07-01-2012, 03:50 AM
* FlashFXP 4.2.4 build [1784 ], [ ]registered, [x ]unregistered, [ ]pirated
* OS [ ] Windows 7, [ ] Vista, [ ] WinXP, [x] Other (specify)
How to duplicate the bug:
Create a new "site"
Set an IP , user pass, etc... Save
Right click --> Copy
New bookmark is duplicated correctly.
Go again to initial bookmark and click "Copy"
A new bookmark with same nsame is being created!
If you move any of these two, the settings are lost to both of them
Also, you cant transfer both of them to different directory (same name... boom)
I attach a screenshot.
* OS [ ] Windows 7, [ ] Vista, [ ] WinXP, [x] Other (specify)
How to duplicate the bug:
Create a new "site"
Set an IP , user pass, etc... Save
Right click --> Copy
New bookmark is duplicated correctly.
Go again to initial bookmark and click "Copy"
A new bookmark with same nsame is being created!
If you move any of these two, the settings are lost to both of them
Also, you cant transfer both of them to different directory (same name... boom)
I attach a screenshot.