View Full Version : Crash of FlashSFV

09-01-2002, 11:33 AM
FlashSFV crashes with an EInvalidOp exception.
Invalid floating point operation.

The sfv file:

; Generated by WIN-SFV32 v1.1a on 2002-09-01 18:25:38
; Bogus line to fool Win-SFV and its lame compatiblity.
; Created by Tahattmeuhs's Hash Tool. 2002-09-01 18:25:38
; 0 2002-09-01 18:25:38 New Text Document (1).txt
; 0 2002-09-01 18:25:38 New Text Document (2).txt
; 0 2002-09-01 18:25:38 New Text Document (3).txt
; 0 2002-09-01 18:25:38 New Text Document (4).txt
; 0 2002-09-01 18:25:38 New Text Document (5).txt

New Text Document (1).txt 00000000
New Text Document (2).txt 00000000
New Text Document (3).txt 00000000
New Text Document (4).txt 00000000
New Text Document (5).txt 00000000


09-01-2002, 12:05 PM
which specific version are you using?

09-01-2002, 12:07 PM
I'm using 2.0f

09-02-2002, 10:42 AM
am I correct in reading that the files in the SFV are all 0bytes? if so, that might be the problem, as I understand it, it reads the data to make the CRC, if the files are 0bytes, there's nothing to read, hence the error. if I read the SFV wrong, ignore me completely.

09-02-2002, 11:18 AM
I think it's the filesize with 0 bytes. All other programs I have checked work without problem. Only FlashSFV crashes. And FlashSFV also cannot verfiy files with unicode characters like the copyright character.

09-02-2002, 02:44 PM
there appears to be a bug in 2.0f, later beta versions of FlashSFV work fine. I no longer have the source code to v2.0 to fix this problem :confused:

09-02-2002, 03:50 PM
why don't you upgrade to 2.3b8?