View Full Version : upgraded and config reset

03-03-2011, 06:30 AM
I was using an older build of 4.0 with no problems, started it today and got prompted for update and let it do its business, I chose update and preserve settings option.

On restart, it has now gone into shareware mode, my sites are gone and config reset to default.

I navigated to the flashfxp program folder and from what I can see my settings are intact in flashfxp.ini but they not been used.

any ideas?

03-03-2011, 06:43 AM
I fixed it myself.

I ran the installer again but choosing advanced install and specifying the folder manually, now it works again.

03-03-2011, 09:25 AM
You should change your config and not store settings/sites in FlashFXP's app dir. They should go into your profile dir. This is the proper way of doing things in multi-user OS like Vista and Win7.

03-05-2011, 12:54 AM
maybe but I see no way that flashfxp offers to migrate to the new format, and preserve settings option should detect what in place and keep it intact. So thats not a fail on my part, as a end user I shouldnt be expected to manually move files to a new location to get the app to work. :)

03-05-2011, 02:52 AM
hmm..i'm pretty sure flashfxp's install had an option to migrate files to profile based layout..
if it detected your original install had files in program dir, it would move them to your profile dir

03-05-2011, 09:38 AM
In v3.x the migration was part of the installer, however we realized that this caused problems because the installer runs as administrator and in order for the migration to work correctly it needs to run as the user. In addition the migration was intended to migrate settings from v3.4 and below to the new default location set for v3.6.

With the new 4.0 installer the whole migration process was removed because it was no longer needed and didn't function in a way that made any sense.

When running the 4.0 installer it doesn't look for your previous v3.x installation, it uses the default configuration placing the data files in the all user application data folder or if using a per-user installation the user application data folder.

The first time FlashFXP 4.0 is started it tries to detect a previous v3.x installation and if found it prompts the user to import the v3.x settings to the new data folder.

Assuming FlashFXP is able to detect a previous v3.x installation everything will import and work flawlessly.

For a few users where the registry keys for their v3.x installation are missing or corrupted we suggest using the backup / restore feature in FlashFXP. By backing up FlashFXP v3.6 from within the application and then restoring the backup within FlashFXP v4.0. We have a guide explaining the backup / restore procedure located here (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/faq/13507-how-backup-restore-flashfxp-configuration.html).