View Full Version : REQ: Dupecheck

06-04-2003, 12:12 PM
External Dupecheck with sitebot/site avaibility
Couple of possible available / editable commands

site dupecheck 0day
site dupecheck mp3
site dupecheck mp3tracks
site dupecheck svcd
site dupecheck games
site dupecheck nukestatus

The database should contain everything that has been uploaded to site not just whats currently on site. Like the DZS currently is for !search

Should be listed via last uploaded.
Available by site command or Sitebot with an addon tcl

ftp output would look something like this and display ALL the results :

site dupecheck mp3 coolsong
200--[DupeCheck VIA MP3]-------------------------------------------
200-06-04-03 – 5F@150mb – coolsong – (status NUKED)
200-1 match to searchcriteria

site dupecheck mp3tracks coolsong
200--[DupeCheck VIA MP3]-------------------------------------------
200-MP3 title = coolsong – URL if available?
200-#1 song 1 (size)
200-#2 song 2 (size)
200-#3 song 3 (size)
200-#4 song 4 (size)
200-#5 song 5 (size)
200-5 tracks for coolsong

site dupecheck nukestatus coolsong
200--[DupeCheck NukeStatus]-----------------------------------------
200-06-04-03 coolsong – NUKED (missing audio)
This should prolly be editable outputs like all the io stuff is :)
The other sections Should be something similar.

The sitebot should be something similar with editable outputs. And able to limit the # of possible output posts.

Not exactly sure how the database would be setup I will leave that to you.
Some of the possibly variables Tracks for mp3, url from nfo, # of rar's / size, nukestatus, date.

06-04-2003, 12:22 PM
site pretime (also included in upcoming ioBanana) already do such things... except for the nukestatus...

I guess I could add a way to fill the db it uses... That way, if for example u admin 5 sites, you could use the same db for site pretime and it could fill the same db from all 5 sites... And the dupecheck timestamp would be the earliest upload u got on all 5 sites...

U could even affil yourself with other ioftpd sysops and share a common db to have more releases in it...

What do u think of that ?

06-04-2003, 12:27 PM
always good possibilities :) keep up the good work on io

only one real big suggestion is a scripts/addons page that has all this stuff listed on it and u scripters could e-mail upgrades or something... never saw the pretime script :/