View Full Version : ioFTPD errors under Win 2003 x64

07-17-2011, 12:41 PM
I have tried to install ioFTPD v7.7.2 under Windows 2003 SP2 x64. When I start ioFTPD-Start.exe the server and the gui start up, but for some reason the default ioFTPD won't login. The console contains the following error: "wSock_Error() -> Connection is forcefully rejected (10061)". If I double click on ioFTPD under Sitename it will login fine. This is with the default out of the zip configs. Also if I right click on the G icon on the tray and select any option an error message pops up (Run-time error '76': Path not found) and the server crashes. Any ideas what could be wrong?
Any help is appreciated!

07-17-2011, 04:00 PM
gui? ioFTPd does not have a gui...

07-18-2011, 12:41 AM
gui? ioFTPd does not have a gui...
Let's quit trolling...
How about ioGui2?

07-18-2011, 11:25 AM
Since the server is working fine, the issue is a timing problem during startup. Basically ioGUI is trying to connect before the server is willing to accept new connections. There's a bunch of reasons for that, but the simplest fix is just to delay ioGUI starting... What you want to do is pass an argument to ioFTPD-Start.exe which is the delay before starting ioGUI. Just create a new windows shortcut to ioFTPD-Start.exe and then click right click on the shortcut and select properties. Change the target to look like "C:\ioFTPD\ioFTPD-Start.exe 40" which means wait 40 seconds... Adjust the delay as needed, heck even 120 for 2 minutes isn't a big deal. Just remember to start the server from the new shortcut!

07-19-2011, 07:52 AM
Thanks for your reply Yil.
An other problem is that in ioGUI I have some dir listing error. Some of the directories have a weird dates. The m/d/y values are correct, but there's no time and ioGUI puts the year in front of the dir name, while under date there's only m/d left. If I login to the ftp with a client then all those dirs have a 00:00:00 time. Under windows they all have different and valid creation times, Serv-U ftp server also displays all the correct dates.