View Full Version : Important information when upgrading from FlashFXP v4.x to v5.0

09-12-2014, 06:14 PM
Important information when upgrading from FlashFXP v4.x to v5.0

If you are upgrading from a previous version of FlashFXP please continue reading

Installing FlashFXP v5.0

The installer will create a new Program Files folder, new desktop icon, etc.
Once you are comfortable with the transition, verify everything is working, and read the information provided below you may uninstall 4.x.

The first time you run FlashFXP v5.0 it will attempt to import your settings and site profiles from the previous version.

If FlashFXP does not find a previous version or is unable to import your previous settings you can use the following:

The Backup

Start FlashFXP v4.x then from the main menu select Tools then Backup/Restore configuration and click Backup.. Next select a location to save the backup file such as your My Documents folder and give the backup a name and finally click the Save button. You can now close FlashFXP.

The Restore

Start FlashFXP v5.0 then from the main menu select Tools then Backup/Restore configuration and click Restore.. Next select the backup file created in the previous step and click the Open button. On the restore confirmation dialog click the Restore button.

This will restore all application settings and site profiles.

Some manual steps are required for:

Queue Files

If you want to use any queue files that were created by a previous version of FlashFXP you must manually copy them to your new FlashFXP data folder.
The queue format has changed in v5. FlashFXP will attempt to load the old format and use it, but due to unforeseen and unexpected issues it may not work as expected. You will need to verify that the queue file still work as expected.

Scheduled Tasks

Scheduled tasks created by previous versions of FlashFXP are not automatically migrated.
The task will need to be manually re-created and setup again in version 5.0.
If you're using a queue file created by a previous version of FlashFXP please verify that it still works as expected.

Less frequent issues when upgrading to FlashFXP v5.0

Mangled file names on the remote server

FlashFXP v5.0 introduces full Unicode and UTF-8 support for file-names, by default FlashFXP will attempt to automatically detect the character encoding and use the best method to interpret the file-name.
If this doesn't provide acceptable results then you can manually select the character encoding.
Globally via the Preferences dialog under the Connection section or Per-site via the Site Manager under the Connection tab.