View Full Version : Force using internal editor

07-08-2013, 09:23 AM
Is there a way to force flashfxp to use internal editor instead of the default associated application?

For example .html files are associated with Word. However, I prefer to open them using the internal editor (a text editor i have configured).

Is there a flexible way to decide how to open the file?
If i define a custom file association it will always open using internal editor

07-08-2013, 09:59 AM
Yes, This is done using the file associations within FlashFXP.

Add a new file association with *.html as the file mask, then change the Open With value to the internal editor, notepad++, or whatever you'd like to use.

Using an external editor such as notepad++ (http://notepad-plus-plus.org/) is highly recommended for the best experience.

The order of the file associations used by FlashFXP are as followed:

1. Compare against the internal file associations for a match, if found open with the defined program, otherwise continue to #2
2. Compare against Windows file associations for a match, if found open with the defined program, otherwise continue to #3
3. Open the file using the default file viewer/editor defined in the Preferences dialog under the View and Edit File section.

07-08-2013, 10:56 AM
A) Can you add functionality like this:

if i hold <Shift> button when I click "edit", the file will open with internal editor instead the default program.


In "New File association" window can you add an option "Use default editor" instead of selecting the application each time? This way, when someone change the default internal editor will not have to update each individual extension again

Ignore this, does not apply

I am using EmEditor, notepad++ similar application

07-09-2013, 09:59 AM
A) Can you add functionality like this:

if i hold <Shift> button when I click "edit", the file will open with internal editor instead the default program.

It already does this, holding the shift key and click edit it will default to the internal editor instead of the default program.

07-09-2013, 10:34 AM
It already does this, holding the shift key and click edit it will default to the internal editor instead of the default program.

My error... Not internal editor but "default editor".

This "shift" functionality looks occupied :(