View Full Version : FlashFXP 3 upgrade and FlashFXP.ini

08-18-2004, 07:14 PM
I am in the process of upgrading the last build of version 2.1 to FlashFXP 3.0 build 1015. I want to ensure it is OK to copy->paste->overwrite the following files into the FlashFXP 3.0 directory.

1. FlashFXP.ini
2. Sites.dat
3. Stats.dat

If there is any other files needs restored to version 3.0. Please advise.


08-18-2004, 08:37 PM
If you want to maintain all of your v2.1 settings and sites you'll want to copy over all *.dat files and the flashfxp.ini

08-19-2004, 04:30 AM
Originally posted by bigstar
If you want to maintain all of your v2.1 settings and sites you'll want to copy over all *.dat files and the flashfxp.ini

Yes, I want to retain all v21. settings.

What is a .dat.bak file for? those .dat.bak files do not need to be copied over to the version v3.0 directory, do they?


08-19-2004, 05:10 AM
*.bak -> Backup-Files and not needed

11-10-2004, 02:33 PM
I am using FlashFXP 3.0.1015 right and want to update it to the latest

I am looking for a guideline that can be used for updating all future builds within version 3.

For exmaples
1. if uninstall is required when updating from build to build within version 3
2. If uninstall is required, what are the minimum files needed to backup
3. Restore: Simply pasted the backed up files into the FlashFXP dire?

Thanks a lot:)

11-10-2004, 02:40 PM
If you're a registered user you can do the following

1. Start FlashFXP
2. From the main menu select Help > Check for New Version.
3. Download the update
4. Close FlashFXP and run the update installer.

The update installer will update the program files without making any changes to your configuration.

Using FlashFXP v3.0 you can backup all of your settings

1. Start FlashFXP
2. From the main menu select Tools > Backup / Restore Configuration
3. Save your backup to a safe location

Later on you can restore all of your settings by restoring this backup file.

11-10-2004, 02:47 PM
Wow, that is what I call service. FAST:D

I downloaded the latest build from my Customer Central. I just this download matches my registration information. I will just install the new one on top of the old one then. I wil use the backup feautured mentioned just in case. Thanks!

PS: Yes I am a licensed/paid user. I just dont feel very comfortable putting my serial under my Profile, because I think the serial is part of my property. Well other people may think differently;)

11-10-2004, 02:59 PM
The installer on the customer portal is the full version and not the update installer.

While it's ok to use this installer you need to make sure you use the exact same settings as your previous installation if you don't it may not find your previous settings.

The best and recommended way to update is to download the Update installer as explained in my previous post.

By entering your serial number into your user profile we are able to determine who is registered and we try to give them priority support over unregistered users. No one will see your serial number. When you post a message it will state "FlashFXP Registered User" or "Unregistered"

11-10-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by bigstar
The installer on the customer portal is the full version and not the update installer.

While it's ok to use this installer you need to make sure you use the exact same settings as your previous installation if you don't it may not find your previous settings.

The best and recommended way to update is to download the Update installer as explained in my previous post.

By entering your serial number into your user profile we are able to determine who is registered and we try to give them priority support over unregistered users. No one will see your serial number. When you post a message it will state "FlashFXP Registered User" or "Unregistered"

Thanks for the followup and explaining the serial thingy.

I feel I missed one thing. After downloading the update installer within FlashFXP, where will the installer be stored? Also will the installer be automatically removed after updating FlashFXP is completed? I really dont want to have lots of files clustered here and there in dirs such as Temp...

11-10-2004, 04:18 PM
In v3.0 the upgrade installer is downloaded to your FlashFXP folder, it is not deleted after install. however you may wish to manually delete it.

In v3.0.2 when you download an update it will prompt you to select a location where you want to store the update installer, again you'll need to manually delete the update installer after you have updated FlashFXP.

11-10-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by bigstar
In v3.0 the upgrade installer is downloaded to your FlashFXP folder, it is not deleted after install. however you may wish to manually delete it.

In v3.0.2 when you download an update it will prompt you to select a location where you want to store the update installer, again you'll need to manually delete the update installer after you have updated FlashFXP.

What is the update installer name? I sure want to delete the right one:D Still using 3.0.1015. Guess this will be my last question. Very satisfied!:)

11-10-2004, 04:57 PM
The update installer is named ffxpv302b1045-update.exe