View Full Version : why flashfxp 4.0 slower than version 3.6

03-12-2011, 09:03 PM
I found the verion 4.0 is very slow than version 3.6. I check the cpu usage, it will take 10% of cpu in one instance. however, verion 3.6 take less than 5%. I can run 10 instance of version 3.6, but only can run 5 instance of verion 4.0. so high version look like worse.

03-12-2011, 09:06 PM
what are your tcp buffer settings? what os? what build? https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/general-discussions/4275-%5Breadme%5D-please-read-before-posting.html

03-13-2011, 03:25 PM
the version 4 is the last two most recent releases, and I use the default setting coming with the installation.
Right now I switched to version3.6

My system is:
CPU: intel atom 230 1.60GHZ
RAM: 2.00gb(1.73 gb usable)
OS: WIN7 32bit prof.

03-13-2011, 03:28 PM
* OS [ x] Windows 7, [ ] Vista, [ ] WinXP, [ ] Other (specify)
* Running behind hardware router/firewall [ ] Yes & Model [ ], [x] No, [ ] Not sure
* Running software firewall [ ] Yes, Name [ ], Ver. [ ], or [x] No
* Running Antivirus [ ] Yes, Name [ ] or [x] No
* Internet Connection [x] DSL, [ ] CABLE, [ ] Other(specify)

03-13-2011, 04:35 PM
FlashFXP v3.6 is not windows 7 compatible, it will run in compatibility mode.

the version 4 is the last two most recent releases, and I use the default setting coming with the installation.
Right now I switched to version3.6

Which two recent releases?

The latest is now build 1548.. (previous 4 builds were quite buggy)

How is it slower, can you give us identical examples comparing v3.6 vs 4.0 build 1548.
Are you using plain FTP or FTP SSL/TLS?

FlashFXP v4.0 provides a lot more features and functionality compared to v3.6, as a result this requires more memory.

Here's a quick test I did with FlashFXP v3.6 build 1260 vs 4.0 build 1548 on Windows 7 64bit.

One single large file
3.6: Download: <filename> 286.44 MB in 6.91 seconds (41.45 MB/s)
4.0: Download: <filename> 286.44 MB in 6.09 seconds (47.03 MB/s)

3.6: Upload: <filename> 531.42 MB in 9.52 seconds (55.85 MB/s)
4.0: Upload: <filename> 531.42 MB in 8.36 seconds (63.55 MB/s)

A copy of the openssl-1.0.0d source code (2,209 files)
3.6: Download 2,209 files (18.91 MB) in 2 minutes 7 seconds (342.3 KB/s)
4.0: Download 2,209 Files (18.91 MB) in 47.03 seconds (1.82 MB/s)

3.6: Upload 2,209 files (18.91 MB) in 2 minutes 11 seconds (243.1 KB/s)
4.0: Upload 2,209 Files (18.91 MB) in 1 minute 0 second (770.3 KB/s)

Delete the openssl-1.0.0d folder from the server
3.6: Deleted 131 Folders and 2,209 Files totaling 18.91 MB in 10.70 seconds.
4.0: Deleted 2,209 Files and 131 Folders (18.91 MB) in 9.15 seconds

So 4.0 slower? Not according to these tests or any of my previous tests.

As far as CPU usage goes it really depends on whats being measured.

Here's the combined CPU time of all of the above tests:
3.6: Total CPU time: 2 minutes 35 seconds
4.0: Total CPU time: 1 minute 52 seconds.

03-14-2011, 12:34 AM
Thank you for the information.
The speed I talked is not related to download/upload speed ,but the system performace.
my situation is that when I run 5 instances of flashfxp(build 1548 and previous one), they will take over my 80% - 90% of CPU time, so if I start another application, this application will become very slow to appear and whole system become slower.
Now I run the version 3.6, the same 5 instances of flashfxp, I see my system still has over 90% CPU for free. so I am very happy with v3.6.
In both cases, I still has 50% memory. so memory is not the issue.

the other thing I found after switch back to v3.6 is that v3.6 has good quality of download, which means I found some download files are not the same size like ftp server by using v4.0. But v3.6 , seems like, don't has this problem. all download files has the same size as ftp server. Maybe I am wrong. but I feel like this.

03-14-2011, 12:47 AM
I just make screen shot for task manager for v3.6, but I don't know where to upload.

03-14-2011, 01:33 AM
i don't think anybody has ever reported corrupted downloads with 4.0
something is definitely wrong with your version or perhaps the system as a whole..