View Full Version : release (formerly ioFileRacer)
02-11-2003, 05:01 PM
Here is the latest update to I changed the name from ioFileRacer as many people did not like the name. There are several small fixes, and some new features. Race leader is now recognized (without adding any addition race files). Here is what has changed (from the changelog):
02/11/2003 - v0.86
* Fixxed m3u creation. It was creating the wrong filename.
* Changed m3u is not created if it already exists in the dir.
* Added NEWLEADER loggging for race, with MIN_NEWLEADER_FILES setting in ini.
02/10/2003 - v0.85
* Fixxed UP_TAG settings in ini not working.
* Finished COMPLETE stats for zips (added $zipcompletestats cookie).
* Added RACE logging when new user joins a race.
* Added fastestfile and slowestfile cookies.
* now works with large releases. File sizes are now 64-bit integers (unsigned).
Latest build v0.96
v0.90 Downloaded 100 times.
v0.91 Downloaded 88 times.
v0.92 Downloaded 44 times.
v0.93 Downloaded 61 times.
v0.94 Downloaded 135 times.
v0.95 Downloaded 47 times.
02-12-2003, 04:26 PM
I made a few fixxes. Please reget the file from the first post. Only .exe needs to be overwritten to update to this version.
Also, due to changes in the format of the racelog, the postdel function won't work on releases processed with previous versions of ioZS.
02-12-2003, 04:30 PM
w000000000t... damn dude.. very good release :)
My compliments for your great work... i tried it and i didn't find any probs (YET) :P go on so!! :)
02-12-2003, 08:26 PM
yep stardog good work m8 ;)
thx for this nice zipscript
02-13-2003, 10:57 AM
I've set this script up but it seems that i dont get it to work properly cuz i dont get any up tags at there anything more i must add/remove to ioFTPD to get this script working?...i didnt add the bot tcl cuz it was said in the readme file that it only works with CALADAN'S ZIPSCRIPT-C and i dont run it.
02-13-2003, 11:56 AM
i forgot to change the readme but the bot support also ioZS.NET
so if you want use it ... just install it ;)
have fun
02-13-2003, 06:25 PM
Do you get any output from the script, like that the file checked ok, and race info? If not, then its either not being run properly, or you don't have .NET framework installed.
If it's working correctly, you should see like:
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for
226- .-----==[ v0.88 ]-=-[ by StarDog, (c)2003 ]==------------.
226- | + ZIP-oK: |
226- +----====---------------===[UserTop]====------------------====----+
226- | 1. StarDog 8.5MB 4F 100.00% 3904kB/s |
226- +----====---------------===[GroupTop]===------------------====----+
226- | 1. STAFF 8.5MB 4F 100.00% 3904kB/s |
226- `--------------------------------======---------------------------'
226- Elapsed Time: 172 ms
If you see something like that and its still not creating the tags, try copying the UP_TAG,PROGRESS_TAG, and INCOMPLETE_PARENT settings from the supplied .ini file.
Also, be sure there are no spaces after the '=' in the ini file. Like UP_TAG= 1 is bad. It should be UP_TAG=1
02-13-2003, 08:15 PM
this works fine now...i went trough my settings and noticed some paths that was wrong for logs etc etc...well now it works ..thx for ur help :D
02-19-2003, 07:04 PM
You'll want to get this update (on the first message). I've removed all .net requirements and made several improvements to the script and fixxed all known bugs. This version is more than twice as fast as previous releases. See the ChangeLog for all thats new. Oh, and be sure to make the appropriate changes to the .ini file (maybe just start over with this one)...
I have a few more additions planned, hopefully I can finish those before this weekend.
Enjoy! :D
02-20-2003, 04:06 AM
Originally posted by StarDog
You'll want to get this update (on the first message). I've removed all .net requirements and made several improvements to the script and fixxed all known bugs. This version is more than twice as fast as previous releases. See the ChangeLog for all thats new. Oh, and be sure to make the appropriate changes to the .ini file (maybe just start over with this one)...
I have a few more additions planned, hopefully I can finish those before this weekend.
Enjoy! :D
cool and nice release cant wait to see more improvements of em...
02-20-2003, 07:21 AM
OK, i have the following probs:
1. If i upload a mp3 album the .ioftpd.message says "Progress : [20% Done]-[####----------------]-[1 of 5 files checke", but the whole rlz and the 100% progress tag is there?!?
2. If i upload a zip file the progress tag says "[0% Done]-[--------------------]-[0 of 1 files checked]", why?
Thx 4 ur help
02-20-2003, 07:30 AM
w0000000t very fast and working great :)))
My compliments dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just one little "bug" ? bug ? maybe... try uploading a .sfv file of 50+ rar files release... and without uploading anything, delete that .sfv file. what happens ? my ftp hangs on and i need to reconnect. sfv files is no more there but i still have some missing files. just my error ? let me know please :)
ah.. can i suggest a nice feature ? :) i'll :P
dunno if it's hard or not... but it should be cool (for me at least):
Something like incomplete tag outside release dir... but is possibile to have a nosfv/nonfo (dir) tag outside release dir ?
for ex:
i have:
and if there is nonfo/sfv i'll have:
hope i was kinda clear on my explanation with my sucky english :P
thx in advice for your patience... and go on with your good work
02-20-2003, 12:35 PM
DR.GB: I assume both problems you mentioned are in the .message file Progress line. I think I know what the problem is, it appears that windows has trouble keeping up with writing and closing files correctly, as I've seen many Access Denied errrors when trying to update the .message file. I've elleviated the problem by simply deleting the file before attempting to update it now (damn I hate having to do that extra IO :( ).
Gotrekk: I've tried your test and it seems to work fine everytime. I'm adding some errorlogging functions as I add/update code, so perhaps I can find an error somewhere. I will think of how to add your suggestion in a future release...but first I have some much better options I'm working on ;)
Already the next release will add the ability to work with third-party scripts (like dZSbot's IMBD feature) to import extra files to the .message file, and to cleanup extra file/dir tags created by those scripts with ioZS postdel function.
02-20-2003, 01:27 PM
I need to double check myself, in which mode ioftpd is opening .message files. Also, you could use LockFile() to synchronize reads/writes.
02-20-2003, 05:24 PM
Darkone 1 don't think that this is a io bug since this prob never apeared on project-zs ... just to mention ..
@ star* : should be easy to implement such functions since u can have a look on project-zs how it's done there .. but one thing i'm really interested in ... u mentioned a bug abou creating .m3u ... can u tell me what happens there?
02-20-2003, 06:04 PM
dark0n3: I have to play with this some more, but it could be how io handles .message, cuz I don't think I have this problem with my .ioFTPD.log file when updating it. And yes, I use LockFile() :)
caladan: It's a coincidence that project-zs and ioZS had the same m3u creation bug. But don't worry dude, I'm not stealing any of your copy/pasted code. The only thing borrowed is the dizreader functions from the original project-zs code. As for my file io problems, I can't use anything from project-zs, as I'm using Win32 API calls (CreateFile, WriteFile, ReadFile), not stdio functions.
02-20-2003, 06:16 PM
i said nothing about "stealing" ... i use gcc way because so i can give out sources too ... so evrybody can have a look there and can change evrything ... or just copy things into own scripts .. that is not the thing i'm talking about .. it's just nice to know for ppl and developers that u use *** code ... because that is fair ... so don't worry .. and i'm not worry too :)
and btw .. the "copy/pasted code" was a comment from beginning ... since win and io are not like linux and gl i changed many code but it's still "old" project-zs and therefore d1 is mentioned as often as i mentioned me ... just to be fair to him
02-20-2003, 06:37 PM
Yet anotherday, and another release. :)
Umm, I would copy paste from the changelog, but I made lots of changes today...To summerize, MP3 linked dirs is now possible when used with Windows 2000 or later and NTFS filesystem. It sorts by the usual year, genre, and artist. I've added some errorlogging (errors are logged to iozs-error.log). Also added the ability to import other files into the .message file. This works great with dZSbot's imdb feature. Also can be used to add the file_id.diz from zip releases.
Update the .exe, and add the new lines to the .ini file. Read the Changelog file for details of what items were added/changed. Oh, I also updated the Readme.txt file. :D
In a future release, I'll have a program to cleanup the links that point to invalid directories. You'll run it in the scheduler, and it will check to see if the MP3 release has been removed, and if it has, it will remove the link.
02-21-2003, 03:20 AM
I love this script and I was wondering if you were ever gonna have the option for the ability to make certain parent dirs like if a parent was c:\blah and uploading in c:\blah\file\rls1, it will make incomplete and complete tags in c:\blah, also with the parent dir option it would only check files if they were uploaded to c:\blah instead of files uploaded anywhere since sometimes there are those rare files that are uploaded that are not part of the ignore list. Oh and also, is this ever going to have the ability to check the whole dir when the sfv is uploaded? For example .r00-.r15 already in there, then when a manual upload say r.16 occurs, iozs won't get it, but when fxping .r17-.rar iozs will check, is it possible to check .r16 too?
02-21-2003, 10:35 AM
cdrips: Your talking about putting incompletes in parent of like a dated dir? like you have c:\0-DAY\02.21.03\, and you want the incomplete in c:\0-DAY? I could probably make a check for that at some point...If the parent dir is a dated dir, then go one level up from that...
As for the uploading of SFVs, unless you have FORCE_SFV_FIRST (or whatever I called it in the ini) set, it should allow you to upload the rars and sfv file at any time....I do lots of my testing with the sfv upped at the end (cuz lots of extra stuff goes on during release complete). So I constantly delete sfv, reup sfv, delete sfv, reup, etc...the way it work is: when files are upped (rars, or mp3, etc, not the sfv itself) they are basically just logged (you'll see them listed in the .ioFTPD.log file), but they are marked as unchecked, and you could up the whole release like that. When the SFV file is upped, then I have the list of needed filenames and CRCs to compare against, and you should see all the files get checked. Once they are checked, the status changes in the .ioFTPD.log file. If the files fail the check, they are either marked as .bad, or they are deleted (depending upon how you have it set in the ini), and they are removed from the .ioFTPD.log file (no sense in keeping a log of failed files). At this moment, the only way I could think that a file would slip past ioZS would be if the upload failed at some point and left the remains of a file in the release dir, because ioZS is (most likely) not defined in the ioFTPD.ini file under OnUploadError= line. I suppose you could try copying the line from OnUploadComplete to OnUploadError, that way files are checked no matter what.
whew..probably the longest post I ever made...(should count as two!) :D
Also, check to see if there is an ioZS-error.log file in the same dir as ioZS.exe. That might tell if there was an error somewhere. In the next week or so, I'm planning to rewrite the race info reader/writer part to add error logging there as well. I need to do the link cleanup program though first.
02-21-2003, 05:29 PM
hi m8s
dZSbot is updated & downloadable here:
+ !!! FULL ioZS support now (all binaries are now win32 natives) !!!
+ removed all cygwin dependences for dZSbot (ncftpls not needed anymore)
+ added new bnctest.exe (win32 native binary) by StarDog (c) 2003
(delete ncftpls binary & replace by this one)
+ fixed BNC PROC to use new bnctest.exe
have fun
02-22-2003, 12:22 AM
Thanks for the reply Stardog. Actually I was talking about, say the person who ran the server downloaded some rars by themselves in the way that it didnt go through your program so your program doesn't log it. But then I FXP the rest to them so then your program does log it. Does it check the existing rars in the dir? Or does it only check the ones I uploaded instead of both mine and the one he downloaded himself. I think right now it only checks the one I uploaded.
Also for some reason, I check the sfv myself and I get errors while yours says it is complete. This happens in rare circumstances. Say it has uploaded 15mb (for some reason FlashFXP does something so it goes over 15mb like 15.2mb doesn't happen a lot but does happen.)
02-22-2003, 02:01 PM
cdrips: Ahh! no I understand what you are NOT adding the file via ioFTPD...ok, yeah I will see if I can fix that for next release...shouldn't be too difficult to do.
As for the file failing SFV, di someone overwrite the file possibly? thats the only thing I could think of that would cause it to pass ioZS, and then fail later on another SFV check...
02-22-2003, 04:58 PM
I think it's just an anomaly of flash. I have no idea how it happens. ioFTPD will say file complete, so your program will check it. But sometimes flashfxp seems to not realize it's done and append junk after it? Not sure, but probably not your scripts fault. Probably flash's
02-22-2003, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by cdrips
I think it's just an anomaly of flash. I have no idea how it happens. ioFTPD will say file complete, so your program will check it. But sometimes flashfxp seems to not realize it's done and append junk after it? Not sure, but probably not your scripts fault. Probably flash's
Question - are you behind a router?
If yes, I'd look into that before I would say it's FLASH as I tossed
all routers out the friggin door as most home classed routers
Padding is a very bad problem with routers...LINKSYS is very bad
for this, and the last 2 or 3 bios updates are even worst!
Want a migrain - use the 8 port linksys with raiden and server and
you will see what I mean...
Flash and other clients with no router and countless gigs have
produced NO PADDING what so ever.
02-22-2003, 09:52 PM
I'm actually on a school line with a CISCO cable router. Could CISCO be the problem? If so, I guess I'll just have to deal with it since I have no way to update the bios.
02-23-2003, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by cdrips
I'm actually on a school line with a CISCO
I think the school would have the proper cisco router\switch with
added memory modules for heavy useage? They would not be
your 99.00 home based unit.
What you can do is get the BOSON router simulator and as well
find out the cisco setup...tell them it's a project...and then
simulate it.
Names like Cisco \ Citrix \ IBM \ Nortel are there, but names like
LINKSYS \ SMC \ DLINK are not :)
One other thing came to mind - your site setup, what are you,
or you depending what they are using as a RAR \ ZIP checker?
^ Very well could be this program with a load on the system and
not closing the file as needed...when the system is taxed.
If you use an external setup like FTPSERVERTOOLS, you can
use the SLEEP option and see if this corrects the problem.
02-23-2003, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by StarDog
Umm, I would copy paste from the changelog, but I made lots of changes today...To summerize, MP3 linked dirs is now possible when used with Windows 2000 or later and NTFS filesystem. It sorts by the usual year, genre, and artist.
Are you doing this using junction points?
Be aware then that Explorer has no support for them and sees them as normal directories, thus you cannot remove junctions using Explorer without removing all the data it contains as well.
Also note that the OS will keep track of all junction points, junctions are alot more like mount --bind in linux than a standard symlink.
02-23-2003, 10:53 PM
I'm using this iozs to check the rars.
edit: actually, i only get extra bytes to the file on the first rar im uploading for each cd or file. For example
I have 2 CDs for some file
.rar = 14,651mb
.r00-.rxx = 14,649
For both CDS this is true, or for the first rar in every file. Don't know why this is though.
StarDog, your ioZS is awesome script, but i have problem with it
when release is incompleted and i do nuke command all look just fine... but incomplete dirtag in parent dir doesn't disapear, it is still there saying rls is incomplete :(
how to fix that please?
02-24-2003, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by cdrips
I'm using this iozs to check the rars.
edit: actually, i only get extra bytes to the file on the first rar im uploading for each cd or file. For example
Get your users or yourself to use an older version of FLASH or
another client - I was talking to RAMRAM (ftpservertools) and
he made me think about what was taking place on the ODD
bad files here...sure enough, I went back to FLASH v1.2 425
and hammered my own site = 0 bad files, used the last 3 current
build of FLASH and bad files...
I'll email the FLASH people.
- BUT - it could just be a problem with RAIDEN here at my end.
*** As I don't get these bad files with IO and FTPSERVERTOOLS
with FLASH (new or older builds)
02-24-2003, 11:27 AM
The nuke command doesn't know that there are tags in other directories, therefore it doesn't clean them up. You'll have to manually remove those tags.
02-24-2003, 04:24 PM
nice script but i have a big problem!!!
If there is a UPP,nobody iss able to delte the tags and CD1 CD2 Folders.Permissions are set right,even with 777 on file and Dir nobody is able to delte this files!
With some config offf permissions,all works great for example with FTPServertools!!!!!
But i cant find any options in you script for configure the rights!!
Could you tell me what is wrong there?
02-24-2003, 06:03 PM
ok,now i know why its like this...maybe its kind of bug????
Ok,i upload something........i stop the upload,and i delte the release!!
when it wants to delte the sfv the script stops,and my ftp hang,ioZ.exe is still in Taskmanager working ind hanging.
It stays there sometimes 5 minutes or more,until the exe isnt finish i cant delete anything!!!
This happens to me under .net and NT.
I have the feeling the script is not so fast,....when i upload with low speed like lets say 100K all works fine,but over 2 MB the script always hangs!!
Is it possible for you to fix this??cause your script iss really good!!!
02-24-2003, 06:05 PM
ok now it dont even close,the ioZ.exe just remain under processes!!!!!
arghhhhhhhh its getting worster and worster!!!!!
if i try to delte something,it hangs now every time on the sfv.So i have to close ioZ.exe in taskmanager and relog to the ftp!!!
Please help me to solve the problem,cause i really would like to use your script on my sites!!!!!!!!!!
02-24-2003, 07:45 PM
hmm, someone else reported similar problems with ioZS hanging when deleting the SFV, I have tried thousands of times and can't recreate this. Maybe I'm doing something in the wrong order. If you can catch me online on Efnet, that would help for me to ask my one question I need to know is, are others uploading when you try to remove that file? And is it easily recreatable for you? If it is, I need to know the exact way I can recreate it..
I planned on making the tag permissions configurable, I'll try to do that in the next release..
StarDog, since i don't use dupelogger for zipscript but only ioZS so is it possible to add sth like BANNED_DIR= and BANNED_FILES= ?
for banned_dirs i mean all *complete* *done* *ok* *%* etc stuff when uploading
and for banned_files: all useless nfos from sites (*.nfo) when uploading
ofcoz all customizable
just an idea...
02-25-2003, 01:09 AM
Well, I have a banned group (I think it only checks on zip type release), but I stopped adding these features, cuz this is stuff that should be in a pre stor and pre mkd script.
So no, I don't think I'll add it to ioZS, but when I finish the things on my todo list for ioZS, I'll be working on those pre scripts (If someone doesn't do it before me) :D
I've spent the night fine tuning the link stuff and my head hurts, but sometime tomorrow, I'll have another release with some fixes, and a few more features that people have asked for...
02-25-2003, 02:03 AM
how do u ban creation of dirs containing certain words using premkd.itcl ?
02-25-2003, 06:44 AM
@ stardog...where on efnet you are??
and no noone else is uploading,just me!
Its easy to repeat:
Upload a release,stopp after some files,go back in the folder where the release stands,and try to delete it.On the sfv it stops,and hangs!!!
02-25-2003, 08:19 AM
does the same to me, but not always..
02-25-2003, 11:30 AM
malexx: I've been trying to recreate here, but it never locks. (although, I'm using a newer build, so maybe i fixxed it) Heres what I'm doing (repeatedly). Using Flash, I transfer a whole directory (cotaining the release with .sfv), I let it transfer about 10 or more files, then hit the abort. It stops, I go tot the parent dir and then back into the release (just to make sure the files are there and the tags were created correctly). Next I click that dir to delete it (Flash comes up with some box, that I never read, but just say ok to ) and it deletes all the files, and removes the directory (and any tags). I've done it probably 15 times in a row, sometime using different releases, of demo software of course ;)
oh, I'm usually idling in #ioftpd on EfNet, and on LinkNet as StarDog
02-25-2003, 11:44 AM
thx,for your answer..........but it still keeps hanging,doing exactly the same as you do...........what you mean with running a newer version=??of your race script???is it public???so mybe i can taste with this one!!!!!
Damn its always like this,the good script i wnat to run dont work !!!
I really like you script,esp. the output,looks very cool!!!!!!!!!!
I hope one day there comes a newer version,and maybe my bug disappears;)
ahja,......what version of flash do you use???
PS:ist it possible cause of the .net OS?
02-25-2003, 01:34 PM
aha! I just found out how to recreate! If I DON'T go into the release dir before doing the delete, it will hang up...So I'll try playing with it some more to see if I can fix this... :D
And yes, I'm using the stuff as I write it, so I'll have lots of fixes, updates to post shortly...
It looks like I won't have the link cleanup program done today though :(
02-25-2003, 02:09 PM
ok, I found and fixxed that bug. It has to do with when I remove a -missing file, I remove it from the vfs. When you had more than like 30 files in the release (could be more or less depending upon the length of your path), it would hang up trying to output all the !vfs del lines. That output must go to a buffer that was filled up nad ioZS would just hang there trying to finish its output so it could finish removing the -missing files. The problem occurred because I was outputting wrong, I had the file name outputting like releasedirreleasedir+filename (two releasedirs,oops)...
I suppose this error could occur again if a) your paths are REALLY long, or b) there are LOTs of files in the release.
I'll release the next version shortly...
02-25-2003, 04:49 PM
This version fixes several nasty bugs, and adds a few new features to play with. Here are the changes from Changelog:
02/25/2003 v0.92
* Removed the .net name from ioZS.
* Made progressbar and files count output in race display.
* Added VFS_CHMOD and VFS_CHOWN settings to ini. This is used for setting permissions on -missing files and all file/directory tags created by ioZS.
* If MP3 genre, artist, or year sort dirs do not exist, ioZS will log the proper error and continue.
* Fixxed a buffer overrun in .message file creation with MP3 releases.
* Fixxed when file_id.diz files are upped, they were being counted toward a race.
* Rewrote the EXCLUDEDIRS function, it now matches any specified dir with the current release dir. So if you exclude c:\, then anything upped in c:\ will be ignored.
* Fixxed ioZS sometimes hanging on .sfv file when deleting a release dir. :)
* Renamed the file that contained ioZS's race info from ioFTPD.log to .ioFTPD.race. This was confusing people when I asked to see the .log file, I'd get the wrong one.
NOTE: This will break deleteing (with postdel function) of releases created by older versions of ioZS.
* If INCOMPLETE_PARENT=3 ioZS will try to make the incomplete parent tag a linked directory to the real release. I've tried to compensate if someone tries to race from a linked dir (like the user clicks on the incomplete parent dir tag to get to the real release, and then tries to upload (or even delete)), but it is very bad because when a file is upped, the INCOMPLETE Parent tag is removed and updated. There are two ways to fix this: using a pre stor script that check to see if the user is in a linked dir, or making the INCOMPLETE parent tag a 'fixxed' tag that stays the whole release (doesn't update the % and files completed). I'll need input from users to know how they'd like this done. This option was requested by a couple people, but I kinda don't recommend using it (yet).
I also have a question. Does anyone mind if I remove the PROGRESSBAR_LENGTH, and just make it fixxed to 20 characters? Does anyone ever change this to a different size? I'm thinking of removing that option from the ini file.
02-25-2003, 05:33 PM
if it makes it easier for u, remove it!! =)
02-25-2003, 05:35 PM
would also be nice if excisting progressbars were removed when site rescanall is detected
nice SD! i like your script!
btw, i really need banned_files= and banned_dirs=
thank you
02-25-2003, 08:19 PM
i'm busy with banned_files and banned_dirs scripts
woho b0unty, that's great news! :)
to StarDog or Caladan:
using latest iozs, dzsbot and ioftpd 415
i have problem with halfway announce with user1@abc@xyz (group name: abc@xyz)
my sitebot announces halfway from user1 with, heh, 5 or even more times :( users from other groups have normal halfway announces...
so just a thought maybe it's sth with that "@" in grp name...
02-26-2003, 09:24 AM
Stardog you are Great..............Very big thx for the Fix and your are really fast!!!!!!!!!!!
its just cooool;)
hopefully waiting for more features to come!!!!!!
02-26-2003, 10:23 AM
malexx: thanks for the help with finding the .sfv problem. :p
zpr: I'll check the group thing out. I don't know why it would cause any problems though.
Speaking of groups, someone was chatting with me on irc and had problems with a user that had no group. I don't know how they did that, cuz I can't recreate it. If I have a user with no group, ioFTPD automatically assigns that user to the default NoGroup group. I think d1 mentioned this before, but I'll just remind everyone, DON'T REMOVE the NOGROUP group from ioFTPD setup...
DoBBer: site rescanll? I think that's someone else's script. I plan to make a rescan for ioZS, which will update the progress bars correctly. I just need to add on the fly crc checking to finish it. First though I need to finish the link cleaner. :)
B0unTy: Thanks for the cool scripts!
02-26-2003, 11:33 AM
lol its gettin so funny now..................the first few times all went good, it hangs on the sfv again,..........but i think i nknow why!!!
OK,.i upp something.................i press refresh in the release dir.Some rars are there and missing files.I go up two dirs,to the Dir with the releasename!,then i press delete!
And at first the script try to delete the sfv and it hangs!!!!
Ok now i upp something again,i stop,i press refresh and in the release dir i delete all rars and sfv.But now the rar are gettin deletedt at first and the sfv at last,and it works!!!!
As soon as the script wants to delete the sfv first it hangs!!!!!
Any idea of it why its like this?????
aja,i am using the newest version!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean i dont mind to go into the dir and delete the rars first then go up two dirs and delete the releasedir!!!
I like your script,so i do this little extra klicks!!!!!!!!!
But if you could fix this strange thing it would be so great!!!!!!!!
Exept of this one all works fine and the script also have a good speed.............
02-26-2003, 01:57 PM
Are you in a subdir of the release? and how many files are there? Like I mentioned earlier, the problem was from the output that I am makeing for ioFTPD to clear the vfs file of the -missing files. I bet if you do that test, and use explorer when it hangs on the SFV, there might be some remaining -missing files (in my case it deleted the first 30 files and left the rest). I can fix this by simply makming it NOT update the vfs file. OR I can make it not remove the -missing files, and let ioFTPD delete each one on its own.
I'm rewriting the postdel functions now, so I can change this quick, I'll run some more tests..
update: hrmm, I think it might hang on something else. I have a release (with a huge path and filenames(an MP3)), and it dies consistantly on it. I can't tell if its a bufferoverflow or what at this point..
update on my update: Ok, found the problem. Somewhere in the recreating of the message file. I've made lots of changes to the postdel to make it even more efficient (I think this is it, It can't delete and update race info any faster than this).
I also fixxed all the things with deleting tags if they were files, and the incomplete parent being left behind when no SFV was upped and the release was deleted...
02-26-2003, 03:55 PM
you are THE MAN;)...........................are your upgrades integrated in the version???or will there be a new update????
02-26-2003, 05:01 PM
Ok, I just posted those fixes...I also added one new feature. ;)
To update, just replace the .exe, and if you want, add one new setting to ini, SFV_COMMENT= .
Here is the changelog:
02/26/2003 v0.93
* Rewrote all postdel functions to be more efficient, and correctly update all tags.
* Fixxed a bug when deleting .sfv would cause ioZS to error (for real this time).
* Added SFV_COMMENT to ini file. This adds the "sfv raped by.." line to an .sfv file
Let me know if you find any new bugs...
02-26-2003, 05:16 PM
and again a big thx @ StarDog!!!
edit:Ok it still hangs when i upp just a few files go back to release dir and delete!!
But if noone else is gettin,maybe its .Net or something else??????
I dont know,..................anyway i will use your script;)
PS:What kind of files you tested it with??
I just uploaded Movie Releases,so there are alway a lot of files,maybe its this???
02-26-2003, 05:21 PM
yupp, seems to be working ok! :)
02-26-2003, 06:03 PM
malexx: Do me a favor, recreate that, and when ioZS hangs, open explorer and check out that directory...see if it deleted some, but not all the -missing files.. If thats the case, then I know what the problem is and can fix it easily.
I test with various type of releases, basically what ever I have handy. Mostly MP3's thuogh, as it does extra stuff with them, and I want to make sure it all works correctly. I'll do a quick test with a big SFV release...
Update: I just used a multi-CD movie, and had the problem. Its the same problem as before when trying to update the vfs file. I guess there is a limit as to how much output I can pass to ioFTPD. I'll just remove all the vfs updating from that part of the postdel, and repost version .93 when finished...
Last update today: Ok, reget v0.93 and try that...
02-26-2003, 07:12 PM
nothing more to say
thank you !!!!!!!!
i mean you are really fast,i post somethin and 30 minutes later there is a new version!!!!!!!!!
You get money for this,eh?????;)
02-26-2003, 07:21 PM
Ok, i testet it under REALLY HEAVY Load now,........i upped all kind of releases some finshed some not, etc..........i deleted them and still it.......WOrks now!!!
No more hanging i tried all i can do,and now it goes just smooth!!!
Really thank you for making this Script!It runs like hell!
Aje,the script works for me also a little faster!
02-26-2003, 10:33 PM
Cool! I'm glad to hear it works well.
The postdel should be a bit faster now, I cleaned it up alot today. I could make the rest of the script a bit faster by cleaning some other functions, but first I want to finish adding a couple more options. Then I'll cleanup and optimize the rest of the program. I might try to make one more update before the weekend. :D
02-27-2003, 04:19 AM
02-27-2003, 06:30 AM
I keep getting an "unexpected critical error" in 0.93 =/ even after a cupple of reboots and reinstalls of ioZS
02-27-2003, 10:05 AM
Can you give more details, like was it on an upload, were there multiple races happening at the time, can it be recreated? If you get it on .93, but not on .92 then it shouldn't be too hard to narrow it down, only two things were changed, all the postdel functions (so this problem should only happen on deleting), or the new sfv rape function, in which case try removing the SFV_COMMENT line and make the CLEANSFV=0 and see if that helps.
02-27-2003, 10:16 AM
i keep gettin with zips in new ioZS
226- `---[################################################## ##########]-------======---------------[ 3/ 1]---'
300% done!
and in errorlog
02-27-2003 02:47:54 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: f:\FTProot\\stuff\prog.etc...
yup, same here, in 0day zips weird 200% or 300% complete...
there is also a problem when someone upload *.zip and then another user2 can overwrite/resume (according to many nfos in zips), then dzsbot says user2 joined race in ... with 0 kb/s or 2 kb/s..
is it possible to lock uploaded and checked zip files somehow?
rar sfv check works ok, only zip checking/supporting is strange..
02-27-2003, 11:07 AM
hmm, my problems are gone now, reinstalled exe and reedited config, works now..
02-27-2003, 02:28 PM
Does this happen with all zips, or just certain ones. What it looks like is ioZS can't get the # of disks correctly. If it doesn't happen on all releases, then PM me on irc the releasename, or send me a copy of the file_id.diz...
I think its just a .diz thats not read correctly, cuz zips seem to work fine when I test them...
02-27-2003, 04:27 PM
ioZS died on me again =/
this time during a race of a svcd, will pm u the relname on irc, it didnt die just once, but twice this race, which ****ed up the progressbar
did it again, this never happened in 0.92 though, only in 0.93
02-27-2003, 07:32 PM
attn of stardog .diz=T**iO
02-28-2003, 09:51 AM
i have a question about this mp3 thingi!
Sort by genre
Sort by Year
How does this work???
and if i upload mp3 it denies sfv and m3u.
My Site is like this!
x:\site\mp3\Sort by Genre
\Sort by Year
\Sort by Artist
how it works that the files get sorted??
I am a total noob in mp3,so please explain me:)!
02-28-2003, 10:01 AM
Will probably work when ioFTPD has support for symlinks (which it has not atm)
02-28-2003, 10:47 AM
so i can delete this entrys in the ioz ini file?
StarDog, how can i lock uploaded and checked sfv file? pleez i need it fast :( thx!
02-28-2003, 01:40 PM
Ok, First, to clarify things. The links are done at a lower level, using NTFS (NTFS in Windows 2000 and up supports whats called junction points, they work very similar to symlinks in unix). Nothing need to be added to ioFTPD to support this, but if you don't have NTFS, it won't work.
Now to set it up. Lets say for example my MP3s are upped to dated dirs in D:\Incoming\MP3z\ and in this dir I want to have the sorted links. In D:\Incoming\MP3z make three sub dirs, Sorted by Genre, Sorted by Artist, and Sorted by Year. Next in ioZS.ini add the following lines:
AUDIO_GENRE_PATH=D:\Incoming\MP3z\Sorted by Genre\
AUDIO_ARTIST_PATH=D:\Incoming\MP3z\Sorted by Artist\
AUDIO_YEAR_PATH=D:\Incoming\MP3z\Sorted by Year\
Note: The dirs defined in ioZS.ini MUST be created, If not, it won't work, and you'll get an error in the iozs-error.log telling you the dirs don't exist. Also, the dirs that the MP3s will be sorted to must be on the same drive that the MP3s are upped to. Links do not work across filesystems.
Now lets say some wonderful tunes from 1986 are upped (and you allow these classic sounds) to D:\Incoming\MP3z\02.28.03\, in D:\Incoming\MP3z\Sorted by Year\ ioZS will make (if it doesn't already exsit) a sub folder called 1986 and in there, it will make another folder that matches the uploaded MP3 release folder, and it will make this folder link to the actual release in D:\Incoming\MP3z\02.28.03\. Basically to ioFTPD these two dirs will look identical, and they are, except that the files only reside in one folder. It will also make the links in Artist, and Genre dirs. If for some reason it can't creat the link, you'll get an error in the iozs-error.log file.
Hopefully this explains the link feature.
02-28-2003, 01:48 PM
zpr: I don't understand what you mean by 'lock' the file...If mean prevent people from uploading in an already checked release, then that requires using a pre-stor script. Something that checks the dir to see if there is already an sfv file present in the current directory.
I don't understand how people are using ioFTPD to run full sites..a lot of the scripts required to make it work correctly have not been developed yet. Don't forget that ioFTPD is still beta, and if the platform that scripters are building their scripts for is beta, then the scripts themselves are beta as well...
02-28-2003, 02:15 PM
a feature I'd like to see is that the script chmods the dir to 555 after sfv is completed, so noone can write to that dir when race is over, or is there already such a feature that I've missed?
02-28-2003, 03:48 PM
this you can make with the io file permissions,or grab yourself FTPServertools,there you have the Option in the Script!
02-28-2003, 04:14 PM
about the Mp3 part!!!!!
i have it like this:
there are the Artist,Genre,Year Folder,and one UploadFolder,
i upload Something in thje Uploadfolder and no links are created,also it says no sfv,but there is!
02-28-2003 12:42:04 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:04 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:04 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:04 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:04 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:04 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:04 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:04 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:04 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:04 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:04 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:04 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:04 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:04 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:04 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:05 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:05 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:05 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:05 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:05 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:05 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:05 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:05 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:05 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:05 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:05 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:05 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:05 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
02-28-2003 12:42:05 ERROR: Finding .sfv in: g:\site\4---MP3-Section\upload\Rammstein\
this was read out so for sure there is a sfv:
|[Year:]|[Bitrate:] |[Frequency:]|[Mode:] |[Version:] |
[12:45:51] 226- | | 192 KBit | 44 KHz | Stereo | MPEG 1.0 Layer 3 |
[12:45:51] 226- +----====---------------===[UserTop]====------------------====----+
[12:45:51] 226- | 1. XXXXX 17.9MB 2F 100.00% 4724kB/s |
[12:45:51] 226- +----====---------------===[GroupTop]===------------------====----+
[12:45:51] 226- | 1. SiteOP 17.9MB 2F 100.00% 4724kB/s |
[12:45:51] 226- `---[#-------------------]-------======---------------[ 2/ 29]---'
sorry StarDog, maybe i said it in wrong way..
i meant when someone upload sfv and script checks it, make missing files etc then set chmod for that sfv file as 444 (read only)
02-28-2003, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by malexx
this you can make with the io file permissions,or grab yourself FTPServertools,there you have the Option in the Script!
if i do it this way only one racer can race a movie, I want alot of racers being able to race on a movie 777, but after sfv=completed I want dir chmodded to read only, 555
02-28-2003, 07:02 PM
I'll add the ability to change the perms on completed release in a future version...
02-28-2003, 07:07 PM
Ok, I rushed this version out to fix a MAJOR problem when attempting to disable MP3 links. I've made lots of other changes, and really wanted to release this with full rescan ability, but it will have to wait until next week.
From the Changelog:
02/28/2003 v0.94
* Fixxed a MAJOR bug when attempting to disable MP3 Link dirs, it would still link, only in the current release directory. If this has happened to you, find me on IRC, and I will send you something to remove these links.
* Fixxed ZIP_COMPLETE message on a race, the racers % completed was wrong.
* Fixxed 100% complete tag not being removed when deleting files from ZIP release.
* Wrote on the fly CRC checking. If ioFTPD does not pass the CRC to ioZS, ioZS will calculate the file's CRC itself.
* Changed how the CRC value is stored in the .ioFTPD.race file.
* Now ioZS tests all files in the .sfv, even if they weren't passed through ioZS. This is basically one way of doing a rescan (remove sfv and resend it).
* Corrected MP3 year,bitrate,genre check to check to see if its accepted BEFORE it says the file is ok and counted. Also, if its not accepted, the file is removed.
* Fixxed Zip releases for groups that use "Disks xx/01" for releases with more than 1 disk. Now ioZS just keeps incrementing the total disk count. Also made it not log more than once. This made changes to .ioFTPD.race format. Thanks alot TALio! grr.
* Made various changes to both SFV and ZIP checks. (Mostly for the above fix, and to implement rescan)
02-28-2003, 09:47 PM
is iozs in conjunciton with dzsbot spozed to announce racestats at the end, usertop and grouptop like zipscript?
03-01-2003, 11:03 AM
just crashed ur script :/
doin multi delete of upped 100% files after moving them.
ta. i got a stackdump etc. if u need pm on chan.
hmm weird, there was incomplete release (parent inc dir and inc dir in rls dir + some_file.r42-missing) and i did site rescanall some_file.sfv -> no effect :( yes, rescanned complete dir was created, but inc parent dir, inc dir from rls dir and that missing file haven't gone :/
using ioZS 0.94, ioA 0.7.0, ioFTPD 4.1.5
nice and fast script Stardog ;)
but i got 2x complete +stats logged with "video race" (1x700mb) using 0.94 , where the 2nd complete states 20s longer racetime than the first .oO
03-02-2003, 01:40 PM
I read through this thread and i dont see anything about a little bug i found. Either i'm blind or it hasnt been up.
Anyway.. uploading an album with VA artist will confuse the links in /MP3/Sorted by Artist/.
It will reflect the last mp3 uploaded and take the artist name from there.
So if the last Mp3 was by Pink it will look like:
/MP3/Sorted by Artist/Pink/VA-Some-name-of-album.
Also it would be nice if the links deletes when the album deletes.
Dunno if its possible though.
Sorry if this has been up before.
03-02-2003, 07:35 PM
It's not a good thing to chmod the dir 555 after all files in SFV are uploaded, basicly because there might be something to be uploaded, which isn't in the SFV (such as covers and nfo's). Better to chmod the actuall files to read only.
03-02-2003, 08:08 PM
well ppl will just have to use priority list in flashfxp then, wont they? =))
edit: I guess I'm stuck in sitestat-thinking :rolleyes:
03-03-2003, 01:27 PM
ok, back from the weekend..lots to catch up on.
First, I agree 100% seting a dir as read only is not a good idea. Also, right now even if I set the sfv to read only it would do no good, there is a bug in the latest io that hoses up file permissions. I have another alternative though ;)
Second I just want to explain the crashes people are having when deleting files. I mentioned on IRC on Friday when I released .94 that it would break postdel compatiblity with races done with previous versions of ioZS. I probably should have made that more clear in my post on this forum. This is because I had to add a flag to the .ioFTPD.race file to keep track if the race was completed yet (this was needed to fix the zips announcing COMPLETE multiple times on those releases with Disk xx/01 when there really was more than 1 disk).
Giant: Have have upped a bunch of MP3s and not yet seen that problem with VA. It determines if the Artist is VA by the release folder name, if it starts with "VA-" then it gets filed under the linkdir\VA\releasename. I plan to write a program that will clean up the broken/missing linked folders. I would rather do that cleanup in a separate program rather than addding it into ioZS, as releases are not always deleted from ioFTPD (some people remove the dirs locally, so I'd still have to have a way outside of ioZS to clean those up). There is one thing I noticed wrong with linked dirs, it doesn't link multi-CD releases correctly, it just links the last CD of a multi-disk set. I'll fix this soon, and should have a cleanup prog. available shortly after I finish with the rescan function.
which brings me to...
zpr: site rescanall is not a function of ioZS, so it will not update the tags correctly. ioZS will have its own rescan function shortly that should correctly update the tags and reace info. .94 has it somewhat built in now. If you remove the .sfv file and resend it, it will recheck all files in the dir.
cdrips: see above, this adds the ability to do what you wanted with adding files locally and having it scan them all.
iSno: I think the only way that could happen is if someone added to a file that already existed. I've kinda seen something like this happen, but is very rare. I wish ioFTPD supported XDUPE or something to keep races from overwriting files already there (or already started).
03-03-2003, 01:57 PM
xdupe is not approved by internet task force (ITF)... It should be fairly easy to add xdupe as external site command (once I add cookie for connection id [unique number])
03-03-2003, 02:22 PM
Wheee, nice thanks!
03-03-2003, 06:25 PM
would it be possible to use a txt-file instead of the NFOCLEAN option? This would be more comfortable, imho, so you can add any type not only *.nfo...
Just a suggestion, perhaps you like it :D
03-04-2003, 10:59 PM
there should be a NOSFVPRESENT= tag or something u can set that makes it so u can set it blank so u dont have dumb tags being created all over when a sfv isn't even loaded in a spot.. because sometimes u can't filter all the allowed stuff even... because say u have /SPEEDTEST
and someone uploads 1MB and now u got a parent tag and a complete tag that dont even need to be there that just makes the site look messy.
Just make it check whats loaded in a .sfv... if nothign is loaded then why check a file and make tags for it.. it gets REALLY messy.....
also its very bugy still .. it counted files as good and they weren't even big enough to be complete and some were too big and considered good cuz there was a .bad and it didn't want to replace a .bad so it thinks the file is good so it announces and announces in the channel ove rand over when u fix the files. Definately make sure the script can write over the .bad's
03-05-2003, 09:56 AM
SlimCrazy: So let me get this right, you want to have a NOSFVPRESENT= option, where you define what? A directory? Why not just add that directory to EXCLUDEDIRS=?
I don't understand what your trying to do with .bad files. Are you UPPING .bad files? cuz if not, they get removed when the file is sent and checked as ok. There is NO overwriting of a .bad file at any point, Its created when the file does not pass the check, and removed when that file is upped and does pass the check. If they are too complicated for you, disable .bad file creation by setting BAD=0.
And files are checked only if they are not .nfo, .diz, .sfv, or listed in the ALLOWED_TYPES. Everything else will be checked.
03-05-2003, 04:24 PM
Well exclude dir worked for my lil problem i guess...
But as far as raceing checking.... situation:
U up a file and its bad.. so it gets renamed .bad
now.. u reup the same file.. and its bad... the script doesn't want to replace the .bad file.. so it considers the file good.. and now u run into problems...
03-05-2003, 06:01 PM
I just tried that and it overwrites the .bad file each time. Heres what I did: Created a fresh dir, upped an sfv. I edited the sfv file so the CRC of one of the files would not match (this will become my "bad" file). I upped a couple good files, then upped the file that I changed the CRC on in the sfv file. It marked it as .bad. so now I took an .nfo file and renamed it to match the file I just sent up (so I could see when it replaces the .bad file, the size would change). I then uppped that file, it marked it as .bad and replaced the original .bad file that was sitting in that dir, and it still thinks that file is missing from the race.
I can't recreate what your seeing.. :confused:
03-06-2003, 06:09 PM
Here's the latest and greatest (see first post in this thread)... :D
From the Changelog:
03/06/2003 v0.95
* Now STATS output will be generated after .sfv release, even if there is only one racer.
* Added some checking to ioZS to prevent .sfv file from being processed after the release has already been completed.
* Fixxed .sfv files that list a file more than once, ioZS will now not count the file twice, and if CLEANSFV=1 (or SFV_COMMENT is set), it will remove the duplicate entry from the .sfv file.
* Fixxed .diz files that have format like [xx/xx] will now be assumed to be 1 disk.
* Added rescan capability. See the Readme.txt for instructions on how to add this to ioFTPD.
* Lots of miscellaneous code cleanup/optimizing...
03-06-2003, 06:13 PM
excellent!, thnks stardog.
one question:
4. Optionally, you may add the site rescan command to ioFTPD by adding the
following line in the ioftpd.ini file under [Scripts]:
rescan = C:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioZS\ioZS.exe Rescan
Then configure the permissions for this command by adding the following
line under the [Ftp-SITE-Permissions] section:
rescan = 1MV
so, how it interact with ioA, coz i already have in my ioftpd.ini:
rescan = ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe rescan
rescanall = ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe rescanall
03-06-2003, 10:42 PM
remove the ioA entries and add the ioZS entry, it´s better
03-07-2003, 01:50 PM
Yes, you would want to replace the ioA entries for rescan.
I just finished the 'dead' link cleanup program. I'll run some more tests with it before including it in the next release.
03-07-2003, 04:34 PM
I'll give you a present on my birthday. :D
From the Changelog:
03/07/2003 v0.96
* ioZS will now create a -missing file during rescan if a -missing file does not already exist, and MISSING=1 in ioZS.ini.
* During rescans, bad files were not renamed to *.bad.
* When an MP3 failed CRC check, it would output that the CRC was ok, and all the MP3 ID3 tag info, then say it failed. Now it outputs correctly.
* If a multi-CD MP3 was sorted, it would link to the last CD completed, now it will properly link to the release parent folder.
* Now if a bad file is renamed to .bad, ioZS will remove the -missing file.
* Added ioZSCleanup.exe to the package. This is ONLY needed if you are using ioZS to sort MP3 dirs. This program can be run as a site command, or automatically through the ioFTPD scheduler to clean up 'dead' links (folders that are linked to a directory that does not exsist anymore). To add to the scheduler add the following to the ioFTPD.ini under [Scheduler]:
ioZSCleanup = 59 23 * * ..\scripts\ioZS\ioZSCleanup.exe quiet
No ini file changes, just copy over the .exes and if using links, do something with the ioZSCleanup.exe. ;)
03-08-2003, 11:57 AM
It seems to me that the rescan feature aint working 100% yet.
Since when delling files and/or delling/reupping sfv it will automatically update the dir (which worx nice btw) i though that the rescan feature aint really usefull now.
Since it aint working for me if i **** the files up using windows.
Try deleting some files from a completed dir, or rename file 001 to 002 for example, then do a site rescan and it will not rescan those files. It even marks the 002 file as ok..
The deleted files it doesnt show in the rescan (logically) but it also doesnt create / mark them as gone when finished rescanning.
Some example output:
site rescan
200- .---------==[ ioZS v0.96 ]-=-[ by StarDog, (c)2003 ]==------------.
200- | + CRC32-oK: 01-red_hot_chili_peppers-cant_stop-ksi.mp3 |
200- | + CRC32-oK: 02-audioslave-show_me_how_to_live-ksi.mp3 |
200- | + CRC32-oK: 19-july_for_kings-new_black_car-ksi.mp3 |
200- +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
200- | Rescan Total: 19, Passed: 19, Failed: 0, Missing: 0 |
As you can see only 3 files are still on my HD, and even though it doesnt list the other 16 it counts them as passed. Oh yea and file 02 is same as 19 in this test, so it shouldve marked file 02 as bad...
Hope i could help ya a bit :)
/edit as you said above:
* ioZS will now create a -missing file during rescan if a -missing file does not already exist, and MISSING=1 in ioZS.ini.
This is also not happening. So its like im running old version or something, but im not ;) clean install made 10 hours ago.
Some total other thing which irritated me on tjzip+r* already:
When people up a single file to for example /Requests, it makes 2 useless incomplete dirs, 1 in root and 1 in the request dir.
Cant it be made like glftpd, so it only makes complete dirs when there is actually a sfv, not on lose files... This might be tricky with the zips then though, but would be nice that people at least can up single mp3's rar's etc :) Maybe some added option in the ini file to specify dirs for nocheck would be easier.
"EXCLUDEDIRS=c:\FTP\Requests\" is no option here since it will also exclude new dirs inside. So maybe bind this exclude dir only to 1 dir, and specify "c:\FTP\Requests\*" if you want all dirs inside also excluded..
03-10-2003, 10:04 AM
This is corrected for next release. I realized that rescan was getting the crc from the race info data, and not from checking the file. If the file didn't exist in the race info though, it would scan it. So, basically rescan will take a little longer now, as it will force a recheck of every file.
I've also redone the EXCLUDEDIRS= to allow just one dir, or recursive. C:\Request\ will exclude just Request, and c:\Request\* will exclude that dir and all subdirs created in C:\Request. This should make it more flexible.
I'll release the new version later this week, I think I want to add one more thing first.. :D
03-13-2003, 02:30 PM
hiya stardog,
are planning a release for the new ioftpd thats coming?
many thnks,
okay here's a problem i really cant solve
when i upload a file and then abort upload the file is bad i assume.. then you should think that ioZS will turn the file into a .bad so that another one or yourself can upload the same file again strangest is that undupe file is done automatic but the .bad not
when i do site rescan its renamed to .bad and all problems solved but my question is : can this be done automatic (not the rescan cause that would take forever) i have create missing and create .bad enabled ... maybe i have to do something with on upload error ? or... ?
hope that someone has solution for my problem
GR Sjon
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