View Full Version : X-Dupe

02-18-2011, 09:52 AM
How exactly does FlashFXP handle X-DUPE?

Does it parse all lines that start with "553- X-DUPE:" from any command or only from STOR commands? It just assume spaces separates filenames so it can ignore which mode is in use? I was thinking that if Flash is sending a bunch of SIZE/MTDM commands testing sizes, timestamps, etc it might make sense to return new x-dupe info on those commands as well but I know that isn't in the document describing the feature...

For some odd reason I decided to add support for xdupe into ioFTPD, but I haven't tested it yet and I figure it couldn't hurt to ask in case things don't work as expected or if it's no longer supported, etc...

02-18-2011, 11:55 AM
FlashFXP supports "site xdupe 3" and its intended to work when the user attempts to upload, the checking is triggered based on the result of the STOR command.

This feature was added with very limited testing and support and some people have claimed it works while others haven't had as much success.

I am not sure entirely how well it works.