View Full Version : On file-edit, change parent folders modified date

09-08-2015, 03:29 AM

If I edit a file in a folder, is there a feature in FlashFXP, that automatically changes the parent folders modified date?


When I edit "index.php" in the "etc" folder, the "etc" folders "Date Modified" datetime should change to the datetime of the edit.

Hope it makes sense and it's possible.

09-08-2015, 08:19 AM
This feature does not exist in our client software as part of the file edit functionality.

Typically the remote server will update the modified date of the parent folder when a file is modified, however this depends entirely on the server configuration and file system.

Depending on the remote server (and if it supports such commands) you can manually update the folder date/time by using a raw command.

From the main menu > Commands > Raw Command (Ctrl+R)

Enter the command

/setfolderdate /path/
Replacing /path/ with the absolute folder path.

This will cause FlashFXP to scan the content of the folder looking for the newest object and set the folder date to match it.