View Full Version : Alternate ModeFXP fails with new router

11-13-2004, 09:35 PM
Hi, just installed a new router today, finaly changed fromold usb modem, all was going great until i found that i can no longer FXP to my Raiden server on alternate mode FXP.

ive added the srvc data ports in routers firewall
20, 22, 23, 80, 443

i added the servers Listen & data range ports.

fxp works perfect in standard pasv mode, but i get this when i try alternate mode
[01:33:52] [R] List Complete: 7 KB in 3.69 seconds (2.1 KB/s)
[01:33:52] [R] TYPE I
[01:33:53] [R] 200 Type set to I.
[01:33:53] [L] TYPE I
[01:33:53] [L] 200 Type set to IMAGE.
[01:33:53] [L] PASV
[01:33:53] [L] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,2,0,23)
[01:33:53] [R] PORT 192,168,0,2,0,23
[01:33:53] [R] 200 PORT command successful.
[01:33:53] [R] REST 3742038
[01:33:53] [R] 350 Restarting at 3742038. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[01:33:53] [L] APPE blah.rar
[01:33:54] [R] RETR blah.rar
[01:34:11] [L] 426 Connection closed , transfer aborted (transfer failed).(no data connection)

ive messed about with every setting possible, posted at netgears and raidens forums,, but no help yet..

i realise this isnt really a problemwith flash FXP, more a problemwith my router/config, as this used to work fine with my old USB modem.

people outside of my LAN (wan clients) can perform the Alternate mode FXP, and works no problem for them, so why cant i do it?

since having the new router, i have had to login to my ftp server using the LAN IP
(when was on old USB modem i used the real internet IP, but this wont work with router)

so if wan clients can do this alternate FXP, its obviously nothing wrong with port forwarding/firewall, or nothing wrong with Raiden FTP setup.. the only thing wrong is when i am trying from inside the LAN

Is there anyway round this for me, apart from going back to my old USB modem?
i hope not, i like the security the router offers.. but i do need to be able to FXP to my own server using Alternate mode.

ive been trying now for10 hours, and pretty much given up on it.. just thought id ask here in case someone can tell me what to do


11-13-2004, 09:42 PM
I'm not sure which side (L or R) is your local ftp server but the site sending PASV should be the external site (outside your wan). There's no way for a wan ftp server to connect to an internal IP address on your lan.

11-13-2004, 09:46 PM
R was source site (external)
L is My raiden Server

11-13-2004, 09:52 PM
In that case it would seem like you need to turn off alternative fxp mode. it's doing the exact opposite of what you want.

11-13-2004, 09:57 PM
yep turned off it is fine indeed, but some sites transfer speeds are awful unless Alternate mode and SRVC ports are used..:(

ive read so much today and still dont quite understand why i cant do it..

alternate mode is that important to me that i would dump the secure router for my old crappy USB modem again... but only if it is impossible to do what i want

the difference in speeds we are talking is 15-20ksec on standard FXP too my max 240k sec with alternate mode

11-13-2004, 10:04 PM
seems the same:(
[02:11:06] [R] List Complete: 7 KB in 0.85 seconds (8.9 KB/s)
[02:11:06] [R] TYPE I
[02:11:06] [R] 200 Type set to I.
[02:11:06] [L] TYPE I
[02:11:06] [L] 200 Type set to IMAGE.
[02:11:06] [L] PASV
[02:11:06] [L] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,2,0,23)
[02:11:06] [R] PORT 192,168,0,2,0,23
[02:11:06] [R] 200 PORT command successful.
[02:11:06] [L] STOR blah.rar
[02:11:06] [R] RETR blah.rar
[02:11:24] [L] 426 Connection closed , transfer aborted (transfer failed).(no data connection)

11-13-2004, 10:06 PM
Under your exact configuration it makes this quite difficult or impossible.

In order for it to work properly RaidenFTPD would need to return your external ip address in the PASV mode reply. I don't know if that's possible or not with RaidenFTPD but that is the only way.

Since you can't connect to your ftp using your wan IP address you are unable to take advantage of the "use site ip for passive mode connections" which might solve this.

11-13-2004, 10:14 PM
yeh this sucks:(

gonna stick the router on ebay, and plug the usb modem/hub/access point configuration i used to use..
reason i switched from this is i wanted to be more secure, and needed more flexibility for Internet sharing on my other machines...
at least i'll be able too grab stuff at fullspeed again:rolleyes:

apart from this, its a really nice router, sooooo close to being my perfect secure...setup.. sigh


cheers for your help, much appreciated.. you must be very busy:)


11-13-2004, 10:22 PM
Is using another FTP server software an option? Off the top of my head Gene6FTPD comes to mind, It allows you to enter your wan ip for PASV mode connections.

At this moment I don't have much going on, It's late saturday evening and I'm just trying to keep myself busy while my wife reads a book.

11-13-2004, 10:32 PM
never heard of it, but if it works for what i want then i will make the switch... only thing is i just purchased raiden:(

am in queue on netgears support line at the moment, just in case they can suggest something..

have just grabbed gene6 demo, will give it a go now
thanks for the suggestion

11-13-2004, 10:47 PM
20mins on hold and still no answer...just how many idiots would there there be at 3am on a saturday night trying too get help about their router:D

also gave up on g6, crashed twice while setiing up:eek:

think i should get some sleep and see what tomorrow brings:o

nite, cheers.. again for the advice

11-14-2004, 02:34 AM
don't even bother w/ support. it's way beyond of what they can tell you.
i'm sure they will try to dump this problem on the server just to get you off the phone.

11-14-2004, 07:58 AM
didnt get thru to netgear, after gene6 failed, i put usb modem back on, and re-installed sygate firewall.. left a post at raiden forum with what bigstar mentioned and got a reply

n preference , disable use lan ip for lan user
and then it will return internet ip

but remember that when you are browsing your ftp inside lan, you will need to use PORT mode in the future

but id already tried that and didnt work..

11-14-2004, 08:57 AM
ahhhhhhh Great joy its working now

didnt read PN169's post properly..

ticking that option,along with unticking "usepassive" in flash FXP

im so happy now, makes up for 12 wasted hours yesterday:D