05-16-2003, 04:34 PM
Ok I made a little custom ioZS + DZbot theme. The theme is about a dungeon that leads to heaven. Maybe a little influenced by this cool game DungeonKeeper ;)
Feel free to use it and flame it if you are a kiddie ;)
If you modify it i´d love to see it (via pm maybe?)
Also I´d like to encourage other people to post their modifications here!
If I make new ones I will post them here too!
This "mod" was designed for ioZS 1.02 and Dzbot
INCOMPLETEMSG=INCOMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold runs away from $bold$releasename$bold. His dungeon is now $boldreopened$bold!"
AUDIO_BANNED_GENRE=WARN: "$pwd" "$bold$mp3genre$bold is an unwanted sound in this dungeon. $bold$releasename$bold is a possible $boldANGEL$bold!!! - react my fellow keepers"
AUDIO_BANNED_YEAR=WARN: "$pwd" "$bold$mp3year$bold is an unwanted year in this dungeon. $bold$releasename$bold is a possible $boldANGEL$bold!!! - react my fellow keepers"
AUDIO_BANNED_BITRATE=WARN: "$pwd" "$bold$mp3bitrate$bold is an unwanted bitrate in this dungeon. $bold$releasename$bold is a possible $boldANGEL$bold!!! - react my fellow keepers"
BANNED_GROUP=WARN: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold is from a banned heavens group, possible $boldANGEL$bold!!! - react my fellow keepers"
RAR_SFV=SFV: "$pwd" "Got first draw for the map of the dungeon to $bold$releasename$bold. Expecting $bold$totalfiles$boldSouls - hunt them down!"
OTHER_SFV=SFV: "$pwd" "Got first draw for the map of the dungeon to $bold$releasename$bold. Expecting $bold$totalfiles$boldSouls - hunt them down!"
AUDIO_SFV=SFV: "$pwd" "Got first draw for the map of the dungeon to $bold$releasename$bold. Expecting $bold$totalfiles$boldSouls - hunt them down!"
VIDEO_SFV=SFV: "$pwd" "Got first draw for the map of the dungeon to $bold$releasename$bold. Expecting $bold$totalfiles$boldSouls - hunt them down!"
ZIP_UPDATE=UPDATE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold proceeded and went through the first door at $bold$releasename @ $speed$boldSouls/s. Expecting $bold$estimatedmb$bold. Stop him!"
RAR_UPDATE=UPDATE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold proceeded and went through the first door at $bold$releasename @ $speed$boldSouls/s. Expecting $bold$estimatedmb$bold. Stop him!"
OTHER_UPDATE=UPDATE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold proceeded and went through the first door at bold$releasename @ $speed$boldSouls/s. Expecting $bold$estimatedmb$bold. Stop him!"
AUDIO_UPDATE=UPDATE: "$pwd" "Received weired sounds out of the dungeon $bold$releasename$bold. It looks like $bold$totalfiles$boldSouls of $bold$mp3genre$bold @ $speed$boldSouls/s$bold from $bold$mp3year$bold will make it through to heaven - stop them!"
VIDEO_UPDATE=UPDATE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold proceeded and went throug the first door at $bold$releasename$bold @ $speed$boldSouls/s. It looks like he will encounter $bold$estimated$bold Souls on his way to heaven."
ZIP_HALFWAY=HALFWAY: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold is halfway to heaven. Worst keeper is $raceldrstats. Worst group of savers are $racegrpstats."
RAR_HALFWAY=HALFWAY: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold is halfway to heaven. Worst keeper is $raceldrstats. Worst group of savers are $racegrpstats."
OTHER_HALFWAY=HALFWAY: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold is halfway to heaven. Worst keeper is $raceldrstats. Worst group of savers are $racegrpstats."
AUDIO_HALFWAY=HALFWAY: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold is halfway to heaven. Worst keeper is $raceldrstats. Worst group of savers are $racegrpstats."
VIDEO_HALFWAY=HALFWAY: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold is halfway to heaven. Worst keeper is $raceldrstats. Worst group of savers are $racegrpstats."
ZIP_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). Worst7: $zipcompletestats. Shame on him!"
RAR_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). $slowestfile $fastestfile. Shame on him!"
OTHER_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). Shame on him!"
AUDIO_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). Shame on him!"
VIDEO_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). Shame on him!"
ZIP_NORACE_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). $zipcompletestats. Shame on him!"
RAR_NORACE_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). $slowestfile $fastestfile. Shame on him!"
OTHER_NORACE_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). Shame on him!"
AUDIO_NORACE_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). Shame on him!"
VIDEO_NORACE_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). Shame on him!"
ZIP_RACE=RACE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold is helping [ $racemsg ] and all the damn angels to bring $releasename to heaven @ $bold$speed$boldSouls/s. Stop the traitor!"
RAR_RACE=RACE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold is helping [ $racemsg ] and all the damn angels to bring $releasename to heaven @ $bold$speed$boldSouls/s. Stop the traitor!"
OTHER_RACE=RACE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold is helping [ $racemsg ] and all the damn angels to bring $releasename to heaven @ $bold$speed$boldSouls/s. Stop the traitor!"
AUDIO_RACE=RACE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold is helping [ $racemsg ] and all the damn angels to bring $releasename to heaven @ $bold$speed$boldSouls/s. Stop the traitor!"
VIDEO_RACE=RACE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold is helping [ $racemsg ] and all the damn angels to bring $releasename to heaven @ $bold$speed$boldSouls/s. Stop the traitor!"
ZIP_NEWLEADER=NEWLEADER: "$pwd" "$raceldrstats takes the lead in hunting down those bad Angel(s) from taking $bold$releasename$bold!"
RAR_NEWLEADER=NEWLEADER: "$pwd" "$raceldrstats takes the lead in hunting down those bad Angel(s) from taking $bold$releasename$bold!"
OTHER_NEWLEADER=NEWLEADER: "$pwd" "$raceldrstats takes the lead in hunting down those bad Angel(s) from taking $bold$releasename$bold!"
AUDIO_NEWLEADER=NEWLEADER: "$pwd" "$raceldrstats takes the lead in hunting down those bad Angel(s) from taking $bold$releasename$bold!"
VIDEO_NEWLEADER=NEWLEADER: "$pwd" "$raceldrstats takes the lead in hunting down those bad Angel(s) from taking $bold$releasename$bold!"
STATS_USERTOP_HDR=STATS: "$pwd" "TraitorsTop: "
STATS_USERTOP=STATS: "$pwd" "$cnt. $bold$user$bold/$group [$uppedsize/$bold$uppedfiles$boldAngel(s)/$percent%/$bold$speed$boldSouls/s]"
STATS_GROUPTOP=STATS: "$pwd" "$cnt. $bold$group$bold [$uppedsize/$bold$uppedfiles$boldAngel(s)/$percent%/$bold$speed$boldSouls/s]"
ZIPCOMPLETESTATS=$cnt. $bold$user$bold/$group [$uppedsize/$bold$uppedfiles$boldAngel(s)/$percent%/$bold$speed$boldSouls/s]
Feel free to use it and flame it if you are a kiddie ;)
If you modify it i´d love to see it (via pm maybe?)
Also I´d like to encourage other people to post their modifications here!
If I make new ones I will post them here too!
This "mod" was designed for ioZS 1.02 and Dzbot
INCOMPLETEMSG=INCOMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold runs away from $bold$releasename$bold. His dungeon is now $boldreopened$bold!"
AUDIO_BANNED_GENRE=WARN: "$pwd" "$bold$mp3genre$bold is an unwanted sound in this dungeon. $bold$releasename$bold is a possible $boldANGEL$bold!!! - react my fellow keepers"
AUDIO_BANNED_YEAR=WARN: "$pwd" "$bold$mp3year$bold is an unwanted year in this dungeon. $bold$releasename$bold is a possible $boldANGEL$bold!!! - react my fellow keepers"
AUDIO_BANNED_BITRATE=WARN: "$pwd" "$bold$mp3bitrate$bold is an unwanted bitrate in this dungeon. $bold$releasename$bold is a possible $boldANGEL$bold!!! - react my fellow keepers"
BANNED_GROUP=WARN: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold is from a banned heavens group, possible $boldANGEL$bold!!! - react my fellow keepers"
RAR_SFV=SFV: "$pwd" "Got first draw for the map of the dungeon to $bold$releasename$bold. Expecting $bold$totalfiles$boldSouls - hunt them down!"
OTHER_SFV=SFV: "$pwd" "Got first draw for the map of the dungeon to $bold$releasename$bold. Expecting $bold$totalfiles$boldSouls - hunt them down!"
AUDIO_SFV=SFV: "$pwd" "Got first draw for the map of the dungeon to $bold$releasename$bold. Expecting $bold$totalfiles$boldSouls - hunt them down!"
VIDEO_SFV=SFV: "$pwd" "Got first draw for the map of the dungeon to $bold$releasename$bold. Expecting $bold$totalfiles$boldSouls - hunt them down!"
ZIP_UPDATE=UPDATE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold proceeded and went through the first door at $bold$releasename @ $speed$boldSouls/s. Expecting $bold$estimatedmb$bold. Stop him!"
RAR_UPDATE=UPDATE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold proceeded and went through the first door at $bold$releasename @ $speed$boldSouls/s. Expecting $bold$estimatedmb$bold. Stop him!"
OTHER_UPDATE=UPDATE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold proceeded and went through the first door at bold$releasename @ $speed$boldSouls/s. Expecting $bold$estimatedmb$bold. Stop him!"
AUDIO_UPDATE=UPDATE: "$pwd" "Received weired sounds out of the dungeon $bold$releasename$bold. It looks like $bold$totalfiles$boldSouls of $bold$mp3genre$bold @ $speed$boldSouls/s$bold from $bold$mp3year$bold will make it through to heaven - stop them!"
VIDEO_UPDATE=UPDATE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold proceeded and went throug the first door at $bold$releasename$bold @ $speed$boldSouls/s. It looks like he will encounter $bold$estimated$bold Souls on his way to heaven."
ZIP_HALFWAY=HALFWAY: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold is halfway to heaven. Worst keeper is $raceldrstats. Worst group of savers are $racegrpstats."
RAR_HALFWAY=HALFWAY: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold is halfway to heaven. Worst keeper is $raceldrstats. Worst group of savers are $racegrpstats."
OTHER_HALFWAY=HALFWAY: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold is halfway to heaven. Worst keeper is $raceldrstats. Worst group of savers are $racegrpstats."
AUDIO_HALFWAY=HALFWAY: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold is halfway to heaven. Worst keeper is $raceldrstats. Worst group of savers are $racegrpstats."
VIDEO_HALFWAY=HALFWAY: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold is halfway to heaven. Worst keeper is $raceldrstats. Worst group of savers are $racegrpstats."
ZIP_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). Worst7: $zipcompletestats. Shame on him!"
RAR_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). $slowestfile $fastestfile. Shame on him!"
OTHER_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). Shame on him!"
AUDIO_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). Shame on him!"
VIDEO_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). Shame on him!"
ZIP_NORACE_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). $zipcompletestats. Shame on him!"
RAR_NORACE_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). $slowestfile $fastestfile. Shame on him!"
OTHER_NORACE_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). Shame on him!"
AUDIO_NORACE_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). Shame on him!"
VIDEO_NORACE_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$bold$releasename$bold [ $bold$totalmb$boldHearts of $bold$totalfiles$boldAngel(s) at $bold$avgspeed$boldSouls/s - $racelength] were let through by $bold$numracers$bold keeper(s) from $bold$numgroups$bold group(s). Shame on him!"
ZIP_RACE=RACE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold is helping [ $racemsg ] and all the damn angels to bring $releasename to heaven @ $bold$speed$boldSouls/s. Stop the traitor!"
RAR_RACE=RACE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold is helping [ $racemsg ] and all the damn angels to bring $releasename to heaven @ $bold$speed$boldSouls/s. Stop the traitor!"
OTHER_RACE=RACE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold is helping [ $racemsg ] and all the damn angels to bring $releasename to heaven @ $bold$speed$boldSouls/s. Stop the traitor!"
AUDIO_RACE=RACE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold is helping [ $racemsg ] and all the damn angels to bring $releasename to heaven @ $bold$speed$boldSouls/s. Stop the traitor!"
VIDEO_RACE=RACE: "$pwd" "$bold$user$bold is helping [ $racemsg ] and all the damn angels to bring $releasename to heaven @ $bold$speed$boldSouls/s. Stop the traitor!"
ZIP_NEWLEADER=NEWLEADER: "$pwd" "$raceldrstats takes the lead in hunting down those bad Angel(s) from taking $bold$releasename$bold!"
RAR_NEWLEADER=NEWLEADER: "$pwd" "$raceldrstats takes the lead in hunting down those bad Angel(s) from taking $bold$releasename$bold!"
OTHER_NEWLEADER=NEWLEADER: "$pwd" "$raceldrstats takes the lead in hunting down those bad Angel(s) from taking $bold$releasename$bold!"
AUDIO_NEWLEADER=NEWLEADER: "$pwd" "$raceldrstats takes the lead in hunting down those bad Angel(s) from taking $bold$releasename$bold!"
VIDEO_NEWLEADER=NEWLEADER: "$pwd" "$raceldrstats takes the lead in hunting down those bad Angel(s) from taking $bold$releasename$bold!"
STATS_USERTOP_HDR=STATS: "$pwd" "TraitorsTop: "
STATS_USERTOP=STATS: "$pwd" "$cnt. $bold$user$bold/$group [$uppedsize/$bold$uppedfiles$boldAngel(s)/$percent%/$bold$speed$boldSouls/s]"
STATS_GROUPTOP=STATS: "$pwd" "$cnt. $bold$group$bold [$uppedsize/$bold$uppedfiles$boldAngel(s)/$percent%/$bold$speed$boldSouls/s]"
ZIPCOMPLETESTATS=$cnt. $bold$user$bold/$group [$uppedsize/$bold$uppedfiles$boldAngel(s)/$percent%/$bold$speed$boldSouls/s]