View Full Version : fxp transfer, two times the same file

10-01-2012, 03:56 PM
the question its that when i made a transfer between two server (sftp to ftp), it made a first tranfer at good velocity, and when it finish, start again the process at bad velocity. It says "entering passive mode".
Its not possible to make the transfer only one time?

Sorry for the english¡

10-02-2012, 07:52 AM
When transferring sftp to ftp this is not a fxp transfer, the file is first downloaded from the sftp server to your computer and then uploaded to the ftp server.

A direct site to site transfer is only possible when transferring between two ftp servers.

10-03-2012, 05:09 AM
the question its that when i made a transfer between two server (sftp to ftp), it made a first tranfer at good velocity, and when it finish, start again the process at bad velocity. It says "entering passive mode".
Its not possible to make the transfer only one time?

Sorry for the english¡

SFTP Protocol is Incompatible with FTP protocol in principle you cannot transfer files directly in between these protocols. You cannot do it in one time, its impossible to FXP in between incompatible protocols.

Like Bigstar says FXP is only possible inbetween two FTP servers.

FlashFXP allows you to do this, by downloading the file and then automatically (read without user input) uploads the downloaded file to the other server. (like a fake bridge in between the two sides)

the speeds recorded depend on what servers your using and their location. you dont specify where SFTP is (local or remote) or where FTP is (local or remote) (local=LAN or remote=WAN)

Be lucky that FlashFXP allows you this at all. Most clients (almost 99%) do not support anything even similar to this.

10-03-2012, 02:19 PM
first to all thanks for the great replys¡¡
Ok, i dont know the problem betwen sftp and ftp. I tried it by ftp to ftp and it works perfectly.
Boths are remote servers.

10-04-2012, 02:13 AM
What "problem" exactly do you mean?

Post logs with timestamps for:

Session SFTP>FTP

Session FTP>FTP

can you also make sure your PREFERENCES>Connections>TCI/IP Buffer Size is (default)

Post separate logs please.

10-04-2012, 06:56 AM
its not a flashfxp problem, i mean that sftp its incompatible with ftp, for me this is a problem.
Flashfxp its for me the best ftp client.