is i.e: /incoming/0day/20040120/
Will crash ioftpd instantly. does not happen with ioftpod 4.4.3 but with 5.5.x and 5.6.x
Update: It will actually crash ioFTPD 5.6.0 on _all_ paths :(
might be the /incoming/section/directory structure...
Originally posted by Pichento
Heya WarC.
ioA 1.0.7 still crashes ioFTPD on nuke (in 0day section)
path is i.e: /incoming/0day/20040120/
Will crash ioftpd instantly. does not happen with ioftpod 4.4.3 but with 5.5.x and 5.6.x
Update: It will actually crash ioFTPD 5.6.0 on _all_ paths :(
might be the /incoming/section/directory structure...
hmm, nuke worked here on 560 and works now too on 562 ...
tested on 5.5.6, 5.6.0, 5.6.2 and cant make nuke crash. I need more info about it. contact me on irc asap.
Other bugs noted thats been fixed:
requestpart had a bug with permissions on dirs
Problems that still randomly exist:
rename issue due to not able to kick users. This keep being a mystery. Those that can recreate it lots of times contact me on irc
01-28-2004, 11:19 AM
I'm pretty sure u can't kick a session which is currently running a script...
Suggestion: chmod the to-nuke dir 000, kick ppl who are transfering files atm, wait 1s, re-check for ppl transfering files in the dir again, if ok, continue with normal nuke functions and finally chmod the [Nuked]-... dir 555.
01-28-2004, 05:18 PM
Ok, did a shitload of testing.
First disabled all other scripts, pre cache etc.
then trying nuking in all sections..
reverted to ioa 1.06 and same thing now...
back to ioA 1.07 and went though whole config... no errors there.
then downgraded to ioFTPD 5.5.6 and nuke worked in all sections but date masked sections.
then back to ioFTPD 5.4.3 and nuke works in all sections
conclusion: I'll stay with 5.4.3r for a while :)
would be better if you contact me so we can find the cause of it. none of the people stating it doesnt work (2 people) have contacted me on irc so I cant find a solution for it.
01-29-2004, 04:31 AM
Good work testers :rolleyes:
01-30-2004, 11:11 AM
all dirs created by "site request <something>" are given permissions 035 on my site, my fault, or bug in ioa?
dobber bug in ioa....
ioA 1.0.8 released @
Fixes this bug
01-30-2004, 11:28 AM
great! tnx m8 =)
02-03-2004, 12:22 AM
If i run 'rescanall', anytime error. :(
The instruction at "0x00425ab3" referenced memory at "0x00000008". The memory could not be "written".
Click on OK to terminate the program
Click on CANCEL to debug the program
yes, i got the same it...
02-03-2004, 07:56 AM
Hi I am new to ioFTPD
I been trying to get request to work with ioA but can't seem to find any help file showing me how to configure it.
When i try issuing site request test... i get setup of ioA is wrong
I try to look at the setup but dont know what to change.
I have ioA version 1.0.8
working path to request file? after setting up this right request should generally work in default settings.
rescanall will be checked asap then
when request gives that error its 99% always wrong path specified to requestfile
02-03-2004, 07:24 PM
thanks guys :banana:
Another thing is. Is there a way to make it if a user fill a request they get double credit what they normally get?
02-04-2004, 10:24 AM
setup a section for /requests/ in your ini file and give it a different credit section. then set the ratio for that credit section to twice what it normally is. that would work, i think. i've not actually tried it though i do use sections for seperate stats. let me know how it goes.
ps i think we should keep help requests to new posts and leave the ioA thread for bugs/announcements :P
you may post whatever you want here as long as it is ioA releated :) this is the first thread I check in when doing bugfixes and new thingys. enjoy
02-05-2004, 12:35 AM
Newday = 0 0 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe NEWDATE
I would like this to work in my time zone.
I live on the east coast,USA.
(GMT-05:00)<Eastern Standard Time>(US & CANADA)
My friend told me 19 would work for me,but it didnt.
Newday = 0 19 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe NEWDATE
I did this manually to see if it works and it did:
List Complete: 2 KB in 0.28 (2.02 KBps)
site newdate
200 Command successful.
Thanks in advance.
olivilo: If you're in the GMT-5 timezone, your newday event should be:
Newday = 0 5 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe NEWDATE
02-05-2004, 10:41 AM
Thanks man....
Guess well see tonight...
02-06-2004, 12:21 PM
Mega thanks man.
new version out. 1.0.9 @
02-06-2004, 06:18 PM
Nice, thnx for the updates :)
02-06-2004, 06:45 PM
Nice another update, thx m8
02-07-2004, 04:23 AM
If section is iSO like APP ,GAME ..., hide SUB dir after 'site pre ...' cmd. :(
But not hide MOVIE or MP3 sections.
Pre_Area_0 = "APP|Some APP shit|D:\_ioFTPD\APPS|/APPS|0"
Pre_Area_1 = "MP3|Some MP3 shit|D:\_ioFTPD\MP3\%M%D|/MP3/%M%D|0"
Pre_Area_2 = "GAME|Some GAME shit|D:\_ioFTPD\GAMES|/GAMES|0"
Pre_Area_3 = "MOVIE|Some MOVIE shit|D:\_ioFTPD\MOVIES|/MOVIES|0"
Pre_Group_0 = "ALZZA|APP|/PRiVATE/APP/ALZZA/*|0|0|ufo"
Pre_Group_1 = "ALZZA|MP3|/PRiVATE/MP3/ALZZA/*|0|0|ufo"
Pre_Group_2 = "ALZZA|GAME|/PRiVATE/GAME/ALZZA/*|0|0|ufo"
Pre_Group_3 = "ALZZA|MOVIE|/PRiVATE/MOVIE/ALZZA/*|0|0|ufo"
Pre_Order = 0
Pre_Log = ""%vfs/%release" "%user" "%group" "%.0files" "%.2mb" "%type" "%desc" "%ufo" "%genre" "%kbit" "%year""
Pre_Touch_Owner = 1
Pre_Give_Credits_To_Uploaders = 1
Pre_Give_Credits_To_Predude = 1
Pre_Run_Script = "D:\ioFTPD\scripts\imdb.exe"
Pre_File_Filter_0 = "*.ioFTPD*"
02-07-2004 17:33:52 ioA - 1.0.9
02-07-2004 17:33:52 INFO - Pre_Group: 4
02-07-2004 17:33:52 INFO - Pre_Areas: 4
02-07-2004 17:33:52 INFO - Groups user in: ioftpd ALZZA
02-07-2004 17:33:52 PRE - !change ioFTPD STATS section 0 credits +0
02-07-2004 17:33:52 PRE - !change ioFTPD STATS section 0 credits +0
02-07-2004 17:33:52 PRE - Flushing cache in: D:\_ioFTPD\APPS\TEst_ISO.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA\
02-07-2004 17:33:52 PRE - Flushing cache in: D:\_ioFTPD\APPS
02-07-2004 17:33:52 PRE - Flushing cache in: D:\_ioFTPD\PRiVATE\APP\ALZZA
02-07-2004 17:33:52 PRE - ExecuteOnPre line: D:\ioFTPD\scripts\imdb.exe "D:\_ioFTPD\APPS\TEst_ISO.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA\legends.nfo" "/APPS/TEst_ISO.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA" "D:\_ioFTPD\APPS\TEst_ISO.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA"
02-07-2004 17:33:52 PRE imdb - Problem running execute_on_pre
02-07-2004 17:35:27 ioA - 1.0.9
02-07-2004 17:35:27 INFO - Pre_Group: 4
02-07-2004 17:35:27 INFO - Pre_Areas: 4
02-07-2004 17:35:27 INFO - Groups user in: ioftpd ALZZA
02-07-2004 17:35:27 PRE - !change ioFTPD STATS section 0 credits +0
02-07-2004 17:35:27 PRE - !change ioFTPD STATS section 0 credits +0
02-07-2004 17:35:27 PRE - Flushing cache in: D:\_ioFTPD\MOVIES\TEst_MOVIE.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA\
02-07-2004 17:35:27 PRE - Flushing cache in: D:\_ioFTPD\MOVIES
02-07-2004 17:35:27 PRE - Flushing cache in: D:\_ioFTPD\PRiVATE\MOVIE\ALZZA
02-07-2004 17:35:27 PRE - ExecuteOnPre line: D:\ioFTPD\scripts\imdb.exe "D:\_ioFTPD\MOVIES\TEst_MOVIE.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA\obus.nfo" "/MOVIES/TEst_MOVIE.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA" "D:\_ioFTPD\MOVIES\TEst_MOVIE.Dummy.for.FTP.ZS-ALZZA"
02-07-2004 17:35:27 PRE imdb - Problem running execute_on_pre
Hmm those debugs looks to be exacly the same except for path. It flushes and so on.
Perhaps dark0ne could enlight us here what can be the cause. Its a cache issue thats for sure.
02-08-2004, 09:57 PM
upgraded ioA 1.08 to 1.09 and now ioftpd crash on nuke/unnuke cmds :confused:
02-09-2004, 01:17 AM
ive got the latest version,..
Nuke_Run_Script = "d:\script.exe nuke %user %.0size"
where is script.exe or am i supposed to change the title, when i type site nuke it says command successful but it doesnt do anything.. any help would be appreciated
02-09-2004, 02:16 AM
there is no script.exe ...
if u have any .exe file u would run on nuke u have to write down path to it ...
if u dont run any script or whatever just do :
Nuke_Run_Script = ""
02-09-2004, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by typhon|wk
upgraded ioA 1.08 to 1.09 and now ioftpd crash on nuke/unnuke cmds :confused:
after some tests
ioftp crash when nuke is on empty dir.
02-09-2004 10:14:29 ioA - 1.0.9
02-09-2004 10:14:29 NUKE - nuke: testsfv
02-09-2004 10:14:29 NUKE - multi: 3
02-09-2004 10:14:29 NUKE - reason: ll
02-09-2004 10:14:29 NUKE - oldpath: G:\FTPG\PS2DVD\testsfv
02-09-2004 10:14:29 NUKE - newpath: G:\FTPG\PS2DVD\[Nuked]-testsfv
02-09-2004 10:14:29 NUKE - Checked directories if present
02-09-2004 10:14:29 NUKE - Scanning files
02-09-2004 10:14:29 NUKE - Emptynuke!!!!
here ioftpd crash........following lines are write in ioadebug file after ioftp box error is closed
02-09-2004 10:14:59 NUKE - Cleaning incompletetags
02-09-2004 10:14:59 NUKE - Rename nuked dir
02-09-2004 10:14:59 INFO - !vfs:add 000 1413902185:17488 G:\FTPG\PS2DVD\testsfv
02-09-2004 10:15:00 NUKE - !vfs:add 555 1413902185:17488 G:\FTPG\PS2DVD\[Nuked]-testsfv
02-09-2004 10:15:10 NUKE - Flushing cache in: G:\FTPG\PS2DVD
02-09-2004 10:15:10 NUKE - Messagefile: G:\FTPG\PS2DVD\[Nuked]-testsfv\.ioFTPD.message
02-09-2004 10:15:10 NUKE - Nuketag: G:\FTPG\PS2DVD\[Nuked]-testsfv\[NUKED]-[3x]-[by ioFTPD@ioftpd]-[ll]
02-09-2004 10:15:10 NUKE - !vfs:add 555 1413902185:17488 G:\FTPG\PS2DVD\[Nuked]-testsfv\[NUKED]-[3x]-[by ioFTPD@ioftpd]-[ll]
restarting ioftp the nuked dir is showed
02-09-2004, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by bobby89
ive got the latest version,..
Nuke_Run_Script = "d:\script.exe nuke %user %.0size"
where is script.exe or am i supposed to change the title, when i type site nuke it says command successful but it doesnt do anything.. any help would be appreciated
You can choose ioA.exe.
Nuke_Run_Script = "D:\ioFTPD\ioA\ioA.exe nuke %user %.0size"
02-09-2004, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by durulink
You can choose ioA.exe.
Nuke_Run_Script = "D:\ioFTPD\ioA\ioA.exe nuke %user %.0size"
No, that's not at all what you put there. That's for ioA to launch a script on nuke, ex. a trial/quota script to remove the credits from the users trial or quota.
As MIC_vBa said, if you aren't using it, set it to nothing.
Nuke_Run_Script = ""
typhon fixed
durulink shame on you to sugest it to call itself :)
02-09-2004, 09:27 AM
02-09-2004, 11:32 AM
thx WarC
is there a linlk to the fixed version ? :rolleyes:
02-10-2004, 12:01 AM
with io1.0.9 then I try to nuke a dir
this is message that ioA return in status windows
200- You are not allowed to nuke other groups
02-10-2004, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by KrikkioXP
with io1.0.9 then I try to nuke a dir
this is message that ioA return in status windows
200- You are not allowed to nuke other groups
It's explained in the docs.
Allows releasegroups to nuke their own releases ONLY
Feature was requested and therefore added. A normal nuker
should therefore NOT have the flag specified for this.
If using G as groupadmin and you want gadmin to be a nuker
then put Groupnuke flag as something else and do not give
gadmin this flag.
In the ioA.cfg.... Nuke_Group_Flag = Z
Any user with the flag Z can only nuke they're own groups.
1.1.0 is out @ as usual
Bugfixes and internal changes
02-13-2004, 11:25 AM
no problem PRE
THX (--)(__)
02-13-2004, 02:25 PM
nice a new edition
only got a little problem with nuking still, found out it was in 1.09 too
200-| UserName........: test Flags.............: 3 |
200-| Group...........: iND Credits...........: 143 MB |
when when nuke
site nuke test 3 again
200- test | iND | 47.68MB | 238.42MB
200- Total bytes: 47.68MB Total credits: 238.42MB
resulting in:
site nuke test 3 again
site user test
200-| UserName........: test Flags.............: 3 |
200-| Group...........: iND Credits...........: -96 MB |
why it takes 238.42 credits?
02-13-2004, 02:32 PM
· What does the multiplier in 'site nuke' do?
Multiplier is a penalty measure. If it is 0, the user doesn't lose any
credits for the stuff being nuked. If it is 1, user only loses the
amount of credits he gained by uploading the files (which is calculated
by multiplying total size of file by his/her ratio). If multiplier is more
than 1, the user loses the credits he/she gained by uploading, PLUS some
extra credits. The formula is this: size * ratio + size * (multiplier - 1).
This way, multiplier of 2 causes user to lose size * ratio + size * 1,
so the additional penalty in this case is the size of nuked files. If the
multiplier is 3, user loses size * ratio + size * 2, etc.
Source (
02-13-2004, 02:47 PM
mm...then it was me thats was wrong, kewl that you looked it up, great. Always thougt numbers where the same as in ratio.
my bad
internal changes... so is it normal that new executable is less than half of size of 1.0.9?
02-14-2004, 03:16 PM
yes, it is :)
02-15-2004, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by toki
internal changes... so is it normal that new executable is less than half of size of 1.0.9?
ioA is compressed with an an executable compressor as of v1.0.10. (ASPack to be precise ;))
never before have so little creates so many pms :)
internal changes = comment to myself more than others so I can see in what version I changed certain things.
02-26-2004, 04:12 PM
thread splitted for site request showing full path bug...
Thanks mouton
Issue solved in next version
02-27-2004, 07:10 PM
Whatever happened to ioA letting users know they have messages? Was that lost from way back in or did you just decide to take it out?
It's still there. Tested 1 min ago. I see that in 5.8.0 events its called "OnLogIn" but I got enlightend that it should still be "OnFtpLogIn" as usual.
1.1.2 is out
Fixed when requestfile is hidden
Changed Weekly alotment to handle groups as well
03-06-2004, 02:45 AM
Awesome script.. :)
Just wondering with the site message part of it, is there a way to change the 'Message_Login_Output' to something like below example.. 'Message_DirChange_Output' <-- keep displaying the message on each directory change until it has been read?
[Ul: 17165.9MB] [Dl: 2.0MB] [Speed: 0.0K/s] [Free: 6905MB]
[Section: Default] [Credits: 49946.5MB] [Ratio: 1:3]
You have messages in INBOX. Type SITE MSG READ to read them.
not 100% sur eI understand but you can run the login event from any messagefile in ioftpd. just trigger it from the messagefile you want the same way its made in logon
03-06-2004, 07:13 AM
ahh ok.. hmm how to explain this... basically i personally don't want the msg displayed on login... if there was an option to display it like 'text\ftp\TransferComplete'... each time you change dir, the msg will display like my previous example.. the same way glftpd does i guess..
hehe.. i'm probably confusing you more..
03-06-2004, 08:04 AM
Try adding
list = EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe logon
To your [FTP_Post-Command_Events] section in ioftpd.ini
03-06-2004, 08:14 AM
You could probably also use it using an %[execute] super-cookie.
03-06-2004, 11:28 AM
Which I believe goes something like this:
%[execute(EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe)(logon)]
Works with 5.6.3 anyway
03-06-2004, 04:33 PM
woot! cheers mouton, romracer... the %[execute... worked nicely :)
03-09-2004, 04:13 PM
Dunno if its posted before but when nuking/wiping something the dir cache of io isnt updated.
So i cant see the nuke reason/dir stays in ios cache even when wiped.
Saw that d1 said something bout
"Forcing daemon to flush the directory cache should do the trick: vfs flush <path>."
Maybe warc could add this? :confused:
ioA started to use shared memory the clear the directory cache on nuke/wipe a couple of versions ago.
03-09-2004, 04:26 PM
then its a bug in ioftpd :p
ps: it updates the dirs when i make a new dir/ up a new file
The answer is in page 16 of this thread ;)
This happens with FAT32. Convert to NTFS and it will work:
C:\>convert x: /fs:ntfs
...where x is the device you wanna convert.
03-10-2004, 12:40 PM
i found that out myself, ive talked with d1 about this before and i thought he fixed it, but seems it got broken again, oh well whatever ;/
guess i gotta live with that bug then :) and no ntfs isnt an option :D
question about ioA 1.1.3:
only when the current directroy is the parent directory of to_be_wiped_directory, wipe and nuke can be execute successfully, or reply with:
200- Unable to find directory to nuke
200- Could not find directory to wipe
any suggestions?
03-19-2004, 04:03 AM
And don't try to nuke/wipe things in ioftpd raided dirs.
i'm sure the two variables are in ioftpd.env. forget it, it's no matter somehow.
RescanAll_Complete_Header = "[SMURF]-[100% COMPLETE]-[SMURF]"
Is there some cookie to put in total size and total files when rescaning?
RescanAll_Complete_Header = "[SMURF]-[100% COMPLETE 10F 175M]-[SMURF]"
Would appreciate it.
EDIT: Found one cookie %.0s for Total Mb. But Cant find cookie for Total Files.
there is....
%.0m = missing
%.0s = size in MB
%.0n = total files
%.0o = ok files
05-20-2004, 08:58 PM
hey man, i was download ioA and my Antivirus sayme that file is infected whit Win.exe Virus... :confused:
05-20-2004, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by aquarius
hey man, i was download ioA and my Antivirus sayme that file is infected whit Win.exe Virus... :confused:
Which anti-virus software? It was probably added to their virus definitions by mistake when it was found with some lame kid's root kit...
05-21-2004, 03:19 AM
Av "Dr. Web".
I search for this virus on inet but nothing found.
Theres no virus on my computer so get yourself a better antivirus software :)
Originally posted by WarC
Theres no virus on my computer... thats what all those people think, until their pc is shutting down from one moment to another. *eg*
05-22-2004, 11:19 PM
Using ioA 1.1.3, SITE SIZE <DIRNAME> doesn't seem to work.
[L] site size My.Favorite.All.Time-ReLZ
[L] 200--[Size]-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[L] 200- Not permitted to size that directory
[L] 200---------------------------------------------------------------------------[ioA]-
[L] 200 Command successful.
[L] site size CD1
[L] 200--[Size]-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[L] 200- Not permitted to size that directory
[L] 200---------------------------------------------------------------------------[ioA]-
[L] 200 Command successful.
size = 1
And current user has 1 flag. hum..
05-22-2004, 11:28 PM
Is searchirc function useful? Because I don't see what it's supposed to do..
[R] site searchirc My.All.Time.Favorite-ReLZ
[R] 200 Command successful.
[L] 200 NOOP command successful.
hum that was interesting :p
05-23-2004, 04:31 AM
PopWeasel, it all works. You probably just configured something wrong.
[11:28:58] [L] site searchirc adobe reader
[11:28:59] [L] 200- /appz/other/Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 - english
[11:28:59] [L] 200- /appz/other/Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0.1 - english
[11:28:59] [L] 200- /appz/other/Adobe Reader Speed-Up v1.12
[11:28:59] [L] 200 Command successful.
[11:30:33] [L] site size other
[11:30:33] [L] 200--[Size]-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:30:33] [L] 200- Total size: 609.16MB
[11:30:33] [L] 200---------------------------------------------------------------------------[ioA]-
[11:30:33] [L] 200 Command successful.
Searchirc is used by sitebots. Its not ment to be used as sitecommand except for testing.
about the size issue you dont supply lot of info to go on so my guess is you either have your enviroment variables wrong (#8 in manual of ioa) or you did it wrong in ioa.cfg on deny part of size
Originally posted by WarC
there is....
%.0m = missing
%.0s = size in MB
%.0n = total files
%.0o = ok files
can u maybe also add a cookie for mp3 id3 info
genre, kbit and year
05-23-2004, 09:47 PM
WarC, thanks for the tip- I got it sorted now. For some reason when I set up ioA I hat put my root dir in the
..line. :p
Added Pre_Skip_Messagefile under pre section
lol thx guy :)
For those that missed on irc or in scriptsection. theres a new ioA in town.
Version 1.1.5 this time.(yes debuglog says 1.1.4, ignore it)
06-02-2004, 07:48 PM
thx a lot. :):)
can u make
1.1.6 is released!
this is a must to have due to fixes possible crashes of previous ioA versions.
07-11-2004, 05:59 PM
lo tried lastest version and im having a prob with newdate,
Using it like this:
(changed log style a bit so dzsbot will actually announce)
Newdate_0 = "mp3|some mp3 shit|c:\ftp\mp3\%M%D|/Mp3/%M%D|c:\ftp\Today-Mp3|0|0|0|1|777"
Newdate_Log = ""%vfs" "%area" "%desc" "%phys""
Great, working fine, but it writes 2 entries in ioftpd.log:
07-12-2004 02:03:52 NEWDATE: "/Mp3/0712" "mp3" "some mp3 shit" "c:\ftp\mp3\0712"
07-12-2004 02:03:52 NEWDATE: "/Mp3/0712" "mp3" "some mp3 shit" "c:\ftp\mp3\0712"
Using this command:
newdate = EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe NEWDATE
any idea?
07-11-2004, 06:46 PM
only writes one line here..
07-12-2004, 07:09 AM
lol checked it again and seemed i had 2 newdate lines in ioftpd config.
Last night it only showed output of 1 though, after a io reboot it suddently showwed them twice... anywayz its fixed.. */me dumb*
seems like weekly credit adding does not work..
"site weekly username 0,+5000" sets the credits to 5000MB, instead of adding it..
using ioA 1.1.6
07-16-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by noob
seems like weekly credit adding does not work..
"site weekly username 0,+5000" sets the credits to 5000MB, instead of adding it..
using ioA 1.1.6
Which is exactly how a weekly allotment works, if you read ioA's documentation you would have known this.
weekly <user/=group> <section>,<MB>
Sets X MB credits for a user to be used. It does not add but sets it to specific value.
site weekly ioFTPD 0,500 Set ioFTPD 500MB credits
site weekly =ioftpd 0,500 Set ioftpd 500MB credits
site weekly ioFTPD 0,0 Removes allotment for ioFTPD in section 0
site weekly Lists users with allotment
site weekly
200- Syntax:
200- site weekly <user/=group> <sectionnumber>,<MB>
200- site weekly ioFTPD 0,5000 Gives user ioFTPD 5000MB of creds
200- site weekly ioFTPD 0,+5000 Adds 5000MB to user ioFTPD
200- site weekly =ioftpd 0,5000 Gives group ioftpd 5000MB of creds
200- site weekly ioFTPD 0,0 Remove allotment in section 0
200- site weekly List help
so it should ADD credits!! and not reset them..
07-16-2004, 04:48 PM
Ahh yes, I forgot warc added support for adding credits rather then resetting them (I'm used to glftpd). Looks like I should take another look :p, I stand corrected.
Will take a look at it asap
Now fixed
Granny Smith
07-20-2004, 08:46 AM
my Search option doesntôt work :(
(16:46:59) (~SkullSplitter): !KonradZuse_search SuSE
(16:51:42) (KonradZuse): -[Search]-----------------------------------------------
(16:51:44) (KonradZuse): 0 match to your criteria
(16:51:46) (KonradZuse): -------------------------------------------------[ioA]-
My ioA Config:
Search_Use_Star = 1
Search_Minimum_Length = 3
Search_Output_Too_Short = " Searchstring must be %characters characters or more"
Search_Output_Matches = " There are %number matches to your search criteria"
Search_Output_No_Matches = " Sorry no matches to your search"
Search_Output_Match = " %vfs/%target (%age)"
Search_Path_0 = c:\programme\ioftpd\site\|/|3
Search_Path_1 = c:\programme\ioftpd\site\0days|/|3
Search_Path_2 = c:\programme\ioftpd\site\apps|/|3
Search_Path_3 = c:\programme\ioftpd\site\ebooks|/|3
Search_Path_4 = c:\programme\ioftpd\site\games|/|3
Search_Path_5 = c:\programme\ioftpd\site\movies|/|3
Search_Path_6 = c:\programme\ioftpd\site\mp3|/|3
Search_Exclude_Show_0 = *complete*
Search_Exclude_Show_1 = *incomplete*
Search_Include_Files = 1
Search_File_Filter_0 = .*
Search_File_Filter_1 = *.nfo
Search_Log_File = c:\programme\ioFTPD\logs\search.log
Search_Using_Log = 1
I try both :
Search_Using_Log = 1
Search_Using_Log = 0
But every Time i received:
(16:51:42) (KonradZuse): -[Search]-----------------------------------------------
(16:51:44) (KonradZuse): 0 match to your criteria
(16:51:46) (KonradZuse): -------------------------------------------------[ioA]-
Whats wrong ?
edit: i am using ioA 1.1.6 .. and the other question i cant understand
ioA isn't a sitebot. Which one are you using ?
PS: why have you modified the paths before posting this part of your ioA.cfg ?
07-21-2004, 12:29 AM
Search_Use_Star = 1
may u should try *suse* ....
indeed you should use *suse* since you have that specified.
Also why have all paths listed since all are under same path. All this does is list same stuff twice based on search_path_0 and then in whatever area its found.
Alos note that you have "/" on all paths as VFS path.
Should be enough with following I think.
Search_Path_0 = c:\programme\ioftpd\site\|/|4
Granny Smith
07-21-2004, 09:57 AM
is working , many thx :)
1.1.7 is out.
Fixed some bugs
Added support for ioAUTONUKE
07-22-2004, 11:05 PM
Thanks WarC:D
07-23-2004, 11:27 AM
Thanks :D:D:D
What is ioAUTONUKE?
ioAUTONUKE made by harm. A autonuker in short :)
07-24-2004, 11:19 AM
Where can we get this ioAUTONUKE ?
At the moment it comes with ioBanana v20pre7 and following versions (no, there's no newer one yet).
In the future, i may pack it as a stand-alone script with dZSbot and ioBanana support but I need to talk to B0unty first.
07-24-2004, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by IceCube
Where can we get this ioAUTONUKE ?
badaas made autonuke a long time ago ... latest version from him is ioAutoNUKE v1.4 i think ... dunno for sure cause i modded it myself a bit ... try #iom0d to get it (in case u wont "buy" tha banana) ;)
07-30-2004, 04:27 PM
I've done everything what the config said.
But I cant get this work at all. sorry for bothering you with this noob-prob :p But I want to get it work.
site wipe test
500 'SITE WIPE': Command not understood.
I get the same error on all commands.
Anyone know what the problem is? Please help me..
07-30-2004, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by fjedjik
I've done everything what the config said.
But I cant get this work at all. sorry for bothering you with this noob-prob :p But I want to get it work.
site wipe test
500 'SITE WIPE': Command not understood.
I get the same error on all commands.
Anyone know what the problem is? Please help me..
read instructions again and again and again until u do it correct, u have missed like 15 lines of stuff that goes into ioftpd.ini..
07-31-2004, 06:14 AM
Originally posted by -=DoBBeR=-
read instructions again and again and again until u do it correct, u have missed like 15 lines of stuff that goes into ioftpd.ini..
No, I have read them.. I've done everything that the instruction says. pasted in ioftpd.ini. but I have this problem with other scripts I try to install too. Is there anything else that these scripts needs to work? I've heard something about .net framework or something?
07-31-2004, 12:17 PM
fjedjik, just make sure all the paths are correct. If your ioA is installed in ioFTPD\scripts\ioA you need:
wipe = EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe WIPE
You figure out the rest ;)
can u add an option on site rescan that deletes/renames(.bad) files that failed rescan and creates the .missing files for those who failed?
RescanAll_Missing_File = .missing
when do rescan -missing files are created not .missing
when only .sfv is in dir and i run site rescanall ioA crashes
added and fixed. thanks for reporting the bug
08-29-2004, 04:28 PM
Warc is it possible to add a date cookie to the request portion of the script? it would be worth having. /me thinks so
Originally posted by WarC
added and fixed. thanks for reporting the bug
not added to scripts? version 1.8?
there is only 2004-07-24
Monthly release I guess.... 1.1.8 is out :)
Added RescanAll_Delete_Bad_Files = 1
Added date cookie support for requestfile. See example above
Fixed crash on rescanall with only sfv in directory.
Fixed -missing files option was hardcoded. DOH!
09-01-2004, 10:23 AM
on "site request test" fe. theres sumtin wrong with the putlog !
... so in ioftpd.log i find instead of :
09-01-2004 17:08:33 REQUEST: "sumuser" "sumgrp" "test"
the following :
09-01-2004 17:08:33 REQUEST: "sumuser" "sumgrp" "%request"
happens with and without adding/using the datecookie :confused:
also the datecookie just works when placing it same as in ur example ... would be nice to place it free.
Here's a cutout from my ioA.cfg in case it would help ...
Request_Header = ""
Request_Footer = ""
Request_File = "z:\_FTP\REQUESTS\.ioFTPD.lnkreq"
Request_Line = "%## %user -> %request"
Request_Field = " -> "
Request_Max = 10
Request_Max_User = 3
Request_Log = ""%user" "%group" "%request" "
Request_Tag = "(REQUEST)_%request"
Request_IRC_Uid = 19
Request_IRC_Gid = 6
Request_Max_age = 14
Request_Wipe_Log = ""%release" "%.0dirs" "%.0files" "%.2mb""
Reqfilled_Log = ""%user" "%group" "%request""
Reqdel_Log = ""%user" "%group" "%request""
Reqfilled_Tag = "(FiLLED)_%request"
ReqFilled_Add_Tag = 1
ReqFilled_Send_Message = 0
regards, Guardian
09-01-2004, 11:16 AM
Thank you very much. WarC!!
new release 1.1.8 ^^
In what way doesnt the datecookies work?
Print a example configline that doesnt work for you
%request is fixed
09-01-2004, 04:51 PM
still get this in io log :\
09-01-2004 23:47:16 REQUEST: "sumuser" "sumgrp" "%request"
... or fixed version not ready to dl yet ?
[correction] datecookie works ... either position just got confused thru dzsbot hungup cause the "%request" string (100% load) when trying to read iolog ...
reqadd thru irc works ... just not via site cmd
09-02-2004, 05:43 PM
thanks WarC ... working perfect now :)
09-02-2004, 06:34 PM
Log_IoA_Commands = 1
But, since version 1.1.7 don't create more log of commands...
ioAcommands.log is empty
Will be a bug or it's my config?
09-03-2004, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by WarC
Now its out. 1.1.9
GOooooooooOD~~ ^^
Originally posted by MidasKing
Log_IoA_Commands = 1
But, since version 1.1.7 don't create more log of commands...
ioAcommands.log is empty
Will be a bug or it's my config?
its a bug. I somehow removed some sourcecode :)
09-05-2004, 03:02 PM
where do you set what dir ioA should make the [REQ]-%request directory in?
currently mine is making it in ..scripts\ioA\ ... and the only reference i see to paths in the request section is ;
Request_File = "x:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioA\.ioFTPD.message"...
my ioA.debug.log says;
09-05-2004 15:48:32 REQUEST - Request_Field " -> "
09-05-2004 15:48:32 REQUEST - Request_Field " [%##] [%-10user] -> %request
09-05-2004 15:48:32 REQUEST - Found 0 requests
09-05-2004 15:48:32 REQUEST - Settign permission on directory
09-05-2004 15:50:13 ioA - 1.1.7
if thats any usefull.
ioA creates the dirs/files for the requests in the dir where the Request_File is.
warc, some reqs for ioA pre part:
if there's .bad/.missing/incomplete file/dir you cant pre and script will show error msg.
and another req for pre part:
since pre takes a while (ages with dvdrs :( ) even on same partition maybe ioa.exe could detect if there's pre from same partition then cut/paste rls.
If pre is on same drive it moves it. How this could take ages for you I dunno. Never done that here on tests.
09-10-2004, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by WarC
If pre is on same drive it moves it. How this could take ages for you I dunno. Never done that here on tests.
move works fine here, takes very few seconds to pre a large release to same drive
09-10-2004, 01:54 PM
Rescanall (Dir) Tag cookies don't appear to werk anymore :(
in rescanall_complete_header I'd like to have File (as in number of files in release) and size. %.2filesF doesn't werk but it seems %.2okfilesF does, so it's ok, though a purist would see a flaw :) But I can't get any size cookie to werk. I'm sure I used to have %.2sizeMB but that doesn't werk, %.2mb (as used for log file) doesn't either. Any clue, please?
Your're not specifying the version you use. This is the default rows I use for rescanall and they work perfect for me:
RescanAll_Complete_Header = "[SMURF]-[100% COMPLETE %.0okfiles %.0missingfiles %.0totalfiles %.2sizefiles ]-[SMURF]"
RescanAll_Complete_Header_MP3 = "[SMURF]-[100% COMPLETE %genre %kbitkbit %year %.0okfiles %.0missingfiles %.0totalfiles %.2sizefiles ]-[SMURF]"
RescanAll_Incomplete_Header = "[SMURF]-[%.0%% COMPLETE %.0okfiles %.0missingfiles %.0totalfiles %.2sizefiles ]-[SMURF]"
RescanAll_Incomplete_Header_MP3 = "[SMURF]-[%.0okfiles of %.0totalfiles %genre %kbitkbit %year]-[SMURF]"
If not using latest version or still no go paste your configsettings for rescanall
09-13-2004, 03:27 PM
Thank you WarC, it works a treat. I guess those cookies appeared somewhere once, and then kinda got lost in the manual :D Keep up the good werk!
PS: Suggestion ...
- Execute on rescanall (if complete) with a few cookies like real path ...
- log file entry ... with a few cookies for bot announce (complete + incomplete would be fantastic :)
- rescanall for zips ....
Kinda like if you dunno what to add to this wonderfull set of tools.
09-24-2004, 12:40 PM
ioA ChangeLog
- SITE Commands -
by WarC
2004-09-24 11:29:29 - 1.2.0
2004-09-02 14:25:35 - 1.1.9
Fixed request
New Version , no changes.....hehe :D :D
09-24-2004, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by Grendel
New Version , no changes.....hehe :D :D
1.2.0 Fixed command logging disabled
Fixed Rescanall totalsize wrong in output
Fixed Wipe command
Added Benchmark mode
Changed Internal changes of commands(note to myself)
09-24-2004, 12:49 PM
yep, I know :-)
only in ioA.html
:D ;)
one can't be perfect every time :)
Is there any way to change the User/Group owner of the dir (and files too!), after pre ?
- i am testing only changing on this line:
Pre_Group_0 = "Group|mp3|/pre/Group/*|pre|nEWGRP|ufo"
- pre|nEWGRP iz real name of existing user and group name
- but files after pre still have 'master' gid/uid :/ [master gid/uid i mean the admin, group/user name]
pls, help - thx
ds if you follow the syntax it works better :)
Pre_Group_0 = "ioftpd|mp3|/_pre/ioftpd/*|0|0|ufo"
ie use the uid and gid of "pre" and "newGRP"
10-21-2004, 03:11 AM
Need some help....
I configured my server yesterday, and it worked fine.
But today, something is ****ed up.
I can login without problems, but no my friends.
[R] Connecting to xxxxxx -> IP=213.114.211.xx PORT=666
[R] Connected to xxxxxx
[R] Connection failed (Connection lost)
They get connected, but then "connection lost" like they get kicked by me or something.
what doe it have to do with ioA?
10-21-2004, 04:02 AM
It did work before I got ioA. I have use ioFTPD (without any scripts) for long time, and it have work all time.
After I got ioA this problem show up.:confused:
only thing that should be run when logging on is the check for messages. even its badly setup it should continue though. But that event is not run until after you logged on so it should not be that either.
allow request only to site ops
requests = !path\to\request\.ioFTPD.message <-- the file u use in ioA.cfg
request = 1
requests = *
now all users can see current requests and only siteops can actualy request
1.2.1 is out
Fixed overflowissue (crazy acsiiart dudes, you know who you are)
Fixed Using same cookie several times in a customtext
Changed many internal functions(note to myself)
Changed Search can now sort output with setting
Changed Internal changes to search(note to myself)
12-10-2004, 04:11 PM
Thanks :)
One detail:
200- There are 6.000000 matches to your search criteria
I certainly appreciate the precision... but any way we could get down to one (well, maybe two) decimal places? ;) ;) ;)
12-10-2004, 05:19 PM
esmandil, just add a precision specifier to the %number cookie.
Search_Output_Matches = " There are %number matches to your criteria."
Search_Output_Matches = " There are %.0number matches to your criteria."
12-11-2004, 08:47 AM
Thanks :D
more than 80 downloads and only one person that notivced the obvious bug :)
1.2.2 is out
on pre all user kicked in source path => ok
but in target path why ?
previous ioA version do not do that
hmm that was interesting. Not ment to do that nor do I find in source that it does it. Could you send me a memo on irc where I can get hold of a debuglog there this happens.
if you dont have a webserver to put it on, send a memo and I'll provide you with place to upload it on(ftp)
all explained in (Attachment) the *.txt :)
removed the attachment after download. so many others was apparently interested :)
Bug fixed
1.2.3 released. Hopefully last fix now
12-12-2004, 09:38 AM
Thx~ gooooood guy! :):)
thx a lot
However i have a problem unsolved
on site pre sometimes the bot announce several times (since the previous version):
19:13:32 <botchan> -SITENAME- [4PRE] in 12DVDR + 4AFFIL + MOVIE.DVDR-AFFIL (496F and 44450.82M ) in DVDR ·
19:14:28 <botchan> -SITENAME- [4PRE] in 12DVDR + 4AFFIL + MOVIE.DVDR-AFFIL (496F and 44450.82M ) in DVDR ·
19:14:39 <botchan> -SITENAME- [4PRE] in 12DVDR + 4AFFIL + MOVIE.DVDR-AFFIL (496F and 44450.82M ) in DVDR ·
19:14:42 <botchan> -SITENAME- [4PRE] in 12DVDR + 4AFFIL + MOVIE.DVDR-AFFIL (496F and 44450.82M ) in DVDR ·
that always do it on the section movie (dvdr, divx...), never iso/mp3/0day
I think this not a bug but an error of config
pleas help me I do not find the problem
check if its logged more than once. If it is its a ioA issue it not its a bot issue
12-12-2004, 02:59 PM
hi, when i search with ioA on my home server and i find my data (for example: SITE SEARCH *test*) and he find 10 files then make he as result
"There are 10.000000 matches to your search criteria"
its not correct or?^^
12-12-2004, 05:02 PM
test123, read about 5 posts above.
12-12-2004, 11:15 PM
ahh very nice, thx ;)
thanx for bugfixes, ioA is a big script and one of the best script for ioftpd, keep on working ;)
Originally posted by WarC
check if its logged more than once. If it is its a ioA issue it not its a bot issue
ok i check it, w8 & see, i will be back :)
PS: how remove just the log "logon" dans ioa.debug:
(take too much place)
12-14-2004 08:13:42 ioA - 1.2.3
12-14-2004 08:13:42 MESSAGE - Running msg logon
12-14-2004 08:13:42 MESSAGE - Filename: c:\path\ioA\0
12-14-2004 08:13:42 MESSAGE - Logon Exiting
12-14-2004 08:13:42 BENCHMARK - Time to run command: LOGON was 157ms
debug is debug so you cant disable specific functions there. Onces everything is working as intendended theres no use in having debug on at all.
ok WarC
I think there is another bug
but I do not know a ioA issue or pz-s (caladan zipscript) issue
on pre or on newdir, tag completed for MusicVideo not supported
[sitename] - ( 0.00M 0F - COMPLETED ) - [sitename]
ioa doesnt have any support for such. Its not a zipscript
1.2.4 released. This is a must upgrade if siteops want to be happy.
12-18-2004, 01:07 PM
Thx WarC!! (--)(__)
U very gooooood guy~~~
01-19-2005, 08:41 AM
Found a small bug in 1.2.4. Same as the bug reported in 1.2.0 with nukecookies for botoutput.
This time its the site nukes and unnukes list that shows wrong.
Shows the %nuke cookie in all places instead of %nuker, %nukees etc.
pre <type> <what to pre>
Pre a directory to a section on server
pre <type> <what to pre> <comment>
Pre a directory to a section on server
<comment> is the comment show by the bot in the chan on pre :)
no ?
02-05-2005, 04:28 PM
why doesn't ioa del 0-byte-files on 'site rescanall'? it only does it with 'site rescan <0-byte-file>'
i've set this in ioa.cfg...
RescanAll_Delete_Bad_Files = 1
this means it only dels *.bad files? or 0-byte-files("bad") too?
i use ProjectZS. + ioA.1.2.4 + ioFTPD 5.8.5r
bad files are those named .bad
02-07-2005, 06:00 PM
oh ok..
can you make it del 0byte files too? or is that p-zs's job?
Hmm define what you mean by "a 0-byte file("bad")"
I dont understand what it is you mean really.
Give a example please
On rescan you're not supposed to use the filename of a file that is wrong. You supposed to use a correct filename from the sfv.
02-08-2005, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by WarC
Hmm define what you mean by "a 0-byte file ("bad")"
1. someone tries to ul a file
2. something goes wrong (the user hits 'ABORT' or whatever) and the zipscript (p-zs) leaves a 0byte-file (this shouldnt happen in the first place?)
-rw-r--r-- 0 user1 GRP1 15000000 Feb 08 14:46 ps-5gcp15b.r17
-rw-r--r-- 0 user2 GRP2 0 Feb 08 14:44 ps-5gcp15b.r18 <- 0-byte file
-rwxrwxrwx 0 user3 GRP3 0 Feb 08 15:08 ps-5gcp15b.r18-missing
02-15-2005, 02:18 AM
Having a little trouble with the 'site syslog' command
It's working but takes a lotta time to perform.
200- ioA execution time: 34563ms
SysOp.log = 166kb so that isnt that big
On my other sites it executes like immediatly
Problem is that i'm using it in a script, and the execution time ****es it up if it take this long, any ideas what it could be?
greet Coffee
Hmm I winder what that can be. do both server have same size of log approx. or one is almost empty and this one is not. Its such small amount anyway so it shouldnt matter though. I dont really now any solution for it. I'll try and make a huge syslog here and see what happens.
02-15-2005, 04:44 AM
it seemed that some other proces was taking up 98% cpu time, now it works good, sorry for the hassle
03-23-2005, 02:46 AM
Hey guys, quick question.
I'm just trying to fix up someone elses config (yup, big pain in arse, may just reinstall), but for now was hoping someone may recognise the issue, save me wading through other peoples configs with scripts i dont usually use.
[17:39:37] [L] site give test 9999
[17:39:37] [L] 200- +-[***]------------------------------------------------------------- -- - +
[17:39:37] [L] 200- | Gave 9999MB to test |
[17:39:37] [L] 200- + - -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- - +
[17:39:37] [L] 200--[Give]----------------------------------------------------------------------
[17:39:37] [L] 200- Transferred 9999MB of credits to test
[17:39:37] [L] 200------------------------------------------------------------------------[ioA]-
[17:39:37] [L] 200- ioA execution time: 32ms
[17:39:37] [L] 200 Command successful.
But then ....
[17:39:44] [L] site user test
[17:39:46] [L] 200-.------------------------------------------------------------------------.
[17:39:46] [L] 200-| UserName........: test Flags.............: 3 |
[17:39:46] [L] 200-| Group...........: TEST Credits...........: 0 MB |
Nothing was given :/
My first suspicion was corrupt userfiles but gadduser / deluser work like a charm.
Its using ioFTPD 5.8.5r, ioBanana v20, ioA 1.2.4 (and he is regged, I checked)
in debug when you issued the command there should be a line that prints what it did when it gave the creds. what section, amount and so on. You can also check in userfile if the credits got into wrong section
I know this isnt possible but it comes as an suggestion.
Would it be possible to send stats to a specific user everyday on a specific time from "site stats daydn" command or other stats command used by ioA?
Say admin wants a msg everday 11.59pm with stats from the day sent to his ioAmsg-account so that he can watch it whenever he wants instead of login in just before stats swtiches to a new day.
just a suggetsion but a useful one for me.
could be scripted probably. ioa messagesystem is just a textfile with contetn. add to that textfile and a new message have arrived
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