View Full Version : Display bug in 3697
12-04-2013, 02:02 PM
1. Select multiple file (in this case is 8), then press delete key to erase files. (Step_1.jpg)
2. After erased files, then file display become empty. (Step_2.jpg)
3. Move mouse cursor around empty location, and file name will show up. (Step_3.jpg)
4. Change to previous directory, and still no thing. Press F5 refresh not work too. (Step_4.jpg)
5. If move mouse cursor around, then file information will show up, but not alignment. (Step_5.jpg)
Flashfpx 5.0 3697
FileZilla Server 0.9.41
12-11-2013, 11:35 AM
Thank you for your bug report.
Is there anything that must be done leading up to this problem?
For example if I start FlashFXP connect to a site and then follow your steps it doesn't glitch, Is there anything else I am missing?
Also when you press the delete key do you get a prompt to delete the selected objects?
What specific version of Windows are you using?
12-11-2013, 01:20 PM
Thank you for your bug report.
Is there anything that must be done leading up to this problem?
I think no need.
I saw this problem at early build.
I will erase all files after I downloaded them. If I tried to erase many files at same time (usually more then 5), then I will see this issue.
For this post, I created 8 files at remote, then connect to remote server by flashfxp.
After connected, then erase files directly.
For example if I start FlashFXP connect to a site and then follow your steps it doesn't glitch, Is there anything else I am missing?
Maybe try to erase more files at same time?
I just do a test (Use build 3697), if I only select 2 or 3 files, it will not happen.
Also when you press the delete key do you get a prompt to delete the selected objects?
Yes, I saw a dialog to confirm this action, then I use mouse click ok button.
What specific version of Windows are you using?
Windows 7 Professional 64 bits with services pack 1 and all new hotfix, Chinese Traditional (Taiwan).
nVidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti, driver version 314.22
12-11-2013, 01:38 PM
Where can I get old 3697 build?
I just tried build 3699 and it looks work fine.
12-11-2013, 03:35 PM
You can download build 3697 for testing here (
I attempted many different tests and reviewed the code changes between the releases (none of the changes seem to be related), that being said I am not convinced that it is fixed, however I could be mistaken.
12-14-2013, 02:30 PM
mm.... I can't reproduces this bug again.
I will keep track it.
12-14-2013, 03:44 PM
Thank you for the update.
I did some additional testing as well and I suspect that this issue may have been caused by an issue that I had discovered and fixed in our threaded timer component, under some conditions events could stop firing. These events are used for many critical tasks; such as a trigger to stop drawing on the start of a listing and resume drawing when the listing is complete.
12-14-2013, 04:49 PM
I usually let flashfxp to download lots of large files, and left to do other things.
I will go back a long time, and FlashFXP usually idle a long time.
My ftp server will not auto kick connection.
Maybe that can help something?
02-16-2014, 12:08 PM
Just report.
I see same problem again at last night, and it become very rare now.
02-16-2014, 11:39 PM
Just report.
I see same problem again at last night, and it become very rare now.
I discovered an issue an item selection glitch after refreshing the directory. I am not sure if this is related but please upgrade to build 3712 and let me know if the problem continues.
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