View Full Version : ioZS ioFTPD Zipscript
03-15-2003, 11:18 AM
The latest version is now available online at The latest release is v1.08 (09/29/03). Here are the changes from the changelog:
09/29/03 v1.08
* STATS no longer output for NO_RACE logging. There's no sense in logging usertop and grouptop for a single racer.
* Added realpath cookie to output the real pathname for current file.
* Fixed pwd cookie. It was limiting the path to 80 characters.
* Fixed postdel functions for MP3 releases.
* Code cleanup, should speed up processing quite a bit.
* Added ONNFOUPLOADED setting to .ini. This event will run when an nfo file is processed.
09/19/03 v1.07
* Fixed the handling of CRC checks with resumed files.
As of v1.05, there were some major changes to the cookies, so check the example ini and read the Cookies.Txt file.
We've also setup a support channel on Efnet @ #ioZS.
03-15-2003, 01:26 PM
nice work stardog
btw dZSbot isn't released yet ;)
i'll release it soon
have fun
03-15-2003, 06:21 PM
Added DENY_BANNED_AUDIO and DENY_BANNED_GROUP. If set to 1 it will remove the banned files, if 0 it will allow them, and log the lines defined by AUDIO_BANNED_GENRE,YEAR,BITRATE and ZIP_BANNED_GROUP. (use dZSbot v0.8.3+ for WARN announce)
is there anything i really should say about this???? .. i really wonder where he get his ideas from .. it's soooo l33t
kind regards
/edit on
stardogs warn line (look @the date):
03-16-2003 10:36:50 WARN: "/MP3/tmp/" "\002Christian Rap\002 is a banned genre. \002tmp\002 is a possible \002NUKE\002!!!"
my line from project-zs (look @ the date .. no fake):
03-14-2003 23:39:01 WARN: "/Mp3/test/" "\002Dance\002 is a banned genre so maybe \002test\002 is a \002NUKE\002!!!"
think about it ...
edit off/
03-16-2003, 12:12 AM
Where? I don't see that in your script anywhere?!
maybe I stole the whole idea of CRC checking from someone else too...pfft.
umm, and what does that date have to do with anything?
oh, and thanks for banning me (and all of .us) from your channel, that's real l33t...
03-16-2003, 05:58 AM
1st you talked about this in #cala-zs channel
so if you don't want share an idea just don't talk in channel
2nd i support both scripts project-zs & ioZS (and also ioA)
so if i implement something in my script i share with you & stardog
3th stop to tell to everyone stardog only copy ideas/(source)
if an idea is good it's normal to add it for everyone who wanna use it & for sources you copied also sources from original darkone zipscript-c at the begining and stop to tell stardog copy your sources w/o any evidences !!!!
4th stardog have others ideas you don't have so stop that lame war and talk together maybe you can do something better together exept lame war
i'll repeat myself: I SUPPORT BOTH SCRIPTS !!!
if you don't agree just kick me out of the project & choose someone else to continue my work (or better to rewrite dZSbot for ioftpd from scratch) or i can tell also the new one just only copy idea/source
have fun
03-16-2003, 07:58 AM
03-16-2003, 08:09 AM
banning .us is a political reason .. let's say it's a sign for freedom .. and there arn't much ppl which uses .us host .. so it's only a small sign for freedom ..
03-16-2003, 08:20 AM
Stardog: Cool fixes :) Worx very nice... :cool:
Now i just need to wait for d1 to release a less bugged ioftpd version :rolleyes: ;)
03-16-2003, 08:53 AM
yupp, nice work Stardog, keep it up =)
03-16-2003, 08:58 AM
keep up the good work STardog,and dont let anybody blame you....
03-16-2003, 09:01 AM
/stardog on
Where? I don't see that in your script anywhere?!
u really exactly know where i posted this info/idea
/stardog on
maybe I stole the whole idea of CRC checking from someone else too...pfft.
/stardog off
no. that's not the thing .. but i really saw no site with this warn feature (me .. that don't mean there are no) .. but i had this idea myself(!!) 3 or 4 days ago .. and 2 days later u r saying u just have the same idea?? man thats really lame! it's a different thing to use "normal " function evrybody know ... crc is well -known ..warn not ..
but who cares now .. it happend .. u don't understand what i mean .. others do ..
it wasn't the first strange thing .. and i'm sure i won't be the last ...
@b0unty: i won't kick or ban u .. that ban of stardog was a result of continuesly strange things ...
Kind Regards
Caladan the "l4mer"
03-16-2003, 05:14 PM
hi m8s
here is a little update
grab it here:
+ added WARN announce support for latest project-zs & ioZS
+ fixed a bug with space char in PROC_NEWS
have fun
03-17-2003, 01:47 AM
any chance to have a full customizable .message.ioFTPD
like that we will eb able to design the races infos as we want when we enter a folder
03-17-2003, 04:36 AM
would be a really nice idea ;)
have fun
03-17-2003, 10:57 AM
Good Job B0unTy! I've updated the link on
03-18-2003, 02:35 AM
stardog ?
is a customizable ioftpd.message is on TODO list or not at all ?
03-18-2003, 09:31 AM
At some point, yes.
03-19-2003, 03:20 PM
i am a noobie with eggdrop, can i use your templates with dZSBot?? it just shows up the Templates definied in DzS???
03-20-2003, 11:43 AM
For right now, everything in the [RACELOG] section of the ini is compatible with dZSbot. As long as it is being appended to the ioftpd.log, then dZSbot should announce it. (make sure you haven't disabled ioftpd's logging)...
03-20-2003, 05:22 PM
äh,ist enabled but how i append it to the logfile????
03-21-2003, 11:49 AM
You don't need to do anything, after the release is checked, ioZS passes the info back to ioFTPD to log automatically.
Oh, BTW, v0.98 was released yesterday.
03-22-2003, 08:49 AM
I'm testing ioZS, I configure it and work perfect in my machine but when I put it on the server with the dlls it don't check anything and deletes any file I upload O_O
the server windows version is:
Windows NT 4.0 (Build 1381: Service Pack 5)
Is your program not compatible with this windows version??
03-22-2003, 07:53 PM
yeah... good job again... seems everything works nice except cleanup.... it just doesn't clean broken symlinks:| dunno if it's a prob of mine.. or a script prob.
thx for your work,
03-22-2003, 11:25 PM
Well, thats why I wrote remove the broken links...I have it setup in the scheduler to clean every few hours and works great...Except for the new io symlinks...but I suppose I could try and add the link removal to postdel...the problem with that is you really don't want to slow postdel down too much, cuz then you have to read about it in the forum when everyone is complaining that deletes take so long ;)
If you use the NTFS links you REALLY should be using the ioZSCLeanup...
03-23-2003, 03:51 AM
ouch... so it means that iozscleanup doesn't clean io symlinks ? :°won't u write a cleanup working for symlinks at all ? it should be very usefull because i think symlinks > junctions
03-23-2003, 06:29 PM
i think i met another prob: ionewday.exe doesn't work at all.
This is what i have in my iozs.ini:
when scheduler run ionewday.exe nothing happens... even if i run it manually. Any helps ?
ps: btw in your readme.txt u wrote:
NewDay = 0 5 * * ..\scripts\ioZS\ioNewDay.exe
doesn't it run ionewday.exe at 05.00 am instead of 00.05 am ? :P
Thx in advice,
03-23-2003, 06:46 PM
he wrote 0 5 * * because he's 5 hours after utc, which means that script runs at 00.00 in his timezone =)
03-23-2003, 07:50 PM
NeoRanga: Sorry, I've never tested with NT (I don't even know if I still have NT around to try with)...Maybe if someone else has tried NT, they could speak up and say how(or if) it works for them...
Gotrekk: First, make sure you are either running it in the io scheduler, or from within io as a site command. I have heard of a few people trying it outside of io and it won't work like that..
Second, make sure those directories exist. If ioNewDay has a problem with one of the directories, it will give an error in the ioZS-error.log file...As for the link directories, you should have them created, and be able to see them within ioFTPD (In otherwords, they should exist in the vfs)...
03-24-2003, 05:01 AM
stardog could u add a cookie for bot announces for underlining pse
we have the bold but no underline for bot announce would be really great appreciated
03-24-2003, 09:26 AM
Yes, I can add that for next release.. :)
03-24-2003, 10:54 AM
and add also color's cookie please ;) for ppl who want/like colors ;)
have fun
03-25-2003, 04:30 AM
hmm shouldn't it work if u use plain color codes?? \0034 for example. i'm sure ioZS writes announces straigt to ioFTPD.log and if dzsbot is reading them out and posting to the chan it will replace the plain colorcode with the color.
just a hint .. because it works project-zs and should be working in ioZS too
03-25-2003, 04:24 PM
Yes those codes whould work (if not \003, then \\003 will work), but I added the cookie for it.
It'll be in next release, which I will put out very soon, as I found a big bug in the locking function..I was creating the mutex everytime with the same name, so ioZS would not run multiple instances (BIG oops!)... :eek:
04-01-2003, 06:33 PM
Now available on v1.00.rar, version 1.00. Here is the changelog:
04/01/03 v1.00
* Fixed locking routines. Big oops! The mutex name was the same for every release, therefore preventing files from being checked if ioZS was already running once.
* Added $color, and $underline cookies for output.
* Fixed a crash instance when zip file did not have a .diz file.
* Changed ioZS behavior when it encounters an invalid format in an .sfv file. Instead of erroring out, it will continue and try to read the next line.
* Added events to run after release is complete, and after a file has passed or failed a test. Added ONRELEASECOMPLETE=, ONFILEPASSED= and ONFILEFAILED= to the ini file.
* Removed the PROGRESSBAR settings from the ini.
* Rewrote Race logging function to be a little quicker.
* Rewrote all string handling functions to prevent buffer overflows.
* Removed all MFC code.
* Now creates the Today link folder if it doesn't already exist.
* Added option in ini, TIMEOFFSET. ioNewDay gets the date from localtime and ioFTPD scheduler is based on UTC time. Now you could schedule it to run in UTC time, and still get the correct date by setting your time offset.
* Rewrote all string handling functions to prevent buffer overflows.
* Removed all MFC code.
* Rewrote all string handling functions to prevent buffer overflows.
* Removed all MFC code.
04-02-2003, 05:20 AM
Looks very nice. I like the function to call for example unrar when an upload is complete. Perhaps there will be a future option to define to unpack to another location (might be possible now but i havent looked into that). Anyway kickas work indeed with this update.
04-02-2003, 07:09 AM
how this color code work?which syntax i have to post?
04-02-2003, 10:07 AM
Giant: you should be anle to run a batch file and pretty much do whatever you want. If you need any other info passed from the script to your external event, let me know and I can add more cookies.
malexx: basically $color = "\003" so you do like $color1,0blackonwhite$color.
04-02-2003, 11:13 AM
hm,yes,but how i do it if i want to have a red font or something like this?
04-02-2003, 01:45 PM
heya stardog
first your iosz is very nice but hmm i dont know why have removed
i understand why ya remove the progress_lenght=
but the blank and fill sign would be nice to change i think
coz some ppl wanna use # or & or anything else
maybe you could add this feature again to the next version
thanxx and l8a
04-02-2003, 06:43 PM
malexx: Use normal IRC color codes... I think there is a list of them in the help file for mIRC..
WiZLer: mkay..I suppose I could add those options back in..(I just have to uncomment a couple lines)...but I'll leave the length fixed at 20 chars..
Originally posted by StarDog
malexx: Use normal IRC color codes... I think there is a list of them in the help file for mIRC..
WiZLer: mkay..I suppose I could add those options back in..(I just have to uncomment a couple lines)...but I'll leave the length fixed at 20 chars..
sure the lenght fixed at 20 is no prob i just thought about the styling ......
04-03-2003, 01:13 AM
Just read the install instructions for the new ioZS v 1.01
and i noticed that the:
OnUploadError = ..\scripts\ioZS\ioZS.exe Upload
isn't mentioned like in the previous readme for 0.98.
Does this mean it's not needed anymore?
And if it isnt, how is iozs told to execute when a transfer fails?
PS: I agree with WiZLeR, but I'd like to be able to choose number of chars also.
I've always used 10 and think 20 is a tad too much.
Especially since the rest of the tag can be quite long
for individual tag designs.
Oh and finally...what changed from 1.00 to 1.01
Changelog.txt doesn't say.
Otherwise, thx for a truly kickass ZS ;)
04-03-2003, 09:14 AM
If you have the OnUploadError running ioZS, then you will not be able to resume a partial upload.
Check the webpage now, I updated the Changelog. I accidentally deleted the whole website last night before going home :eek:
04/02/03 v1.01
* Fixed a crash when deleting a zip file that was not listed in the .ioFTPD.race file.
* Wasn't updating VFS permissions correctly on incomplete parent tags and progress tags.
* Fixed MP3 releases not announcing.
04-03-2003, 01:29 PM
nice if ya think bout the readding of the 2 features ....
04-03-2003, 03:40 PM
i have a feature request,if its possible!
Is there a way to to output some *.nfo info in the .message file?
i mean like this for example:
257 "/2-Games/" is current directory.
[12:38:30] List (cached)
[12:38:30] List Complete.
[12:38:31] CWD Unreal_II_The_Awakening-FLT
[12:38:31] 250-
[12:38:31] 250- .--<<< R E L E A S E >>>--------------------------------------------.
[12:38:31] 250- | |
[12:38:31] 250- | Race Information |
[12:38:31] 250- | ---------------- |
[12:38:31] 250- | RlsName : Unreal_II_The_Awakening-FLT |
[12:38:31] 250- | |
[12:38:31] 250- | Excerpt from .NFO file |
[12:38:31] 250- | ---------------------- |
[12:38:31] 250- | In Their 16th Year Of Glory, FairLight Released |
[12:38:31] 250- | Unreal II: The Awakening (C) InfoGrames |
[12:38:31] 250- | : Supplied by: FAIRLIGHT : : Release Date: 1/29/2003 |
[12:38:31] 250- | |
[12:38:31] 250- `---------------------------------------------------------- 2.1.935 --'
dont know like the first 4-6 rows or something like thisso if you have a movie release,theres like Date-SOurce etc
would be really a geat feature i think!
04-03-2003, 04:39 PM
I actually had NFO extraction in ioZS a one time, but then I removed the .NET framework code, which meant removing many of the functions that I used to do that with...Someday I hope to have that working again..
04-03-2003, 05:34 PM
hm,its only possible with .net framework?
04-07-2003, 03:31 PM
Just a small update. v1.02.rar
04/07/03 v1.02
* If, ioZS will add it correctly if the file is in a multi-CD release.
* Changed the way ioZS checks to see if a directory exists. It did not work with networked drives.
* Changed the way zips are processed. It used to pass zip files that were intact (they could be opened and files could be extracted). Now if there is a bad file in the zip (like if a file has a bad CRC), it will fail the zip test.
* Fixed TIMEOFFSET. It should work for real now :)
04-07-2003, 03:59 PM
I just installed ioZS, and like it a lot...however I just ran into what i think is a bug.
I installed iozs in the middle of someone uploading, so it started scanning in the middle of the upload and the progress/counts were messed up. I figured if i did a rescan it would catch it up. The rescan scanned the existing files, but it also deleted the progress directory. Now the progress directory is flat out missing. It seems to be still checking the uploaded files, but I can no longer see progress on the upload/etc. Also, how do i get ioFTPD to show the upload stats when i enter a dir?
04-08-2003, 10:14 AM
Linkster: When ioZS is run, it keeps a record of all the files upped (in the hidden .ioFTPD.race file), so when you installed in the middle of an upload it is of course not going to know about the other files in the release and show the wrong progress stats. This situation would have worked fine, IF the .sfv was upped last, as it would have rechecked all the files in the dir regardless if they were upped through ioFTPD with ioZS checking them or not. As for running the rescan in that directory while there was uploads still happening, that is kinda don't want to do that because ioZS creates a lock for that release folder and will not let other instances of ioZS run, to prevent the race information form getting corrupted.
Basically, its best to install ioZS when all races are completed. It's ok in MOST cases to UPGRADE ioZS while races are happening though ('cuz it's already checking uploads)...
04-08-2003, 11:58 AM
Yes, rescanning seemed to have some dire results :)....It even started to just delete uploaded files, and i finally had to disable ioZS...i'll re-enable it and do some more testing. Thanks :)
well, i'm stumped. The release is, I re-enabled ioZS, then did a complete folder was i deleted the .sfv file and tried to reupload every time i try to upload the .sfv, it transfers, but ioZS appears to delete it! Is there a way to enable any sort of logging so i can see what is going on?
Update: I deleted the .iozs.race file and tried to reupload the sfv again...this time it worked. the race file must have been corrupted from the midupload rescan. Thanks.
04-15-2003, 02:05 PM
I Wan't to sort my MP3's with iozs. This is my situation:
"g:\ioFTPD\site" /
"d:\" /Music
"f:\Music" /Music
"g:\Music" /Music
"e:\Upload" /Upload
So D:\, F:\Music and G:\Music all contain Music.
AUDIO_GENRE_PATH=g:\ioFTPD\site\Sorted by Genre\
AUDIO_ARTIST_PATH=g:\ioFTPD\site\Sorted by Artist\
AUDIO_YEAR_PATH=g:\ioFTPD\site\Sorted by Year\
;off = 0, io symlinks = 1, NTFS junctions = 2
My siteroot is empty should I make the Sorted by Genre, Sorted by Artist and Sorted by Year in my siteroot or leave it as it is. Because I can't see the Sorted dirs.
Does somebody know what's wrong?
04-15-2003, 02:50 PM
Yes, make the folders if they don't exist...If you cant see them in ioFTPD, then its not going to be able to link anything..
04-15-2003, 03:36 PM
It is working. I made the dirs in my siteroot. And after uploading some mp3's they showed up in the sort by genre, artist and year folders.
hey, i am still not quite familiar with symlinks. these ioZs ones are not working 100% though. i got the same setup as above, i can see the dirs (got em mounted in .vfs'), but look what happened
drwxr-xr-x 2 default SiTEOP 0 Apr 16 08:21 Sorted_By_Genre
drwxr-xr-x 2 default SiTEOP 0 Apr 16 08:21 Sorted_By_Artist
drwxr-xr-x 2 default SiTEOP 0 Apr 16 08:21 Sorted_By_Year
drwxr-xr-x 3 default SiTEOP 0 Apr 16 08:22 Sorted_By_GenrePhychedelic
drwxr-xr-x 3 default SiTEOP 0 Apr 16 08:22 Sorted_By_Year2002
drwxr-xr-x 3 default SiTEOP 0 Apr 16 08:22 Sorted_By_ArtistSynthetic
it made another dirs with exactl rls. when you click on them (f.e. when you enter Sorted_By_ArtistSynthetic), you get a symlink into a real dir - that's cool. but still not 100%, anyone could give me some help?
04-16-2003, 06:10 AM
Prolly missed a backspace in your configs
04-16-2003, 09:18 AM
Yep, see the example JRule posted...must have trailing \
04-18-2003, 12:50 PM
I wonder if it might be possible to read artist and year from the album name and grab genre from the mp3 itself?
Because it seems like there is no standard for tagging mp3's that are followed today.
I ran a few albums through io to sort em out and ended up with this:
Varius Artists
It would be nice to have them all under VA as the albums dirs are labeled VA_something-year-group.
Also there is much greater chance to misslabel the info in the mp3's. I got one example: 1988 being 0988 when reading the mp3 info.
One more thing. Wouldent it be easier to tell ioZS which dirs to enable for checking instead of telling it which ones not to check?
I like to move files around alot using io and flashfxp.
Some sort of section setup perhaps.
Anyway enough questions from me.
Keep up the work of this great script and i hope you dont mind some small ideas :)
04-21-2003, 01:35 PM
I continue to have problems with iozs and windows 2003 server. I was wondering if you can look into it for me. Consistently, during an fxp/upload, the script will hang/error and leave me with an incomplete file. when i reboot the machine, I get all sorts of errors that iozs.exe encountered a fatal error/etc. attached is the message i get.
Also, why did you completely dump the .net version? I really liked a lot of the features that it offered, like nfo extraction, etc, and those of us running win2003, .net is already preinstalled.
04-24-2003, 04:48 PM
I don't understand, why would ioZS be running in the middle of a file being uploaded? (unless the upload was aborted and you have it running in OnUploadError)....
A) .NET framework is HUGE...I felt terrible telling people they had to download an extra 120 Mb package to run a couple small programs...
B) .NET code was slow as hell
C) .NET code made the executable extra large...I've even removed MFC code to trim the size of the exe (and eliminate extra dlls)
besides, I never finished the nfo extraction stuff to a point where it could be released.
04-25-2003, 09:47 AM
i run iozs under win2003 no problems for me at all, except cant keep it from scanning subdirs like sample without an sfv file!!
04-25-2003, 12:43 PM
Another mp3 link error i get.
If a rls contain sub dirs the sorting will produce some errors.
Eddie Meduza - Just Like An Eagle
Just Like An Eagle (Disc 1)
Just Like An Eagle (Disc 2)
Will get linked as
Eddie Meduza
Just Like An Eagle (Disc 1)
Just Like An Eagle (Disc 2)
Album name isnt showing at all.
Genre will look like this:
D:\MP3\Sorted_by_genre\Other\Just Like An Eagle (Disc 1)
D:\MP3\Sorted_by_genre\Other\Just Like An Eagle (Disc 2)
Its not to uncommon that 2cd rlses gets
packed this way.
And if the .net download will bring more features then i doubt people would mind a donwload of 120Mb to get them.
sure modem users might get upset but somehow i doubt they represent the majority of the users.
04-29-2003, 08:13 AM
i disagree with u an extra package of 120 mo is not good at all.
Immagine u want to install a server on a remote computer u ll have to install whole io +ioZS +install a 120mo prog ?
No thats not possible moreover Stardog say it was slowly as hell...
Performance and quickness is first thing to have for a "prefessional ftp server"
04-29-2003, 08:50 AM
Giant: It won't link improperly formatted subdirs. Every multi disc MP3 release I have is either all CDs in main folder with prefix 100 for CD1, 200 for CD2, etc...or each CD is listed in CD1, CD2, etc. Whoever packed that should follow the standard...As of 0.96 it will link the parent folder for multi-CD releases (when the CDs are stored in eith CD1, CD2, etc or a subdir listed in EXTRA_SUB_DIRS).
There were NO additional features when I was using the .net extensions...The program was just slower and larger...thats all! .NET = BAD
04-29-2003, 12:15 PM
I got it now. Net = evil heh. I must have been thinking something different when i read and posted. I thougt .net added small extras as nfo extraction etc. But i know better now.
Thanks for the info about mp3 and sub dirs. Its obvious i tested with a non standard ripped album.
05-01-2003, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by Sup3rm4n
i run iozs under win2003 no problems for me at all, except cant keep it from scanning subdirs like sample without an sfv file!!
Yeah, how about that. I have the same small problem with subdirs; even if it's told in the config to leave dirs like sample, subs and covers alone, it won't. It tries to check them out and since it misses the sfv it leaves me with an Incomplete-xxxx-sample link. :confused:
05-01-2003, 05:10 PM
I found that this ignores sample dirs:
EXTRA_SUB_DIRS=sub,subs,vobsub,vobsubs,extra,bonus ,sample
Hope it helps :)
edit: argh at this board tried putting the lines in [code] and [quote] tags, still screws up the formatting, bah
05-02-2003, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by Spies
I found that this ignores sample dirs:
EXTRA_SUB_DIRS=sub,subs,vobsub,vobsubs,extra,bonus ,sample
Hope it helps :)
edit: argh at this board tried putting the lines in [code] and [quote] tags, still screws up the formatting, bah
Heh, i added *\sample\* to the EXCLUDEDIR= but somehow it stopped processing any dir uploaded after that. :)
05-04-2003, 05:41 PM
ioZS is always crashing here, on win XP i dont know why it crash when i do site rescan and also very often when i put some files on my ftp :/
please help me i have some bugs with races:
check it u will understand
STOR rcl-emperors.r51
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for rcl-emperors.r51.
226- .---------==[ ioZS v1.02 ]-=-[ by StarDog, (c)2003 ]==------------.
226- | + CRC32-oK: rcl-emperors.r51 |
226- +----====---------------===[UserTop]====------------------====----+
226- | 1. pwet2 2.2GB 47F 90.38% 7486KB/s |
226- | 2. pwet 238.4MB 5F 9.62% 4670KB/s |
226- +----====---------------===[GroupTop]===------------------====----+
226- | 1. SiTEOP 2.4GB 52F 100.00% 7216KB/s |
226- '---[###########---------]-------======---------------[ 52/ 94]---'
226-Elapsed Time: 2274.249 ms
226 [Free: 46444MB]-[Section: Default]-[Credits: 6723.386719MB]-[Ratio: 1:3]
Transferred: rcl-emperors.r51 50_000_000 bytes in 5,55 (8_802,62 KBps)
PORT 127,0,0,1,15,177
200 PORT command successful.
STOR rcl-emperors.r52
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for rcl-emperors.r52.
226- .---------==[ ioZS v1.02 ]-=-[ by StarDog, (c)2003 ]==------------.
226- | + CRC32-oK: rcl-emperors.r52 |
226- +----====---------------===[UserTop]====------------------====----+
226- | 1. pwet 238.4MB 5F 9.43% 4670KB/s |
226- | 2. pwet2 2.2GB 48F 90.57% 7529KB/s |
226- +----====---------------===[GroupTop]===------------------====----+
226- | 1. SiTEOP 2.5GB 53F 100.00% 7259KB/s |
226- '---[###########---------]-------======---------------[ 53/ 94]---'
226-Elapsed Time: 3871.678 ms
226 [Free: 46395MB]-[Section: Default]-[Credits: 6866.437500MB]-[Ratio: 1:3]
Transferred: rcl-emperors.r52 50_000_000 bytes in 5,36 (9_111,42 KBps)
so pb with GB and MB uploads ...
thx for helping me
05-11-2003, 02:33 AM
rouggy it often crashes with me too under win2k
05-12-2003, 04:46 PM
I am aware of the stats problem not sorting correctly. I will look at it when I get time. Right now, my paying job is keeping me quite busy at the moment.
I have a version almost ready to release, I just have a few more changes to make before I can start testing it and getting it ready to release. If I can free up like one day this week I can probably get it finished..
05-12-2003, 04:59 PM
Great stuff StarDog!
I almost can't wait... are there any new cool features? ;o)
05-12-2003, 05:08 PM
I'm still working towards making it more customizable, but in order to do that, I want have every part of the code optimized. The main change in the next release is the cookie system. I added/changed some of the cookies used for tags and logging. there were other fixes, but since I've been so incredibly busy this past month, I can't remember all of what I did. And of course I don't make the changlog as I make changes. :)
The samples folder thing has been fixed, as it doesn't create tags until an .SFV is upped now.
05-12-2003, 06:35 PM
Much Needed Feature(s):
Upon deletion of .SFV file do the following
1. Remove all of the .missing files and the race progress
2. Remove the [Incomplete]- directory (for example, if you upload This_Is_A_Game-GROUP in /GAMEISO/ it makes /GAMEISO/[Incomplete]-This_Is_A_Game-GROUP, it should remove that [Incomplete] dir if the .SFV is deleted)
05-13-2003, 01:10 AM
Originally posted by Flare2
1. Remove all of the .missing files and the race progress
2. Remove the [Incomplete]- directory (for example, if you upload This_Is_A_Game-GROUP in /GAMEISO/ it makes /GAMEISO/[Incomplete]-This_Is_A_Game-GROUP, it should remove that [Incomplete] dir if the .SFV is deleted)
it already does...
05-13-2003, 04:05 PM
Use the 'Delete' option for postdel. It does all that...How to add that to ioFTPD.ini is described in the readme.txt file.
05-26-2003, 05:34 AM
Just tried ioZS for the first time, and I must say I like it alot. After modifying the tag templets and customizing the racelog it works just as I want it to, except for UP_TAG=. I want to disable it. How do I do that? ;UP_TAG= will just display default setting (even if up_tag string is empty). The same goes for UP_TAG=<without anything here>.
Edit: Nevermind. I found it. [GENERAL] UP_TAG=0 :)
Now I would really like 0day-sorting.
Keep up the good work.
05-28-2003, 05:58 PM
StarDog.. I love IOZS and I've been using it for a while now.
Would it be possible to add an option to ignore 0-byte files? It seems that when someone has an upload problem and starts propogating 0-byte files in a release (including blank sfv) iozs crashes after every "file." or is there a better way to do this?
05-29-2003, 10:01 AM
skip 0-byte files or deluser ;)
05-29-2003, 11:20 AM
I'lll check this for next version..
Edit: Yup, your right, I just tried this and it does crash. (Of course I had to enable uploading 0-byte files in my FTP client ;) )
I'm going away camping for a few days, I'll bring my laptop and try to work on finishing the next release...If I get bored, and provided my girlfriend lets me ;)
hey stardog.. ioZs has been working all fine.. its cool, found no bugs till today. Look what I found in my todays 0day dir. (The rest is there all OK)
MKD /0DAYS/0529/*-GRP
Skipping... hidden...
550 /0DAYS/0529/*-GRP: Unknown error
CWD /0DAYS/0529/*-GRP
550 /0DAYS/0529/*-GRP: No such file or directory.
Dunno what that means. Could you please help me out on this one? Thx.
05-29-2003, 03:28 PM
since i updated io iozs crashes very often.. :/
05-29-2003, 04:14 PM
yeah I had the same problem, switched over to zipscript-c for the moment
05-30-2003, 05:33 AM
StarDog, thanx for ioZS. It's my favourite ZS.
While ur working on a new version, it would be nice to have this new/old features (back):
- PROGRESSBAR settings in the .ini
- Customizable ioftpd.message
- enhanced NFOCLEAN which deletes also nonNFOs
(like Kane.jpg, Kane.ans, hello.kitty and stuff)
- and a ban feature for uploading unwanted NFOs
(more like in ZeroRacer Tools, but configurable in the .ini)
05-30-2003, 07:08 AM
That NFOCLEAN feature would not be needed to the same extent since WarC's ZR-Tools (which includes ZR-Clean.exe and lists with 200+ unwanted filenames) could do all that cleaning for you, both banning unwanted dirs/files and cleaning up inside uploaded zip-files.
05-30-2003, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by StarDog
I'lll check this for next version..
Edit: Yup, your right, I just tried this and it does crash. (Of course I had to enable uploading 0-byte files in my FTP client ;) )
I'm going away camping for a few days, I'll bring my laptop and try to work on finishing the next release...If I get bored, and provided my girlfriend lets me ;)
Yeah, they aren't actually sending 0-byte files though, sometimes the conx fails in the FXP and it makes the files but doesn't put any data in them. I'm already blocking 0-byte files but that error manages to make them anyway. Have fun camping, don't work on your vacation geez..
05-30-2003, 08:02 PM
if you have the newdir script installed,all 0byte files and tags are ignored!
05-31-2003, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by malexx
if you have the newdir script installed,all 0byte files and tags are ignored!
not if ioftpd creates them, didnt u read the part where the guy said that the 0byte files werent sent as 0byte files, but became 0byte when io got its hands on it..
Hey, im trying out ioZS+dZSbot. I have a few problems though. It doesnt crc check .jpg or .mpg files even if they are in the .sfv file. Maybe because they are in ALLOWED_TYPES. Also it doesnt count the race time for m2v files. Always says 0s.
06-16-2003, 11:22 PM
If an uploaded file is aborted, then resumed, ioZS always marks it as .bad. is there any way to to setup ZS so it will check the file correctly and only rename it .bad if it is .bad?
06-17-2003, 04:47 AM
No more Updates for the best Zipscript ever?:(
06-17-2003, 08:48 AM
I think i heard him saying he went on holidays or something, and if his girl would allow he would try to code some ;)
Prolly too busy having sex and or getting drunk ;>
06-17-2003, 06:12 PM
sounds like time well spent on a vaccation =)
06-19-2003, 04:51 PM
Well, I'm kinda back...Besides being summertime, my life's being extremely action-packed lately.
I checked into the resume problem, It seems as though the latest ioFTPD is passing the wrong CRC when the file is resumed...Have to pass that by dark0n3...
06-20-2003, 11:40 AM
I checked into the resume problem, It seems as though the latest ioFTPD is passing the wrong CRC when the file is resumed...Have to pass that by dark0n3... [/B]
i hope something can be done here soon, cause its a real pain in the ass
06-26-2003, 11:16 AM
Just posted the long awaited update. Go get it!
You will need to make several changes to the .ini file as the cookies system was rewritten and I changed some of the cookies. See the Cookie.Txt, down at the bottom I tried to document the ones that changed so you can search/replace the ones that are different.
06-26-2003, 11:23 AM
06-27-2003, 07:19 AM
I have been testing the latest version and have a problem.
in the .ini i have it set for races as..
ZIP_RACE=RACE: "$pwd" "$user" "$racemsg" "$releasename" "$speed"
RAR_RACE=RACE: "$pwd" "$user" "$racemsg" "$releasename" "$speed"
OTHER_RACE=RACE: "$pwd" "$user" "$racemsg" "$releasename" "$speed"
AUDIO_RACE=RACE: "$pwd" "$user" "$racemsg" "$releasename" "$speed"
VIDEO_RACE=RACE: "$pwd" "$user" "$racemsg" "$releasename" "$speed"
i then tested a race and found that it doesnt always give the correct $user racing.
Heres an example...
06-27-2003 12:45:49 SFV: "/PS2/Test" "Test" "5"
06-27-2003 12:46:49 UPDATE: "/PS2/Test" "OTHER" "Test" "Admin" "Admin" "60.0KB" "5"
06-27-2003 12:46:54 LOGOUT: "FTP_Service" "Admin" "Admin" "Administrator" "*@"
06-27-2003 12:46:59 LOGIN: "FTP_Service" "Preddy" "Friend" "Tagline" "*@"
06-27-2003 12:47:03 RACE: "/PS2/Test" "Admin" "\002Admin\002/Admin" "Test" "2067"
06-27-2003 12:47:53 LOGOUT: "FTP_Service" "Preddy" "Friend" "Tagline" "*@"
06-27-2003 12:47:57 LOGIN: "FTP_Service" "gaz" "Friend" "Tagline" "*@"
06-27-2003 12:48:02 RACE: "/PS2/Test" "Admin" "\002Preddy\002/Friend, \002Admin\002/Admin" "Test" "2067"
As you see it keeps saying its "Admin" as the new racer..
It doesnt always do this it, and seems to be a random problem which is strange, and didnt happen with previous versions.
Any ideas?
06-27-2003, 09:51 PM
Yep, I forgot to add a $currentuser cookie. The $user is getting overwritten when it calculates stats. I'll fix it for next update.
hmm, after 3 months of rewriting so much of the code, that's not bad if that's the only bug... :D
06-28-2003, 09:25 AM
Firstly, thanks a lot for this great script and the time you've put into it :)
I just have a couple of suggestions.
1. It would be great for the script to make the missing .m3u file on RESCAN if there is no .m3u file in the dir. This is so lazy people like me can just rescan a dir to make a .m3u file rather than using another method :)
2. Is it possible to make the RESCAN work in subdirs? For instance I could ask it to rescan a dir /MP3/Archives/ and it would check all dirs inside and make the [COMPLETE!]-[100%] files in the dirs. Then people like me could rescan dirs that were there before installing a zipscript, and make sure all files have been checked. I dont know if this would be too much of a strain on it, but would be nice if it could be done :)
3. Nearly the same as no.2 but is it possible to rescan dirs and make the links in Genre/Artist etc? So I could rescan /MP3/Archives/ and have all of the releases added to the links dir, so the site is far more organised.
Comments would be apreciated on this, and thanks again for the great script, it's making my life a helluva lot easier right now :)
06-28-2003, 11:48 AM
could it be changed, or at least have it as an option that the missing file markers can be done like
and not
.missing, would work much better with a lot of other checkers
06-28-2003, 03:54 PM
MidKnight: Yep, I can change it in the next update...
xlarge: #1 is possible, #2 and 3 are alot of work for something that usuaully only needs to be done once on a site. I'll take a look at it, but can't promise that it'll be added.
06-28-2003, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by StarDog
MidKnight: Yep, I can change it in the next update...
Now the next question is, when is the next update?
oh that reminds me, you remember the post i made back a little about the SFV checker, always renamind files to .bad if they are resumed?
any news on this ?
06-28-2003, 09:33 PM
If it's a lot of work for such a small thing then probably no point :)
I did figure out (clever me haha) that I could basically do the same thing by uploading them from HD to FTP then deleting the original files from the HD, thus ioZS would scan them, make all the shortcuts etc.
Anyway thanks for the thoughts on the matter :)
06-30-2003, 10:39 AM
[MP3] -- VA_-_World_Music_Celtica-CD-2003-iDC is halfway done. Leading uploader is $raceldrstats. Leading group is $racegrpstats.
06-30-2003, 10:50 AM
Read the bottom of Cookies.Txt. As mentioned in the changelog, the cookie system was redone, and I changed the wording for some of them.
06-30-2003, 10:51 AM
yeah my bad, that's what I get for using my old ini file ;)
looks great otherwise, thanks!
07-08-2003, 12:03 PM
That's all...
07-11-2003, 09:31 AM
thanks for changing the - to .
but anything about the renaming to .bad part?
iozs anounce from time to time strange things like in this
[Mp3] New 0716/Mourningside-Some_Secrets_Are_Better_Left-2003-RNS by user1@GROUP1
[Mp3] Info Mourningside-Some_Secrets_Are_Better_Left-2003-RNS 7F of Hardcore from 2003.
[Mp3] Race user1 is racing [ user1/GROUP1 ] on Mourningside-Some_Secrets_Are_Better_Left-2003-RNS @ 622KB/s.
[Mp3] Leader user2/GROUP2 [12.7MB/1F/ 79%/1643KB/s] Mourningside-Some_Secrets_Are_Better_Left-2003-RNS!
[Mp3] Race user1 is racing [ user2/GROUP2, user1/GROUP1 ] on Mourningside-Some_Secrets_Are_Better_Left-2003-RNS @ 622KB/s.
[Mp3] Complete Mourningside-Some_Secrets_Are_Better_Left-2003-RNS
[Mp3] Uploaded: 33mB in 7F at 786KBps - 23s
[Mp3] UserTop:
[Mp3] 1. user2/GROUP2 [20.5MB/3F/ 62%/1228KB/s]
[Mp3] 2. user3/group3 [4.5MB/2F/ 13%/327KB/s]
[Mp3] 3. user1/GROUP1 [8.2MB/2F/ 25%/582KB/s]
[Mp3] GroupTop:
[Mp3] 1. GROUP2 [20.5MB/3F/ 62%/1228KB/s]
[Mp3] 2. group3 [4.5MB/2F/ 13%/327KB/s]
[Mp3] 3. GROUP1 [8.2MB/2F/ 25%/582KB/s]
can this be fixed pls
hi StarDog...
is it posible to change the anounce to sort by size not by files...
and this thing when anounces that user is racing it self
tnx jeza
08-18-2003, 03:22 AM
I found a bug in ioZS v1.06, causing all uploaded files to be deleted without being processed.
If the .vfs file for the user has a relative path in the dir that the user is uploaded in, the file will be deleted.
For example:
"..\site" /
And any file uploaded in that path and all subdirs is deleted and not processed, you dont even see the ioZS message of the file being checked.
Peace ;)
08-19-2003, 07:22 PM
In future versions, any chance of Empty dir tags? This is one
feature I'm still waiting for.
Peace :)
08-22-2003, 07:28 AM
Heh, another small bug with the race stats.
In the ioZS.ini I have the following entry for:
ZIP_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$releasename" "$totalmb" "$totalfiles" "$avgspeed" "$racelength" "$numracers" "$numgroups"
RAR_COMPLETE=COMPLETE: "$pwd" "$releasename" "$totalmb" "$totalfiles" "$avgspeed" "$racelength" "$numracers" "$numgroups"
Now when a file is completed, it writes this in the log file.
08-22-2003 06:16:21 COMPLETE: "/REQ/WinBackup.v1.83.WinAll-PH" "WinBackup.v1.83.WinAll-PH" "3" "3" "3.0MBps" "\0021\002s" "1" "1"
Why is that \0021\ being thrown in there for the $racelength varible?
08-22-2003, 01:40 PM
\002 is bold in tcl \0021 i cant think what that is off the top of my head ...
08-22-2003, 01:58 PM
Thats the number 1 in bold (for announcing).
08-22-2003, 02:41 PM
But I havent used any $bold/$underline tags, so I'm not sure why its there. :confused:
Site looks down today, I put up a mirror link to latest version here:
08-30-2003, 06:32 PM
Some bugs, didnt see them mentioned before so plz spare me if i overlooked that.
Post del function isnt totally flawless.
It works fine on rars and zips, but on mp3 it fux up-->
Delete a file from a complete mp3 dir, and youll notice that the 100% dir will stay, and that the new incomplete dir will have double the amount of files as in sfv... if you up 1 file the nr of files will be fixed..
Second bug:
(0DAY) New Release: 0day/1 by test@iND
(0DAY) 1 [ 43MB in 1F at 20.1MBps - 0s] was completed by 1 racer(s) from 1 group(s).
(0DAY) UserTop: etc
(0DAY) New Release: 0day/dfashjsfadhjsdfhjhjksdfhjkdfshjksdfhjkdfshjkdfshjk dhjkshjksdfhjkdfshjkfsdhjkdfhjkshjdfshjdfks by test@iND
(DEFAULT) dfashjsfadhjsdfhjhjksdfhjkdfshjksdfhjkdfshjkdfshjk dhjkshjksdfhjkdfshjkfsdhjkdfh [ 43MB in 1F at 17.8MBps - 0s] was completed by 1 racer(s) from 1 group(s).
(DEFAULT) UserTop:
As you can see it ****ed up the section with long filenames..
From ioftpd.log:
SFV: "/0day/1" "Got SFV for 1. Expecting \0021\002F."
SFV: "/0day" "Got SFV for dfashjsfadhjsdfhjhjksdfhjkdfshjksdfhjkdfshjkdfshjk dhjkshjksdfhjkdfshjkfsdhjkdfh. Expecting \0021\002F."
And no bug but more a question:
How to customize the zip complete line to show race stats like rar has. -->multiple announce lines (STATS_USERTOP.... etc)
09-09-2003, 11:59 AM
has anyone dared to test iozs on latest ioftpd beta (5.0.1)?
tell me if it works or not :]
and btw, has startdog quitted development on iozs or does he just think its completely complete?
//over and out,,
09-09-2003, 12:17 PM
ioZS working here on latest ioFTPD fine
dunno if it works with SSL though
09-09-2003, 01:22 PM
Yes it works with beta 5.
And I stopped development as nobody will give me peanuts. I'm a scripter that works for peanuts and nobody will give me any. :(
Actually, I've been very busy with my 'real' job to do anything else. I should have more time to get back into again sometime this fall...
09-09-2003, 01:42 PM
Cool stardog :)
I always liked your script best :9
Only announcing is bugged a bit.
09-09-2003, 02:28 PM
make payment for updates...sorry i´ve overseen it,too
cool script...never has such handy and unproblematic script before
tell us
cheers Optixxx
09-10-2003, 05:22 AM
your zs still rocks :p
09-11-2003, 12:59 PM
is it only for me ioZS crashes sometimes, sorry not much info about this but next time it happens i'll take a screenshot.
09-22-2003, 01:35 PM
only need to update the iozs.exe...
09-22-2003, 01:37 PM
any chance u could make a trigger in iozs when a specific filetype is uploaded? like on_nfo_uploaded ?
09-22-2003, 03:53 PM
What file types, just NFO?
09-22-2003, 04:21 PM
The $pwd varible doesnt always return the right dir...
The release was...
But then $pwd gave me:
But then in some other releases, $pwd will return the full path like:
It does it at random, which kinda messes up announces.
09-22-2003, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by StarDog
What file types, just NFO?
I only need it for nfos
09-22-2003, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by NeoXed
The $pwd varible doesnt always return the right dir...
The release was...
But then $pwd gave me:
But then in some other releases, $pwd will return the full path like:
It does it at random, which kinda messes up announces.
$pwd is the ioFTPD environment variable PWD= with the rightmost "/" removed.
09-23-2003, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by StarDog
$pwd is the ioFTPD environment variable PWD= with the rightmost "/" removed.
Read my bug post and youll see why.
Noone ever replyd on any of it so i guess noone cares :/
09-23-2003, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Unique
Read my bug post and youll see why.
Noone ever replyd on any of it so i guess noone cares :/
Your path may have exceeded the 260 character limit.
From MSDN library:
Maximum Path Length
In the Windows API, the maximum length for a path is MAX_PATH, which is defined as 260 characters.
In NeoXed's example, it doesn't look like his path exceeds that, but then again, I don't know how deep his directory structure goes.
09-23-2003, 09:28 PM
Edit: nm, i think i found my problem...
09-24-2003, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by StarDog
Your path may have exceeded the 260 character limit.
From MSDN library:
Maximum Path Length
In the Windows API, the maximum length for a path is MAX_PATH, which is defined as 260 characters.
Oh stupid limitation!
But io manages to make the dirs just fine..
260 seems very much to me :S
Lets see:
9-24-2003 18:26:42 NEWDIR: "Unique" "SiteOp" "/Request/Armin_Van_Buuren-Live_on_Galaxy_FM_(Exclusive_Mix)-SAT-07-06-2003-TWCLIVE" "d:\topftp\Request\Armin_Van_Buuren-Live_on_Galaxy_FM_(Exclusive_Mix)-SAT-07-06-2003-TWCLIVE"
09-24-2003 18:26:42 SFV: "/Request" "Got SFV for Armin_Van_Buuren-Live_on_Galaxy_FM_(Exclusive_Mix)-SAT-07-06-2003-TWCLIVE. Expecting \0021\002F."
This is too long already, quickly count arount 74 chars.
This works:
9-24-2003 18:27:22 NEWDIR: "Unique" "SiteOp" "/Request/Armin_Van_Buuren-Live_on_Galaxy_-TWCLIVE" "d:\topftp\Request\Armin_Van_Buuren-Live_on_Galaxy_-TWCLIVE"
09-24-2003 18:27:22 SFV: "/Request/Armin_Van_Buuren-Live_on_Galaxy_-TWCLIVE" "Got SFV for .....
/edit: using 1.06 still, havent upfgraded to v5 ioftpd yet..
09-24-2003, 12:54 PM
That last post has me stumped....I'm not sure what your trying to say...from those examples, everything looks fine...
09-24-2003, 02:48 PM
Find the 10 differences:
09-24-2003 18:26:42 SFV: "/Request" "Got SFV for Armin_Van_Buuren-Live_on_Galaxy_FM_(Exclusive_Mix)-SAT-07-06-2003-TWCLIVE. Expecting \0021\002F."
09-24-2003 18:27:22 SFV: "/Request/Armin_Van_Buuren-Live_on_Galaxy_-TWCLIVE" "Got SFV for .....
09-24-2003, 03:35 PM
Ahh, crap...I found the problem. I didn't actually have it set to MAX_PATH as the limit, I was using a 80 char buffer instead...Easily fixed for next release...(which I'll put up shortly)...
09-24-2003, 04:10 PM
Hehe thanks mate :)
That will fix my lame announce problems :)
And now some average race speed cookie would be cool (race size/race time, not the average speed of all files)
Spank me if im too blind to see it if it was already there :D
09-24-2003, 04:15 PM
I'll see about that cookie...Right now I'm tracking down the postdel with mp3s problem...
And oh BTW DoBBeR, I added the ONNFOUPLOADED= option for the next release ;)
09-25-2003, 01:10 AM
:D :D
09-25-2003, 06:51 PM
I've a problem, i'm not able to set up correctly ionewday. With timeoffset=+5 and NewDay = 0 0 * * ..\scripts\ioZS\ioNewDay.exe
(dafault values) the dir are created at 2.00a.m. I'm in zone +1h GMT, the fuse of rome...if someone can help me answer me tnx :)
There is also a way to try those values without change the clock time? tnx again :)
try to set newday = 0 22 * * (ioftpd.ini)
and TIMEOFFSET=+2 (iozs.ini)
works here
09-26-2003, 12:31 PM
Tnx m8 i'll try it and tell u the results :)
09-29-2003, 01:10 PM
I just posted 1.08. See the first post in this thread for the changes, or go to for the update and details.
BTW: This version should work like a champ with multiple racers/ release.
09-30-2003, 06:10 AM
Originally posted by StarDog
I just posted 1.08....
Great stuff.. as always :D
09-30-2003, 01:09 PM
Great work StarDog, your script is awesome. Keep up the good work!
09-30-2003, 01:38 PM
The new release seems to work REALLY great...
09-30-2003, 03:21 PM
Great work StarDog!
Works like a charm over here and even seems to be a bit faster.
I also come to appreciate the mp3 sorting possibility of ioZS.
In further versions (if any?) an option to switch between alphabetical and artistname sorting would be very nice.
what I mean is something like that in the .ini:
which configures to sort either like that:
or even bettter alphabetical sorting (in #-99, a-c, d-f ..) like this:
Well as always thats a question of taste (and work for you) but browsing through too many dirs sucks in my opinion
Thanx for your great ZipScript
09-30-2003, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by NalgeNunc
Great work StarDog!
Works like a charm over here and even seems to be a bit faster.
I also come to appreciate the mp3 sorting possibility of ioZS.
In further versions (if any?) an option to switch between alphabetical and artistname sorting would be very nice.
what I mean is something like that in the .ini:
which configures to sort either like that:
or even bettter alphabetical sorting (in #-99, a-c, d-f ..) like this:
Well as always thats a question of taste (and work for you) but browsing through too many dirs sucks in my opinion
Thanx for your great ZipScript
Heh, well in earlier versions, it used to sort by ArtistName, but a few people asked to have them put in alphabetical folders...It is a personal preference, and I'll add it to the list to possibly add someday...
Is it me or is the dancing bananna in the Smilies box a little disturbing... ;)
hmm, If I click on a Smiley, the bananna stops dancing...better
09-30-2003, 04:05 PM
Is it me or is the dancing bananna in the Smilies box a little disturbing...
It is ...... :banana:
10-01-2003, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by NalgeNunc
It is ...... :banana:
Yep!! :banana:
That's my happy-:banana:. I've used the :banana: for ages, whenever I nedded a good laugh and a happy :banana: smile. :p
10-02-2003, 01:06 PM
dont really know if this is a iozs bug or dzsbot bug.. but here it comes :)
<xxx> SECTION UserTop:
<xxx> SECTION 1. user1/group1 [349.5MB/25F/ 49%/337KB/s]
<xxx> SECTION 2. user2/group2 [357.6MB/25F/ 51%/275KB/s]
<xxx> SECTION GroupTop:
<xxx> SECTION 1. group1 [349.5MB/25F/ 49%/337KB/s]
<xxx> SECTION 2. group2 [357.6MB/25F/ 51%/275KB/s]
if you check the stats you can see that user2/group2 has uploaded 51% of the files but as many files as user1.. dunno what gets wrong here.. but if he has uploaded 51 files he should be number 1?
10-02-2003, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by fobban
dont really know if this is a iozs bug or dzsbot bug.. but here it comes :)
<xxx> SECTION UserTop:
<xxx> SECTION 1. user1/group1 [349.5MB/25F/ 49%/337KB/s]
<xxx> SECTION 2. user2/group2 [357.6MB/25F/ 51%/275KB/s]
<xxx> SECTION GroupTop:
<xxx> SECTION 1. group1 [349.5MB/25F/ 49%/337KB/s]
<xxx> SECTION 2. group2 [357.6MB/25F/ 51%/275KB/s]
if you check the stats you can see that user2/group2 has uploaded 51% of the files but as many files as user1.. dunno what gets wrong here.. but if he has uploaded 51 files he should be number 1?
Quite old bug, dunno why it isnt fixed yet assuming your using 1.08 :confused:
Havent seen it on 1.08 yet myself but seen it before :)
10-02-2003, 02:57 PM
oh sorry i didnt mention. but yes im using 1.08 (latest i believe)
10-02-2003, 05:13 PM
ioZS - dont create newday link
my ioFTPD.ini
NewDay = 0 22 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioZS\ioNewDay.exe
my ioZS.ini
;ioNewDay calculates time based on localtime, ioFTPD scheduler is based on UTC time.
It is working on ioFTPD 5.0.12 but now on 5.1.3 its not working I dont know why... no logs
ioZS is 1.08
any idea please?
10-03-2003, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by fobban
dont really know if this is a iozs bug or dzsbot bug.. but here it comes :)
<xxx> SECTION UserTop:
<xxx> SECTION 1. user1/group1 [349.5MB/25F/ 49%/337KB/s]
<xxx> SECTION 2. user2/group2 [357.6MB/25F/ 51%/275KB/s]
<xxx> SECTION GroupTop:
<xxx> SECTION 1. group1 [349.5MB/25F/ 49%/337KB/s]
<xxx> SECTION 2. group2 [357.6MB/25F/ 51%/275KB/s]
if you check the stats you can see that user2/group2 has uploaded 51% of the files but as many files as user1.. dunno what gets wrong here.. but if he has uploaded 51 files he should be number 1?
I just tested this here and I get:
226- .---------==[ ioZS v1.08 ]-=-[ by StarDog, (c)2003 ]==------------.
226- | + CRC32-oK: eatc10s5.r11 |
226- +----====---------------===[UserTop]====------------------====----+
226- | 1. dummy 171.7MB 12F 52.09% 6999KB/s |
226- | 2. StarDog 157.9MB 12F 47.91% 9408KB/s |
226- +----====---------------===[GroupTop]===------------------====----+
226- | 1. test 171.7MB 12F 52.09% 6999KB/s |
226- | 2. Admin 157.9MB 12F 47.91% 9408KB/s |
226- '---[####################]-------======---------------[ 24/ 24]---'
My log shows..
10-03-2003 11:43:11 STATS: "/Requests/test3" "UserTop: "
10-03-2003 11:43:11 STATS: "/Requests/test3" "1. \002dummy\002/test [171.7MB/12F/ 52%/6999KB/s]"
10-03-2003 11:43:11 STATS: "/Requests/test3" "2. \002StarDog\002/Admin [157.9MB/12F/ 48%/9408KB/s]"
10-03-2003 11:43:11 STATS: "/Requests/test3" "GroupTop: "
10-03-2003 11:43:11 STATS: "/Requests/test3" "1. \002test\002 [171.7MB/12F/ 52%/6999KB/s]"
10-03-2003 11:43:11 STATS: "/Requests/test3" "2. \002Admin\002 [157.9MB/12F/ 48%/9408KB/s]"
I'm pretty sure this was an old bug that was fixed (can't remember when and too lazy to check the changelog)...
10-03-2003, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by mapis
ioZS - dont create newday link
It is working on ioFTPD 5.0.12 but now on 5.1.3 its not working I dont know why... no logs
ioZS is 1.08
any idea please?
Nothing has changed that would keep it from working from 5.0.x to 5.1.x. Only thing I could suggest is try removing the old link and delete the folder and recreate it. Perhaps something in the permissions database (.ioFTPD file) got corrupted.
10-04-2003, 02:28 PM
Seems that latest works worst than the orhers unfortunatly, often came with bad file.
Version 1.07 works fine but in winxp often returns an irreversible error with the standar xp message error, to sendo or not info about the error...
Some reason of that?
10-04-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by BrAv3HeArT
Seems that latest works worst than the orhers unfortunatly, often came with bad file.
Version 1.07 works fine but in winxp often returns an irreversible error with the standar xp message error, to sendo or not info about the error...
Some reason of that?
What do you mean 'it came with bad file'? It sounds like you may have a bad copy...
10-04-2003, 06:54 PM
Short reminder :D
Timer only starts working after first file upped.
Update wont work on 1 file releases.
I can guess you disabled that since its "useless", maybe make a cookie for it :)
Same for rar stats on noracer, some extra cookie would be neet!
10-05-2003, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by Unique
Short reminder :D
Timer only starts working after first file upped.
Update wont work on 1 file releases.
I can guess you disabled that since its "useless", maybe make a cookie for it :)
Same for rar stats on noracer, some extra cookie would be neet!
Yep, I noticed the UPDATE only works if there is one file and the release is not complete, I changed that for 1.09, but might make that an option. No UPDATE for 1 file release ON/OFF...
I'll look into the stats for norace complete...Even though I totally don't understand why you'd want user/grouptop for 1 user...
10-05-2003, 07:55 AM
Im having problems with file check skipping.
I just uploaded a 3cd mp3 album with 3 racers and it skipped to check 1 file at a whole! And delled it after transfer.
Nothing in .race file about it also!
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,35,31,97)
STOR 301_prince_-_cream.mp3
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 301_prince_-_cream.mp3.
226 [Free: 3327MB]-[PWD: /Requests/VA_-_Platinum_3-3CD-2003/ ]-[Section: Default]-[Credits: 2411.1M]-[Ratio: 1:3]
Transferred: 301_prince_-_cream.mp3 5.956.673 bytes in 4,06 (1.434,19 KB/Sec)
Skipping: C:\Downloads\VA_-_Platinum_3-3CD-2003\302_chic_-_good_times.mp3
Skipping: C:\Downloads\VA_-_Platinum_3-3CD-2003\303_earth_wind_and_fire_-_sunday_morning.mp3
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,35,32,158)
STOR 304_mark_morrison_-_return_of_the_mack.mp3
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 304_mark_morrison_-_return_of_the_mack.mp3.
226- .---------==[ ioZS v1.08 ]-=-[ by StarDog, (c)2003 ]==------------.
226- | + CRC32-oK: 304_mark_morrison_-_return_of_the_mack.mp3 |
226- +----====---------------===[MP3 Info]===------------------====----+
As you can see it ignored it totally... next file worked ok..
Its in the xflog from ioftpd itself though...
Sun Oct 5 14:48:05 2003 1 unique 5956673 /Requests/VA_-_Platinum_3-3CD-2003/301_prince_-_cream.mp3 b _ i r test ftp 1 * l
So dunno if io didnt communicate with iozs, or that iozs just didnt check :(
10-05-2003, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by StarDog
What do you mean 'it came with bad file'? It sounds like you may have a bad copy...
The copy is the one here in the firs post, version 1.08 returns many bad files when users race. Version 1.07 works fine but sometimes as i write in the post before, returns winxp errors..
10-05-2003, 01:15 PM
The only time I've ever seen that happen is if the .race file was corrupted. A corrupt .race file will cause ioZS to crash. I've had instances (extremely rare!) where the .race file some how changed from a text file to a binary file. Only thing to do is to delete the .race file and rescan the folder.
Thx for ur great stuff stardogs.
We have this line in the .ini :
;ONRELEASECOMPLETE=C:\Program Files\WinRAR\UNrar x $path*.rar $path
I would like to copy a site nfo when the rlz is complete but i dont know the good variables . Can i put somethings like this ? :
ONRELEASECOMPLETE=C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe copy d:\ioftpd\MySiteName.Nfo $realpath
Many Thx in advance and thx for ur great work.
First of all I think ioZS is awesome :)
second, im wondering is there cookies for AllUp, WkUp, DayUp & MonthUp, because I would like to modify that announce when release is complete upped, that STATS_USERTOP.
Default is:
+ UserTop:
+ 1. username/usergroup [300MB/24F/ 50%/344KB/s]
+ 2. username/usergroup [300MB/24F/ 50%/344KB/s]
I would like to this looks like:
+ UserTop:
+ 1. username/usergroup [300MB/24F/ 50%/344KB/s] [AllUp:# MonthUp:# WkUp:# DayUp:#]
+ 2. username/usergroup [300MB/24F/ 50%/344KB/s] [AllUp:# MonthUp:# WkUp:# DayUp:#]
So is there cookies what I can use there?
10-19-2003, 10:52 AM
is it only me that manage to get ioZS.exe to crash sometimes?
I don't know how to reproduce it, but allmost every weekend i've been away I come back to a crashed ioZS... :)
Anyways, keep up the good work stardog :)
Maybe make it possible to change the messagefiles (.ioFTPD.message, .ioFTPD.race). anyways, great work!
10-20-2003, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by cpas
We have this line in the .ini :
;ONRELEASECOMPLETE=C:\Program Files\WinRAR\UNrar x $path*.rar $path
I would like to copy a site nfo when the rlz is complete but i dont know the good variables . Can i put somethings like this ? :
ONRELEASECOMPLETE=C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe copy d:\ioftpd\MySiteName.Nfo $realpath
Many Thx in advance and thx for ur great work.
All the normal cookies work for the events, except the ONNFOUPLOADED (as alot of the stats aren't calculated for an NFO file being uploaded). And the sample .ini file was wrong, $path was changed to $realpath. That should work, if not try creating a .bat file and passing the $realpath to it.
That wouln't be difficult to build into the next version. It already has the ability to add the NFO to a zipfile.
10-20-2003, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by frog
First of all I think ioZS is awesome :)
second, im wondering is there cookies for AllUp, WkUp, DayUp & MonthUp, because I would like to modify that announce when release is complete upped, that STATS_USERTOP.
Default is:
+ UserTop:
+ 1. username/usergroup [300MB/24F/ 50%/344KB/s]
+ 2. username/usergroup [300MB/24F/ 50%/344KB/s]
I would like to this looks like:
+ UserTop:
+ 1. username/usergroup [300MB/24F/ 50%/344KB/s] [AllUp:# MonthUp:# WkUp:# DayUp:#]
+ 2. username/usergroup [300MB/24F/ 50%/344KB/s] [AllUp:# MonthUp:# WkUp:# DayUp:#]
So is there cookies what I can use there?
At the moment, those cookies are not available. I do plan to add that 'soon'.
10-20-2003, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by fobban
is it only me that manage to get ioZS.exe to crash sometimes?
I don't know how to reproduce it, but allmost every weekend i've been away I come back to a crashed ioZS... :)
Anyways, keep up the good work stardog :)
Maybe make it possible to change the messagefiles (.ioFTPD.message, .ioFTPD.race). anyways, great work!
Does it crash in a particular race? I haven't seen a crash in a long time and the only thing I've seen to cause a crash is a corrupted .race file (Windows didn't close the file properly).
I am working towards a skinable .message file for a future version, but not sure why you'd want to change the .race file...that just stores the info about the race.
I've made several major changes to ioZS internally that has about doubled the speed (yet again!). I still need to run lots more tests and finish implementing some more cool features before the next release is ready...sorry, I'm not into releasing something every day, besides I don't have time to program every day...
10-20-2003, 11:36 AM
Very much appreciated stardog :)
I hope youll manage to get an even better iozs out!
The 0sec race time bug is quite annoying ;/
And io or iozs sometimes "forgot" to check files. :)
10-20-2003, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by Unique
Very much appreciated stardog :)
I hope youll manage to get an even better iozs out!
The 0sec race time bug is quite annoying ;/
And io or iozs sometimes "forgot" to check files. :)
I already fixed the race time...I don't know about the unchecked files...That should not happen with the latest release. (It was possible with previous versions and multiple racers on a release, you would find an ioZS-error.log in the ioZS folder telling you why)
Iv noticed these crashes as well StarDog .. newest io 15r and newest ioZS .. tho I havent been around when it happend exactly .. just when I get back to the computer after a whole night, I get continuing "applicaiton has raised an error blabla windows stuff" then everytime I click OK a new such msgbox appears.. only way to "fix" it is to rightclick on ioftpd and take shutdown..and here is the more weirder part..
when i do this I get an crash from ioftpd with 2 msgbox's stating where in memmory adress ioftpd crashed etc.. happend 3 times already .. one time with 10r one with 14r and one with latest 15r ..
Ill try to get more info .. and check the adresse's ioftpd crashes on.. but I doubt its just null pointers.. anyways maybe new ioZS fix's this, or maybe its a bug in ioftpd because it crashes as well after ioZS crashes.. ill try to dig up more info..
10-20-2003, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by m0B
Iv noticed these crashes as well StarDog .. newest io 15r and newest ioZS .. tho I havent been around when it happend exactly .. just when I get back to the computer after a whole night, I get continuing "applicaiton has raised an error blabla windows stuff" then everytime I click OK a new such msgbox appears.. only way to "fix" it is to rightclick on ioftpd and take shutdown..and here is the more weirder part..
when i do this I get an crash from ioftpd with 2 msgbox's stating where in memmory adress ioftpd crashed etc.. happend 3 times already .. one time with 10r one with 14r and one with latest 15r ..
Ill try to get more info .. and check the adresse's ioftpd crashes on.. but I doubt its just null pointers.. anyways maybe new ioZS fix's this, or maybe its a bug in ioftpd because it crashes as well after ioZS crashes.. ill try to dig up more info..
ioFTPD doesn't usually crash if ioZS crashes for some reason. At least I've never had it crash. I'm also not using the absolute latest ioFTPD builds.
10-20-2003, 07:20 PM
I've a big problem on a site. I use ioZS 1.08 and often happened that on the sites it shows 100% files ok when an upload is finished, then when i fxp to other sites i see that files that he consider perfect are not ok. If i do a rescan with ioZS on the sites where all seems ok, the bad files appears, same that on race it consider perfect and check as ok...with a rescan are bad
I've seen and re-seen many times the config, but it'seems perfect.
Tnx to help me...:)
10-20-2003, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by BrAv3HeArT
I've a big problem on a site. I use ioZS 1.08 and often happened that on the sites it shows 100% files ok when an upload is finished, then when i fxp to other sites i see that files that he consider perfect are not ok. If i do a rescan with ioZS on the sites where all seems ok, the bad files appears, same that on race it consider perfect and check as ok...with a rescan are bad
I've seen and re-seen many times the config, but it'seems perfect.
Tnx to help me...:)
Sounds like a problem someone else had...It ended up being another script was installed and marking the files .bad...Try removing all other scripts exept ioZS...
Ok thanks for ur support stardog, i will take a look at this thx .
10-21-2003, 07:32 AM
The only script that i've on file upload in ioftpd.ini with ioZS is the nfourl.itcl, included in dzbot 0.90, is possible that is it to make ioZS works bad?
10-22-2003, 06:11 AM
no way, i've tryed to remove also nfourl.itcl but same results...bad files that seems ok to ioZS, then with a rescan appears bad as are really... :(
10-22-2003, 10:46 AM
sounds to me like if the files get written bad to your hd, you running scsi or ide?
could also be a bad hd, or shit memory :|
or some program killing them after their written :/
either way its not normal hehe
10-22-2003, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by BrAv3HeArT
no way, i've tryed to remove also nfourl.itcl but same results...bad files that seems ok to ioZS, then with a rescan appears bad as are really... :(
Yup, sounds like something else is corrupting your files. I'd also make sure permissions are set so people can't write to completed files.
10-24-2003, 03:56 PM
with latest io ... sfv check seems to freak out
it doesnt list all uploaded files in .ioftpd.race ... just happens when speed is above 3-5mb/sec
10-31-2003, 10:37 AM
bullshit *.dizs
[L] 200 PORT command successful.
[L] STOR file_id.diz
[L] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file_id.diz.
[R] RETR file_id.diz
[R] 550 file_id.diz: Permission denied.
[R] 500 'BOR': Command not understood.
[L] 226 ABOR command successful.
i often have a permission denied for pda-file_id.diz and then complete upload hangs
is there any possibility to skip them after special time-duration.Anyway nice sript Star
cheers optixxx
10-31-2003, 11:32 AM
I use ioFTPD and ioZS first time.
"USER TOP" and "GROUP TOP" do not display on irc channel.
This is "ioftpd.log" file.
10-31-2003 22:45:46 NEWDIR: "ioFTPD" "ioftpd" "/REQUEST/***" "g:\REQUEST\***"
10-31-2003 22:45:46 SFV: "/REQUEST/***" "-SFV- ***. Expecting \00229\002F."
10-31-2003 22:45:51 UPDATE: "/REQUEST/***" "-1ST- \002ioFTPD\002/ioftpd was the first to upload file in \002***\002. Expecting \002414.8MB\002."
10-31-2003 22:46:42 HALFWAY: "/REQUEST/***" "-50%- \002***\002 is in halfway. Leading uploader is \002ioFTPD\002/ioftpd [214.6MB/15F/100%/5229KB/s]."
10-31-2003 22:47:30 COMPLETE: "/REQUEST/***" "-END- \002***\002 [\002405\002mB/\00229\002F] was completed by \002ioFTPD\002/ioftpd. ( \0025.5MBps\002/\0021\002m \00239\002s )."
10-31-2003 22:48:25 LOGOUT: "FTP_Service" "ioFTPD" "ioftpd" ....
in ioFTPD.ini (use 5.2.9u)
OnUploadComplete = EXEC ..\scripts\ioZS\ioZS.exe Upload
OnUploadError = EXEC ..\scripts\ioZS\ioZS.exe Upload
dele = EXEC ..\scripts\ioZS\ioZS.exe Delete
rescan = EXEC ..\scripts\ioZS\ioZS.exe Rescan
plz help me
10-31-2003, 11:50 AM
Stardog disabled that as a whole if theres no racers...
Maybe he'll add variable in future so you can add that crap again.
10-31-2003, 01:57 PM
please, do not paste those release names here.. :)
10-31-2003, 04:36 PM
release names removed
11-04-2003, 07:24 AM
Hi stardog i've a problem, when someone fxp something in bad alternative modes, it create 0 byte files (not missing files) that can be overwritten only by the owner. If the owner don't see it or went out, i've to delete it manually because if not nobody can finish the upload. Any solution for that in ioZS?
11-04-2003, 11:08 AM
site rescan ?
11-04-2003, 02:30 PM
yes but an upload complete or incomplete cannot depends of where am i
I can't be at pc all the time all the day, so something else is needed, another solution
11-09-2003, 07:01 AM
Hi stardog,
I tihnk there are still problems with ioZS with multiple racers.
Sometimes it just starts over during a race and starts announcing again too.
Yesterday i finally took the time to try 3 other zipscripts, ioB, pSio and badazz. pSio and ioB were slow as shit, and badazz crashes my ioftpd :(
So i guess my initial choise with your iozs was a good one :D
Either way check the attacked file then youll see.
Using 1 racer that release just get filled fine so it isnt the amount of files :)
CU man! :p
11-11-2003, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by fobban
dont really know if this is a iozs bug or dzsbot bug.. but here it comes :)
<xxx> SECTION UserTop:
<xxx> SECTION 1. user1/group1 [349.5MB/25F/ 49%/337KB/s]
<xxx> SECTION 2. user2/group2 [357.6MB/25F/ 51%/275KB/s]
<xxx> SECTION GroupTop:
<xxx> SECTION 1. group1 [349.5MB/25F/ 49%/337KB/s]
<xxx> SECTION 2. group2 [357.6MB/25F/ 51%/275KB/s]
if you check the stats you can see that user2/group2 has uploaded 51% of the files but as many files as user1.. dunno what gets wrong here.. but if he has uploaded 51 files he should be number 1?
Well been a long time, but was testing today and got the bug again so i guess it isnt squashed yet:
(REQUEST) UserTop:
(REQUEST) 1. Banana/iND [104.2MB/17F/ 32%/5486KB/s]
(REQUEST) 2. Unique/Admin [76.0MB/14F/ 24%/1771KB/s]
(REQUEST) 3. ioFTPD/ioftpd [69.5MB/12F/ 22%/1664KB/s]
(REQUEST) 4. test/iND [71.6MB/12F/ 22%/1544KB/s]
11-11-2003, 05:37 PM
if I had to guess it looks like its doing comparison first on # of files, then on average speed and then finally on megabytes uploaded. i would think it should be # of files, megabytes and then average speed.
11-13-2003, 01:24 AM
Could it be possible to make iozs a debug log file and not to crash everytime when somethings wrong, like no sfv in dir when doing rescan and so on.
It should not crash when a wrong command will be startet like iozs test.
It should send a error to a log file and not crash.
Would be nice if StarDog could make this.
11-13-2003, 04:07 AM
Crash on no sfv? Crash on bad command?
What are you doing :confused:
It wont crash on no sfvs, and bad commmand? how would one make bad commands...
Just notice some super small bug though by testing rescan :-)
Noone prolly ever gets it and when they do it wont matter but let me explain it anywayz :p
Lets see:
Make a dir /requests/1
Up a file
site rescan -> it worx like it should, no (in)complete dirs.
Make a dir /requests/2
Up a sfv -> makes incomplete dirs.
Up a file
Del the sfv -> postdel removed (in)complete dirs like it should.
site rescan -> it made a incomplete dir with [0% Done]-[--------------------]-[1 of 0 files checked]
;) :D
11-13-2003, 04:52 AM
I use the newest ioFTPD works all well. With ioZS V1.08 all uploaded files are delete by ioZS :-(. Can't find an error in my .ini. anny ideas ?
Greetings DE
11-13-2003, 05:14 AM
I love this script... theres only one thing that bugs me. The lack of an ability to make output customized (such as the message files etc).
Coming feature? =)
11-13-2003, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Optixxx
i often have a permission denied for pda-file_id.diz and then complete upload hangs
is there any possibility to skip them after special time-duration.Anyway nice sript Star
cheers optixxx
This isn't really up to the zipscript...but I'm glad you find the script useful!
11-13-2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by whistle
I use ioFTPD and ioZS first time.
"USER TOP" and "GROUP TOP" do not display on irc channel.
This is "ioftpd.log" file.
plz help me
Yes, I removed the 'STATS' output for releases with a single racer...It didn't make sense...but I will probably make it an option in the next release...
11-13-2003, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by Unique
Crash on no sfv? Crash on bad command?
What are you doing :confused:
It wont crash on no sfvs, and bad commmand? how would one make bad commands...
Just notice some super small bug though by testing rescan :-)
Noone prolly ever gets it and when they do it wont matter but let me explain it anywayz :p
Lets see:
Make a dir /requests/1
Up a file
site rescan -> it worx like it should, no (in)complete dirs.
Make a dir /requests/2
Up a sfv -> makes incomplete dirs.
Up a file
Del the sfv -> postdel removed (in)complete dirs like it should.
site rescan -> it made a incomplete dir with [0% Done]-[--------------------]-[1 of 0 files checked]
;) :D
This is probably because the .race file existed and had a file that had originally passed the SFV check. :)
I really need more hours in the day for all this stuff....Sorry for the delay in the next release...I found me a new hottie :D
11-13-2003, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by Unique
Hi stardog,
I tihnk there are still problems with ioZS with multiple racers.
Sometimes it just starts over during a race and starts announcing again too.
Yesterday i finally took the time to try 3 other zipscripts, ioB, pSio and badazz. pSio and ioB were slow as shit, and badazz crashes my ioftpd :(
So i guess my initial choise with your iozs was a good one :D
Either way check the attacked file then youll see.
Using 1 racer that release just get filled fine so it isnt the amount of files :)
CU man! :p
Yuck! I'm curious as to what the .race file looked like. I wonder if it only had 73 files listed at the point where it seemed to start over. This could be caused by MS file caching. I could make the writing of the .race file bypass windows caching.
11-13-2003, 05:41 PM
Heres some rar with the stuff in it.
:D thnx man
Oh yea congratz with the new hottie :)
11-13-2003, 08:56 PM
I just come to think about another bug i found...
SFV rape isnt workin very well and it cant be disabled (or i am totaly ****ed)
11-13-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by ddeca
SFV rape isnt workin very well and it cant be disabled (or i am totaly ****ed)
yeah, I also have that problem. It adds extra lines to the SFV and I have to manually edit them out. (happens to like every release too) :rolleyes:
11-14-2003, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by NeoXed
yeah, I also have that problem. It adds extra lines to the SFV and I have to manually edit them out. (happens to like every release too) :rolleyes:
Yes i have also this problem that he add a extra line in sfv file.
11-14-2003, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by ddeca
SFV rape isnt workin very well and it cant be disabled (or i am totaly ****ed)
Disabling works:
Clean .SFV file? (Removes all comments) on = 1 / (default off = 0)
U can disable it with an empty line like above.
Have phun
11-14-2003, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by ddeca
I just come to think about another bug i found...
SFV rape isnt workin very well and it cant be disabled (or i am totaly ****ed)
How is CLEANSFV and SFV_COMMENT set in your ini?
11-14-2003, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by Unique
Heres some rar with the stuff in it.
:D thnx man
Oh yea congratz with the new hottie :)
Right on! Thanks for the info I'll take a look at it.
I'm in a good mood...I'll use the stupid bananna... :banana:
11-14-2003, 11:03 AM
any plans for v1.09 with a fix for 50mb races and fix for 7+ simultan racers on same rls ?
11-14-2003, 01:45 PM
Heres my taskmanager using iozs on same release.
Its faster with 3 threads as all other zipscripts with 1 thread :D
11-14-2003, 03:57 PM
Is all that binary text and stuff really necessary in the ioFTPD.message...I've written a few scripts for my sites and all that binary stuff causes probs when i write to the message file.
Could you remove that or does it serve a purpose for ioZS? :)
11-14-2003, 04:54 PM
BTW is the mp3 sorting thingy broken ??
I cant make it work...
11-15-2003, 08:53 AM
Mp3 sorting, works perfect. We're all waiting for a newer version of ioZS that crash less than 1.08. Come on Stardog :)
11-18-2003, 04:17 PM
yo stardog, I think the newday symlink creation is fuxxored when using 5.3.*
11-18-2003, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by -=DoBBeR=-
yo stardog, I think the newday symlink creation is fuxxored when using 5.3.*
I'm going to wait until the 5.3.x is debugged before I make any changes...
11-18-2003, 05:06 PM
okidoki, just making sure u are aware of it =)
11-23-2003, 10:15 AM
A little suggestion for next release...
Is it possible to log every path/releasdir that contains a banned MP3 for genre/year/group in to a seperate log file aswell as in to ioftpd.log.
That way it would be really easy to ban/stop the rest of the files in that release..saving alot of BW
But ofcoures the best solution would be that ioZ just recives the file, sees it's a banned GERNRE and then just delete the whole dir and then the NEWDIR or other dupecheck would stop the creation of that dir...
And another thing ..
It would be easier to be able to set the GENRES that are allowed instead of setting ALL that are banned....
11-23-2003, 10:18 AM
imagine upping a bad genred mp3 in root dir ;/
11-23-2003, 10:26 AM
Well if you allow uploads to root dir you just have to blame yourself for that setup :rolleyes:
11-23-2003, 02:09 PM
Bug in 0day zip releases:
If someone uploads a file that is not a zip, the release will never complete.
How to reproduce:
1. Start a new release.
2. Upload a file that is _not_ a zip, this causes the problem.
Upload a file called .upChk.log (Some ZS log file) this file is then added to the .ioFTPD.race and the release will not complete.
So you have to edit the .ioFTPD.race file and remove the entry of .upChk.log, then rescan the release to complete. :mad:
StarDog get back here! :p
11-23-2003, 02:55 PM
yep true :P
If stardog was only back from that planet called ***** :D
11-24-2003, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by ddeca
A little suggestion for next release...
Is it possible to log every path/releasdir that contains a banned MP3 for genre/year/group in to a seperate log file aswell as in to ioftpd.log.
That way it would be really easy to ban/stop the rest of the files in that release..saving alot of BW
But ofcoures the best solution would be that ioZ just recives the file, sees it's a banned GERNRE and then just delete the whole dir and then the NEWDIR or other dupecheck would stop the creation of that dir...
And another thing ..
It would be easier to be able to set the GENRES that are allowed instead of setting ALL that are banned....
Why not just set DENY_BANNED_AUDIO=1? That will deny it and I believe it removes the folder (been awhile since I last played with it)...
At some point I'll see if I can find a way to list BOTH BANNED and ALLOWED genres...some people allow all but a few genres (like myself).
11-24-2003, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by NeoXed
Bug in 0day zip releases:
If someone uploads a file that is not a zip, the release will never complete.
How to reproduce:
1. Start a new release.
2. Upload a file that is _not_ a zip, this causes the problem.
Upload a file called .upChk.log (Some ZS log file) this file is then added to the .ioFTPD.race and the release will not complete.
So you have to edit the .ioFTPD.race file and remove the entry of .upChk.log, then rescan the release to complete. :mad:
StarDog get back here! :p
Hmm, I'll try to test this later today.
If I can avoid all the holiday BS...then I should have time to work on the next release.
edit: Ah ****...yep...this does indeed happen :(
another edit: ok, I fixed, just need to do a bunch of testing, and finish all the other things I'm in the middle of implementing.
11-24-2003, 04:58 PM
Awesome :D
11-25-2003, 05:19 AM
Why not just set DENY_BANNED_AUDIO=1? That will deny it and I believe it removes the folder (been awhile since I last played with it)...
Noop it doesnt remove the dir :/ that would be execellent..
and when u set it to DENY_BANNED_AUDIO=1 it doesnt WARN in irc..
At some point I'll see if I can find a way to list BOTH BANNED and ALLOWED genres...some people allow all but a few genres (like myself).
Cool :)... becuase there is like hundreds of diffrent crappy genres..
12-01-2003, 10:14 PM
Hehe I guess we'll see a new ioZS in 2 months when StarDog surfaces for air :p
It's to bad ioZS isn't updated more often, its the most efficient/fastest zs we have :(
12-02-2003, 03:58 PM
found a minor bug.... when you uploading and get connection lost or some other unespected, the zipscript dosnt make file.bad like it should do.
12-02-2003, 03:58 PM
found a minor bug.... when you uploading and get connection lost or some other unespected, the zipscript dosnt make file.bad like it should do.
You cant see if the files are completed afterward..... hard to explain.... ;)
ioZS deletes 0 byte files on upload?
my problem is that upload with "lftp" stops when transferring such file and then retrying to connect... and retrying...
harm told me to put out something like
226 File %file is banned!
but where to specify...
can anyone help?
thx toki
01-02-2004, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by rAWfOX
found a minor bug.... when you uploading and get connection lost or some other unespected, the zipscript dosnt make file.bad like it should do.
You cant see if the files are completed afterward..... hard to explain.... ;)
The ZipScript is called OnUploadComplete, since the upload didn't complete, it never got checked by the script....
You could add the ioZS command to OnUploadFail event, but i dunno if that cause other problems ....
01-11-2004, 05:44 AM
any news on new version ? :D
01-15-2004, 03:37 AM
can it be possible to implement a dir tag or file tag into an mp3 dir when it's denied bu ioZS?
226- .---------==[ ioZS v1.08 ]-=-[ by StarDog, (c)2003 ]==------------.
226- | - MP3 Bitrate not allowed: 128 KBit |
226- '--------------------------------======---------------------------'
cause now it just leaves a not filled directory.
Or is there maybe any other script that will do that?
greetz Coffee
01-16-2004, 01:38 PM
Just disable the bitrate checker, nowadays most mp3s are joint stereo and VBR anywayz (luckily :P )
02-12-2004, 07:14 AM
[L] 250- ...:: ( The Groups! ) ::...
[L] 250-.-================================================== =================-.
[L] 250-| Group | Racers | Size | Files | % Comp. | Avg Speed |
[L] 250-|---------------+--------+------------+-------+---------+-------------|
[L] 250-| 1. SiTEOP | 1 | 31.0MB | 7 | 100.00% | 6858kB/s |
[L] 250-'-================================================== =================-'
how to change this ? where ?
i want my ascii here
02-12-2004, 07:30 AM
You can't change that fry2s
02-12-2004, 07:37 AM
weee :/ :(
02-12-2004, 10:08 AM
in which script i can create and edit this ?
02-12-2004, 10:17 AM
php_pSio allows you to change that... Not sure about the other zipscripts.
02-13-2004, 11:22 AM
zipscript-c (pzs) and ioBanana allows that.
dunno about the others.
02-13-2004, 11:45 AM
fry2s open iozs.exe with ultraedit32
thx StarDog for this good zipscript :)
02-14-2004, 07:48 AM
im use php_pSio and its really good :)
03-04-2004, 12:20 PM
Hi there,
i get incomplete dirs/files for every dir called "sample" (of course the sample dir has no sfv file in it).
How to fix that?
Do i have to add "sample" as an exclude in the ini?
Thanks for help.
Edit: fixed the problem, the "allowed"-line was missing
05-17-2004, 11:43 PM
i have the last iozs but him not say me nothing about appz, example..i up a .rar-.056...and delete some filez but iozs no make the filez .bad or .missing or something but the mp3s working fine...somebody help me. :)
01-05-2005, 02:17 PM
Is it possible that you could have something like
could not see any of cookies for section so this may not be possible via ioZS
currently i can do main bit but would like to be able to use the section for dzsbot and !incomplete trigger.
or would this be a DZSbot thing... if you have the tweak i might need to do would save cross posting if u pm me
09-25-2005, 12:32 PM
have you solved this problem? i really can not find any solution...
11-04-2005, 09:15 AM
is it possible to download latest release of ioZS anywhere?
the website just links back to the ioFTPD website when you click the download link
12-11-2005, 01:54 AM
stardog is on holiday i have the latest release but no place to store it
12-20-2005, 03:39 AM
thx guys
Any other links of where I can get ahold of the ltest version?
Seems as Stardog has hosed his entire site :(
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