View Full Version : ioGUIExt detected as Virus by McAfee

10-10-2011, 03:49 AM
Been using ioFTPD for ages now, and today needed a quick FTPD at work for some backup work.

Unfortunately my workplace installation of McAfee:
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise + AntiSpyware Enterprise
Version number: 8.8.0 (
Scan engine version (32-bit): 5400.1158
DAT version: 6494.0000
DAT Created on: 10/9/2011

Detected ioGUIExt as a virus when I unpacked the zip file - both for 7.7.2 and 7.7.3:

Detected as "Generic.dx!sty
Detection Type: Trojan.
Status: Deleted

This ofc. gives me an error when starting the FTPD, but otherwise it runs just fine - but without the GUI... (Which is a bit annoying).

I have attached the alert I got.

Hope you can resolve this with McAfee... as I am sure you are not handing out Trojans to your users :D


10-10-2011, 05:29 AM
send the file to McAfee and tell them its a false positive, they should check it and update the virus definitions on the next update

10-10-2011, 07:23 AM
Will try that then.


10-10-2011, 09:01 PM
You have to take "Generic xyz" type detections with a grain of salt. 10-1 they don't like something in the REALLY old (remember this is a 2004 VB6 app) stuff with shared memory and/or the .ocx dll's. I remember another app engine flagged the same code a few years ago with a generic thing and a later virus definition solved that issue so Carpo's suggestion is a good one.

10-19-2011, 01:23 PM
Been trying... but unfortunately its a pain to get registered there...

I did mail everything to helpdesk (or whatever they call it) and they mailed back it was a technical issue, could I please go <url> and register.

Registration required a salt key that I got out of my IT department and registered, but I could not log in with the information I provided...

I will try again one of these days... but right now I got too many balls floating around.

/Thomas :mad:

10-19-2011, 09:01 PM
Did you try to add the problem file to the list of excluded file for your AV? Won't help anyone else, but might work for you.