View Full Version : problems with directory listing (raw)

05-19-2011, 04:54 AM

i started using version 4.x.
if i connect to my server there are no folders shown in root.
only if i use from the menu "directory" -> "view raw directory..." i get a popup with the corret folder list.

with version 3.x everything works fine.

cant find any differences in settings...

asked google and searched forum.

any ideas?

05-19-2011, 08:46 AM
read https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/general-discussions/4275-%5Breadme%5D-please-read-before-posting.html and post session log

05-19-2011, 05:15 PM
* FlashFXP v4.0.0 (buil1548) and v3.4.0 (build 1145) registered
* OS Windows 7 (server 1) / WinXP (server 2)
* Running behind hardware router/firewall: No
* Running software firewall: No
* Running Antivirus: No
* Internet Connection: DSL
* FTP server name raidenftpd , version 2.4

both server1 and 2 running same raiden, same config.

with flash fxp 3.4 no problem.
with 4.0 no directory listing on die windows7 server 1. in winxp server 2 no problem.

must be die 4.0 and win 7 combination...

i tried some things... if i switch in Site Manager -> Options -> List Command to "MLSD" i suddenly get a listing.
But then another Problem appears:

Folder like "--26-- ][ 8 Tb ][ RAID0 ][" no Problem.
[L] CWD /--31-- ¯`°²º¤æ=-[ Upload ]-=椺²°`¯

but "--05-- ¨¨°º©o¿,,¿o©º°¨ ¨Â°ÂºÂ© ©º°¨¨°º©o¿,,¿o© ºÂ°Â¨Â¨"
[L] CWD /--05-- ¨¨°º©o¿,,¿o©º°¨ ¨Â°ÂºÂ© ©º°¨¨°º©o¿,,¿o© ºÂ°Â¨Â¨
[L] 550 Permission denied.

But with flashfxp 3.4 it works :)

05-19-2011, 06:36 PM
I suspect it has something to do with the special characters, I would try adjusting the Character encoding setting in the site manager > options tab, The default is auto, but try ANSI or UTF8.

06-28-2011, 11:47 AM
sorry ...........!

no idea....