View Full Version : FlashFXP v3.0 Build 1010 RC4 Released!

06-10-2004, 02:37 AM
You can download the new version via https://oss.azurewebsites.net/downloadv3.php Please read carefully before downloading/installing. If you have any bug reports or suggestions, please post below in the Release Candidate forum.

Thanks for your patience, and ENJOY!


FlashFXP v3.0 Build 1004 - 06/02/2004
1. FIX: Sometimes the proper connection failed message was surpressed by "connection failed" when in fact the connection may have been "connection refused"
2. FIX: On list failure the internal list wasn't properly cleared before trying again.
3. CHG: Right-clicking on Parent Folder in the local browser and selecting "Explorer Menu" will now show the menu for the current folder.
4. FIX: Fixed Site Manager / Options Tab / Case conversion not enabling the Apply button.

FlashFXP v3.0 Build 1005 - 06/04/2004
1. FIX: Removed an uneeded delay during FXP transfers.
2. FIX: Sometimes editing a remote file resulted in an A/V and you were unable to upload the file after edit.

FlashFXP v3.0 Build 1006 - 06/07/2004
1. FIX: Fixed a small memory leak on exit.
2. FIX: FlashFXP wasn't waiting for the ready signal before sending a site "perform on connect" custom command.

FlashFXP v3.0 Build 1007 - 06/07/2004
1. FIX: A bug fix in 1006 revealed a new issue where most of the event timers failed to update properly.

FlashFXP v3.0 Build 1008 - 06/09/2004
1. FIX: Fixed remote treeview broken in 1006.
2. FIX: Fixed in some cases the ftp server timezone was set to GMT-12
3. FIX: Fixed when using the IE plugin to d/l a file and both views are remote view FlashFXP connected to the left and queued the file from the right.
4. CHG: You can no longer modify the site name of a Quick Connect entry via the Site Manager, renaming isn't allowed.
5. CHG: If you directly type a ftp:// url into the IP Address field in the Site Manager the url is parsed on connect rather than failing.

FlashFXP v3.0 Build 1009 - 06/10/2004
1. CHG: Changed the way the Internet Explorer plugin is enabled/disabled. From now on, register of dll only happens on install. This required re-working how flashfxp handles the plugin as well as a change in the setup.

FlashFXP v3.0 Build 1010 - 06/10/2004
1. Minor bugfix
2. Extended RC timeout to July 31st, 2004