View Full Version : Not working at all :( Need help

06-08-2014, 11:11 AM
Hi there i have try to set up Eggdrop with glftpd proftpd raidenftpd and on both eggdrop and ftpd works BUT not together
So i whent here downloaded ioFTPd ioninja Installed OK did edit eggdrop.conf dZSbot.conf started bot enter irc =)
BUT eggdrop can not connect to ioftpd at all ????

How can i get it to work ?
The master username and password i made when i run eggdrop -m eggdrop.conf did i try to put in to dZSbot.conf on both bnc etc. but unable to connect, Added the exact same account on ioftpd gui Unable to connect

Same thing is från FXP !

Whats wrong ?

06-09-2014, 05:04 AM
Somhow eggdrop connected to ioftpd gui =)
Now i wonder how i can make an account on my server så i can log in and use the ftp ?
I cant connect to it from outside the server onlu localhost so how do i add my self in first place så o can begin ?

I tryd SITE ADDUSER user pass *@* via fxp added sacess but i cant log in to the server on the set port 5420

Any help for this ? =)

06-09-2014, 08:25 AM
Remote loginto my local server at home and login on to ioftpd gui console write site adduser test test *@*
gå back to my workstation open flashfxp issue user test pass test and no i get as normaly:

[15:00:22] [R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=5420
[15:00:43] [R] Connection failed (Connection timed out)
[15:00:43] [R] Delaying for 120 seconds before reconnect attempt #1
[15:00:47] [R] Retry attempt Aborted
[15:03:45] [R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=5420
[15:03:51] [R] Connection canceled

Log in to server issue site addip test *@
but nothing will work i cannot log in what so ever from outside my server the only ip that works to Connect with is localhost.

Now what ?

06-09-2014, 02:16 PM
Okey i found the problem but noe another one how i set up ioftpd to my hdds etc and get eggdróp to announce it !?

06-10-2014, 01:18 PM
Okey m8s i have got it to work so far that the eggdrop announse uploads to ftp

but i dont know what should be the dir for uploaders and what dir should be for leechers ??

Problem 2 i try to get mp3 sort to work but so far when i upload mp3 nothing happesn moe then egge informs on irc all info about the data How can i get ioftpd to move the new dir to archive sorted ?

my default.vfs settings is:

"D:\ftp\Mp3" /Mp3
"G:\ftp\0day" /0day
"G:\ftp\DVD" /DVD
"G:\ftp\Games" /Games
"G:\ftp\Apps" /Apps
"C:\ioNiNJA\eggdrop\filesys\incoming" /Incoming

i can upload to any of the dirs and it stays there ?
Should´t the nuw uploads on compleate move to 0day or so ?

So 1. Where should uploaders upload to ?
2. From where should leechers brows ?
3. How do i get sorted to work so it moves the new dir to right place ans sort it ?

Please help :|

06-11-2014, 11:03 PM
The common combo of ioFTPD, nxTools, and ioNiNJA work on the assumption that people upload to the right place. That's the way glftpd works as well and most automatic uploading tools work within that model. nxTools offers you ways to create dated dirs and links to the current day for different sections, etc. An additional "archive" script such as Jeza's (I forget the name of script) or the ancient WarArchive can be run periodically to move stuff to archive dirs when space gets low. You'd like for things to stay in place for weeks if not months though. It's pretty common for people to manually move the stuff they want to keep to an archive dir (online or offline) every few days/weeks and then free up lots of space that way.

06-12-2014, 04:09 AM
Hi Yil tankt for replay :)
Okey i have hot it. to work but Witherspoon the upload dirs you have to point me in the right direktion as well as sorting action

How is the right setup for dir etc

Tanks / Matte79

06-12-2014, 04:14 AM
Oh yes one thing I. Tryd Alcobot 1.2.0 but ioftpd issues Runtime error Wien Alcobot dom any thing.