View Full Version : Mulitransfer Files and THumbview

06-25-2013, 10:22 AM

I used till now SmartFTP, but changed over to FlashFXP cause it´s faster and more stable. But I miss two things and may be this feature are already in FXP but I didn´t found it :razz:

1. When I transfer some Files or a large File to a FTP directory, I cant switch to another directory on the FTP Server to start another file transfer. Is it not possible to start a multitransfer on the same server?

2. Is it possible to set the view to Thumbview? Sometimes it is quite helpy when you searching for an image in a directory on the server. May you can limit the size of the thumb, for example: images not larger then 10kb, so big photoshop images are not previewed

For any hint,

thank you very much


06-25-2013, 11:10 PM
1. If directory listing is already cached, then you can switch to it and queue up additional files. But presently you can not transfer multiple files at once.
2. In order to generate preview thumbnails, you have to download those files. If that's the case, then you might as well just download those files and pick what you want.

06-26-2013, 12:09 AM
Welcome to Forums

In addition to what Mxxcon said, and if I understand this well.

1) You need to open another instance and connect to that server and initiate any other file transfer from a new instance.

2) Presently, from within Flashfxp the maximum you can display is icon not thumbnails anyway.

To change the views on local/remote pane click F6 Preferences>Interface>Display>List Icons, (Drop down menu) Large Icon, Small Icon, List, Details
None of those views gives a preview of any image though no matter where they are local/remote as you can see, from screenshot.

To preview images at this moment you need to (download files temporarily by right click/select view) use a 3rd party tool which you can associate within FlashFXP what application you want to view/edit files with.

You can submit a feature enhancement for the thumbnail preview https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/tracker.php?do=new&tracker_projectid=4
Personally I find it helpful since I work a lot with images.

Multi-transfer as been asked for multiple times, as I understand it FlashFXP needs to have quite a lot of work done to support this multitransfer. Current development is focused on full unicode support on v5 beta. So maybe in future.

06-26-2013, 02:39 AM
Hello and Thx for your replies,

@X3, yes that is exaclty what I need. When you work a lot with small web grafix, often it would help if you could see a thumb ob the image. It saves a lot time for me.

I will try the caching of the directory, to switch during an upload.
Anyway, I´m not a developer, but I can´t imagine that is so difficult to start another session in the background to the ftp when I dragNdrop another file to another directory. May you can define the amount of active connections to the same server?

Best regards.


06-27-2013, 08:31 AM
Anyway, I´m not a developer, but I can´t imagine that is so difficultWell, imagine that in this case it is, otherwise FlashFXP would have it long time ago.