View Full Version : 4.5.4 and pre error

02-28-2003, 09:57 AM
hi all,

ioftpd has an error if you set private dir in ioftpd.ini
it works that users cant enter this folder, if you idle in this folder
"site who" shows "/"

200-| Borni2k / STAFF | idle 00:00:01 | %:|
200-| xxxx xxxx | since 00:00:05 | p: /

that is right, but if someone upload something "site who" will announce all....

200-| Borni2k / STAFF | up: 536.4kb/s | %:|
200-| xxxxxxxxxxx | since 00:02:00 | f: /PRE/BLA/st-23a.r01

btw. all users have flags=3, but also the same ;)

please fix this mistake...

